The First Mist Chapter 87: Finding Ruins

Xu Feng drove back to the neighborhood under his jurisdiction.
He sat in the car and smoked a cigarette. The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, so he immediately called his old friend in the bureau.
As the saying goes, money is the stepping stone. After a round of greetings and the promise of some benefits, he soon got the information he wanted.
"Sure enough, he joined the Light Chasing Society, codenamed Xuyan, third-class consul..."
After hearing the inside information revealed by the old friend, Xu Feng's guess was confirmed.
He was not stupid. The appearance of Xu Shen tonight was just a coincidence. The three-kilometer jurisdiction area was not big or small. How could he happen to be there when the market incident happened?
And it just happened to bump into him.
"Deploy to the ruins..." As an old team member, Xu Feng obviously knew some of the methods of the Light Chasing Society.
In addition to the Light Chasing Club, other private organizations also have this kind of business, but their backgrounds are not as strong as that of the Light Chasing Club. Therefore, many people will seek cooperation with the Light Chasing Club for safety reasons.
"At such a young age, he has already learned how to do things like throwing money. It seems that Huang Hao and the others have made him angry..."
Xu Feng narrowed his eyes. Although he had no evidence, the coincidence of the other party's appearance tonight was enough for him to confirm the matter.
"The one I got tonight was a D-class one. If I remember correctly, it was sold for 200,000 Luka coins at the Light Chaser event! "
Xu Feng let out a click of his tongue and couldn't help but chuckle. It seemed that the 200,000 yuan he had just let someone else spend wasted.
No wonder that kid couldn’t help but show up and confront me directly.
Unfortunately, this actually allowed him to infer a lot of information and also made him prepared.
After all, it's still youth and immaturity...
He sneered softly and started thinking in his mind.
As the saying goes, hit the snake at its most vulnerable part, and offending someone can be fatal.
Now that I have already offended him, and he is a ruthless fellow who dares to attack me, this matter will probably not be let go. I have no choice but to strike first.
As an old team member, he instantly thought of many ways to solve such troubles.
It is difficult to behead a demon, but it is easy to kill a person!
He estimated the time and called Huang Hao.
"Hey, Brother Xu, it's convenient, just tell me what you have to say." Huang Hao hurriedly greeted.
Xu Feng showed no reaction to this false courtesy and asked, "Has that person left?"
"I left long ago."
"Be careful. The incident at the fair tonight is not simple. I won't go into detail. Anyway, you should pay attention these days. Keep more people around you when you sleep, or don't let others know your whereabouts easily."
"Brother Xu, what do you mean? What you said makes me feel a little scared!" Huang Hao said nervously.
"Just do as I say."
Xu Feng was obviously not interested in explaining. He just said something and hung up.
He had already reminded them that if something went wrong, they couldn't blame anyone else. After all, Huang Hao and the others were just old, familiar customers to him, and if they were gone, his source of income would not be cut off.
After all, the people are gone, but the territory is still there, so someone has to take over, right?
"Is this the neighborhood he's in charge of..."
On the Gran Street Street, in a shadow somewhere, Xu Shen lowered the brim of his hat and looked at the black armored vehicle parked in the distance.
There was a demonic mask on his face that gradually disappeared.
With the help of the mask given by Sister Li, Xu Shen was able to track the remaining traces of the black armored vehicle and followed it all the way here.
Although the wheel marks left by the vehicle on the ground were becoming increasingly shallow and had been erased by other wheels, to the five senses enhanced by the evil ghost mask, the wheel marks were like a discontinuous line and had not been completely cut off.
Unless the other party intentionally erases it.
But obviously, the other party had no intention of hiding their tracks.
After all, this is not a big deal. If Xu Shen was not afraid of arousing suspicion, he could easily get the information about the area under Xu Feng's jurisdiction by finding Zhang Liyao or asking the bureau.
Even asking Big Lily might give the answer.
But he didn't alert anyone, choosing to track it on his own.
In Team 17, in addition to daily training, Xu Shen also had to learn to read. After learning to read, the first thing he did was to look at the map of the Black Light District and even the entire Termite City.
As a fog dweller who has once been in darkness, what I desire most is to understand the surrounding environment and clearly perceive what the world I live in looks like.
I was able to follow the route smoothly thanks to the map I had memorized in my mind.
At this time, Xu Shen saw Xu Feng getting out of the black armored vehicle. A young woman was waiting beside the car. The two of them chatted and laughed, and walked into an apartment in front arm in arm.
