TARGET THREE In-depth investigation: True or false intelligence? Part 5

The bed was so soft. All the bedding had been replaced by expensive velvet by Romanee and the others. The soft bedding was scented with perfume. The soft touch and wonderful fragrance further encouraged my bad habit of sleeping.
The rumbling thunder sounded outside the window, and the rain poured down, hitting the leaves, bouncing up and shattering, like countless exquisite crystal works of art.
Suddenly, a deafening thunder exploded outside the window, waking me up from my sound sleep.
I sat up with my quilt piled up, my hair was all messy and my eyes were sleepy.
Through the rain-washed glass, I could see the pouring rain outside. I lowered my head and buried it in the quilt, feeling broken. In this weather, smelling the rain and feeling the damp and cool air, it was perfect for sleeping, right? Why did I have to do the task today?
After struggling on the soft bed for a long time, I finally plucked up the courage, gritted my teeth, crawled out of the quilt, endured the cold wind outside the quilt, and stood in front of the dressing mirror.
I hung my head, pouted my lips, and pressed my face against the mirror. The cold touch immediately stimulated my nerves, and my sleepiness was wiped away in an instant.
I turned my face to the side, looking out the window at the dim sky and heavy rain with a sad face. I didn't want to go to school at all. It would be great if a decree could be issued that allowed us to skip school and go out on rainy days!
At this time, the alarm clock on the bedside started to ring, and the voice ringtone I set before going to bed last night came from it: Get up, get up! I need to apply for a maid today!
I suddenly became very sober. Yes, today I am going to apply for the maid position! Before I went to bed last night, I told myself that I must dress up beautifully so that I can win all the way and successfully advance to become the maid of the Dougezeye family!
But why did I get up so late? And I...
My mind went blank, my neck stiffened, and I slowly looked towards the dressing mirror. Oh my god! Who was that girl in there? She had a messy hair, her face was covered with pillow marks, and her eyes were hazy. Where did this sloppy girl come from, and why did she appear in my mirror!
It’s over, it’s over, it’s over. I covered my face with my hands and cried out in despair: “Didn’t I plan to win all the way? Didn’t I plan to outshine all the other girls? Why did I wake up only now?”
Boom, there was a thunder outside the window, which scared me so much that I shivered and looked at the wall clock. On the solid wood clock, the hour and minute hands quietly pointed to 8:35.
What? It's already 8:35? Why is it two hours later than the time I set? I wailed, grabbed a piece of clothing, and rushed out the door. As soon as I rushed out, I rushed back in a hurry, grabbed an umbrella, and ran out. I thought to myself, the interview for the maid position today is at 9 o'clock, I must catch up!
Due to time constraints, I didn't even have time to change out of my pajamas. I put on my outer clothes while running, put on my shoes, and ran away.
The rain was very heavy. I stepped on the water and ran on the rainy street. The wind splashed the rain all over my face. The umbrella was almost useless. At this time, a strong wind swept the rain and blew the keel of my umbrella apart. I didn't think too much at this time. I just threw the umbrella away and ran in the rain.
This was really the worst experience of the century. Fortunately, before going to bed last night, I had arranged the skin care products that I would use this morning, as well as the global limited edition brand lipstick given by Romanee in front of the dressing table. It was really true that man proposes, God disposes. Who could have thought that I would be in such a miserable state the next day, running like crazy in the heavy rain wearing weirdly matched clothes.
Finally, in the silent sky and in the pouring rain, the castle-like building finally appeared before my eyes. I wiped the water off my face and glanced at my waterproof agent watch. It was 8:56. There was still time!
I bypassed the closed gate and ran all the way to the side door. Brother Golden Hair stood up and opened the door. I ran in without stopping, and then Brother Golden Hair locked the door again.
8:58, 8:59, and 9:00 began to strike. With the last strike of the bell, the butler's door was violently pushed open, and I rushed in headfirst.
