Episode 8 Chapter 83 Confusion

The situation just now overlapped with the current situation. I just looked at Shan Lanjin and called his name in a daze. Shan Lanjin saw that I was sober, pulled me to the side, and said, "Didn't I just warn you? Why are you still like this?"
I said, "I couldn't close my eyes at all. It was as if my eyes were no longer my own and I couldn't control them at all."
Shan Ranjin said that it was a good thing that he found it early, otherwise I would have fallen into the lake now. If I fell, I would not have reacted and would have sunk to the bottom of the lake. My life would have been hanging by a thread.
I said, "It's Qiao Jie. He followed us here, and he's been trying to kill us. I don't know why."
Shan Lanjin didn't answer, but just said that we should leave here quickly, we can't stay here any longer. The incense in my hand had long gone, and Shan Lanjin didn't take it anymore, so I went back with him along the same path, but after walking a few steps, the voice of someone calling me sounded behind me again. I pretended not to hear it and ignored it until Shan Lanjin and I arrived at the parking lot. Shan Lanjin and I got in the car and drove forward.
It's just that the road was only a few dozen meters long, but it seemed like we were going around in circles in the ruins and couldn't get out. So I looked at Shan Ranjin, and to my surprise, the driver Shan Ranjin had become Qiao Jie at some point. And when I looked around for cars, it wasn't Shan Ranjin's, but the funeral home's body transport vehicle that Qiao Jie had been driving.
Then Qiao Jie turned to look at me, gave me a sinister smile, and said, "I said I would let you lie in the car and go to the funeral home. Now let's see how you can escape."
So I went to pull the car door, but I didn't know that the door was secured by Qiao Jie and I couldn't open it no matter how hard I pulled. He just kept driving his car and didn't care about me at all. I just saw that we were on the highway and he was driving at high speed, as if he was racing. I sat in the car for a while and felt that this was not a good way to go, so I went to pull the steering wheel, but Qiao Jie pushed me open with one hand. I don't know if it was because he was dead, but his strength was not that of a human. To be more precise, he was like a cow.
I was hit by the car, and I felt like my whole body was falling apart. I watched as we gradually entered the city. This road was clearly leading to the funeral home, and I didn't know what it would be like when I got there. So I struggled to get up. Just as I was about to grab the steering wheel again, I suddenly heard a voice coming from the back car where the body was placed, saying, "Where are you taking me?"
I looked back, but could not see anything because the car compartment and the cockpit were completely closed. At this moment, I suddenly felt the direction of the car tilt. When I looked at Qiao Jie, I found that the cab was empty, and the car lost control and crashed into the guardrail. I instinctively covered my head with my hands, let out a scream, and then lost consciousness.
I woke up on my own, and I don't know if it can be considered waking up. When I woke up, the car was parked next to the guardrail, which seemed inconsistent with the scene before I lost consciousness. I didn't understand what was going on for a moment. I was the only one in the car. I looked outside the car and saw a person standing outside the car, looking at me through the car window. I had some impression of this person and had seen him before, but I saw him in the form of a corpse. This was the person who was allegedly killed when my car stopped on Guangfu Road for no reason.
He knocked on the car window, as if signaling me to get out. I tried to open the car door, and it opened. Then I got out and asked him, "Who are you?"
As I was talking, I looked around and saw the signpost where we met clearly had Guangfu Road written on it. It was here again. I recalled the situation when I came here last time and was surprised to find that it was exactly the same scene, except that there was no body lying in front of the car .
This person said his name was Liang Ran. I had never seen this person before, nor had I heard of this name before, so I looked at him in confusion: "Do I know you?"
Liang Ran himself shook his head. I didn't understand what he meant. He asked me to follow him. I asked where to go. He said I would know when I got there. So he stepped over the guardrail and walked to the dirt road below. I followed him. There was a small road below. There were trees planted next to the highway. He and I passed through this layer of trees and arrived at the back. At the back was a slightly open area with some weeds growing. I saw a few people sitting there. When they saw Liang Ran and I coming, they all looked at us. Liang Ran told me that these were people who were resting here to cool off, so we should go to the front.
We then passed through these people. There was a small river in front of us. We crossed the bridge. There was still wasteland on the other side after crossing the bridge, but I saw a man squatting there from a distance. Liang Ran seemed to want me to go over to see that person. I saw that the surroundings were empty and a little eerie, so I asked him who this was. Liang Ran said I would know when I saw him. I followed him step by step. The squatting man heard footsteps and raised his head. However, when he raised his head, I felt that my vision became blurred. Then another face appeared clearly in my mind. I seemed to see Shan Ranjin's face in front of me. He gently shook my shoulder: "Yijie, wake up, Yijie!"
I woke up, and the surrounding scene gradually came into view. I realized that I was still lying in the passenger seat, and Shan Ranjin was standing outside the car, shaking me. When he saw that I woke up, he said, "You finally woke up."
I stood up, looked at the car and the surroundings and asked, "Where is this place?"
Then I got out of the car, feeling dizzy, and saw that this car was indeed the funeral home's hearse, and it did not hit the guardrail, but was parked safely on the side. I couldn't tell whether what had just happened was a dream or something else. I just put my hands on my head and asked Shan Ranjin what was going on. I remembered that I was sitting in his car, but how did I suddenly find myself sitting in a funeral home's car?
Shan Ranjin said that I did not get into his car, and then he told me that I had been feeling drowsy and unwell since he woke me up at the lake. Just when he opened the door and let me get in, he found that I was suddenly gone. Then he saw the funeral home's car rushing out from somewhere and drove away. He saw that I seemed to be sitting in the car, so he drove out to chase me.
Later, because the funeral home's car was driving too fast, he lost it and could only follow his instincts to chase it. Sure enough, he saw the car parked here. And Shan Rankin himself was also puzzled. He asked me why the car was parked here, and here...
Shan Lanjin could naturally tell where this place was. I didn't know whether what I had experienced was true or not, so I told him everything that happened afterwards in detail. Shan Lanjin listened carefully. After he walked to the guardrail and looked, and said that there was no path below as I mentioned. Shan Lanjin walked through the bushes and looked back. He said that the description below was the same as what I said, there was a piece of wasteland, a river that had long dried up, and a stone bridge.
I was confused. I was sitting in the car the whole time, and it was just a dream, but I didn't expect it to be real. It should be that Shan Ranjin notified the police before I woke up, so the police came soon. Shan Ranjin said I should go to the hospital. I felt dizzy and confused, and I didn't think it was clear. I thought it would be good to go to the hospital, so I didn't say anything.
When I was leaving, I heard Shan Lanjin and the police officer in charge doing a handover. It was obvious that Shan Lanjin had a job to do, and the police officers all listened to me as if they were following orders. I seemed to hear Shan Lanjin tell them to look for any suspicious places in the wasteland behind, and to try digging if they felt there was something wrong. He said he suspected there was an unexplained body buried in the wasteland behind.
After giving the instructions, he asked me to get in the car and drove me to the hospital. After I got in the car, I felt even more drowsy and wanted to sleep. Later, I didn't know when I fell asleep again. When I woke up again, I was already in the hospital, and all I saw was white.
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