First Chapter 27 What did Wan Jinrong leave behind?

Qin Yiheng was a little furious, and I couldn't find a topic to talk about for a while, but there were already countless questions in my mind, and now it was nothing more than deciding which one to ask first. However, he didn't answer me, and left the bedroom to comfort the old lady.
The old lady had recovered by now, and still spoke in a very polite manner, saying that nothing was serious. It was just that when she saw Qin Yiheng knocking on the door dressed like that late at night, she thought she had run into the Black and White Impermanence.
I had already caused trouble for others, and now it had escalated into chaos. I couldn't hold back my face, so I apologized to the old lady repeatedly, said goodbye quickly, and followed Qin Yiheng out.
After we got out of the door, Qin Yiheng asked me the name of the hotel, but insisted on not taking a car with me and just told me to go back first.
I had no choice but to go back to the hotel alone. I smoked half a pack of cigarettes but he didn't come over. It was late at night when he came to see me with a serious face. I had been holding back questions for a long time, but when I saw him coming, I didn't care whether he would listen or not, and asked all the questions in my mind.
My questions were actually quite chaotic and illogical. I just asked whatever came to my mind. In the end, there were only a few questions: 1. Where did Liu Quezi go? 2. What did Qin Yiheng do before? 3. What did he say was taken away? 4. What on earth was going on?
Qin Yiheng didn't say anything. He waited until I was quiet before lighting a cigarette. He hesitated and said, "Due to the development of modern urbanization and the modernization of construction technology and building specifications, only a small number of buildings will apply the art of feng shui.
In ancient times, there were many Feng Shui masters who walked around the streets and alleys, and their social status was not low. In addition to using Feng Shui techniques to select graves and burial areas, most of skills were applied to the construction of houses.
At that time, there was no concept of architects. From the beginning of construction to the time people moved in, a house completely depended on the cooperation of Feng Shui masters and craftsmen. Although the art of Feng Shui was not mysterious or difficult to learn, there were still very few people who knew it.
Therefore, the famous Feng Shui masters at that time would only take over a handful of houses in a year or even several years. Firstly, the technology at that time led to a long construction period; secondly, the construction of some houses inevitably had to be calculated in accordance with the owner's numerology. Things that try to pry into one's destiny would damage one's virtue and shorten one's life. Therefore, although those Feng Shui masters were famous, they only created a few works in their lifetime.
The reason why Feng Shui masters have a high social status is not just because their skills are admirable, but because if these people do anything in the construction of a house or a tomb, it may be a disaster for the owner.
Therefore, until today, many people who are looking for craftsmen to help build houses in rural areas know that they can only praise those craftsmen with good words and not speak ill of them. One of them might know a little bit of numerology, which may not be useful for saving people, but may be more than enough to harm people.
There is an unwritten rule in the Feng Shui industry, that is, after building a house, the master will record the information about the house and even the owner in a booklet of his own. The booklet is called "Address Book". This booklet may be a copybook or a piece of cloth. In short, it will most likely be sewn into the cuffs.
These seemingly ordinary information is an incredibly powerful weapon in the hands of a Feng Shui master.
If anything changes to this house in the future, he will be able to find contingency plans from the records at that time.
And if the owner of the house refuses to pay after the house is built, he can also use the information recorded in it to break the game of the house.
If the Feng Shui master has mastered this art, he doesn't even have to go to the house in person. He can just choose the right location thousands of miles away, build a house of the same proportion, and then add the owner's relevant information into it, and he can still destroy the family in the house.
As society has developed to this day, the number of people who understand Feng Shui has become fewer and fewer after the ten years of turmoil during the Cultural Revolution. People who have learned a little bit can use it to cheat people in society, and the people who truly follow the traditions of the older generation of Feng Shui masters are almost extinct. But this does not mean that such people do not exist.
In fact, many masters are not like we imagine, living in seclusion in the mountains or not saying a word for a long time. They have also transformed into modern people according to the development of this society. Their abilities are one thing, but their lives are actually no different from those of ordinary people. "
Qin Yiheng talked for so long, and I was completely confused. How could this have nothing to do with the question I asked? However, I saw that his expression did not seem to interrupt. I thought about it again and seemed to understand something. Did Qin Yiheng mean that the lame Liu took away an "address book"?
