First Chapter 38: Dead Man

Although there was light in the room, I couldn't help feeling cold. I leaned towards Qin Yiheng, wanting to ask him what his next plan was and whether we really had to open these wardrobes.
Before I could say anything, we both stood up at the same time, looking nervously at the door, because there was a slow knock on the door. The sound was very light, but in such an environment, even the lightest movement could be heard clearly.
Qin Yiheng immediately glanced at me, made a "hush" gesture to me, then walked to the door and listened for a while, then turned back and shook his head at me. Because he made a gesture to silence me, I didn't dare to speak casually, but I couldn't understand what he meant, and kept asking him what was going on with my eyes. I didn't know if Qin Yiheng understood or not, but just continued to gesture for me not to go forward, and then listened for a while, and the knocking sound disappeared. To be honest, I wasn't that scared at first, because I didn't know where the intuition came from, and I always felt that the person knocking on the door was a living person, but when the knocking sound stopped, my heart lifted. Could it be that the person outside was preparing to break in? Thinking of this, I took two steps back, but after waiting for a while, there was no movement outside.
I saw that Qin Yiheng seemed surprised as well. He first looked at the five grains that had been scattered by the door, and seeing that there was no reaction, he walked up to me and said in a low voice that there didn't seem to be any evil things outside the door, but we still had to be careful. After that, he asked me to pack up and we had to hurry out.
It's called packing, but in fact it 's putting on your back and tying your shoelaces. When we were ready, Qin Yiheng blew out the candle and told me to be careful of ambushes when I go out. Then he walked to the door and listened for a while, then turned on the flashlight, opened the door and walked out. I followed him and immediately looked around subconsciously. This corridor is already very narrow, let alone people, it would be difficult for a mouse to hide. I felt relieved when I saw that there was no one around, so I asked Qin Yiheng what the man knocking on the door meant.
Qin Yiheng was also puzzled and said, "This is indeed very strange, because the door of the room just now cannot be locked. If the person outside wants to come in, they can just push the door." After listening to him, I also wondered, "In this case, isn't knocking on the door redundant?" Could it be that the person outside the door is reminding us that it's time to come out? My mind was already confused, and now it's even more confused. I simply stopped thinking about it and went out first.
After walking for a while, they were almost at the end of the corridor, but Qin Yiheng stopped inexplicably and kept scanning forward with the flashlight.
Because I was walking behind him, my vision was obstructed, and I didn't know what he saw, so I leaned over and poked my head out from behind him to take a look. This look really surprised me, because there was a person lying next to the iron gate, and I didn't know if he was dead or alive. Qin Yiheng didn't act rashly. He shone the flashlight for a long time, and it looked like it was probably a corpse, so he walked over carefully.
I was also curious, so I wanted to go over and take a look. But just as I took a step, Qin Yiheng turned around and told me not to go over yet. After that, he took out something from his bag, waved it in front of the man, and then waved at me, saying, "Come over here."
His voice sounded a little low, and I knew things might not be optimistic. I didn't expect to find out when I got closer that it was really fucking dead! Although I can't see corpses in this line of work, I'm already subconsciously used to these things related to death, but this dead person is different, because this person is actually Yuan Zhen!
Qin Yiheng's flashlight was pointed at Yuan Zhen's face. Yuan Zhen's face was a little dirty, but his expression was quite peaceful, and he didn't look like he died in pain. Although we didn't have a particularly deep friendship, we had worked together for such a long time , and suddenly seeing his body was hard for me to accept.
Qin Yiheng seemed a little depressed, and neither of us spoke for a while. After a long pause, he pointed the flashlight at me. Yuan Zhen was wearing a brand-name jacket, and it was obvious that he was well prepared. There were no wounds on his body, but when I looked closely, I was shocked to find that Yuan Zhen's hands were gone!
