TARGET THREE In-depth investigation: True or false intelligence? Part 1

The night sky is as dark as ink, with stars twinkling brightly. The night breeze gently caresses the branches and leaves, making a rustling sound like a light dance. The suitable temperature makes such a night even more comfortable and peaceful.
I tiptoed through the neatly trimmed flowers, looked around to make sure there was no one around, and then in a secluded corner where the streetlight could reach, I took out the neatly folded task card from my pocket.
On the folded card made of brown paper were symbols unique to the X-Agent Organization. Under the streetlight, these symbols shone with a metallic glow.
I took a deep breath, quickly unfolded the task card, and quickly browsed through the contents at a speed of ten lines at a glance.
Dear Agent Greya:
We are glad that you have become one of our members. During this period, you have performed outstandingly and achieved excellent results. Therefore, the organization has decided to assign you a more difficult task. In order to demonstrate your ability, please complete this task perfectly. The content of this task is: In-depth exploration of the new dynamics found must have a major breakthrough!
It will automatically explode and self-destruct after 30 seconds.
It took me less than 10 seconds to finish reading the last line of small print. I threw the task card away as quickly as throwing an electric wire, and then the world fell into endless silence.
One second, two seconds, three seconds... time passed like this, and every second seemed like torture.
I squinted my eyes, covered my ears with my hands, huddled in the corner, staring at the task card that had been silent on the ground, and waited for a long time but it didn't explode.
"What's going on?" I slowly moved closer and looked carefully. "Could it be that there is something wrong with this one? It won't explode?"
That strange mission card just lay quietly on the ground, with no sign of exploding.
Could it really be bad? I approached cautiously. The moment I approached, tragedy happened without warning. The originally quiet task card suddenly exploded with a bang, and the black smoke from the explosion instantly turned me into a black man dug out of the coal pile. Poor me, I still maintained the action before the explosion, and the whole person seemed to be still, stagnant in place, and spewed black smoke from my mouth...
As if I had suffered a great injustice, my tears instantly burst out, and the tears left two clear tear marks on my dark cheeks.
Why, why am I being bombed again? I clearly dodged it, why are you still doing this to me! Liar! Where is the 30 seconds you promised?
"Hey! What are you doing here, you idiot? Do you know I've been looking for you everywhere?" Duverg's voice came from behind.
I slowly turned around and turned my big black face towards Duverg, and immediately saw the surprise in his eyes.
"Why did you make yourself look like you fell into a pile of coals again?" Duverg did not hide his contempt for me. His thick eyebrows were twisted up to show his disgust for me. "Don't tell me you forgot that we have an operation tonight ?"
Of course I know there will be an operation tonight. I was the one who gave you the intelligence of the operation. But why do I feel wronged and can't get over it for a moment?
"Okay, let's go, let's not waste any more time." Duverg, dressed in tight clothes, looked ready for the secret infiltration. Compared with him, I was definitely not professional at all.
My face was greasy and my hair was blown into a mess. I asked quickly, puffing black smoke, "Ah! Now? I have to go get ready!"
"What are you preparing for?" Duverg, who had already taken two steps, stopped, turned around, lifted up his laser mask, and asked impatiently, "You're fine now, you don't need to prepare. It just so happens that your face is black, and no one can recognize you." After saying that, he quickly disappeared into the night.
"" I pointed at my face and couldn't help shedding two lines of tears. Who said my face was black? I clearly had two clear tear marks!
In the dark night, the moonlight was hidden behind the clouds, leaving only a hazy outline. In the dim light, in the shadows, two figures were running fast. To be more precise, one figure was moving flexibly and agilely, while the other figure was stumbling and struggling to follow. Without a doubt, the clumsy figure was me.
At night, the building where the archives were sealed was pitch black. The sealed windows looked like the mouths of monsters, and the dark holes made it look particularly scary and desolate. There were no street lights around the building, and it stood there strangely in the faint moonlight. Duverger, wearing a tight-fitting spy outfit, quickly moved to the corner outside the building and hid himself in the darkness by sticking to the wall.
I rushed over quickly, but accidentally lost my footing and bumped into Duverg who was already standing calmly.
After I knocked him out, he was stunned for about two seconds, then turned his head, looked at me, sighed, and said, "You idiot."
I stuck out my tongue, grinned foolishly, and walked out of the shadows. At this moment, my dark face must have blended perfectly with the night.
