Episode 9 Chapter 92 Saved My Life

Actually, I want to thank Master Nan and grandma, because since they helped me exorcise the evil spirits, I didn’t have nightmares And the feeling of sleeping soundly until dawn at grandma’s house last night was the same as today. Although I still had a dream, it was just an ordinary dream.
I dreamed about my childhood in my hometown. They were all trivial things. It would be boring to talk about them, so I won’t describe them.
Because of what happened last night, Director Gao called me in the morning to ask about it. I said I didn't know what happened last night, and I suddenly ran upstairs. Director Gao said it was fortunate that I was okay. He said that the person on duty at the funeral home last night said that I was hanging on the edge of the building. Fortunately, Shan Lanjin grabbed me, otherwise I really don't know what would have happened.
Director Gao told me to take good care of myself for the time being, and since I had suffered a head injury, I didn't need to rush to work and should take care of myself first. I thanked Director Gao and hung up the phone.
Shan Lanjin on the seventh floor has stopped the investigation and search, and Lu Fei's house has been sealed off. But when I went downstairs to have breakfast, I heard someone say that someone seemed to have broken into Lu Fei's house last night. His neighbor said that he saw his door was open when he woke up in the morning. Because Lu Fei died in an accident, the neighbors were afraid to go in and see what was going on. They had already called the police, and the news quickly spread in the community.
As for what happened when I was at Lu Fei's house, basically no one knew about it. The access control officer who talked to me that day asked me if I had been to Lu Fei's house that day. I said that I was supposed to go, but then something happened and I didn't go. He said it was a good thing that I didn't go, otherwise people would think that this matter had something to do with me.
I didn't say anything. Shi Hu and his team did a good job of blocking the news. And I found that after Lu Fei's death, the people in charge of the access control were replaced. I guess those people at the beginning were all acquaintances of Lu Fei, and they didn't dare to continue doing it after something like this happened, so the property management had to replace them with new people.
I kept this matter in my ears and originally wanted to go and take a look, but then I thought that I should avoid suspicion in this matter, so I sat in the pavilion downstairs to see how the matter developed. Of course, residents all have the habit of spreading rumors. You tell me and I tell you, and everyone adds a little bit of exaggeration, and the matter becomes different and more serious, so I can't believe it all.
Finally, I saw a police car driving in. There were only two police officers. I remember one of them was Fan Zhidong, who had taken care of me in the hospital. After they got out of the car, they went upstairs to Lu Fei's room. I sat downstairs, as if waiting for the result. At the same time, I was basking in the sun. It is very comfortable to bask in the sun in winter.
Later, I accidentally glanced up at our building, and suddenly I saw a person standing in front of the window of 721. He looked like Qiao Jie. I was startled when I saw him suddenly, and soon he disappeared behind the window. I wondered why he was in 721, and my heart became a little confused, because every time I saw Qiao Jie, nothing good would happen.
And after seeing him, I thought it would be better to go home. Just when I walked downstairs, I suddenly felt someone calling me from behind, so I stopped and turned to look. Just when I turned my head, I suddenly felt something falling in front of me. I turned around and there was no one behind me. After hearing the sound, I turned around and looked in front of me, but I didn’t know whose flowerpot fell from the upstairs, and it hit me just one step in front of me. As long as I took a step forward, it would hit me right on the head.
If I hadn't heard a strange sound behind me just now and stopped, I would have been hit head- . I looked up and saw someone sticking his head out from the 14th floor, who seemed to be a resident here. Soon someone came down, who was undoubtedly a resident. He apologized to me repeatedly and said in fear that it was fortunate that no one was hit, otherwise it would have been terrible.
I knew that this was not the resident's problem, but Qiao Jie's, so I didn't blame him. Instead, I comforted him because he was also scared. After that, he cleaned up the broken pieces of the flowerpot and the dirt, and I went back home. After what happened just now, I knew that I should go out less often, because who knows when I might be killed by Qiao Jie for no reason.
But after thinking about it carefully, the voice came very strangely, and it sounded somewhat familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere, but I just couldn't remember it. As the saying goes, the more you can't remember something, the more you think about it, the less you remember it, and the less you think about it, the more you suddenly remember it.
Finally, when I gave up and went to the bathroom, I saw my reflection in the mirror and suddenly I remembered. I don’t remember if it was in the bathroom or somewhere else, but I seemed to hear a voice saying, “Save me.”
This voice was exactly the same as the voice that called me in time downstairs just now, with the same tone. I was shocked when I thought about it, because I have had so many dreams that many times I can't tell whether some things are in a dream or in reality.
Moreover, the existence of this voice is also a confusing and unsolved case. I seemed to have heard this voice in a dream, but after thinking about it over and over again, I still couldn't figure it out. I could only give up for the time being. But he saved my life today, so if I can help him, I will definitely help him.
I don’t know if it was because I was thinking about something, but I dreamed of this person when I was taking a nap. However, his appearance was a bit far-fetched, maybe because I had never seen him before. I dreamed of helping him in my dream, and the scene was still the same as when I was in the pavilion during the day. Then he appeared in front of me. I still remember that I told him in my dream that he saved my life, and he told me what he wanted me to do with him.
It was just that the dream was somewhat absurd. He said he lost his wallet and asked me to help him find it. Then I went with him to look for it. We searched almost the entire community and finally found it in Building 3. He said he wanted to thank me, so he took some money out of his wallet and gave it to me. Then I woke up. When I woke up, the dream was extremely clear and seemed absurd, so I ignored it.
When I got up and went to the living room, I found that there was actually a wallet on the coffee table. It looked exactly the same as the one in my dream. I picked up the wallet puzzled and flipped through it casually. There was his photo, ID card, bank card and other things in the wallet, and of course several thousand cash.
I was a little confused at the time. Was what just happened a dream or real? Could it be that I couldn't go out after falling asleep? But it didn't seem very reasonable. I thought I should tell Shan Lanjin about this, so I sent him a text message. Then I went downstairs to ask the access control and asked with the photo. To be honest, I didn't have much hope, but surprisingly, the person actually recognized me.
He said that this was the previous tenant who moved out about a year ago. He didn't know what he did, but he was very generous. Once, he helped him move a few boxes and gave him 500 yuan as moving fee, so he had a deep impression . But he didn't know if he bought a better house later, so he moved out.
Then the security guard told me that he lived in Building 3, 507, and he remembered it very clearly. He asked me why I suddenly thought of asking this person, and I said someone asked me to ask him. The security guard smiled evilly and said it must be a woman, and that person looked like a playboy. I just smiled and said nothing, and he thought I agreed, so he smiled even more obscenely.
So I went back. After all, I am not a detective. Although I wanted to go to his house to take a look, I thought I should wait until Dengdan Rankin gave me a reply. Besides, it would be more appropriate for them to do this. It would not be good for me, a resident, to get involved in everything and become a celebrity in the community.
It was a little unusual that Shan Ranjin didn't reply for a while. When he called, it was already afternoon. He said he was busy and didn't pay attention. Then he asked for details. He said he would come when he was free. Maybe he was really busy, so he didn't come until the next day. But when he came, it didn't seem to be specifically for this matter. He had other things to do. It seemed that some things had made obvious progress.
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