Qin Yiheng nodded, but didn't say anything else. Instead, he took out his phone and played a video for me. The video should have been downloaded from a video website. The quality was not very good, but it was still possible to see the general idea. In the video, an old man wearing glasses was sitting on the podium and talking eloquently. Listening carefully, he was probably talking about Feng Shui theory.
I was very confused when I saw it, thinking: "Could this old man be talking about the same things he just told me? Is he afraid that I don't believe it and is using it as evidence? But after listening for a while, although the content is related, there is actually no connection. "I looked at Qin Yiheng for an explanation. Seeing that I didn't have the patience to finish watching it, he dragged the video to the end and reminded me to concentrate on watching it.
The old man in the video should be giving his closing remarks, because after he finished speaking, there was thunderous applause and the video ended. I really didn't understand what Qin Yiheng meant, so I asked him why he showed me this.
Qin Yiheng dragged the progress bar of the video back and asked me to listen carefully. I put my ear close to it and listened carefully. The old man seemed to say that he had recently discovered a very strange place in Chinese architectural feng shui, but he still needed to continue to study it in depth, and hoped to have the opportunity to discuss it with you again.
After hearing the old man's words, I still had a lot of questions in my head. I couldn't stand Qin Yiheng keeping me in suspense, so I asked him directly, "Show me what this means."
Qin Yiheng took a deep puff of his cigarette and told me that the old man was the deceased who lived in this house. His name was Wan Jinrong. The old man was a leading figure in the architecture department of a top domestic university. However, many of his students knew that the old man was also very knowledgeable about feng shui and had probably been engaged in this industry since before the founding of New China.
Now I understand. So, what Liu Guizi took away was really the old man's "address book"? But what did he do with it? Is it related to the last words the old man said in the video?
Before I could ask, Qin Yiheng spoke first and told me, "This old man has indeed designed many famous buildings, but most of them are just the title of chief architect. We can't find any clues about which houses he has designed except for the people involved. He came here this time to find the 'address book'. He guessed that the old man's 'address book' must have recorded some houses that could not be found in the information. He was also rushing to me day and night, but he didn't expect that he seemed to be calculated and blinded along the way. In the end, he had no choice but to find a soul-calling banner carried by a filial son within a radius of ten miles, and then he came here smoothly. The soul-calling banner carried by the filial son is extremely attractive to lonely ghosts. Because these lonely ghosts have no one to worship, they have an instinctive pursuit of the soul-calling banner carried by the filial son. The reason why he didn't let me get close just now was also for fear that I would accidentally provoke something on my body. Unfortunately, he was still a step late, and the man took the thing away first."
Now things have become clearer, but I still have many questions about Liu Quezi. I asked Qin Yiheng, "Isn't that person Liu Quezi?"
He shook his head and said, "It would be great if Liu Lame looked like that." He didn't know who that person was, but it seemed certain that this person was very familiar with our actions.
When I heard Qin Yiheng say that the man was not Liu Quezi, I was a little nervous. But looking back, it seems that this man had no intention of killing me along the way, and instead solved my tinnitus problem.
I said, this person can also cure me, and I got better after a few acupuncture treatments.
Qin Yiheng's face immediately changed after hearing this, and he shouted at me, "What did you say? ! Did you let him prick you with a needle?" I immediately became nervous, and told him the way Liu Quezi treated me, and also replayed the conversation between me and Liu Quezi.
Unexpectedly, Qin Yiheng's brows furrowed as he listened, and after a while he told me that I was probably vaccinated with resentful pox. The resentful pox, if you look at it in detail, actually has some origins with the black magic in Southeast Asia. The difference is that resentful pox uses a needle to poke open the skin and plant resentment under the skin. It's called vaccination, but in fact it's just prick the skin with a needle, because all the mysteries are in the needle.
