Episode 5 Chapter 050 Two Dummies

When I approached, the bowl was still making a loud noise, as if something was knocking on it, and there was nothing else at the bathroom door except the bowl. I quickly lit the incense, and strangely, after the incense was burned, the sound suddenly disappeared, as if it was just an illusion.
I just felt it was magical, and secretly admired that what the old lady said was really effective and accurate, so I felt much more relieved and my previous doubts and worries were much less. I went back to the room, and in order to prevent myself from hearing the sound of knocking bowls, I did not close the door and went to sleep with it open.
I was just planning to take a nap, not to sleep deeply, after all, it was a time of summoning ghosts, and who knows what might happen at home, but I didn't wake up after falling asleep, and I slept quite deeply. Of course, I did everything that grandma told me before going to bed, and probably because of these protective measures, I slept very peacefully, basically without dreaming, and didn't have any bad feelings. I woke up by myself in the middle, and I was very calm when I woke up, just like I woke up by myself after getting enough sleep, naturally.
I opened my eyes. It was still night, and the room was quiet. There was no sound. I could see outside the door and part of the living room. I looked into the living room. It was pitch black and there was nothing there. I turned over and planned to continue sleeping. But when I turned over, I felt like there was something above my head, so I turned over again. This time I was really scared. I seemed to see something hanging above my head, a bright shadow, as if something was hanging above.
I was frightened for a moment, so I reached out to grab a handful, but there was nothing. Although I didn't touch anything, I didn't dare to be careless, and I turned on the light. After the light came on, there was nothing above my head. So I got up to look at the stone at the head of the bed, and found that the red and white lines on it had been untied at some point. I saw it and thought to myself that it was no wonder that I saw the situation just now, so I got up to take out the spare stone and replace it. I didn't forget what the old lady said, so I moved to the end of the bed to sleep.
I was a little uncomfortable with the sudden change of position, so I lay on the bed, facing the door and looking at the living room. Maybe I was always afraid of the darkness, and I thought too much, and I always felt uneasy. This feeling of fear made it even more impossible to fall asleep, so I lay on the bed in a daze.
I was still awake for more than an hour until I heard the sound of a door opening. This sound was particularly obvious in the quiet night, and it came from the living room. It felt like someone opened the door to the living room. I held my breath and listened for two seconds. It was indeed the sound of the living room door opening, but the door was opened without any other sound. After that, there was no sound of the door closing, let alone the sound of someone coming in.
I listened for a while and saw that this was the situation, so I climbed out of bed. I was afraid of disturbing the person who opened the door, so I didn't turn on the light, but walked out on tiptoe to see how the door was opened. When I arrived at the door, I saw that the door of the living room was indeed half open. There was a dark shadow next to the shoe cabinet. If it was a person, it seemed a little strange because it was so much shorter. I stood at the door and watched for a while, but it didn't move, as if it also noticed something and was watching me.
I immediately realized that this might be what the old lady was talking about, so I immediately went back to the room to get the mallet and wooden nails. When I came out, the figure next to the shoe cabinet had disappeared. I still stood at the door and looked around the living room one by one, and finally found that the shadow had reached the sofa and was still moving, but it didn't make any sound when it moved.
I tried to walk towards the living room, but I found that as soon as I moved, the figure suddenly stopped moving. Maybe it was because no matter how careful I was, there would be footsteps, and in this silent night, even a pin drop could be heard, not to mention my footsteps. But even if it didn't move, I still walked towards it, and I walked all the way to it, but it didn't move again.
When I got to the side, I could see it a little more clearly. It was indeed not a person, but one of the dummies I had hung on the tree. I saw that it was one of the dummies, so I didn't show any mercy. I grabbed its head and pressed it to the ground, then took out a wooden hammer and a wooden nail and nailed it into its forehead.
The whole process went smoothly, but I had a problem with the hammer, so it took me a little more effort to hammer. I didn't pay any attention to it until I had driven the whole nail in. After I finished, I felt my heartbeat was very fast. After all, it was my first time doing this, so I was inevitably a little nervous and scared. After I finished it smoothly, I felt a little relieved.
