seven 3

Liu Qingye was in a panic when he suddenly heard Dan Ying yelling beside him. He turned around and saw that the Dan Ying acupuncture point had been automatically unlocked in three hours. "Junior sister, must not..."
Before he could utter a word, Dan Ying snatched the bow and arrow from a Kazakh man beside him and shouted, "It's just a death after all, let's kill a few bandits first!" He jumped onto the boulder.
"Dan Ying, don't--"
Liu Qingye then jumped onto the boulder, stretched out his hand to grab an arrow shot at Dan Ying, and tried to pull Dan Ying back. But Dan Ying dodged sideways, pulled the strong bow to its full length, and shot an arrow. The Junggar soldier in front screamed and fell to the ground. The one running behind him roared, but Dan Ying shot two arrows in succession, and they never missed, and shot through two more people in an instant.
Several Kazakhs who were about to flee were stunned. Dan Ying raised his bow and arrow and shouted: "What's so scary about the Junggars? They are just people. If they can massacre our people, we can kill them too!"
The Kazakhs could not understand what she said, but seeing her excited expression and waving her bow and arrow, they understood about 70% of it.
Dan Ying shouted again: "You are men and warriors, do you want to run away too? If anyone attacks our home, we must wipe them out!"
As she spoke, several more arrows shot towards her, and Liu Qingye defused them one by one for her. Ah Xu also jumped out with a bow and arrow in his hand, put three arrows on the string at the same time, bent the bow and shot them out, killing three enemies.
Seeing this, the Kazakhs all responded loudly. The men picked up their bows and arrows, and lay on the boulders to fight back at the Dzungars. For a moment, arrows flew like rain from both sides, and the whistling sound covered the howling of the wind in the mountains.
Liu Qingye casually picked up a handful of gravel and threw it with a hidden weapon technique. Although the stone was small, Liu Qingye had the advantage of being well-trained, and his internal strength had greatly increased recently. The force of this throw was no less than that of an arrow from Ashu's hard bow. The Junggar man was hit and screamed in pain, either dead or injured.
Feeling the arrows whizzing past his cheek, Liu Qingye knew that this was a life-and-death struggle. Before this, he had fought against the Qing soldiers several times. Although each time was extremely dangerous, the strange thing was that he had never been as calm as he was now. At those times, he always had a strange feeling, and there were always some troubled thoughts, as if his hands would tremble slightly. But at this moment, he really wanted to kill all these bandits. It was time to fight them to the death, he thought, if he kept running away like this, how long would he run to?
Just as he was thinking, he suddenly saw an arrow coming straight at his face. He was too late to dodge, and his heart sank. But suddenly, a figure flashed from the side, and the arrow had been caught - it turned out to be Cao Mengsheng. He waved his hands, and his wide sleeves were like two huge pockets, collecting all the arrows that were close to him. Then he shook his sleeves and said, "Take these and use them!"
The Kazakhs fled in a hurry and did not bring many arrows with them. After fighting for a while, they were worried that they would run out of arrows and be captured. At this time, with Cao Mengsheng's help, they no longer had to worry. They each grabbed a handful of arrows and bent their bows to resist the Dzungars.
The two sides fought for another cup of tea. The bodies of the Junggars were scattered all over the hill, and there were also many casualties on the Kazakh side. What was worse was that the number of Junggars was more than ten times that of the Kazakhs. It seemed that they could not be killed if the battle continued. No matter how many arrows were fired, some enemies still climbed down the hill over there, hid in the valley, and climbed up here again, shouting.
Dan Ying glanced at the enemy climbing up the mountain, raised his eyebrows, gritted his teeth, and said, "You bastards, I'll let you die here!" Turning around, he ordered the women and the elderly hiding behind the boulders, "The men can fight, but we can't just sit there and move the big rocks to smash those bandits to death!"
Wu Tan translated her words, and women, young and old, responded to the call, using their hands and feet to carry stones in groups of three or five. Soon, more than a hundred stones of different sizes were transported to the side of the boulder. Dan Ying, Liu Qingye and Moler each carried a stone and threw it at the Junggars down the mountain. Several Junggars screamed, probably because their heads were blown off, and when they fell, they bumped into their companions, causing them to roll down the mountain.
Dan Ying laughed and said, "You little dog robbers, I'll teach you a lesson too!"
Before she finished speaking, Asu also picked up a stone and threw it down, saying: "You hit me on the head, today I will make sure your heads are gone!" The stone fell and hit another Dzungar man.
