fifteen 3

"Villain?" Wang Chunshan said coldly, "For the sake of the Ming Dynasty and the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty, should a man of great achievements still be so particular about small matters?" He turned to the Junggar general and said, "They can kick away a can of black spring water. Throw a few more cans and see how many legs they have!"
The Junggar generals applauded the plan. Wang Chunshan betrayed the Danying group of more than 200 people to him and seized nearly 500 cans of oil. He used a machine made of tree trunks to throw cans, which could only throw one can at a time. At this time, the Uyghurs and Qing soldiers were under the city. He threw cans manually, and it was no problem to throw ten or eight cans at a time. He immediately ordered his men to move more than 400 cans of oil to the top of the city, take ten cans at a time, light them, and throw them to the Uyghurs below.
As a result, balls of fire were smashed down from all directions. Liu Qingye and Cheng Anren could not take care of the east and the west, and could not take care of the front and the back. Oil cans exploded in the crowd, and hundreds of people died on the spot. However, the crowd was unwilling to give up and continued to rush towards the city wall without fear of death. The Junggars on the city had to throw more oil cans to resist. For a while, as many as rushed up were killed and injured. It was really tragic.
"Wang Chunshan!" Fu Chatao suddenly shouted in Mongolian, "You didn't know the enemy well, and caused your brothers to die in front of my father. It was really unwise! You are not good at martial arts, and you can't beat Mr. Li. You don't even dare to fight with his apprentice, me, with real swords and guns. It's really cowardly! You don't care about the people of the world, and only want to recover your homeland for your own selfish reasons. It's really unkind! You betrayed your allies and persecuted the Uyghurs. It's really unjust! You are an unwise, uncouth, unkind and rely on the Uyghurs for a while and rely on the Dzungars for a while. You can betray the Uyghurs today, and you will definitely betray the Dzungars in the future! How can you still have the face to call yourself a master?"
Fu Chatao was a son of a Manchu noble family, fluent in Manchu, Mongolian and Han languages. He knew that Mongolians respected brave men and despised cowards who betrayed their friends. At this time, Wang Chunshan was confused by what he said, but the Junggars in Nalati City could hear it clearly. They looked up at the platform, some were surprised, some were contemptuous, and the Junggar general even whispered with his translator and military advisor, and became suspicious of Wang Chunshan.
When two armies fight, the one with stronger spirit wins. At this time, the Junggar soldiers heard that Wang Chunshan, who had recently surrendered and was treated as a guest of honor by the commander, was actually such a despicable villain. They couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry. Several archers missed their target, and several who were throwing oil cans gradually slowed down.
Wang Chunshan was no fool, and he saw something was going on. He immediately said to the Junggar general, "General, don't listen to the Qing Dynasty Tartars' instigation. The most important thing now is to defend the city and withdraw the troops."
The Junggar general thought that what he said made sense. The siege was the most important thing and he had no time to worry about people's character. He immediately gave orders to continue killing prisoners and throwing oil cans.
Liu Qingye saw countless Uighurs and Qing soldiers killed and wounded around him, and more and more bodies thrown down from the city walls. Later, even Wutan was killed. A ball of rage gushed out of his chest, and he shouted loudly, picked up a spear thrown down by a Qing soldier, broke off the spear head, and ignored the locust-like arrows, rushed to the city wall, poked the spear head on the wall, and used the force to jump up a few feet, then poked the spear head on the wall again, and used the force to jump again, and after a few ups and downs, he was already close to the top of the city.
Cheng Anren shouted, "Damn, this is a good idea, why didn't I think of it?" He immediately picked up an iron spear and did the same. His internal strength and lightness skills were higher than Liu Qingye's, and when Liu Qingye climbed up to the top of the city wall, he also rushed into the enemy camp.
Seeing that they had already captured the tower, the people below the city were excited and encouraged, and everyone fought even harder, vying to be the first. In Fu Chatao's Central Fourth Army and Left First Army, the charge horn also sounded, and more than 10,000 people rushed forward without hesitation, carrying ladders and heading straight for Nalati City.
Liu Qingye and Wang Chunshan climbed up the tower and tried to rush to the high platform to rescue Dan Ying. However, Dan Ying on the platform shouted, "Save A Xu first. A Xu is a good archer and can help us escape!"
Upon hearing this, Cheng Anren kicked the two Junggar soldiers around him away one by one, jumped to Asu's side, tore off the rope on him, and then cleaned up the soldiers around him and rescued Zai. Asu and Zai grabbed a knife and rushed to save the others who were tied to the pillars.
Liu Qingye took a deep breath and jumped onto the platform, but Wang Chunshan thrust his palm towards his face. The platform was narrow, so he had no place to dodge and had to hide. At that moment, Dan Ying shouted again, "Liu Qingye, throw away all the black spring water first! Don't let the Junggars use it to harm us again!"
Liu Qingye glanced at her and saw her anxious eyes. He thought to himself, "How selfish I am. I only care about your safety. But I will do whatever you say!" So he gritted his teeth and stopped looking at the situation on the platform. He just picked up the densely packed oil tanks under the platform one by one and threw them out.
How could Wang Chunshan allow him to do this? He also jumped off the platform, and slashed his throat with his palm like a knife. Liu Qingye dodged, but Wang Chunshan's second palm came, pressing him hard, so that he couldn't take the oil tank.
