TARGET FOUR Suspect target: handsome man coming out of the bath! Part 3

Without even having time to change my clothes, I walked quickly in the corridor of the castle-like villa, tapping the bracelet on my wrist as I walked. The screen of the bracelet was completely black, and there were several deep cracks on the surface of the display. Because I had just fallen into the bathtub, a lot of water had entered it. It was now completely unusable, and I could not send the message to Duverg immediately.
I sneered and said to myself, "Falling into the bathtub... If Duverg knew that I broke the spy equipment for this reason, he would definitely get mad and scold me for making up lies to deceive him." But who would believe me if I told others about it?
The corridor was three or four meters high. Sunlight poured in through the huge windows on one side, casting geometric shadows on the ground. I walked quickly on the brown and yellow tiles. The only sound in the entire corridor was the sound of my heels hitting the ground, which echoed in this tall and wide corridor.
The quiet atmosphere matches the European medieval decoration style. Intricate flower-embellished gauze curtains are hung on both sides of the tall windows. The purple velvet satin is decorated with yellow tassels. In the quiet afternoon, the green grass outside the window is shaded. It is as quiet as an ancient castle, as if it is an opera house full of nobles. The next second, the chic and mysterious Zorro will suddenly appear from behind the velvet curtains.
As I walked, I thought: This place is really suitable for Baron Shiloh's mask to live in.
A breeze with the scent of grass and soil suddenly blew in from a window at the end of the corridor. The wind lifted the gauze curtain beside the velvet curtain, and the entire white delicate gauze curtain fluttered in the wind, instantly blocking my view.
It was like a dream, the gauze curtain was flying, covering everything in front of me with a layer of dreamy atmosphere. I turned my face slightly, raised my hand to brush the gauze curtain, and pushed aside the gauze that blocked my eyes. In the next second, my heart suddenly tightened.
I saw the hazy veil fade away, and in front of the gate, a figure in a tuxedo was standing with his back to me. He was leaning on a walking stick in his left hand, and his right hand was raised, pressing on the brim of his gentleman's hat which was worn slightly tilted.
There was a sudden bang in my head, as if an atomic bomb had exploded in the ground. Could it be that Baron Hiro's Mask is hiding in Dougeze's house? Or is Dougeze... Baron Hiro's Mask?
Just as I was opening my mouth in surprise at the figure in front of me, that person made a new move.
I saw him slowly retract his right hand wearing a white glove that was resting on the brim of his hat, flick his wrist at the side of his body, snap his fingers loudly, and a bright rose with dewdrops appeared in his hand.
Roses! This bright red color immediately stimulated my nerves, and I was excited. I was surprised for only a second, and then I rushed forward, clamped the man's left shoulder with my right hand, grabbed the man's left wrist with my left hand, and kicked the man's inner knee with my right leg.
The man knelt down as I grabbed him. I didn't hesitate, and used the grabbing technique lightly and powerfully, strangling the man's throat from the back to the front. I twisted my waist and used my weight and inertia to press the man to the ground. Then I pressed my knee against the man's throat and firmly controlled him on the ground. The whole action was done in one go, without any drag, and the man under me was surprisingly easy to subdue, which was far beyond my expectations.
During the action, the man in the tuxedo moved his body with great amplitude, and at this moment his hat was not worn on his head, but awkwardly put on his face, just covering his features.
I still pushed him to the ground with all my might, not daring to slack off at all.
"Great! Baron Shiloh Mask! I didn't expect that I could really catch you!" I shouted excitedly, while Baron Shiloh Mask under me seemed to be only able to moan and had no strength to speak.
"Tell me! Why are you here?" I pulled with all my strength, as if to torture him. But to my great surprise, one side of Baron Shiloh's masked arm was dislocated by my action!
The person under me let out a heart-wrenching wail, and at the same time, the door in front of me opened. A group of men and women in gorgeous suits holding champagne glasses stood at the door, looking at us in surprise with their mouths wide open.
These people are either outsiders or classmates from St. Orendu Academy!
Romani was wearing a champagne-colored dress, with her hair in a playful European-style bun. She was holding a feather fan in her hand, staring at me in surprise for a long time with her eyes wide open before she stammered, "Greya, what are you doing?" Nicole and Havensting behind her also asked, "Yes, Greya, you are so handsome... Oh, no, what are you doing?"
"Graya, can you teach us grappling when you have time? Um... or, first, tell us why you are wearing a maid's outfit?"
My mind went blank for a moment when I heard their questions. How could I answer them?
Should I answer them: Don't be afraid, actually, I am an agent, I am here to arrest someone, please don't call the police?
Just when I didn't know how to answer, the person under me started to moan: "Woo woo woo... I just wanted to give you a flower, what are you doing?"
The voice sounded very familiar. I looked up at the crowd with a little surprise, and saw a tall and slender man named Douge Zeye, who was wearing a casual and well-tailored suit. He was holding a wine glass in one hand and had a humble and polite smile on his face. Behind him was a short man wearing a beret and overalls - Little Jackson, but there was no sign of Chikeyaro in the crowd.
"Ouch... It hurts, my hand hurts!" The man under me twisted and struggled, tilting the hat covering his face, revealing wisps of red hair! Then, Chikeyaro's green eyes, thin lips, and sharp face were exposed to everyone - the man I subdued was actually Chikeyaro?
In an instant, the fantasy about the Mask of Baron Shiloh was shattered in my mind, that is, if the Mask of Baron Shiloh was Chikeyaro.
"Woo woo... let me up quickly!" After waiting for a while, the pinned down Chikeyaro was still not released, so he finally couldn't help but remind me.
"Oh! Sorry!" I leaned forward, stood up, and spoke with concern without any hesitation, "Are you okay?"
“It’s okay, it’s okay…” Chikeyaro, who was helped up by the crowd, wanted to raise his hand to smooth his hair, trying to do his usual cool move, but he suddenly wailed, “Why? Why can’t I use my left hand?”
Little Jackson held his arm and said, "My arm is dislocated. Of course I can't move it."
"Ah! You dislocated my arm?" Chikeyaro screamed , "Did you hit me on purpose to attract my attention? Then why didn't you accept my love rose..."
"You're so noisy." Little Jackson frowned and tapped Chikeyaro's arm, immediately transferring Chikeyaro from his own world to a painful screaming space. "Why do you have to cosplay as Baron Shiloh's Mask when you can do anything else?"
Amidst bursts of heart-wrenching roars, little Jackson and several maids took Chikeyaro to the doctor's office. The huge Dougezeya family was equipped with their own professional doctors, so treating Chikeyaro's dislocation should be no problem.
After the small commotion died down, Dougze also walked towards me with a smile, and Romani and her group were around me. At this moment, the three of them were chattering about the brave moves I had just made.
"You were so handsome just now!" said Romani.
"Yes, yes, what was that move just now? If you have the chance, please teach us! This way, I won't need to use a scalpel to tear open the frog's texture! It's so exciting just thinking about it!" Nicole jumped excitedly, her eyes unable to hide her enthusiasm.
I shrank my neck and turned my head to the other side. As a result, I came face to face with Havensting: "Graya, you are amazing. Why didn't we think of dressing up as maids? You won a great victory this time!"
At this moment, I realized that this party was a costume party, mainly based on the European Middle Ages, and the rest was free to play. Then I suddenly understood why Chikeyaro dressed up as the mask of Baron Shiloh... Poor Chikeyaro...
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024