Wutan had only one arm and could not shoot arrows, but this was the perfect time for him to use his skill. He asked several Kazakh girls below to pass the stone to him, and he pushed it down with one hand, cursing as he pushed: "Galdan, do you think I can't kill you if you cut off my hand? I'll kill you just to show you!"
Moler, who called himself the "strongest man in the Ale tribe", would not allow Wutan to show off his power with one hand. He also picked up a stone in one hand and threw it hard down the mountain, saying with a smile: "Axu, you are a sharpshooter, don't waste your skills, go and shoot these bastards to death!"
He learned this Chinese swear word from Cheng Anren, and when he cursed it out loud, his pronunciation was clear and loud, causing Cheng Anren to laugh while throwing stones, "Damn, you have some talent, I like it!"
The valley was filled with screams, and enemies on the opposite hill kept falling down. Cao Mengsheng even collected all the arrows on the boulders. The morale of the Kazakhs was greatly boosted, and even the injured ignored the pain. Some moved stones, some shot arrows, and they worked together as one.
After fighting for another incense stick, the number of enemies on the opposite hill gradually decreased. Liu Qingye thought that there were only a few of them left. He breathed a sigh of relief and thought: I finally won. However, he glanced to the side and was shocked - Oh, the Junggars, when did they climb up from the valleys on both sides? He shouted: "Master, be careful!"
Cao Mengsheng turned around and understood what was going on. He jumped down from the boulder, shouted loudly, and swung his sleeves. Dozens of feather arrows shot to both sides. The Dzungars who had climbed up from the valley hurriedly shrank back and dodged.
"Quick! Clear the fields!" he ordered, "Quickly lead everyone to retreat to the Ajizi River... continue to shoot arrows on both sides... If we can cross the river, maybe there is a way to survive..."
Liu Qingye originally thought that his master could repel the enemy by firing arrows at the same time, but when he saw the arrows flying to the valleys on both sides, they were already at the end of their strength and could only scare the Junggars away temporarily. He then called Wutan and told him to quickly let the Kazakhs retreat, and he lifted a huge rock and smashed a Junggar soldier to death.
The group fought and retreated towards the Ajizi River. Without the stone attacks, the Junggars quickly climbed over the hilltop and approached them again. Without the protection of the boulders, they had to rely on Cao Mengsheng to block the locust-like arrows. How could Cao Mengsheng fight against the Junggars alone? Soon, several more Kazakhs were injured.
When they got to the Ajiz River, they saw that the river was as calm as dead water, and the bottom was visible. It seemed that it would not be difficult to cross. But at this time, an old Kazakh man was gesticulating and saying something. Wutan said, "The old man said that the river is full of mud and you will die if you fall into it. He knows a way and we have to follow his route."
Dan Ying listened and nodded, "Then hurry up and go."
The old Kazakh man led the way, and the group walked upstream for some distance. The old man then stopped by the water, talked a few words, and then walked into the water first.
Liu Qingye saw that he was walking very slowly and cautiously. He looked back and saw that the Junggars were almost in pursuit. Only Cao Mengsheng's rubble stopped them for a moment. He was extremely anxious and thought: How long will it take to get there if we walk one by one? It would be faster if I could lead a few people there with my Qinggong skills!
Without thinking too much, he grabbed a Kazakh child by the collar, took a deep breath, and jumped to the other side of the river.
The Ajizi River is 20 meters wide, so even Cao Mengsheng couldn't jump over it, not to mention that Liu Qingye was holding a child in his hand. He could only jump 60 to 70 meters before he had to find a place to gain leverage. With his skills, he could have jumped a little on the water surface, but now there was a child, and he couldn't make sure and stepped into the water. He felt soft and didn't know what he stepped on, but there seemed to be a strong suction force that was pulling him down. He was horrified, knowing the power of the mud, and hurriedly stepped on the water with his other foot, and the whole person jumped up again. This time he only jumped 30 to 50 meters, and he didn't dare to show off, so he stepped on the water and jumped again, and finally reached the other side safely.
Whenever the Kazakhs saw such a special skill, they knew they were saved. Liu Qingye did not dare to delay for even a second. He put the child down and went back to bring another person. He did this six or seven times. Most of the remaining Kazakhs had reached the center of the Ajizi River. Only Dan Ying, Moler, Asu, Zai, Cheng Anren and Cao Mengsheng were left to fight the Dzungars.
Seeing the Junggars getting closer and closer, Dan Ying turned around and shouted, "Axu, Zai, Moler, Uncle Cheng, cross the river!"
How could the four men agree to this? Dan Ying said anxiously, "The Junggars are my great enemies. I will fight them myself. You cross the river. If I cannot stop you, you can shoot them to death on the other side."