At that time, Cheng Anren, Asu and Zai had rescued all the captives on the city. Zai led the others into the city to rescue other tribesmen, while Asu stayed behind to fight the enemy on the city wall with Cheng Anren. Seeing that Wang Chunshan was busy dealing with Liu Qingye, Cheng Anren said, "Asu, hold him off for a while!" He then jumped onto the high platform to rescue Dan Ying.
Wang Chunshan caught a glimpse of it and immediately punched Liu Qingye in the chest, forcing him back several steps, then chased him to the platform, just getting there before Cheng Anren.
Cheng Anren, with only his toes standing on the high platform, cursed: "Wang Chunshan, you bully a little girl, how can you be called a hero? If you have the guts, come and fight me for three hundred rounds!"
Wang Chunshan hooked his left hand with five fingers, pinching Dan Ying's throat. He waved his right sleeve and brushed it towards Cheng Anren's face: "Three hundred rounds? You are such an unambitious and reckless man!"
In order to save Dan Ying, Cheng Anren did not let go and chopped Wang Chunshan's left arm with his sword. Wang Chunshan had to let go of Dan Ying's throat, but his robe sleeve had already hit Cheng Anren, and Cheng Anren fell down immediately.
Liu Qingye rushed back to the platform. He knew that throwing cans of oil was too slow, so he simply kicked them with his feet, crackling and splashing, which was more fun. Soon, more than 400 cans of oil had been broken by him, and the black oily water flowed all over the tower. Oil is very flammable and can explode if not handled properly. Therefore, the Junggars on the city did not dare to ignite the remaining oil to attack the Qing soldiers who were attacking the city. In just a moment, many Qing soldiers attacked the top of the city.
Cheng Anren fell from the high platform and landed among the Junggar soldiers. He was inevitably involved in a chaotic fight. He finally managed to fight his way out. When he saw the Qing soldiers coming up the city, he was overjoyed and kept cursing, "Great! Great! Kill all these sons of bitches!"
Suddenly, Wang Chunshan on the high platform shouted: "Liu Qingye, do you still want your junior sister?"
Liu Qingye was startled and looked up, only to see Wang Chunshan strangling Dan Ying's throat with his hands again.
Wang Chunshan said: "Liu Qingye, if you want her to live, kill all the Qing soldiers who attacked, and then pour the black spring water on Fu Chatao and burn him to death!"
Liu Qingye was stunned: "Don't harm Dan Ying! If you have a grudge against someone in the Qing Dynasty, go and seek revenge on that person, don't involve others - Fu Chatao and I have no grudges, I won't kill him!"
Wang Chunshan said angrily: " also surrendered to the traitor...I will kill this girl first, and then kill you!"
At this moment, the Junggars on the city wall suddenly cheered. Liu Qingye looked back and saw a dark mass in the north. It was the Junggar reinforcements that had arrived. If Fu Chatao attacked the city again, he would be attacked from both sides. He had no choice but to order an immediate battle against the Junggar troops in the north. There was a roar of cannons, the neighing of horses, and the shouting of killing.
The warriors of the thirteen Uyghur tribes were still fighting bravely towards Nalati City, but as soon as the Qing troops moved to the north of the city, they were immediately outnumbered. In addition, the Dzungars on the city wall saw the reinforcements coming and their morale was greatly boosted. They used their strong bows and crossbows and fired sharp arrows. In just a few moments, many Uyghurs were shot dead.
There were more than 10,000 Junggar soldiers stationed in Nalati City. At this time, soldiers in the city rushed to the city to defend. Someone also reported that there was a sneak attack from the Qing army behind the city, but they were annihilated by the reinforcements. The Junggar general was even more overjoyed and ordered all the troops to defend the city tower and make sure to kill all the attackers.
As a result, Liu Qingye and Cheng Anren were once again caught in the chaos of the battle. Although they were good at fighting, two fists could not defeat four hands, let alone more than a thousand Junggar soldiers holding weapons? After rescuing the captives, Zai and others returned to the city, but this was tantamount to walking into a trap and being surrounded. While Liu Qingye was fighting hard, he saw more and more Uyghurs falling down from the city, and there were countless corpses on the battlements and under the city - how many warriors from the thirteen Uyghur tribes died here!
Suddenly, he heard a song coming from above his head, "The wild grassland, the horses on the plains, the rouge on the horses' backs is more beautiful than flowers..." It was the Red Eagle singing. He was so calm and composed, as if he was not on a high platform, but sitting alone on a poplar tree, waiting for a mirage.
All the Uighurs fighting on the city walls were stunned. Liu Qingye, Cheng Anren, and Wang Chunshan were stunned. Even the Dzungars were stunned.
Liu Qingye stared at Dan Ying blankly, and saw a beautiful smile on her face. His heart suddenly shook, and he felt that it was a farewell signal. He suddenly shot and killed the two Junggar soldiers in front of him, and rushed to the platform regardless of everything, shouting: "Dan Ying... wait a minute... wait a minute..."
He saw Dan Ying's hand moving slowly behind his back - it was a fire starter! A fire starter! On this tower where oil was flowing. "Dan Ying...wait..." He saw a little spark coming out from behind Dan Ying, "wait..." He kicked another enemy away: "I have something else to tell you..."
Yes, he still has something to say. He hasn't even told Dan Ying that he likes her, and hasn't told her that he has seen her in the mirage... Even if he dies, he must say it!
Dan Ying smiled at him and said loudly: "Wait until we win!"
She loosened her hand, and the small ball of fire fell from the high platform. There was a kind of magnificent beauty, a sad and beautiful grandeur. The flames rose up. With a loud bang, the song of the red eagle was sent to the sky...
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024