Episode 9 Chapter 99: Encountering an Evil Spirit

When I saw it, I immediately ran to the side. The car rushed onto the sidewalk where I had just stood, then rushed down the wasteland, rolled several times, and finally stopped completely at a long distance away. And at the moment it rushed over, I saw clearly that there was no one in the driver's seat!
The car almost brushed past my body. If I had been a little slower, at that speed, I would have been knocked more than ten meters away. Even if I had been just a little bit slower, just a little bit.
I stared at the car, which had been completely smashed, in shock, and looked around to prevent similar incidents. This was an attack that was meant to kill me. It started when that person lured me out, and first he tried to crash into the truck, but when that failed, a car flew out of nowhere. It was hard to say who the culprit was, but it must have something to do with the paper man that brought bad luck to anyone who saw it.
Only then did I understand why the paper man was in pieces. Judging from the situation, it must have wanted me to die. I couldn't imagine how horrible I would look if something really happened to me.
After that, I didn’t dare to stand on the side of the road anymore, but went down into the wasteland. It was open and spacious there, nothing could be hidden, and even if there was something around me, I could see it in time.
After that, Shi Hu came with his men. When Shi Hu saw the car that was almost scrapped on the wasteland, he asked me what happened. I spread my hands and said I was wondering too. I didn't know where the car came from. There was only one thing I knew, that it wanted to kill me. Fortunately, somewhere protected me and allowed me to escape several disasters in succession. Otherwise, I don't know how many times I would have died.
Shi Hu looked at the car and found that there was no one inside, so he looked at me. I said that there was indeed no one inside, and it was like an empty car out of control coming towards me. Shi Hu asked two people to go in the direction where the car was coming to see if there was anything unusual. He said that the car would not hit me like Guan Gong riding alone for a thousand miles, so it must be someone nearby or something else.
The two men then went to work on this matter. Shi Hu brought four people with him. He asked the other two to look around, while he and I went to the other side. I said it was useless, I had already looked everywhere, and I couldn't get into the place where the ancestral hall was, but I was sure that Dan Lanjin was not in it, because it was so small, if he was there, I would not miss him. I don't think it is likely that he was kidnapped or something.
Because he was missing for such a short time, if I had been a few steps slower, he would have disappeared. I always felt that he walked away on his own, either he discovered something, or something happened that I couldn't imagine.
As expected, we walked around again but it was in vain. There was nothing but wasteland. There was no progress at all. I called Shan Rankin but the call was still unreachable. There was no clue about Shan Rankin, but there was a clue about the out-of-control car. One of the two police officers who went there came back and said that they found two injured people 500 meters ahead. It seemed that they had been in a car accident. I asked if that car had hit them?
The police officer said no, that was their car. He asked the injured person, who said that the car was theirs, but while they were driving on the road, a paper man flew out of nowhere and hit the windshield, blocking their view. The driver immediately stepped on the brakes, but the car deviated a little and hit a lamppost on the side of the road. Because the speed had dropped, they were not seriously injured, just had some damage.
When this happened, they naturally got out of the car immediately. However, as soon as they got out, the car actually reversed on its own, corrected the direction, and drove away. The car hit one of them while reversing, and he probably broke his leg. They had already called an ambulance, but it hadn't arrived yet, so the other police officer stayed to look after them.
So we went over, but I always felt something was wrong, and I didn't know what was wrong. I just thought about it as I walked, but the more I thought about it, the less I could think of anything. When I got on the road, I suddenly felt some movement behind me, so I looked behind me, only to find that the wrecked car was on fire. I pulled Shi Hu and he also looked over, but he hadn't reacted yet and it might explode.
But I finally realized something was wrong, and I said it wouldn't explode because it wasn't a real car. Shi Hu looked at me and didn't quite understand, so I said I was afraid we had encountered some evil spirit together. Then I was worried about the two police officers who stayed behind to accompany them, so I said we would go over first, as I thought he might be in trouble.
When we arrived at the place described by the police officer just now, not only the injured, but even the police officer who stayed behind was missing. Only then did I know that the police officer was called Sun Yao. There was no trace of Shan Ranjin's disappearance yet, and now another police officer who came here is missing. Bad things are happening one after another.
Shi Hu asked if the two injured people we met were also fake. I said if they were real, they were just two paper figures, but we were all possessed by evil spirits, so we couldn't tell. Shi Hu had experienced all these things before, but he didn't expect it to be like this when he came in.
I said that the most urgent thing now is to find the person and make sure that he doesn't get lost again, so I asked the other two police officers who were looking for Shan Rankin to quickly meet up with us and we would go look for him together, so that we could be safer.
So Shi Hu called them. Thank God their phone was still connected and they came over soon. Shi Hu told them about Sun Yao's disappearance and gave them some instructions. They were somewhat surprised, probably because they had never encountered such a strange thing before.
I think this whole place is a bit mysterious, maybe it's a place where those things live, so let's be careful. We went forward and searched for a while, and finally saw Sun Yao, standing on the wasteland on the other side of the road. We went over immediately, but when we got to him, we found that he was a little unconscious, and he didn't respond when we called him. His eyes were rolled up, and he kept turning in circles. We didn't know what he was doing.
Shi Hu had seen this kind of situation before. He said that Sun Yao was possessed and could not be awakened no matter how hard we shouted. None of us knew how to resolve the situation. A police officer suggested that we carry him back by force, but Shi Hu said that this would not work. Usually, people who are possessed are incredibly weak. It would be a question whether we could tie him down, not to mention what would happen if this thing possessed one of us.
Shi Hu was right. I said that I was afraid that this matter had to be solved from the root. I said that the paper man would not appear and disappear for no reason. It always had a place to stay. I said that we should look around. Since Sun Yao had been circling here, he should have been brought here by the paper man, which meant that the paper man should not be far away.
Sure enough, we soon saw a grave in the wasteland. That place was not within the scope of land acquisition and seemed to be the land of a nearby village. From a distance, we saw two paper figures placed next to the grave. Shi Hu and I went down and found that, as I thought, these two paper figures should be the source, because in addition to the paper figures, there was also a paper car next to the grave. Seeing this situation, it must be these things that are causing trouble.
Without saying a word, Shi Hu took out his lighter and burned the paper man and paper car. While Shi Hu was burning the paper man, I looked at the tombstone and saw the name engraved on it was Gong Dinghai. His date of birth was 1944 and his date of death was 2004. I calculated that he was exactly 60 years old.
Shi Hu, who was standing by, heard me read the name and suddenly asked me what the name I just read was. Then he came over to take a look. When he saw the name, he said, "I think I recognize who this person is."
I said it was surprising that Shi Hu could recognize this grave in the wilderness. Shi Hu said he didn't recognize the grave, but knew this person. Then Shi Hu said let's not talk about Lan Jin for now, let's go up and see if Sun Yao is okay, and then we'll go back first.
Seeing that Shi Hu didn't mention who Gong Dinghai was at all, I became a little anxious and said that he had told me first. However, Shi Hu said that he didn't dare to confirm it completely now, and would tell me after he went back and looked through the files to confirm it.
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