Moler said, "No, Miss Dan Ying, we either cross the river together or kill all the Junggars here. I, Moler, am not afraid of death!"
Dan Ying said angrily: "What do you know? I saw Liu Qingye use Qinggong to cross the river. This is a good method. I will lure the Junggars into the river and trap them. You guys don't know Qinggong, so go to the other side and wait to kill the fish that escape the net!"
Moller was skeptical, but Cheng Anren said, "My Qinggong is very good, let's do it together."
Dan Ying nodded and said, "Okay."
Seeing this, Liu Qingye also stepped forward and said, "Master...Dan Ying, I'm with you too!"
Dan Ying glanced at him and said, "Okay." He dropped his bow and arrow, drew out the golden whip from his waist, and rushed towards the battle group over there.
Liu Qingye also drew his sword and followed closely behind him. The one following him was, of course, Cheng Anren, who kept cursing him as a "son of a bitch".
At that time, Cao Mengsheng could no longer stop the Junggars and was completely trapped in the enemy's formation. The Junggars could not shoot him with arrows, so they drew their swords to fight him. However, with Cao Mengsheng's martial arts skills, he was determined not to take these reckless men seriously. What he was worried about was only Dan Ying and the Kazakh herdsmen. When he looked back, he saw a golden light, and the red Dan Ying had already killed his way into the swords and shadows. Behind him, Liu Qingye's Songtao swordsmanship was steady and steady, and Cheng Anren's broadsword was fierce and domineering, killing a bloody path from the enemy's formation.
Cao Mengsheng asked, "Has everyone crossed the river?" He spoke Chinese in case the Dzungars could understand.
Liu Qingye jumped quickly and glanced into the river. He saw that Moller, Zai and Ashu had already reached the middle of the river. He replied, "They are all over."
Cao Mengsheng said, "Okay, let's go too!" As he spoke, he picked up a nearby enemy and swung him like a stick, forcing the surrounding Junggars to retreat a few steps. Then he let go of the man and said, "Let's go!" He was afraid that Dan Ying would refuse to fight, so he reached out and grabbed the tip of her whip, lifted her up with the whip, and jumped out of the enemy's formation.
Liu Qingye and Cheng Anren also quickly repelled the enemies around them and followed Cao Mengsheng to the river bank.
The Junggars roared and chased after them, but when they realized they could not catch up, they took out their bows and arrows again.
Cao Mengsheng said, "Master Cheng, take these two children over!" After saying that, he waved his sleeves again to cover the other three people.
Cheng Anren also knew that this was not the time to be humble, so he took Dan Ying and Liu Qingye and jumped to the other side of the river.
But how could Liu Qingye let go of his master? He looked back from time to time and saw Cao Mengsheng collecting and throwing away the feather arrows. The situation was not very critical, so he was relieved. However, occasionally one or two arrows were not collected into Cao Mengsheng's sleeves. When Liu Qingye saw it flying in front of him, he reached out and grabbed it. With such a distraction, his steps inevitably slowed down a little, and gradually fell behind Cheng Anren and Dan Ying.
There were still more than a hundred Junggar soldiers at this time, and they advanced while shooting arrows. After a while, Cao Mengsheng was trapped in the enemy's formation again.
Liu Qingye saw this in the middle of the river and was shocked, saying, "Master—" and was about to run back.
But the Junggars who attacked the river suddenly shot a flurry of arrows at him, forcing him to the surface of the water. Liu Qingye felt that the arrows were like locusts, which made him dizzy. He was about to jump up to dodge, but suddenly thought: No, if I dodge like this, the arrows will shoot straight at me, won’t it hurt Dan Ying? He then treaded on the water to stabilize his body, dodged and moved in the rain of arrows, opened his hands left and right, and swiped and grabbed, and dissolved all the arrows.
However, he was not as powerful as Cao Mengsheng after all. He had just grabbed a handful of arrows when dozens more came towards him. Besides, he had to take care of his feet. Soon, his arms, neck, and cheeks were scratched and bruised by the arrows, and his strength gradually declined. After a moment, he had lost sight of one thing while focusing on another. At this moment, a man shot an arrow with a strong bow and crossbow. Liu Qingye could not dodge with both hands, and the sharp arrow pierced his chest!
He didn't feel any pain at first, until he heard Dan Ying's heart-wrenching cry, then his eyes went dark and he fell down. He felt the cold river water hitting his body, and a voice in his heart said: I, Liu Qingye, will die here today. Before I die, Dan Ying is so sad, which means that her heart for me is still the same as before, and I will die with my eyes closed.
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024