This needle is not an ordinary needle, but is inserted into the child's body in an extremely vicious way. As the days go by, more needles are slowly inserted. The child will not die in a short time, but as more and more needles are inserted, his life will be endangered. After the child dies, the needles are taken out. The first three needles taken out are called soul needles because they are stained with the child's soul; the last three needles taken out are called soul needles because they are stained with the child's spirit; and the ones in the middle can be discarded, which are of no use. I believe that many TV shows have reported that many children have been found to have some needles in their bodies, but they don't know where the needles come from. This is actually a manifestation of practicing resentful acne needles, but it is not known to outsiders.
At this point, Qin Yiheng stretched out his voice. For those who have been pricked by this kind of needle, if they are strong, they can maintain their original state for three years, but after three years, their luck will decline drastically, and their luck will be so low that they will not want to live. For those who are not strong, in serious cases, they will soon encounter unexpected disasters, or even bloody disasters, all of which will take their lives.
I was really scared by what he said, so I asked him if there was a way to crack it. Qin Yiheng thought about it again and again, and said that it was too early to find out now, and I was a person with a tough life, so there was a way to crack it, but I would have to suffer a little.
It doesn't matter if I suffer some physical pain, the most important thing is to save my life. I immediately asked him to help me resolve the problem, but he said that the matter cannot be rushed, and I should get a good night's sleep first, and there will be no time to act tomorrow.
Although I felt uneasy, I could only listen to Qin Yiheng and go to bed. When I took off my clothes and went to bed, I suddenly remembered the chess piece I picked up in the old man's bedroom, so I took it out and looked at it.
This is a "horse". I turned it over and over, and there were no other marks on the chess piece. I thought to myself: "What's going on? Is it because the chess piece was not placed firmly at the time, and then it fell because of the slight vibration or the air flow caused by people walking? In our daily lives, we will also encounter such situations. A good thing suddenly falls from somewhere. Many people will be suspicious and think that some evil things have rushed into the house. Although this possibility cannot be ruled out, it cannot be generalized. I remember Qin Yiheng said that if you must test whether there is filth in the house, a brave person can carefully record the position and shape of every object in the house every day, and then compare and check them one by one the next day, and you can see it clearly; in addition, leftovers at home should not be left on the table overnight. If there is no house god to protect the house, it is easy to be targeted by hungry ghosts. This is why in many places, if the uneaten meals cannot be sorted out in time, they will be covered with plates or containers. On the one hand, it can prevent mosquitoes and rats, and on the other hand, it is for this reason. '
But now this chess piece obviously wouldn't be so lucky. I thought maybe it had something to do with the old man, but what did that mean? I knew that on the chessboard, the Xiang moves in the Tian direction, and the Ma moves in the Ri direction. Could it be that the old man finally used this chess piece to express his frustration at losing the game, and shouted "Ri"? Unconsciously, my association was a bit far-fetched, and it was becoming less and less reliable.
I turned around and told Qin Yiheng the whole story about the chess piece, wanting to ask him what he thought.
He also felt something was wrong, because when he went there, he obviously could not feel the old man's presence. I handed him the chess piece, and he looked at it for a long time, but in the end he could only shake his head.
I saw nothing new to discover, and was about to go to bed, when Qin Yiheng suddenly patted his pillow and said to me , if the old man really died unjustly or died strangely, he must have hoped that someone could find out the secrets he didn't have time to tell, so could this chess game be a position map? The old man showed what he wanted to express on the chessboard in a very obscure way according to the layout of the position, which not only concealed his presence, but also preserved important information completely, and this chess piece was the most important place on the position map that he wanted to tell me.
When I heard Qin Yiheng say this, my heart suddenly sank, because this chess game had been moved by the so-called Liu Kuizi. Although I had seen the original appearance before, I didn't remember it, and now I can't even restore it roughly. Qin Yiheng was also disappointed when he knew that the chess game had been moved. The two of them were speechless for a while and simply went to sleep.
After turning off the lights, I lay in bed tossing and turning. I wasn't worried about the acne on my body, but I felt that my current situation was tangled. However, there was no point in tangling, and life had to go on. Although I didn't exercise much in the past two days, it was very exhausting, and I finally fell asleep unconsciously.
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