Episode 8 Chapter 75 Corpse

The two property owners who dug the tree were really scared. They immediately moved away and called the police. But I stood there without moving. I just looked at the snake skin bag and the scattered corpses. I felt shocked. The police came very quickly. Maybe because the incident happened in our community, Shi Hu led the team. Shi Hu saw me and asked me what happened. I said I didn't know much, so I asked the two property owners.
When I listened to the two property managers describing the whole incident, the more I listened, the more I felt that they did not look scared, but rather excited. Perhaps it was because their lives were too boring and it was rare for them to encounter such a wonderful and unforgettable thing. But I always had a sinking feeling in my heart, because this tree was almost right below our building, and it was only four or five meters away from the street lamp below. So when I knew that there was a dead person inside, I was wondering if the person I saw standing under the street lamp every night was him.
Later, Shi Hu was in charge of taking photos at the scene, recording statements, and conducting a simple autopsy. Since I was there at the time, I was also considered an eyewitness. The police also asked me in detail about what happened. What I said was roughly the same as what the two properties said, except that I didn't go into such detail about the cause and effect. I've been very busy recently, and to be honest, I didn't notice why the tree died or when it started dying.
When something like this happened in the neighborhood, especially after the police arrived, they quickly formed a circle around the scene to avoid panic and unnecessary speculation. Shi Hu and his colleagues completed the work as quickly as possible and then took the body back. The three of us witnesses were also taken to the police station to record detailed statements.
To be honest, this was the first time I felt that being a policeman was not easy. Although the corpse was almost rotten, it was still half wet and smelled foul because it was buried directly in the soil. Although the police officer who picked it up wore gloves, it took a lot of courage to hold such a thing. It was their job responsibility and they had to do it no matter how difficult the task was. What's more, they had done this too many times and they said they were used to it.
So I went to the police station and recorded my statements with the two property owners in detail. I was told not to spread the story casually after returning home, and not to exaggerate it, etc. We all agreed. Most of the people in the police station knew me, and there were only a few people here, so I didn't leave directly, but went to Shi Hu. In private, Shi Hu asked me if I saw anything different at the time, just like what I usually see. I knew what Shi Hu meant. I was watching from the side at the time and didn't see anything unusual, so I shook my head and said no.
Then Shi Hu asked me to follow him. I saw that he looked like he had made an important discovery, so I asked him what happened. He said I would know after seeing it, so he took me to the government office and took out a cell phone from his pocket. He put on gloves and opened the phone. He said that the phone was buried with the body, but the battery of the phone was full, and...
At this point, Shi Hu suddenly stopped talking and dialed my number. Then he turned the phone screen towards me and showed it to me. I saw that there was a name saved on it, but it was not my name. Instead, it said "resident downstairs". Then my phone rang. I took out the phone and took a look. I was really shocked because the number on it was actually my own number.
In other words, the person who was dug out was the one who stood under the street light every night and looked up at the building. If the phone belonged to him, then he must be the resident of the twelfth floor. Could it be Li Ming? Shi Hu said it was very likely him. He said that since Li Ming and Liu Chi moved, they had completely disappeared. They also deliberately investigated, but they couldn't find him. Now this may be a new clue. Maybe Liu Chi has also met with an accident.
Isn't this too much of a coincidence? I just saw the note on the water dispenser bucket before I went downstairs, asking me to go to the 12th floor at midnight tonight, but Li Ming's body was dug out right away. This...
Shi Hu said that judging from the mobile phone, he should be Li Ming, but we have to wait for the DNA test to know whether it is Li Ming or not. After all, the body has been completely decayed and cannot be recognized. Shi Hu said that this incident was very surprising, and I happened to be there, so this is not a coincidence. I can only say that there is something guiding me to see this scene because I am involved in it.
Later I went home from the police station. I don’t know if it was because I saw the rotting corpse and smelled the foul and pungent smell, but I lost my appetite. Instead, I felt nauseous and wanted to vomit when I got home. I felt uncomfortable so I leaned on the sofa for a while, but I fell asleep as soon as I leaned back. And I had another dream while I was sleeping like that.
But this dream was very clear and very real. Even when I woke up, I felt very unacceptable, as if it was a real thing that I experienced unconsciously.
I dreamed of Mr. and Mrs. Li Ming, but because I had never seen them, their appearance was completely vague. But appearance can be completely ignored in a dream, because you will have a feeling in your heart that they are this person, and their appearance or body may be completely unrelated to another person. Anyway, no matter what their appearance is, I told myself in my heart that they are Mr. and Mrs. Li Ming.
I met them in the neighborhood. I think we met while taking a walk. Because of what happened during the day, when I saw Li Ming, I asked him how he came back to life. They laughed and said that it might be a misunderstanding. Anyway, dreams are not reasonable. After that, they seemed to invite me to their house, so I went there confusedly.
Here, the layout of their house in the dream was exactly based on that of my home. I won’t go into details. They poured me water to make tea, but after I arrived at his house, I felt that something was wrong with the dream. It was nothing in the dream, but when I woke up, I felt it was very incredible, because I remember that after I arrived at his house, their appearance became the two dummies found in the water tank on the top floor. They used that kind of body to talk to me, pour me water, etc., and in the dream I was actually chatting with them so happily .
Finally, I woke up peacefully. When I woke up, I heard the sound of water boiling in the water dispenser. The sound was very loud, so I stood up from the sofa. But because I had just woken up and my consciousness was still in a trance, I vaguely remembered that I didn't seem to care about the water dispenser or anything, I walked into the room, and then fell on the bed and fell asleep again.
I slept until dark. When I woke up, I felt a little cold. Because I was not covered with a blanket, I instinctively pulled the blanket over me, but I did not fall asleep again. Instead, I gradually woke up. When I woke up, I remembered that I went back to bed from the sofa, and I felt a little confused.
I got up from the bed and went to the living room and found that the light of the water dispenser was off. I thought that maybe I was in a trance and had an illusion, or I took the plot in the dream as real, so I didn't care. Since I didn't eat in the afternoon, I started to feel hungry at this time. I simply washed up and went downstairs to eat.
After I came downstairs, most of the people I met were talking about what happened today, and they were all speculating whose body it was and how it was buried under the tree. Some people even exaggeratedly said that the tree grew up by absorbing nutrients from the dead, and now the nutrients are gone, so it died. Then I met Lu Fei again. Lu Fei said that this community is really not peaceful. First, it was the incident on the seventh floor of our building, and now this kind of thing happened again. It's really hard to bear.
I then politely comforted him, but Lu Fei didn't want to tell me that. He suddenly told me that he felt that the body didn't look like Li Ming's. I asked him how he knew. Lu Fei said he was just making wild guesses. He said he felt that Li Ming didn't look like a normal person.
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