Episode 6 Chapter 059 Shan Ranjin

Obviously, I was the only one who saw the contents above. When Shi Hu took it, the words were gone. Although I didn't know why, I knew that the person who sent the letter to me wanted only me to know about it and didn't want more people to know. As for the letter, I naturally knew that it was the blank letter that Old Liu had sent to me not long ago.
What puzzles me is that there is clearly nothing on the letter, so why would someone suddenly leave me a message asking me to destroy it? What does it mean to destroy it? Is it because its existence endangers something, or is this a letter that should not exist in the first place?
I put the letter in an envelope, saying that the messenger might want to pass something to us in another way. I asked Shi Hu if he saw the man's face clearly, and Shi Hu shook his head and said no, he only saw a figure, but didn't see who it was. I looked at the ruins, and I always felt that this dream or the person who appeared in it must have some intention, and must be leading us to see something or know something, otherwise, for no reason, they would lead us here, definitely not because they were bored.
At least what I know at the moment is that the hanged ghost in my house and the one hanging on the balcony of Room 721 should be the same person. In other words, he should have come from here, but why would a person hanged here run to my house for no reason? In the words of Master Nan, this kind of external evil needs me to get rid of it. I have not even been here, so how can I get him back?
I couldn't figure this out for a while, Shi Hu said let's go back first, this place gives people a weird feeling, he has a bad premonition, so I nodded and said let's go back, I also feel it's not very good. So we went back to the car, on the way back Shi Hu just drove all the way, basically didn't say anything, it seems that he was thinking about something, I saw that he seemed to have experienced something there, but he didn't tell me, it should be during the time when he left me.
He sent me back to the community and didn't go upstairs. I saw other cars parked downstairs, which looked like Shan Lanjin's. After Shi Hu left, I went up the stairs. When I reached the seventh floor, I happened to see Shan Lanjin standing in the corridor. I didn't know what he was doing. When I saw it was him, I greeted him. He had been checking the rooms on the seventh floor for several days. I asked him if he had any clues. Shan Lanjin shook his head and said that they were all irrelevant.
He asked me where I had been, and I told him that I had gone to an abandoned community in the suburbs with Shi Hu. Shan Lanjin asked why he didn't come up, and he said that Shi Hu should have come up if he had seen his car there. I said maybe he had something to do, and Shan Lanjin didn't say anything. Then he asked me if Shi Hu had told me about the funeral home, and I said yes. He asked me what I thought, and I said I would go to work tomorrow, and Shan Lanjin didn't say anything.
While talking, I was observing Shan Lanjin. I found that Shan Lanjin was a very difficult person to understand. His expression never changed, even his eyes, always with a calm look, making it impossible for you to tell what he was thinking. Just like when he was talking to me just now, he had the same expression on his face. I didn't know how much he had to do with this matter.
Later, Shan Lanjin asked me again if I felt anything wrong with Shi Hu when I came back. I was a little surprised to hear Shan Lanjin ask this. Was Shan Lanjin hinting at something? So I told him not to say it. When I came back, I really felt that Shi Hu was a little different from usual. I said I always felt that he encountered something in the ruins.
Shan Lanjin asked if it was the abandoned residential building in the suburbs. I said yes, and then asked Shan Lanjin he also knew about it. Shan Lanjin said he and Shi Hu had been there once. At this time, someone came up from the building below, who should be a resident of this building. Shan Lanjin stopped talking and said, this is not the place to talk, why not go to our house to talk.
This was the second time that Dan Ranjin came to our house. Last time, he came in a hurry and left, as if he had come here on purpose. This time, after he came in, he looked around like last time and said, "It has changed a lot since the last time." I thought he was talking about the layout, so I didn't respond to him and just said that it was still the same as before, what could have changed.
I got a bottle of water for Shan Lanjin. He pointed at the water dispenser and asked, "Don't I drink the water in it anymore?" I said yes, and I had shown the small cloth bag to Shi Hu, so he should know that there was something wrong with the water in my house. Shan Lanjin said that Shi Hu told him that I suspected the uncle who delivered water to me had a problem. I said yes, I suspected that he put those urns in there, and I secretly looked in the dark, and it was indeed him.