I didn't hesitate, thinking that since one person had come in, the other one should be in the room, but I looked around the room carefully and didn't see any trace. Then I felt something on my neck, it was itchy, and I scratched it with my hand and touched something strange. I seemed to touch something hanging on my neck, so I pulled it and felt something on my body, as if something was stuck to my body and I didn't know it.
I immediately reached back to touch my back, but I didn't touch my own back, but something strange. I was shocked to find that another dummy had come in and was now lying on top of me. I pulled it off my body, and it seemed that after I discovered it, it completely lost its resistance and mystery, and was more like a hollowed-out shell, allowing me to pull it off.
After the dummy was pulled down, I quickly hammered the nail into its forehead using the same method as before, and everything went smoothly. After that, I didn't move it again, for fear that something else might happen if I moved it. Besides, the old lady didn't explain in detail what to do after the nailing, so it was better to keep it as it was.
After pinning down two dummies in succession, I sat on the ground helplessly, as if I had used up all my strength. Then I saw that the door to the living room was still open, so I went to close it. The corridor outside was also pitch black, and the light on the voice-controlled switch was not on, so I didn't look outside carefully and just closed the door.
After closing the door, I returned to the room. I originally wanted to lie down, but after what happened just now, I was afraid to continue sleeping. I leaned on the bed because I was cold, thinking about all kinds of things in my head, including the seemingly thrilling but smooth process just now.
I imagined that there would be some thrilling fights, but I didn't expect it to be so simple. I don't know if the old lady had secretly done everything for me, or if it was for some other reason I didn't know. I was thinking wildly, and thinking about what had happened before, and it was actually dawn. After dawn, the fear in my heart faded a lot, and I became sleepy, so I slid down and fell asleep.
When I woke up again, it was already quite late . I looked at the clock and it was past eleven o'clock, so I rolled out of bed. Only after I got up did I realize that I hadn't slept so soundly in a long time. I didn't have a nightmare, nor was I awakened by surprise. After I woke up, my heart didn't beat so fast. This feeling was wonderful and good.
I got up and checked the whole house. The two dummies I subdued last night were now lying on the ground helplessly, with nails on their foreheads. They were in the same position as I remembered, and had not been moved. The incense bowl at the door of the bathroom had burned out, and there was some ash. I didn't know if the ash could be cleaned, so I didn't move it. I would ask the old lady in detail when she came.
I went to the bathroom to wash up, but found that someone seemed to have been in the bathroom. I saw that my toothbrush was no longer in the cup, but on the table, and the facial cleanser was also open, as if it had been forgotten to be closed after use. I was a little confused about the reason for these small changes, so I went to the coffee table without thinking and slapped the piece of wood, because I thought that something else moved those things, not me.
Maybe it was psychological comfort. After Jingmu patted it, although the whole room was still the same, I felt a little safer. I went back to the bathroom to wash up. After washing, I was a little hungry and didn’t want to go out to eat, so I found some instant noodles and ate them. At a little after twelve o'clock, the old lady and her daughter-in-law came. When the old lady saw the two dummies nailed to the ground, she said that the speed was quite fast. It seemed that there was no need to take three days. It could be done in just one night.
However, the old lady did not immediately remove the table for summoning ghosts. Instead, she tied the hands, feet and necks of the two paper figures with black and white threads. After tying them, she wrapped burning paper money around them. After doing all this, she asked me where I could burn these things in my house. It definitely wouldn't work in the living room, so I said to burn them in the bathroom.
So we moved the dummies to the bathroom, and the old lady lit some incense and burned some paper money as a starter, and then lit the fire and burned the two dummies mixed with the paper money. They burned for a long time, and finally they stopped when they were completely reduced to ashes. After doing all this, the old lady asked me what happened last night. When they heard that I subdued them so easily, they were all a little surprised. The old lady said that she thought it would take some effort.
The old lady didn't say anything after that. I felt that she was hiding something, so I asked her if there was anything wrong. Then the old lady stretched out her left arm, and I saw a mark on her left arm that looked like it was strangled or burned, and it turned out to be five fingerprints. The old lady said she found it on the road after she left our house yesterday.
I said, I remember Master Nan also had such a mark on his hand.
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