Duverg simply stopped hiding his true intentions, walked up to the gate, and tore off the seal. Such a blatant move really scared me. What was he going to do?
"Don't tear off the seal! It will be so obvious!" I rushed over and hugged his arm to stop him.
His laser mask automatically lifted up, and a murderous look was immediately cast towards me, but the movement of his hands did not stop. He slowly tore off the seal and then stuck it directly on my forehead.
"You're so nagging." With a cold expression, he pulled his hand out of my arm and turned to enter the dark building.
I pouted, looking unhappy. Really, you said I was nagging, but how could I be nagging? I tore off the seal and saw that it said, "Sealed on XX/XX/XX due to a malicious incident." I looked at the seal, pouted, and followed Duverg's figure and hurriedly followed.
Because of the darkness, I once again knocked Duverg, who was moving cautiously ahead of me, several steps back.
He turned around and gave me a look that just killed me.
"Hehehe..." I tilted my big black face up to him and grinned foolishly, and finally won his forgiveness under his contempt.
He continued to grope forward, and I quickly followed him, dodging left and right and saying, "Hey, Duverg, do you know why this building is closed?"
He ignored me and kept walking.
"You know, it's a vicious incident!" I pointed at my finger and pouted, "Do you know what the vicious incident is? Oh, aren't you curious at all?"
Duverg didn't look back or say anything, and had no intention of paying any attention to me.
But I didn't sense any malice in him, and I kept on nagging him: "You know what? I heard a story, it's true!" I leaned close to him and said faintly, "I heard a story about head replacement, the host was hiding in an abandoned building, just like here."
"Shut up, you talk too much nonsense!" Duverg growled at me, then turned around and pushed open the door of the next room.
Perhaps because no one had been here for many years, there was accumulated dust everywhere, as well as scattered debris. Even the door that Duverg had casually opened was covered with rolling dust.
I covered my nose but couldn't help coughing twice. These two coughs were particularly thrilling in this empty and silent environment. I clearly saw Duverg, who was walking cautiously in front of me, trembled slightly.
Is he afraid? With such a strong body, he can't be so timid, right?
Thinking of this, I burst into laughter and clapped my hands behind Duverg: "Duverg, don't tell me you are scared! Don't you like our exciting adventure?" There is no way, I was born with thick lines, probably as thick as a tree trunk, so I am not timid and cowardly like little girls.
My voice resounded in the empty space, irritating the eardrums like thunder from a clear sky. Duverger almost jumped up in fright. He turned around and pulled me over. Because he used too much force, I was dragged by Duverger, and I was thrown 360 degrees with Duverger as the center and the length of our arms stretched out as the radius. Finally, I landed on a sofa covered with a white cloth, and my feet just hooked Duverger's ankles. As a result, Duverger's center of gravity was unstable and he fell on me.
Duverger was definitely better than me. He quickly stood up and put his weight on his left leg, while his right hand reached out to grab something that could support his body. It was just such a coincidence that he grabbed that thing. But this thing was not as solid as he thought, nor as friendly as he thought. This thing was me!
With a burst of thick smoke and dust, Duverger and I fell heavily on the sofa, and Duverger happened to be on top of me. Our faces were less than 5 centimeters apart, and the airflow from each other's breathing could stimulate the fine sweat hairs on our faces.
I grimaced in pain and it took me a long time to react. The moment I raised my head, I realized the ambiguous distance and posture between Duverg and me, and my eyes met Duverg's.
Time seemed to stand still. In the empty and quiet room, I could still hear the distant chirping of cicadas outside the house. The two of us looked at each other in such an ambiguous posture.
What should I do? Isn't this too embarrassing? I felt my heart beating very fast at this moment, and why didn't Duverger on me get up? My heart was like a pot of boiling water, my expression was dull, and I stared at Duverger with wide eyes.
"Hey..." After a long while, Duverg finally spoke, "Are you trying to get my attention on purpose?"
I was confused by his ambiguous words. Brother, it was you who pulled me, why did you say I deliberately attracted his attention?
Before I could say anything, Duverg's eyes were covered with a layer of hazy ambiguity. He raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Congratulations, you succeeded."
What? What was successful? I was surprised, with countless question marks popping up in my head, and I had no idea about Duverg's actions at all.
I saw that Duverg had no intention of getting up, but instead lowered his lips a little, so that the distance between our lips was even smaller.
