Episode 8 Chapter 78 Seduction

Shi Hu said that I had already remembered it, but I looked at Shi Hu. I said I remembered that I talked to Shan Lanjin about this matter. At that time, he went upstairs to see it and was not downstairs. Shi Hu said that Shan Lanjin mentioned this matter to him later, and also said that I was indeed a little different. This is a relatively subtle detail. In fact, I just said it casually, because I also think that since Shi Hu knew it, it was probably because he and Shan Lanjin had exchanged information. I always felt that as long as one of them knew it, basically both of them knew it, and there was no need to think about it.
Now that Shi Hu mentioned this, it suddenly dawned on me that this was indeed the case. Those few people came into this building that day, but because of the circumstances at the time, we didn't continue to pay attention to it, nor did we continue to investigate it, so the matter was left unresolved until Lu Fei got into trouble now. When I connected the two things, I felt that this matter was definitely not that simple.
Later, Shi Hu probably felt that it was too much for him to handle it alone, so he called Shan Lanjin over as well. I accompanied them throughout the whole process, but the evidence collection part at the end was really boring, and I didn’t quite understand it, so there is nothing to describe in detail. Anyway, except for the abnormal puppet, there were no other abnormal phenomena.
After two or three hours of this, it was almost dawn, and Shi Hu told me to go back first. Although I was not innocent , I had no fault either. I just had to stay here and not make any moves that would make me disappear. I thought this was the same ban as when Old Man Liu got into trouble. So I went back. Before I left, Shi Hu asked if he could go with me, but I said he would do his thing and I could go back alone.
I felt a little tired, but luckily I didn't have to go to the police station to give a statement. Otherwise, I would have to go to the police station twice a day, and for two completely different cases on the same day. I didn't know how the police would look at me. I still went up the stairs. Because it was late, few people would go up the stairs, so it was a little deserted, but I was used to it and didn't think anything of it. Then I reached the eleventh floor, walked to my door, took out the key to open the door, but when I was about to open the door, I felt something strange. I inserted it but it didn't turn. I pulled the door handle with my hand, and the door was actually open, not closed!
I looked inside suspiciously, but it was pitch black and I couldn't see anything, so I walked in and touched the light switch, but when I turned it on, the light didn't come on. I couldn't help but feel something was wrong, so I took out my cell phone to use as a lighting device, and at this moment I suddenly heard a "creak" and the door closed by itself, as if someone had pushed the door from behind.
I felt something cold behind me, so I turned around to look. It was pitch black and I couldn't see clearly. I quickly took out my phone and took a picture of the place behind me. There was nothing behind me. But when I saw it more clearly, I felt something was wrong. This didn't seem to be my home. After I had this idea, I immediately took out my phone to take pictures of other places in my home. Sure enough, this was not my home at all, but a completely unfamiliar place.
My thought at that time was that I was in the wrong place, so I pulled the door towards me to go out. I quickly opened the door and went outside to the corridor, but the corridor was dark. I stomped hard on the ground and the voice-controlled light came on. Then I saw that the door number started with the twelfth floor. I was on the twelfth floor without realizing it.
But it's not right. I remember seeing it clearly in the corridor. It was clearly written as the eleventh floor, but how come I am on the twelfth floor now? I was wondering why I felt like I had climbed the stairs for so long today. It seems I had walked one more floor. And this extra walk was definitely not accidental. There must be something playing tricks. If that's the case, then I can't stay here any longer.
Thinking about it, I walked downstairs. This time, to be on the safe side, I looked at the house number and confirmed that it was my home before I opened the door and went in. After entering, I closed the door tightly without even turning off the lights, and then turned on the lights. Seeing the familiar place, I breathed a sigh of relief when I was back home. Although some things happened at home, I was safe living there and nothing happened.
As for that mysterious note asking me to go to the twelfth floor at midnight, forget it. I was almost scared to death when I entered there just now.
I originally wanted to take a shower, but when I thought about how late it was and that there were often strange things happening in the bathroom, I gave up the idea and thought about taking a shower during the day tomorrow. So I simply washed up and went to bed. Shi Hu also said that I still had to go to work tomorrow and I would be exhausted if I didn't sleep.
What terrified me was that when I woke up, I was actually taking a shower in the bathroom. I had no idea when I was doing this, and my earliest memory can only be traced back to when I went to bed. The first thing I did after waking up was to turn off the shower, grab a bath towel and come out. After coming out, I always felt eerie. When I returned to the room, I looked at the digital clock and it was almost four o'clock. Does this mean that I took a shower at that weird 3:33 again?
I didn't think much about it, quickly dried my body, and found clean underwear in the closet to put on. However, in the lower room of the closet, where clothes were hung, there seemed to be something, so I bent down and pulled it out, but it was a puppet. I just happened to pull its legs, and it felt like it was broken in sections, just like I broke its knees.
When I saw such a thing being pulled out of the closet, I was immediately frightened. I was sure that this thing was not in the closet earlier today. And almost at the same time, as if with the appearance of the doll, I heard the sound of high heels walking upstairs. Although the sound was dull, it was clear, as if someone was walking back and forth upstairs. However, I knew that no one lived above the twelfth floor, and no one would walk there in the middle of the night.
So I stuffed the doll back into the closet, as if I was trying to cover up my mistake so that it wouldn't be scary if I didn't see it. Then I closed the door. After closing the door, I seemed to remember something, so I walked to the window and looked down, but I didn't see anyone standing under the street light. This made me even more certain that the person standing under the street light was the body buried under the tree.
I lay back on the bed. To be honest, I was really sleepy, but I was just holding on because I was scared. Finally, I couldn't hold on any longer and fell asleep, but I didn't turn off the light. As soon as I fell asleep, I felt like I was dying. I felt my consciousness was fading, and I felt dizzy and falling. I wanted to wake up, but I couldn't. Later, I felt as if a thousand pounds of weight was pressing on me, making it hard for me to breathe. I wanted to move , but I couldn't move at all. I just struggled weakly.
I felt my consciousness was sometimes clear and sometimes fuzzy, until finally my body shook violently and I suddenly woke up from the nightmare. My heart was beating very hard. The lights were still on, but it was unusually quiet. I looked at the closet and the door was open. I looked at the door of the room and it was also open.
So I reluctantly got up from the bed and went to the living room. I turned on the light and saw the doll sitting on the sofa, as if it had run out by itself. I stood at the door and didn't go over. I just looked around the living room and when I saw nothing unusual, I turned around and closed the door. I felt like I had slept for a long time, but when I looked at the electronic clock, only an hour had passed. It was only a little after five o'clock, so it was still early to get up. I was really sleepy, so I lay back in bed and fell asleep again.
This time I felt a little more peaceful, but there were some strange noises coming from upstairs, like knocking sounds as if someone was moving, things being dragged, and so on. In the end, I actually fell asleep amidst these noises.
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