Volume 1: Birth! Seven time travelers Chapter 099 Our Pirate King (I)

"Hey, Youke, you're finally back. How are things going?"
"Fortunately, the students have fulfilled their mission."
On the third day of April, Zhu Youdong, who had been anxiously waiting in Nanjing, finally waited for Wu Youxing to return south from Beijing.
Taking the envelope that was still warm from Wu Youxing's arms, Zhu Youdong carefully checked the seal, tore it open with a sound, and quickly took out the letter inside.
Hmm? No, why does this letter look so familiar? Isn't this the original letter I wrote to the emperor? Yes, this is the original one I sent out.
Although he was suspicious, Zhu Youdong still flipped through it carefully for a while, and then he laughed happily.
Wanli returned the original to him, but on the back of each letter, he wrote words such as "OK", "All OK", "Approved" and so on. Not only that, he also stamped each word with a seal .
This was Wanli's greatest support and trust for Zhu Youdong: Just go ahead and do it, I will personally endorse it for you. And I have returned all the originals to you, so if you can't hold on any longer and want to give up, that's fine too.
"It was smooth sailing in Beijing. What is Old Wei's current status in the palace? Could this thing have come from the Ministry of Public Security?"
"Haha, teacher, you underestimated Eunuch Wei. After I found Eunuch Wei in Beijing, he shaved my beard, put on a eunuch's outfit, and swaggered into the palace. After entering the palace, I observed carefully and felt that Eunuch Wei was very popular in the palace. Not only did he have no obstacles along the way, but people came to greet him one after another."
Haha, at this time, Lao Wei was still a big, honest guy, and he was not annoying. Of course, the most important thing is that Lao Wei is very rich now.
"Ah, this trip is really unfair and unbearable. As the saying goes, the body and hair given by parents should not be damaged lightly. But for my own affairs..."
"Teacher, you don't have to do this. Although I am only interested in medicine, I am also a citizen of the Ming Dynasty. If something unspeakable happens in the country, how can I stay out of it?"
"Hey, I always wronged you. Well, is this how you met Grandpa Huang?"
"Yes, Eunuch Wei said that since the death of Eunuch Chen Ju, the eunuchs in charge of the Imperial Household Department and the factory supervisors have not been very good in terms of ethics. So..."
"Alas. There is a shortage of talents. Not only ministers, but even supervisors are not enough." After sighing in disinterest, Zhu Youdong soon became happy again: "Great! With this thing, I can let go and do my work!"
As a doctor, Wu Youxing is a professional technician in today's terms. This kind of people hate doing things related to politics the most. It was because Zhu Youdong was his recognized teacher, so he could only do his best to complete the things Zhu Youdong asked him to do. However, after doing all this...
"It is the student's duty to work for the teacher. But teacher, the student is the doctor after all."
"Hahaha, don't you know Youke's nature? Don't worry, during the two months you were running back and forth, we who stayed in Nanjing were not idle. I have already built your laboratory for you. It is equipped with a full set of glassware and experimental equipment, alcohol lamps, four-fold microscopes, isolation rooms, underground dissection rooms, etc. As for the location, my Nanhua Palace is in the southeast corner of the imperial city, and your laboratory will be in the northwest corner for the time being. You will go find Cao Huachun later, and he will arrange it for you. When Fangshan is completely stable in the future, you can move to Fangshan."
"Thank you, teacher!" Wu Youxing said as he started to walk away, but after two steps he stepped back and said, "Please forgive me, teacher. I was so excited that I forgot the rules. Please tell me the research topic for the near future."
"Two. First, the production of sulfa must be mass-produced within six months. Second, the preliminary research work on penicillin must begin."
"Yes! Students obey orders."
"That's fine. The more than 1,000 orphans we bought from Jianghuai still need to learn to read and write in the next two years, so we can't temporarily transfer them to study medicine for you. But I have already written to Zhang Jingyue of Kuaiji, Wang Kentang of Jintan, Chen Shigong of Nantong, Li Zhongzi of Huating, Wu Zhiwang of Lintong, Shaanxi, and others. I told them a little about the wonderful uses of this microscope in the letter. I believe these great doctors will come here after receiving the letter. When the time comes, you have to greet me."
"This... Teacher is going to capture Ming Dynasty! This, this is truly an incredible feat in the medical field. I am so lucky to be able to participate in this."
"So, do it well. Whether medicine is developed or not is related to whether the people of our Ming Dynasty can live longer and whether the soldiers of our Ming Dynasty can return to the battlefield as soon as possible after being injured. Therefore, it is also related to the national economy and people's livelihood."
"Yes, teacher, please rest assured. I will definitely live up to your high expectations."
After Wu Youxing left, Wang Chengen hurried in and said, "Young Master, the prince wants to see you."