I immediately looked at Qin Yiheng, but his face was hidden in the darkness, and I couldn't see his expression, so I had to ask him, where is Yuan Zhen's hand? In fact, this question is a bit outrageous, because Qin Yiheng certainly can't give an answer. At first, when I first saw Yuan Zhen's body, I was still guessing in my heart that maybe it was Yuan Zhen who knocked on the door just now, and then he couldn't open the door for some reason, so he had to go back the same way, and finally fainted or died of poisoning here. But now I see that Yuan Zhen's hands are gone, so the person who knocked on the door just now was another person? Is he Yuan Zhen's accomplice or his murderer? My mind is completely confused. Qin Yiheng didn't speak for a long time, and finally sighed, told me to follow him, and then climbed over the iron gate, but did not walk out of the ancestral hall, but took me back to the room with three round holes. Qin Yiheng lit a cigarette, sat down against the wall, took a deep puff, and then told me that it might be dangerous for us to go out now, and now we can only wait for dawn in this room. There are three openings here to release evil spirits, so it is relatively the safest place in the entire house.
I heard that we would have to stay here until morning, so I sat down and asked him what he thought. As soon as I sat down, Qin Yiheng asked me if I was confused about all this.
I said, isn't that nonsense? He smiled bitterly and continued, "Actually, I don't fully understand it either, but I can tell you what I guessed now. First of all, I did come here to find an address book, but I guessed wrong about what an address book is. I just figured out that those wardrobes were probably brought in by these people, but I still don't know what the purpose of bringing them in is. At least those wardrobes are not address books, because an address book is not a thing, but a person!"
Qin Yiheng paused for a moment when he said this, and my heart almost stopped beating. I am not a very stupid person. After listening to him, I understood about 70% of it. So the address book is Yuan Zhen? This is too damn fake, right? The address book has become a spirit?
Qin Yiheng hummed, and continued: "Yes, the mysterious text message has reminded us before, but neither of us thought about it that way. And then there was something on Yuan Zhen's body. Now it seems that he went to those places with heavy yin energy to seek pleasure and ask for willows. It has nothing to do with all this. I know it is really hard to believe, but we have experienced a lot of unbelievable things."
I lowered my head and thought for a while. I felt that what Qin Yiheng said was right. Having encountered so many supernatural events, I had already overturned my original worldview. Since a person can become a wronged spirit, why can't he become an address book? I raised my head and saw Qin Yiheng looking at me. I nodded at him, indicating that he should continue.
Qin Yiheng understood and continued, "We all know that many fortune tellers read palms. The trend of a person's palms can roughly infer the person's fate, but this is only a rough look, because the palm lines will change with the person, and are not fixed. In fact, the amount of information contained in a person's palm lines is greater than we can imagine. I don't know what Yuan Zhen's palm lines are like, and whether there is any way to change them after birth, but now it seems that the address book is probably on Yuan Zhen's two palms. This address book is probably not specific, and the general location can only be found through special identification methods. Therefore, the houses recorded on it may not be easily found even by experts. And Yuan Zhen may have been guided by someone, and he may have been looking for those special houses based on these general locations. He himself has no ability to deal with evil things, so he found us. It happened that the business we did could be used by him, so he introduced us to the haunted houses he found on the way to the houses in the address book."
Qin Yiheng spoke very slowly, but my heart beat faster. Does this mean that the lines on Yuan Zhen's palm are a map? Is it a natural map or a map formed later? I wanted to ask, but I was afraid to interrupt his train of thought, so I had to hold it in and continue listening to him. They must be more than just Yuan Zhen. What kind of house are they looking for? What is the purpose? Why do they have to look for it? We don't know these. However, I can boldly guess that the house of the Nine Sons Town Zhenlong is one of them. The Wan Family Ancestral Hall is so large, although there are no scattered records of the ancestors' lives in it, but the business of looking at the house and looking at the feng shui is very likely to be passed down by old man Wan. So, I'm afraid that the houses recorded in the address book are not all built by old man Wan alone, and there may be some left by his ancestors. However, this inference is somewhat untenable, because there are only a few ancient buildings to be found in all of China.
Qin Yiheng was probably afraid that I wouldn't understand him, so he spoke slower and slower. However, even if he spoke slower, I still became more and more confused. I was so confused that I didn't know where to start. Qin Yiheng seemed to be waiting for me to ask questions. He paused for a while before saying, "Moreover, I have an even more outrageous guess. Those wardrobes are buried under the house foundation!"
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