First Chapter 23 Overturning the Tripod

This sound scared me so much that I almost jumped down the stairs headfirst, not caring about the thread in my hand. Just as I stepped down half a flight of stairs, I saw Qin Yiheng had already climbed to the fifth and a half floor. I didn't have time to talk to him, I just ran downstairs as fast as I could. I almost broke my leg when I was going down the stairs, but I didn't care about the pain and kept running downstairs.
I ran out of the unit door and ran for more than 30 meters by inertia. I didn't know whether I was scared or tired, but I collapsed on the ground and started to breathe heavily. When I caught my breath, I realized that Qin Yiheng was still upstairs. I quickly looked at the corridor door, but he didn't come out.
I thought to myself: 'Oh no, I ran away, has he gotten into trouble?'
I was very worried when I thought about it, but I didn't dare to go back rashly, so I could only walk back to the door of the unit and look inside. Of course, I couldn't see him, but when I looked down, I saw that the starch that Qin Yiheng had spread at the door of the unit had been messed up by me running out just now.
I squatted down and took a closer look. There were my hasty big footprints on it, but half of the footprints were facing the corridor. Judging from the starch, the soles had no lines, but they looked like the kind of cloth shoes that many old men and women liked to wear in the old society.
When I thought about this, my hair stood on end. Damn, is Qin Yiheng so capable? Did he really lead the dirty things into the building? Although I still have faith in Qin Yiheng's ability, he is up there alone now, and there has been no movement for a long time. I think it is necessary to go up and take a look.
I lit a cigarette to give myself courage, and did not hesitate for fear that I would be afraid to continue going up halfway, so I could only take big steps up. When I reached the fifth floor, I stopped and pricked up my ears to listen for any movement on the sixth floor. But it was unusually quiet up there, and I couldn't even feel Qin Yiheng's breathing. I thought to myself: "Is he holding his breath for some reason? If so, if I rush up here, will I hinder him? But after thinking about it again, I felt that I had to go up anyway, what if he was in shock because of something?"
I took a deep breath, and I was determined to go all out. I made a sudden effort and went up to the sixth floor in a few steps. I immediately lit my lighter and looked around. I was even more shocked. The sixth floor was empty. I looked down and even the red line I had thrown was gone.
I just realized that I hadn't noticed the problem with the red line on the way up here. I guess Qin Yiheng must have taken it away. I just went downstairs. Even if I left the unit door, there would be a short period of time when I didn't notice if anyone came out of the unit. But if it was Qin Yiheng who came out, he would definitely call me. If this is the analysis, he must still be in this building. Now there is only one possibility. Just now, because of the red line, we discovered the problem of this house, and the village chief gave us the keys to all the houses in his family. Maybe he is in a room now.
I felt relieved when I thought about it. I leaned over a door on the sixth floor and listened, but I couldn't hear any noise from inside the room. I just knocked on the door, thinking that if I knocked on each floor, even if I couldn't find him, I would probably be able to see him outside on the first floor.
Who knew that after I knocked a few times, I heard Qin Yiheng calling my name, but the voice was not from inside the door, but above me.
I looked up and saw Qin Yiheng's face half sticking out of the hole where he climbed from the corridor to the roof. This type of 6+1 house usually requires a small hole through a metal bar nailed to the wall to get to the roof, rather than the stairs that many high-rise buildings use to go up directly, so I didn't notice it before, and because I was nervous and my vision was limited, I couldn't see it.
I climbed up with the help of Qin Yiheng, and followed him. Not far away, I saw a round object on the ground, and I couldn't tell what it was. Qin Yiheng pointed with his hand and said that all the problems of the village chief's family were caused by this object.
After hearing what he said, I became even more curious and squatted down to take a look. This thing is not big, about the size of a basketball. Judging from the texture, it should be a bronze artifact, but I can't confirm it without touching it with my hands. It might be a plastic thing. I don't know how Qin Yiheng put it in. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but reach out to touch it. Qin Yiheng quickly pushed me and said, "Why don't you learn from your mistakes? The thing that followed you just now is under this tripod. If you open it and get entangled, I don't have the energy to save you."
Since he had said so much, I could only stay away from this thing. I took a step back, looked at it for a while, and asked, "What is this?"