Xu Shen saw that the age difference between the young woman and Xu Feng was at least 20 years. She was either his daughter or his lover. No matter which one it was, this place was one of his places to stay.
Xu Shen immediately turned around and left, found a hotel, and stored the outsourced ruins device there.
It was getting darker at this moment, and there were very few pedestrians on the road, except for some fog dwellers who were cleaning up garbage and sewers, taking advantage of the night when no one was working. Anyway, to the fog dwellers, there was no difference between day and night.
As for the fact that reversing day and night is bad for your health... Sorry, that's not something leaders need to consider.
The guide ropes were tied to their bodies, jingling as they swept along the chains.
Xu Shen tightened his coat and walked quickly along the street, holding a small mirror in his hand and looking around from time to time.
He slowly came to the suburbs where there were no street lights.
There are many street lamp poles here, but there are no street lamps hanging on the poles. Obviously, the street lamps have been put into someone's pocket.
In more remote areas, there are not even lamp posts, and it is pitch dark. In addition, it is quiet at night, especially in the residential areas where a large number of fog-loving people live, it is so quiet that not even the barking of dogs can be heard.
Only occasionally could the sound of women crying be heard from somewhere, as if a family dispute was being resolved with some kind of violence. The sound could be heard from far away, but no one paid any attention.
Even among neighbors, everyone takes care of their own business and does not care about other people's problems.
Darkness and silence are both deeply frightening things.
Xu Shen felt extremely uncomfortable. He wanted to go back into the light, back to the hotel, to sleep, eat, and practice under the dim light.
Although cultivation is tiring, it does not make people afraid.
But he knew he had to adapt to what was happening.
In the darkness, an evil ghost mask appeared on his face, and his five senses were suddenly greatly enhanced. Even in the darkness, he could see things dozens of meters away.
The interference caused by thick fog has been greatly reduced.
The sense of smell becomes more acute, although this will allow you to smell the unpleasant smell of urine on the roadside and the rotting smell of garbage.
Fortunately, I am not alone...
Xu Shen felt much more at ease when he looked at Maeve, who was walking leisurely along the way with him.
In the darkness, Xu Shen, like a hound, concentrated his energy on his sense of smell and continued to go deeper following the smell of dirt and decay. He didn't have the money to buy a C-level gun to deal with the other party, so he could only search for it himself.
Xu Shen didn’t believe that he couldn’t find any C-level ruins that hadn’t been dealt with in the entire Termite City.
During those three months of confinement, he learned a lot and understood where these creatures liked to live.
Damp, dark, dirty, rotten...such an environment is a warm nest for Xu.
Of course, this does not include some powerful entities that are beyond Xu Shen’s cognition.
Searching all the way , Xu Shen stimulated his sense of smell to the maximum, and soon he smelled a familiar scent in a secluded community.
He went inside and soon smelled a strong odor of decay.
Through the small mirror, Xu Shen saw a woman in white floating outside a building inside.
The woman in white seemed to notice Xu Shen and looked towards him.
Xu Shen was not afraid and stared at the other person through the mirror.
He had experimented with this before when he asked Mo Xiaoxiao to accompany him to look for ruins. The small mirror was unable to project the ruins that Mo Xiaoxiao had no reaction to.
Therefore, Xu Shen judged that the small mirror that could blur the reflection was at most C-grade.
The reflection of the ruins in the mirror was too clear.
Maybe not C-level yet.
Seeing Xu Shen's gaze, the sadness and pleading on the face of the woman in white suddenly disappeared. Her expression became weird, and she showed an excited smile and suddenly rushed towards Xu Shen.
Xu Shen took a look and knew that his guess was correct. This beast was at most D-level.
You can tell from the speed of the action.
After all, he had dealt with C-level ruins several times. Although there were some who were slow in action, their momentum was different.
Xu Shen turned around and rushed out, leaving directly.
Lure them over to the D-level market, but it will only serve as a food delivery to them.
As Xu Shen ran at full speed, he soon left the woman in white behind.
He took note of the small building in front of him and marked it on the map in his mind, where the D-level ruins appeared.
Then it expanded its sense of smell and continued searching elsewhere.
Four o'clock in the morning.
The search lasted six hours.
Xu Shen encountered five Xu, two D-level and three E-level.
But in front of him at this moment was the C-level fish he had been looking for for a long time.
The reflection in the mirror is extremely blurry.
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