In an instant, the room was completely quiet. Everyone kept doing what they were doing, looking at me in surprise. I was soaked in rain, with a layer of pink polka dot pajamas showing through the edge of my coat.
The room was warm, with a red flame burning in the fireplace. The sound of crackling charcoal filled the room, and the yellow indoor light shone on everyone, forming a sharp contrast with the cold tones of the wind and rain outside the window.
After 10 seconds of extreme silence, the middle-aged maid supervisor finally responded. His goatee stood up and was pressed down by his fingers. This maid supervisor was actually a middle-aged man with neatly trimmed eyebrows and shiny hair.
"Hey, you, what are you doing?" He was not polite at all, frowning and looking very unhappy.
I looked around, swallowed, and said a little unconfidently: "I...I'm here to apply for a maid." After I said that, a dozen women around me covered their lips and couldn't help laughing, as if they had heard some huge joke.
"Look at her behavior. Is she really here to apply for a maid?"
"Doesn't she know the strictness of Doug's recruitment standards?"
"Look, what is she wearing? Is it...a shabby nightgown?"
The dozen or so women in front of me are all tall, beautiful or pretty. In short, they are all outstanding girls, but they all come here to apply for maids. It seems that the rumors are true - Dougze is also a popular young man. All the girls are scrambling to enter Doug's house, hoping to have a romantic encounter with Dougze, even if it is through applying to be a maid.
"Applying for a maid..." The maid butler stroked his goatee and looked at me with a stern face. After a while, he smacked his lips and was about to complain about something when I interrupted him.
"The application notice clearly states that anyone who arrives before 9 o'clock is eligible to apply for the maid position!" I pulled out a crumpled application notice from my pocket. The words on it had been blurred by the rain.
The girls took a look and showed disgusted expressions again. They covered their mouths and laughed: "What is this? Why is there such a dirty paper in your pocket?"
"Could it be that this shabby girl saw this from a small advertisement posted on a telephone pole?"
"No way, she came to apply for a maid position without even receiving an invitation?"
Oh my god, this is too much! To apply for a maid, you need an invitation letter? Are all these girls who come to apply for maids celebrities?
I was a little dazed, and suddenly I couldn't figure out what I was doing. How could Dougeze be such a big shot in my family?
"Ahem..." The goateed steward cleared his throat, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet. Then, he paused and said in a leadership manner, "Since you meet the requirements, it's not a bad idea to participate. However, this is not just an application, it's mainly a selection. If you don't pass, don't be too discouraged."
When the girls heard this, they started to snicker again: "That's right, with such qualifications, you will definitely not pass!"
"This is truly the most ignorant person I have ever met."
"Look, it's not easy for a girl to end up like this. It's a miracle that such a person can pass the selection!"
The goateed butler cleared his throat and said, "Quiet now!" Instantly, there was total silence. He then continued, "Now, we'll take the roll call."
"Manli." "Here!"
"Scarlett." "Here!" "Michelle." "Here!"
I listened to a long list of names, but after a long time, I didn't hear my name until the end.
Finally, the goateed butler puffed out his chest and raised his head to put away the list. I was immediately panicked and didn't care about anything else. I ran over and grabbed the sleeves of the goateed butler's straight tuxedo with my wet hands. I didn't use much strength, but the exquisite material was immediately deformed by me.
"My name isn't there?"
"Let go!" The goateed steward turned pale, his beard twitching with anger, and said, "How can you be so uneducated? I will deduct 20 points from you right now!"
I quickly let go and apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I just wanted to..."
"You talk too much, deduct another 10 points!"
The goateed steward interrupted me in obvious annoyance. I knew without any hesitation that he must hate me.
Then, he patted his sleeves and sat down. Behind him, the high-class maid with a humble look in her eyes handed us the test papers one by one, holding a gilded retro tea tray.
We stood in a row, and I looked at the senior maid out of the corner of my eye. She was still more than ten people away from me. I couldn't help but count on my fingers and mutter, "I've already lost 30 points before the start. Does that mean my highest score is only 70 points?"