He snorted before saying that this thing is called a Qianjin Ding. The Qianjin Ding mentioned here is not the one that supports a car. The reason why it is called Qianjin is that a thousand copper coins can be placed in a tripod. This is used to seek wealth and gather wealth in Feng Shui. The biggest function is to protect the house. It is usually placed in the main hall or the Feng Shui position of the entire house. Usually there are large and small ones. The big one can be bigger than a car, but that is used in the royal palace. Ordinary people basically maintain this size. Now many businesses and companies will also place a similar tripod, which also means to bring in a lot of money. In fact, the effect is not too obvious. It is similar to the lucky cat and the golden toad. The psychological comfort is greater than the actual effect. But if this thing is placed here, things will be very prosperous, because the several houses downstairs are arranged according to Feng Shui. The essence of heaven and earth flows, rising from the ground and turning to the sky. It is basically a cycle. But now this Qianjin Ding is turned upside down on the roof, which is equivalent to directly blocking the flow of Feng Shui. So it seems that the Feng Shui of every household below is full of blessings, but in fact, it has become very bad. We discovered this relatively early. If we hadn't cracked it, the village chief's family would have died out. This must have been carefully arranged by the so-called master. If the layout downstairs and the tripod upstairs were not placed correctly, this terrible situation would not have been possible.
After hearing what Qin Yiheng said, I understood a little bit. Most likely, the village chief had offended someone and was framed by someone to deal with him. But using this kind of magic as a means is too vicious.
Now that the truth is out, I am more curious about what to do with the thing behind me that he mentioned before.
Qin Yiheng said, "This is relatively easy, because firstly, I didn't look back at it, so it didn't affect my fortune . Some drivers may see something when they are driving at night, and they will see it, but remember not to look back. From a normal perspective, it is easy to be distracted if you look back, which may lead to a car accident. From a metaphysical perspective, anyone who has seen dirty things will have bad luck, and those things also like to contact people who see them. This is also easy to understand. They also hope to find someone to communicate with. Secondly, the thing has been locked under this tripod. When it gets light tomorrow, go to the surrounding villages to collect an old coarse linen bag, put it on, seal the mouth with a pen dipped in cinnabar, and burn it in a sunny place."
After hearing what he said, I finally felt relieved and then asked him what the red line was about.
Qin Yiheng said, "That's easier to understand. The starch was spread at the gate to see whether the object coming was big or small by the footprints. Plum juice is very yin-transmitting. It is said that wearing plum branches can attract evil spirits. Using plum juice to dip a red thread can play a role in attracting spirits. This is probably a signpost for the dead souls."
The grains in the middle can ward off evil spirits and offer sacrifices to evil spirits. Although it is rare to hear of people dying of starvation in this era, no one can guarantee that a starving ghost will be summoned, as it is a very fierce creature. The stones at both ends are called soul-falling stones, and they are only effective if they have been washed under the waterfall. They can stabilize one's soul and prevent the summoned creatures from panicking.
It seems that things have become clear. When I think about getting one million yuan just like that, all the fears I had before have long disappeared.
The next day, we went to the villages around the county to collect a sackcloth bag. This kind of thing is not common now, because they are all made of chemical fiber. So we couldn't find it for a while, and finally found one. We gave the owner 100 yuan to buy it back. It's not that the owner asked for a lot of money, but we gave a large bill to avoid bargaining.
In Qin Yiheng's words, when buying things used to exorcise evil spirits, you cannot bargain. This is the same as when you go to the temple to burn incense, you cannot ask if the incense can be cheaper. Many things are not effective, but sincerity is always right. After buying the pockets, we stopped for a while and waited patiently until the next day when the sun was at its hottest. Qin Yiheng opened the tripod, tied a knot with a black line, fiddled with the bottom of the tripod for a few times, and then stuffed the black line into the pocket. The whole process was like a pantomime. In my opinion, the black line didn't tie anything, but I don't know if it was a psychological effect. After putting it in the bag, I felt that the pocket seemed to be bulging, as if something was really put in it.
Finally, Qin Yiheng started a small fire on the rooftop and burned the pocket completely. I watched from the side and could hear a squeaking sound coming from the pocket as it burned. I actually knew that it might be burning some impurities, but when I thought about it this way, it always felt like something was screaming.
After all this was done, Qin Yiheng put the tripod away and bought a sports crossbody bag to pack it up. I felt a little uncomfortable when I saw him preparing to take such an unlucky thing back home. But he was very determined and said that the tripod was quite nice and he was going to choose a good place to put it when he got home. I couldn't do anything about him, so the two of us went to report to the village chief.
We briefly told the village chief what happened. After listening to it, the village chief was also scared and his face was a little gloomy. However, he was really happy and promised to transfer the money to my account the next day. Qin Yiheng didn't seem to care much about the one million yuan. Instead, he asked about the information of the expert.
The village chief recalled and said that the man did not have any obvious physical features. He was quite strong and not very tall, and he always had a smiling face when he spoke.
