Episode 7 Chapter 068 Later Knowledge

Later, I dreamed of overwhelming flames. I felt like I was enveloped in a fire. I dreamed that my room, the entire building, and even the entire neighborhood were on fire. I ran desperately out of the fire, and woke up while running. I habitually looked at the digital clock, and it was three thirty-three again. Maybe I had woken up at this time for a long time, so I was used to it, so I turned over and continued to sleep, and then the alarm clock rang.
I arrived at the square of the funeral home before 7:30, just like yesterday. I parked my car at the same spot as yesterday, but to my surprise, the car that Xu Nuoyi and Director Gao said would not be used at night was not there. After 7:30, I found that the scene I saw was exactly the same as yesterday. The car that was used to pick up corpses from the funeral home came back from outside and parked next to my car.
I was staring at the car in the driver's seat without daring to move. Sure enough, after the car stopped, the window rolled down, and then I saw Qiao Jie sitting in the car and staring at me. However, unlike the weird smile yesterday, his expression today was cold and even numb. After we stared at each other in horror for a second or two, he opened the door and got out as usual. When he opened the door, I also opened the door and got out of the car, but when I quickly went around the front of the car, he was gone, as if he had completely disappeared.
I looked around again, but there was no sign of him, so I remembered what Shi Hu said. He asked me what was in the car, so I looked inside and tried to open the door. To my surprise, it actually opened. I stood outside and looked inside. The door was originally used to transport corpses, but now it was empty. There was nothing in it.
Just as I was about to close the car door, I saw Qiao Jie standing outside the opposite window, staring at me motionlessly. His expression was so scary that I shuddered inexplicably. I quickly closed the car door and turned to this side of the car, but as I expected, he was gone.
At this moment, I suddenly remembered something, so I reached for my pocket, and then I really took out a paper man that was exactly the same as the one Shi Hu burned last night. The only difference was that this paper man had words written on it, which read: "Sooner or later, you will be carried in on this car!"
When I saw this sentence, I suddenly looked up and around, and felt a stream of cold air rushing towards me. I quickly returned to the car, locked all the windows, and then gasped for breath . I felt scared. Yes, no one can remain calm after being threatened, especially when their life is threatened for no reason.
Later, I slowly calmed down and felt a little puzzled. Qiao Jie and I had basically no intersection, but why did he threaten me like this? As I was thinking about it, suddenly the dream came to my mind, the dream of the four-corner game. I still remember that he gently patted my shoulder and said, "Qiao Jie!"
I remember the next time Qiao Jie appeared was when Shi Hu and I came to the funeral home. He pretended to be an employee and took me to the morgue. It is said that people have clearer thoughts in the morning, which is indeed true. I soon remembered what Old Man Nie said that night. Then, I seemed to have thought of something, and even I was a little frightened.
After work, I went to see Director Gao, but not for work. When it was just me and him, I whispered to him that I wanted to see that person. Director Gao looked at me in surprise, but said nothing. I repeated that I wanted to see him and that I had something important to tell him.
Director Gao said he would consult with Old Man Nie and let me know at noon. I was afraid that Director Gao would just give me a perfunctory answer, so I reiterated that this matter was very important and asked him to tell Old Man Nie to make sure he saw me. I didn't leave his office until Director Gao made his promise again. But I didn't have much time to think about my work. Xu Nuoyi didn't have good eyesight and kept talking to me, but I didn't have the heart to listen. I just talked to him in a random manner.
Later, I thought about the number that specifically told me that Master Nan was in the funeral home. So what was his identity in the funeral home? Moreover, he took away Old Man Liu's urn by pretending to be a police officer. The news spread in the funeral home a long time ago. Basically, everyone in the funeral home knew him. If he was in the funeral home as an employee, I would not have missed him. If not, then he must be hiding in the funeral home, but where could he be hiding?
I think there is basically no other possibility except these two, because other than these, the only things that can be in the funeral home are dead people. I have no idea about this matter for the time being, and I can't do anything substantial for the time being, so I'll just put it aside for now.
At noon, Director Gao called me over. He told me that he had contacted Old Man Nie, and Old Man Nie agreed to meet me at the same time and place, and tonight. So I could leave work early and not have to work in the afternoon. It wouldn't be too hard to work the night shift at night, because I went home early. But not long after I got home, the old lady came.
The old lady said that she would come regularly after summoning the ghost, but then there was no news. Now she came suddenly, so something must have happened. She still came with her daughter- , and she couldn't come alone. Even if she was strong, she was old after all. You can't deny your age.
The old lady always speaks directly. When she came in, she looked around my house and said meaningfully that my house is much cleaner than the last time she came. I have been in contact with these things for a long time, so I can naturally hear the double meaning of the old lady's words. In fact, the house is not cleaner than last time, but the dirty things are taken out by the bed sheet.
After saying this, the old lady added tactfully, "But as the saying goes, it's easier to invite a god than to send him away. If everything was so easy to clean, some things and some troubles wouldn't exist. So temporary cleanliness exists, but it doesn't last. What's more, the cleaner it is, the easier it is to get dirty."
To be honest, I only understood about 60% of what the old lady said. I asked her to explain it clearly, but she kept saying "it's unsolvable". The implication was that what she said just now had been made very clear. It would be best if I could understand it. If I couldn't, I would just have to leave it to fate.
As for the purpose of the grandmother's visit, she said she was still here for Master Nan. She said that the problem of Master Nan's wife possessing him had been solved, but Master Nan had been missing. The grandmother asked me if I knew where he was so that she could find a way to find him. The grandmother came at such a coincidence. I just received the text message last night, and she came today. It was as if she had calculated it. It was such a coincidence.
But I still remember what Shi Hu said to me. He said there is a rule for investigating a case, and there must be clues after coincidences. So I looked at the old lady, but I hesitated whether to tell her. In the end, I chose not to tell her, and told the old lady that I didn't know for the time being. The old lady's expression didn't show anything at all. She told me not to take it to heart, and she just came to ask, because I have been in contact with Master Nan for a long time, and many times the connection between people is very subtle. After a long time of contact, you will have a feeling that you seem to know where he will be and what he will do. The old lady said this is called intuition.
The old lady sat there for a while and said some insignificant things. Before she got up, she gave me a three-color paper figurine that was exactly the same as the one she asked me to give to Master Nan last time. She told me to stick it on the window behind the sofa so that I wouldn't feel uncomfortable because someone was watching me from behind when I was sitting on the sofa.
After that, the old lady laughed to herself, saying that when you get old, you have some strange habits, and asked me to be more tolerant of them. I knew what the old lady meant, but she spoke without leaving any traces, and she made something that was originally very scary so easy and unnoticed, which was also a skill.
After the old lady left, I pasted the paper man on the window, thinking that the thing would no longer be able to lie there and look inside.
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