Shan Lanjin didn't say anything. He continued what he had just said in the corridor. He and Shi Hu wanted to go there because Shi Hu had also dreamed of that place. But Shi Hu's dream was very simple. He just dreamed of such a place, but he didn't go deep into it like me. In order to confirm whether this place really existed, he and Shi Hu went there once. They also went in, but they didn't see anything and came back later.
No wonder Shan Lanjin asked the question in the corridor. It turned out that Shi Hu had the same experience, so the silence in the car just now was understandable. After Shan Lanjin finished speaking, he asked this because he was worried about Shi Hu, and there was no other meaning. After all, sometimes Shi Hu was unwilling to say some things, no matter who he was with.
After that, I saw Shan Ranjin suddenly look up at the ceiling. That position was exactly where I saw the middle-aged man hanging in the mirror last time. I thought it was abnormal, so I asked Shan Ranjin what he saw. Maybe my voice was urgent, so Shan Ranjin was a little startled, and he took back his thoughts and said, "Nothing."
Of course he was lying, so I looked over there, but I couldn't see anything. Then Shan Rankin asked if he could use the bathroom, and I said he could. So he got up and went to the bathroom. I sat on the sofa, but I kept thinking about his request to look at the ceiling. Although he was still calm, his movements clearly showed that he had seen something.
Shan Lanjin was there for about four or five minutes. I thought he was going to the bathroom, so I ignored him and sat on the sofa waiting for him. Then he came out of the bathroom and sat down on the sofa again. He asked me where I was going tonight and whether I should go out or not. I said that I usually stay at home at night and would go out with friends to eat and drink before, but since this incident, I rarely go out at night. I asked him why he suddenly thought of asking this. Shan Lanjin said that he had some things he wanted to know from me, but he had some important things to do later and would have time only in the evening, so he wanted to come over in the evening.
I was a little surprised, and then I told him it was okay, I was always there at night, he just had to come over. Then he said goodbye, and after Shan Ranjin left, I just felt a little headache and tired, so I went to the bathroom to wash my face, went to bed and slept for a while, and slept until dark.
It felt bad to sleep until dark. When I woke up, the room was dark, but I seemed to see someone standing next to the desk. Because I just woke up, I could only see a vague shadow. I remember asking who was there. But there was no response. I didn't know why I was so sleepy. I just shouted out this sentence weakly, and then my eyes closed again. I told myself not to fall asleep, but I didn't listen at all.
I felt like I was falling into a dark abyss, but my mind still kept some memories. I seemed to hear footsteps in the room, and they were walking towards the bed. Then I felt someone approaching my face, and then stopped moving. I wanted to open my eyes, but I couldn't, and I just felt that my consciousness was still falling. It was a very strange feeling. Then, I felt some force pulling my arm. I could feel the feeling of being pulled, and I could feel that my body was also being pulled and moving on the bed.
Then I felt that my body seemed to be hanging on the edge of the bed, and the force did not stop, still pulling me hard, until I suddenly felt my body falling to the edge of the bed. At the same time my body hit the ground, I woke up completely and fell under the bed.
The memory of someone pulling me just now was still clearly imprinted in my mind. I immediately sat up and looked around, but there was no one and no sound in the whole room, as if it was just my illusion, as if I fell off the bed. So I immediately got up and turned on the light. I felt my heartbeat speed up a little. Seeing that there was nothing in the room, I went to the living room to take a look. There was no one in the living room either. I went back to the room and looked downstairs from the window. At this time, the street light was on. I saw that person standing under the street light. This surprised me a little, but also a little expected. I didn't know what I was thinking for a while, so I stood by the window and looked at him, without any thoughts, just looking at him like that until someone passed by below.
The person passing by was on a bicycle. I wanted to see if he also noticed the person standing under the street light, but the person on the cyclist just walked past without any reaction. At this moment, I saw the person below suddenly pick up his phone, and then my phone rang. I held the phone woodenly and found that the number on it was mine.
I looked at the man under the street light. He was talking on the phone with one hand and raising the other hand as if to greet me, as if to signal me to answer the phone.
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