What happened to Duverg? Why did he get closer? I suddenly realized why - he must have sprained his waist when he fell, so he couldn't get up!
"Hey, does your girlfriend agree with you doing this?"
Suddenly, a very magnetic voice sounded. In this empty space, in this strange environment, another voice suddenly sounded. It was really exciting.
"Who?" Before Duverg could react, I jumped up and knocked Duverg away with my head. Duverg was almost fainted by my knock, but I was fine. Could it be that the internal structure of my head is solid?
A ray of faint moonlight shone in through the window glass. The moonlight was weak, illuminating only the area in front of the window, and that magnetic voice came from the dark corner beside the window.
After a long while, Duverger finally stood up, supporting his head. He couldn't help but gasp in pain, and sighed angrily at me. Then he said to the uninvited guest in the dark corner, "Who are you? Come out now and stop playing tricks!"
“Hehehe…” The man in the corner seemed to be in a good mood. After chuckling, he said, “I’m sorry to interrupt you, but I see that this lady doesn’t like you very much, so I have to show up and disturb her.” As he said that, he took a step forward and slowly walked towards the area illuminated by the moonlight.
The sound of his shoes hitting the ground was so clear in such an environment. One step, two steps, the footsteps were getting closer and closer, and the moonlight gradually illuminated the outline of his body, a black evening suit, flawless white gentleman gloves, and a metal eye mask that glowed faintly in the moonlight.
"Baron Shiloh's Mask?" I couldn't help but exclaim, because it was too unexpected. We were clearly here to investigate his files. Could it be...
"Oops, I've been fooled!" Dufoge quickly got ready and entered a first-level alert state. The ambiguity in his eyes was gone. He turned around and gave me a cold look, then whispered, "I knew that such important information could not be obtained by you so easily. I was too careless!"
It's over. I've caused trouble for Duverg. I smiled at him in shame, praying in my heart that it wouldn't affect my test score.
"It turns out that I interrupted you in another matter. I'm really sorry." Baron Shilo bowed his mask and made an apology gesture.
"So much nonsense!" Duverg gritted his teeth and blurted out a few words, then suddenly jumped up and attacked the masked Baron Shiloh.
I stood there in a daze, unable to react to the scene in front of me for a moment. Just now, Dufoge and I were secretly looking for information, how come we suddenly ran into the mask of Baron Shiloh?
At this moment, Duverg was fighting with the Masked Baron Shiloh.
Duverger was a muscular tough guy, and every punch he threw was accompanied by a whistling wind, and his fierce attacks were deadly. However, Baron Shiloh's mask could easily resolve the attacks like a flood and a beast, and every punch was resolved by his calm and effortless movements.
I was almost stunned. If Duverger had used such a powerful attack on others, he would have knocked down ten of them. Why was he not able to gain any advantage now?
Gradually, Duverg's moves became less fierce than before, and his speed also slowed down, but Baron Shiloh's Mask was still as comfortable as ever.
"Are you tired? Have a good rest." Baron Shilo opened his masked lips slightly and uttered a faint voice. During such an intense fight, his breathing was not affected at all and his tone of voice was relaxed and normal. This guy is too unfathomable.
"So much nonsense!" After being unable to take down the enemy for a long time, Dufoge felt like he was electrocuted when he heard these words. He seemed to be angered by the mask of Baron Shiloh, and his movements became more ferocious, but the flaw had already been revealed.
Baron Shiloh smiled softly, stretched out his wrist quickly, and quickly dodged to Dufoge's back, pinching the back of Dufoge's neck. His other hand pinched the tendons on Dufoge's forearm, and then pulled hard, Dufoge was easily captured from behind. The mysterious Baron Shiloh used some unknown means, and with a light pinch of his hands, Dufoge collapsed.
"Duverg, are you okay?" I had reacted at this moment and rushed over.
Baron Shiloh's masked figure flashed back, and he easily jumped back, then stood still gracefully. He took out a bright red rose from his arms, brought it to his nose and sniffed it. The enchanting flower made his bright red lips look even more enchanting and strange. "Don't worry, his life is not in danger."
"Duverg, are you okay? Duverg?" I threw myself on Duverg and shook his body repeatedly. I saw that he was just enduring the pain, and a painful groan came out faintly from between his teeth.
"You seem to care about him a lot?" Baron Shiloh sighed, holding a flower in his mask. "Did I go too far?"
