Episode 8 Chapter 80 He's Not Here to Hurt Me

After returning to the residence, Shi Hu used his computer to show me the video of my conversation with Lu Fei. However, what I saw and what I experienced were two completely different things. It was then that I understood why Shi Hu said that I behaved strangely, because I was standing far away from the access control station, talking to myself and gesticulating like a mental patient.
But I still didn't believe it, so I looked at Shi Hu and said how could this be possible, I was clearly...
The following words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't say a word. In fact, Shi Hu knew it, but it just meant that I was really seeing a ghost at that time, and it was not Lu Fei I saw, and Lu Fei was already dead at that time. Shi Hu said that supernatural things cannot be speculated by common sense, and there is no reasonable explanation for those who don't understand. The only thing we can do is to distinguish clearly when we encounter such things.
Shi Hu said that the duty of a psychic consultant is to be able to distinguish when something is normal and when it is a supernatural phenomenon, just like the conversation between me and Lu Fei in the video, I can tell whether he is real or just a supernatural object. When I heard Shi Hu say this, I knew that I was not ready enough, but Shi Hu shook his head and said that it was not that I was not ready enough, but that my intuition was not good enough. When I encountered it, I had a feeling that something was wrong, but I still chose not to believe it. I still thought that everything was normal. This was the biggest obstacle for me, and why I was always caught off guard every time I encountered these supernatural events. In the final analysis, I was still doubting.
What Shi Hu said hit me right in the heart. I asked myself, although I have been through so much, when things happened, I don’t know if it was because of habit or the inertial thinking I have developed over the years, I would think in a normal way instead of bringing in supernatural things. It was a completely natural reaction, just like speaking without thinking.
Shi Hu then told me that he and Shan Ranjin chose me as a psychic consultant because I was very sensitive to these things. In other words, if I wasn't sensitive, these stupid things wouldn't have happened one after another, but so far, I haven't fulfilled my duty. Shi Hu's words sounded like he was scolding me, but in fact he was guiding and advising me. He said that I couldn't go on like this, and sooner or later, the people around me and myself would be killed.
I said nothing, accepting everything Shi Hu said. Shan Lanjin, however, said nothing, like an outsider. I saw that his eyes were dull, as if he was fixed on something, but his thoughts were not here at all. When Shi Hu and I were talking about this, Shan Lanjin suddenly raised his finger to us, made a "hush" gesture, and then his eyes suddenly became shiny, looking at us and said, "Listen, it seems to be coming."
I listened carefully, but I couldn't hear anything, so I looked at Shan Ranjin with some doubts, but I didn't expect that Shan Ranjin was also looking at me at this time. I heard him say to me: "Do you feel it? It's standing behind you."
I didn't look back. To be honest, I was somewhat used to having things around me. What surprised me was Shan Ranjin. I had never seen him act so mysterious before. In the past, even if he could see something, he would express it in extremely cold words. But his words and actions just now were like he was completely a different person.
I looked at Shi Hu, but he didn't show any expression. He just looked at me and asked me softly, "Can you feel something behind you?"
I shook my head because I didn't feel anything. I answered Shi Hu with my body movements, and Shi Hu looked at Shan Lanjin. At that moment, I suddenly felt like something hit the back of my head. I felt like there was someone behind me, and there was an inexplicable pressure coming towards me. I turned my head to look, but when I turned my head, I saw Huang Weilun standing behind me. His cold and pale face was in front of me, which scared me, but I didn't move at all. Instead, I looked at him steadily. When I saw him, he suddenly said to me, "Follow me."
I followed him without thinking about it. Huang Weilun led me out of the door and to the entrance of the corridor . I followed him all the way. I didn't know what I was thinking at the time. I just felt that following him was the right thing to do, so I kept following him. Finally, Huang Weilun took me to the top of the building. He stood on the edge, as if he was going to jump down. He turned around and asked me to come over, so I stood next to him. He said to me, "Look, there are a lot of people waiting for us down there."
I looked down, but the building was too high, and the people below were so densely packed like ants that I couldn't see clearly. I remember asking why there were so many people downstairs, and then Huang Weilun smiled at me and said, these are the dead souls welcoming you, and then he took a step forward. I instinctively reached out to grab him, but I was grabbed by another force. Just as I was grabbed, I suddenly heard a voice, which seemed to be Huang Weilun's last words. He said, "Under your bed."
Then the words became a distant sound, like an illusion, and along with the sound, I heard Shi Hu's voice overlapping with his: "Don't jump!"
When I came to my senses, I found myself standing on the edge of the rooftop, Shi Hu was pulling me, I looked at him, then turned to look downstairs, the scene just now had completely disappeared, whether it was the dense crowd or Huang Weilun. Shi Hu looked at me and said that someone was going to take me down.
But I shook my head and said I didn't want to jump, I just wanted to hold him. Shi Hu couldn't see what I saw, I said it was Huang Weilun, he didn't come to kill me, he wanted to tell me something, he was helping me. So his last vague words became the words I was holding on to like a life-saving straw, I said under my bed.
My bed is a closed leather bed with a completely enclosed bottom. So after returning to my residence, I took off the mattress to reveal the skeleton underneath. Through the skeleton, I could see that there were urns piled densely under my bed, as many as twenty of them. Shi Hu was also surprised when he saw it. He said that I put them there myself.
I said why would I do such a thing, at this moment some images suddenly flashed through my mind, and finally the image froze on Huang Weilun's face. I said it was Huang Weilun, and why did I see him in the elevator, and what was he doing here for no reason, and he used to be an employee of a funeral home. Let's not talk about how he got into my room, but these urns must be related to him, otherwise why would he have been in my room after his death, and why would he give me such a clue.
So we disassembled the frame of the bed and took out the urns one by one. I then understood why I had nightmares so often and had problems sleeping. How could anyone sleep normally sleeping on the ashes of so many people? And the ashes could not be identified, which meant that it was impossible to know who they were when they were alive. Shi Hu picked up one and opened it, saying that there was a name marked inside. Then he took out something like a metal nameplate, and the name of the deceased was indeed written on the nameplate.
We looked through almost all of them, and I saw a name that looked familiar, so I told Shi Hu that I seemed to have seen this name in the archives of the funeral home, which were the ashes of unclaimed bodies after cremation. However, I didn't take photos of these people's information at the time, so I just felt that the names were the same, but I couldn't be sure.
Shi Hu looked at me with a serious expression, and he said the question now was why these things were under my bed and why Huang Weilun did this. I said Huang Weilun would not do this by himself, there must be someone behind him, whether it was a person or a "person", in short, there must be a purpose.
As for what to do with the ashes, I asked Shi Hu. We can't just keep them all at home, and how would I sleep if we did that? Finally, it was Dan Lanjin who spoke up. He said that we might as well do as before and temporarily put them on the seventh floor. However, they couldn't be kept there for too long. The ghost Buddha statue and the cloth shoes with ashes that he put down a few days ago had not been dealt with yet. These things had to be resolved.
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