I'm actually not curious about that expert at all, but Qin Yiheng's expression is a little strange. He lowered his head as if to ponder for a while, and suddenly raised his head to ask the village chief a question, is that expert a six-fingered one?
When I heard him ask this, I was also shocked. I glanced at Qin Yiheng, and seeing that he didn't look like a joke, I turned my gaze back to the village chief, waiting for him to give the answer.
But the village chief seemed to have no impression of this, saying that he did not notice the other person's hand at the time, so when we asked him this question now, he could not answer.
Qin Yiheng suddenly looked very disappointed. I thought to myself, this shouldn't be so outrageous. Last time, that six-fingered guy tricked us into going to that villa to break the formation of the Nine Sons Town Real Dragon, and now he ran to the home of a village chief who had nothing to do with him, and used the Feng Shui Bureau to destroy his family? What was he thinking? If he did all this, what was the connection?
I didn't get any idea from Qin Yiheng's expression, and he didn't get the information he wanted to know from the village chief, so we simply ended the conversation and prepared to go home.
The village chief was quite hospitable and wanted to invite us to have a meal, but Qin Yiheng refused. I left an account number for the village chief, and then we went straight to the airport. On the way to the airport, I asked Qin Yiheng why he asked if the master had six fingers.
Qin Yiheng shook his head and said, "He was just very curious, because from the previous experience, the six-fingered man must be an expert in the industry. Although we can't say that everyone in this industry knows each other, at least everyone knows a thing or two about each other. He had never heard of this six-fingered man before. It's not that his ears are very wide, but a person with such obvious characteristics must have spread some news. This kind of Feng Shui layout seems to be as simple as moving some furniture, arranging the position of ornaments, and adjusting the matching colors. It seems to be not much different from a home decoration designer, but if you look closely, you really can't do this without certain skills, so he asked a question out of guesswork, but in the end he didn't get an answer."
I listened to a lot of things he said, but I didn't really hear much. I don't know why, but I had intermittent tinnitus after leaving the village chief's house. I shook my head a few times to get better, but it would come back again soon. I didn't pay much attention to it, maybe because I didn't get enough rest in the past few days. I was thinking about whether I should take some Liuwei Dihuang Pills or something like that when I got home. I remember seeing an advertisement saying that this medicine can treat tinnitus, but Qin Yiheng suddenly asked the driver to turn around and said that he would not go to the airport and would take a bus instead. I asked him the reason and found out that he was worried that he might not be able to pass the security check with the tripod.
I then remembered that the tripod was still in his bag, so I begged him to take it out so I could have another look. Qin Yiheng hesitated for a moment, but still didn't agree, and instead moved the bag closer to him.
Seeing his attitude, I thought, "Is it an antique? I'll have to include it in the money when we split the money! So I didn't ask to see it anymore."
The journey was originally very short by plane, but the four wheels of the bus instantly extended it, but there was still no conversation along the way. Qin Yiheng started sleeping as soon as he got on the bus, and I was also bored, so I could only play mobile games. I was tired of playing and wanted to take a nap to recuperate, but I found that the tinnitus seemed to be getting worse and worse, and it was so serious that I couldn't hear any sound around me.
I was a little scared, so I woke Qin Yiheng up and told him what happened.
He told me that this might be the sound I heard when the wronged souls were burned, which blocked the true energy in my meridians. He turned around and introduced me to a local doctor, who fixed it for a few minutes and it was fine. After that, he continued to sleep with his eyes closed.
Since he said it was no big deal, I was relieved and simply closed my eyes. However, the tinnitus was so uncomfortable that I didn't fall asleep all the way. When the car entered the station, Qin Yiheng was almost asleep. We originally planned to take a taxi back, but my tinnitus was so uncomfortable, so he told me an address and asked me to find a man named Liu Quezi. In fact, it was not the first time I heard of this person, but it was the first time I met him. I had heard Qin Yiheng talk about Liu Quezi's ability before. It is said that he has folk prescriptions for treating various difficult and complicated diseases, which is more capable than the miracle doctor Xilaile in the TV series. Qin Yiheng also gave examples of several classic cases cured by Liu Quezi, but I was not very interested because I was not very optimistic about the credibility of this folk prescription in curing diseases. I think if this folk prescription works, it will definitely attract pharmaceutical companies to develop related professional drugs based on this folk prescription. Businessmen are all profit-seeking, not to mention those who do big business, they are definitely the ones who can smell business opportunities, so I think it is impossible for them to turn a blind eye to these unconventional business opportunities.
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