"Damn it!" Duverger tried hard to stand up, but failed in the end. He collapsed and fell heavily to the ground.
"Hey! Duverg!" I hurriedly called Duverg's name, but he didn't respond. The fire in my heart suddenly burned. Really, Duverg fell, but I'm still here, right? Don't underestimate me!
So I stood up suddenly, feeling as if a huge flame was burning behind me, but it seemed that there was no obvious effect.
"You..." Baron Shiloh's eyes revealed a little surprise from behind the mask, "Are you... serious?"
"Don't laugh at me!" I had just gathered up a lot of aura and courage to fight him to the death. How could you laugh at me at such a serious moment?
"No, no, no, I'm not laughing at you." Baron Shiloh crossed his arms and laughed softly, "I never hit a woman."
"What? We are enemies. Please don't treat me like a woman!" I got ready and shouted, "Go ahead!"
Baron Hilo's mask was obviously shocked by my courage. He said, "Then I won't make any move. Just come on."
"Okay, then I'll show you how powerful I am!" With the disparity in strength between the enemy and me, I must have my own strategy to defeat the enemy! So, I took a deep breath, gathered my Qi in my Dantian, and got ready. Then, I launched an attack - spitting at the mask of Baron Shiloh!
Yes, you read it right, I spit at Baron Shiloh's mask. He was so scared by me that he was almost caught off guard. No matter how powerful his moves were, they were not as effective as my saliva!
Baron Shiloh's Mask was forced to retreat step by step by me, with almost no room to fight back. He pulled his cloak in front of him and kept backing away with a terrified expression - at this moment, Baron Shiloh's Mask was like a small fish at my disposal.
In a flash, I ran to the masked figure of Baron Shilo, turned around in an instant, and raised my hand to take off his blindfold.
A pair of handsome and bright starry eyes were about to be exposed, and with the mask down, I could almost see his handsome and heroic brows... However, at this moment, my wrist was caught, and the whole person was turned 180° like dancing a waltz, and then my body was embraced in a warm embrace.
"You have become bad." He whispered in my ear.
Then, the temperature on the back of my body disappeared instantly. After the sound of fluttering clothes in my ears, the voice of Baron Shiloh's mask sounded .
I was quite frightened. How come we were winning one second and then losing the battle the next?
Baron Shiloh's mask was standing elegantly on the wide-open window frame. The whistling night wind made his cloak flutter up and down. He stood with his back to the moonlight, and there must be a mysterious expression under the mask.
I saw that he was trying to escape, so I quickly shouted, "Don't run away before the battle is decided!"
He sneered and said, "Miss Stupid, I said I don't fight with women." As he spoke, he used two fingers wearing white gloves to pinch out a bright and juicy rose from his bosom. He put the rose under his nose and sniffed it, then in a flash, he firmly inserted it into my chest pocket, "Women should accept flowers."
A charming fragrance floated into my nostrils, and I was startled. I thought, is this what he was thinking? Will this rose pierce my heart like a sharp knife?
"Okay, my lovely silly lady, it's getting late, I have to go, goodbye!" As he said this, he turned around and faced the moonlight. The night wind lifted his cloak, like a mysterious bat, about to disappear into the night.
"Wait!" I shouted, "Don't go!"
"Huh? What?" As expected, he stopped walking away, turned around, and turned half of his face to wait for my follow-up words.
That face looked particularly handsome in the moonlight. Even though he was wearing a concealing mask, one could still see his straight nose and delicate, three-dimensional features. He was incredibly handsome and elegant.
"Um..." I swallowed and said, "Can you help me carry him down?"
Baron Hilo's mask obviously didn't answer me right away. His tall figure couldn't help but tremble. At this moment, he must have been thinking: Why don't you play by the rules?
But Baron Shiloh's Mask is indeed Baron Shiloh's Mask. He smiled and ignored my unreasonable request - I was asking a mysterious, good and evil handsome villain to help me carry someone! Then, a magnetic voice sounded in the quiet environment: "Really, I almost fell in love with you, you are so naughty." After that, he threw his flying sleeves and jumped into the heavy night with his cloak spread out.
I rushed over, leaned on the window frame and looked down. As far as my sight could reach, there was the quiet night everywhere. The branches and leaves were swaying slightly in the night breeze, and there was the occasional cry of tired birds and the faint symphony of insects.
Baron Shiloh's mask disappeared into the night.
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024