"Well, let him in."
The so-called prince was Wang Kun, the eunuch guarding Nanjing. He had been very idle before Zhu Youdong went south. Now that the crown prince went south, he was completely busy. However, although he was busy, he was very happy in his heart: he was only 52 years old this year. If he served the crown prince well, he might be able to follow him back to Beijing in the future.
"Master, I have already done what you asked me to do. The red deed in Suzhou has also been completed."
"Well, you have worked hard, Prince."
"I dare not. It is my duty to serve you. But, sir, I dare to ask you..."
"I just came to Nanjing and I am at a loss. I have to rely on you for everything. So, please speak frankly."
"Yes, young master. It's fine to exchange the fertile land along the lake in Gaochun County for Fangshan, after all, the scenery in Fangshan is still nice. But it's hard to understand why I have to exchange the fertile land in Taihu Lake for the saline-alkali land in Chongmingsha, which is flooded by the sea every year and has almost no production. "
"Haha, Prince, I'm sorry to bother you. It doesn't matter if you don't understand it now. You will understand it soon."
The Ming imperial family would not enfeoff princes in the northern and southern Zhili regions. In these two regions, there were more imperial manors directly under the imperial family.
After the capital of the Ming Dynasty moved north, the imperial farms near Nanjing were almost swallowed up by local tyrants and officials over the past two hundred years due to the lack of royal family members to take care of them nearby. When Zhu Youdong was about to move south, Emperor Wanli called the eunuchs of the Internal Affairs Bureau to check how many imperial farms the royal family had in Southern Zhili. They found that there were only seven imperial farms left, with a total land area of ​​less than 10,000 mu.
Wanli sighed and waved his hand: "Grandson, these seven imperial estates are all given to you. You can do whatever you want with them."
After Zhu Youdong came to Nanjing, the first thing he needed to solve was the problem of production base and R&D center.
It is OK to temporarily set up the medical research and development center in the imperial city, but many research and development centers such as gunpowder, firearms, steel, machinery, chemistry, optics, etc. must be located far away from the city. However, these research and development centers cannot be too far away from Nanjing City, so that Zhu Youdong can give full play to the advantages of a time traveler and provide personal guidance from time to time: he can't do anything about the specific operations, but at least he can ensure that the general direction will not be wrong and the technology tree will not be wrong.
So, his eyes were fixed on Fangshan, thirty miles south of Nanjing City.
The mountain is not high, with an altitude of only about 200 meters. But it is quite large, with an area of ​​about 8.6 square kilometers. Not only is the top of the mountain flat, but it is also close to the Qinhuai River, so transportation is also very convenient. Therefore, Zhu Youdong's plan is to build a research and development center on the top and halfway up the mountain, and a production base at the foot of the mountain.
Then Zhu Youdong sent Cao Huachun to negotiate with Yingtian Prefecture. When Yingtian Prefecture heard this, what did they say? Ah? The best Yanhu Royal Manor was exchanged for Fangshan? If they didn't agree to such a good thing, they would be foolish! Deal! Then Yingtian Prefecture instructed Jiangning County and Gaochun County to complete the relevant land contracts with great efficiency. As a result, Cao Huachun submitted the application on February 7, and all the procedures were completed on February 13.
Now, in early April, the Fangshan Production and Research and Development Center has produced the first batch of glass products. The team of lens grinders, which has been expanded again , has also produced better telescopes and the first generation of microscopes according to Zhu Youdong's requirements .
As for Chongmingsha, it is Chongming County of Shanghai in later generations. Of course, there is no Shanghai now, and there is no Chongming Island, which will reach an area of ​​1,000 square kilometers in the future and become the third largest island in China. At the mouth of the Yangtze River, there is a chain of islands with four main islands with an area of ​​more than 30 square kilometers and many small sand islands. These four main islands are called Chongmingsha, Sansha, Changsha and Nansha. In terms of administrative regions, they are all under the jurisdiction of Suzhou Prefecture at this time.
The Zhu family had only one imperial farm in Suzhou Prefecture. It was located on a small island in the middle of Taihu Lake and had the most fertile soil.
But Zhu Youdong didn't even blink and gave it to me! As a price, you, Suzhou Prefecture, must give me the entire Chongmingsha and its surrounding islands, and in the future, all the new land washed out by the silt at the mouth of the Yangtze River, as long as it is not connected to the land, will be mine.
As for why they were so anxious to get Chongming Sand, it was because Tian Ergeng came back from Japan in early March of that year. Not only did he come back, he also brought back two people, one named Li Guozhu and the other named Yan Siqi.
Jun 21, 2024
Jun 21, 2024
Jun 21, 2024
Jun 21, 2024