The girl next to me snorted coldly after hearing this and said with a sneer: "You are wrong, the total score is only 50 points." After saying that, she glanced at me with disdain.
What? So, the ending is already determined before I even start, and I will definitely fail?
At this time, the senior maid came to me with a plate , looked at me coldly and dignifiedly, and motioned me to take the test paper. My nerves were numb, and I just mechanically took my test paper. Before I had time to look at it, I heard exclamations from all around me. Then, low discussions sounded, and there seemed to be some dissatisfaction.
I was getting more and more curious about the attitudes of the people around me, so I unfolded the parchment scroll in my hand and saw that it said: Take good care of Lucky, win Lucky's favor, and make Lucky roll over backwards. Damn, which idiot came up with this question? It looks so stupid.
"Today's topic was set by the young master himself. If anyone is unwilling, it's not too late to withdraw now. Don't waste my time." The butler with a goatee sat on a chair, took a sip of tea from the exquisite teacup, and the hot tea formed a layer of mist on his gold-rimmed glasses.
Oh, it’s you, Young Master. I’m sorry, Young Master. I shouldn’t have judged you as mentally retarded before I even met you. I repent in my heart.
"What? We have to take care of Lucky?"
"To win Lucky's favor, is this a joke?"
"This guy is notoriously difficult to deal with!"
I was confused. Lucky? Who is Lucky? Just as I was wondering, I saw the door was pushed open. Surrounded by maids, a majestic golden retriever walked in. The golden retriever seemed to have an expression, with a sour face and a look of displeasure, as if he was of a very high status.
Another round of exclamations rang out from the crowd: "Ah! I'm allergic to dog hair, don't come near me!"
"Although it's Doug's precious dog, as a lady you should not get close to it. What if you get fleas on it?"
"I don't like dogs, and ladies should keep puppies." For a few seconds, I was a little confused. Is this idiot Lucky? Or was it Lucky who opened the door for me?
I was squeezed in the crowd, a little dazed, my eyes fixed on one point without focus. After staring for a long time, I realized that it was a camera. I tilted my head and looked at it for a long time, with a stupid look on my face.
The camera was scanning back and forth, but after I looked at it stupidly with my head tilted for a while, it stopped facing me. Then the camera suddenly stretched out and extended the zoom camera, as if it was looking at me with great interest.
"Miss in wet children's pajamas, are you standing here to be a human pillar?" I was stunned when I heard a cold female voice. I turned around and saw the senior maid standing next to me, looking sacred and inviolable, while the candidate maids next to her were all smiling mockingly.
"Now, please finish the test." As she said this, she leaned forward and let the arrogant golden retriever behind her out. The moment our eyes met, the guy froze for a moment. A few seconds later, something shocking happened. The arrogant guy waggled his tail wildly, rushed to my feet, rubbed my legs, and was intoxicated. The sullen face just now disappeared in an instant.
Everyone present was stunned, including the aloof maid and the butler with a goatee. The butler with a goatee even spilled the teacup in his hand on himself without noticing.
"Stop!" I was annoyed by it, so I pointed my finger and ordered, "Sit down." This guy really listened to me. After I gave the order, it immediately squatted on the ground and wagged its tail excitedly.
Seeing this scene, I felt helpless. Thinking of the exam question that would ask it to roll backwards, I made a gesture: "Idiot, roll backwards, and don't stop until I tell you to."
When this fellow got the order, he hummed like a child, then rolled over happily and went straight out through the open door, with no intention of stopping.
There was thunderous applause at the scene. Amid the incredible cheers and applause of the crowd, I inadvertently glanced at the crowd. Through the gap in the crowd, I saw the goatee-bearded butler listening to the whisper of someone who came to deliver a message for a moment. He immediately looked at me in surprise and said repeatedly: "Yes, yes, yes..." I didn't know what he was responding to, but he seemed to be very respectful.
In this way, I successfully passed the selection and became a maid in Doug's family.
The career of a little maid begins like this!
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024