Episode 5 Chapter 044 Shocking

So I quickly opened the envelope, and there were indeed two pieces of white paper inside as Shi Hu said. However, when I took them out, it was exactly as Shi Hu said, there was nothing on the two pieces of white paper, they were completely blank. I held them up to the light and looked at them, and there was nothing on them. So I was a little puzzled. Why did Old Man Liu send me two pieces of white paper for no reason?
And this sending lasted for three years!
In the end, Shi Hu and I really couldn't figure out what was going on, so we could only put the two pieces of paper away. Shi Hu wanted me to keep them well, as there might be important clues in them, but we just haven't found them yet.
As for Xiao Ma, he later said that he wanted to go back. I looked at Shi Hu and asked him what he thought. Shi Hu didn't say anything, which meant he agreed. So Xiao Ma left. Before leaving, I told him that if he had anything, he must tell me. Xiao Ma agreed and left.
After Xiao Ma left, I asked Shi Hu if Xiao Ma would be okay. Shi Hu said they would watch Xiao Ma's every move and I didn't need to worry about it. Then Shi Hu asked me to check if there was anything different in the house from when I left yesterday. Actually, I didn't know what Shi Hu was worried about, but I still checked the house carefully. Finally, I found a symbol on the bathroom mirror that was exactly the same as the one on the round mirror on the coffee table. This symbol must have been written by someone. Shi Hu asked if it was Xiao Ma, because Xiao Ma was the only one who came to my house.
I said no way, why would he go to such lengths to do this? So Shi Hu took a picture of the talisman with his mobile phone and told me that he would have someone come to our house to clean it up later and I shouldn't worry about the rest.
Afterwards, Shi Hu and I went to Master Nan's home. Shi Hu knew his address and he said he had only been there once. When we arrived at his door and knocked on it, it was Master Nan's wife who opened the door. When asked, his wife said that Master Nan had not come back since he went out yesterday and his cell phone was unreachable. She was very worried. Hearing her say this, I felt that the matter was a little bit uncertain. If Master Nan didn't come back, where would he go?
And this made me think that he was indeed possessed, otherwise a normal person would not behave so strangely. But to be on the safe side, Shi Hu called Master Nan again. This time the call was directly unreachable. So Shi Hu told his wife that if Master Nan returned home, let her call him, saying that they had something urgent .
When he said this, Shi Hu held back, as if he wanted to confess something, but in the end he said nothing. I was thinking whether he should remind his wife about this, as she didn't know yet that Master Nan was possessed. But Shi Hu had no intention of saying anything more. He quickly said goodbye and took me away.
Shi Hu walked very quickly with a tense face. I felt something was wrong with him and asked him what was wrong. But Shi Hu just whispered to me to hurry up and said his business was a bit scary. My heart skipped a beat and I realized something was wrong, so I quickly followed his pace, got in the car, and left.
It was not until we got in the car that I dared to ask what happened. Shi Hu said that we might be a little too late, and that Master Nan's wife had also been possessed. I said it didn't look like it, as the way he spoke and so on was all normal, and you couldn't tell at all. Then Shi Hu said that he was almost deceived. If he hadn't seen a pair of feet behind the door, he would have almost believed her.
I didn't see this, but after hearing what Shi Hu said, I couldn't help but feel a little scared. Regardless of whether there was a person behind the door or not, what was he doing hiding behind the door? It must be something shameful. Moreover, Shi Hu told me that Master Nan and his wife lived together in his home, and Master Nan did not return home all night. It seemed that something had already started to happen when he first called Shi Hu to tell him that he was being followed by something.
Shi Hu then said that this would be a tricky situation. If Master Nan was also possessed, we would be without a psychic consultant for the time being, and would be very passive when facing these things. Moreover, we didn't know what Master Nan would do, and this was what was most worrying.
I said that Shan Rankin seemed to understand this, could he...
But before I could finish my words, Shi Hu interrupted me and said that Shan Lanjin was not capable enough. He said that if Shan Lanjin could do it, there would be no need to find an additional psychic consultant. Shi Hu said that Master Nan was already the best candidate here, and even if we could find another one, his ability would not be as good as his. So the question is, even if we can find another one, his ability will not be as good as Master Nan's. If Master Nan could be possessed, how can we guarantee that the new one will not be possessed?
After hearing what Shi Hu said, I realized the seriousness of the matter again. I asked if there was really no one left. Shi Hu shook his head and said that there was indeed no one left at the moment. He said that before finding a new spiritual consultant, we could only go on for a while. I hope nothing serious will happen during this period. After that, I kept thinking about what kind of thing my family had provoked. It was so powerful that even Master Nan couldn't resist it. So far, we haven't even found the fur of these things, let alone what is causing trouble.
As the saying goes, when it rains, it never rains. Just when we were worrying about this matter, Shi Hu suddenly received a call saying that Master Nan had taken away Old Man Liu's ashes, and that it had happened last night. The call was from Director Gao, who said that Master Nan suddenly came to the funeral home last night and said that he wanted to take Old Man Liu's ashes to a place to place them and that they could not be left here, otherwise something would happen sooner or later. Director Gao said that he was holding the relevant police documents at the time, and was followed by two people who seemed to be from the police station.
It was not until this morning that he found out that the procedural document he received yesterday turned out to be a ghost money. He was so scared that he quickly called Shi Hu. Shi Hu asked him if he had contacted Shan Lanjin. Director Gao said that Shan Lanjin had not answered the phone and he didn't know if he was busy. Shi Hu then hung up the phone and went to the funeral home with me.
We arrived at the funeral home again. Maybe because we were familiar with it, it didn't feel as eerie as the previous times. Shi Hu and I got out of the car and went inside. Director Gao was already like an ant on hot pot. After he greeted us briefly, he took Shi Hu to see the ghost money. Shi Hu asked if it was ghost money, why couldn't it be seen last night. Director Gao said he didn't know, as he was the one who handled the matter last night, and he had read the document carefully. It was clearly a police document, but when he looked at it again this morning, it had become ghost money.
Shi Hu asked him again if he remembered what the other two people who followed Master Nan looked like. Director Gao thought for a while and kept shaking his head. He was surprised to say that he couldn't remember anything at all. Shi Hu looked at me and said that he would handle the matter. So he asked me to sit outside and wait for him while he and Director Gao went to the place where the ashes were kept.
It was better for me not to go, because that place would inevitably make people feel more eerie and scary, so I sat in Director Gao's office and waited for them. During this time, an employee knocked on the door, and seemed to be looking for Director Gao. Seeing that I was sitting there but Director Gao was not there, he asked me where Director Gao went. I said that Director Gao and Shi Hu went to the place where the ashes were placed. I couldn't tell the standard name of that place, but he was an employee here, so he should be able to understand.
After listening to me, he really seemed to understand, thanked me and left. I sat in the office and continued to wait, feeling bored. After a while, the man came over again and said that Director Gao asked him to invite me over, saying that he had found some other clues and wanted me to confirm them. I was wondering what clues he needed me to confirm. After I asked, he said he didn't know either. Director Gao said so, so he didn't ask more questions, so I followed him over.
I don’t know if there’s something wrong with the lighting in the funeral home, but I always felt that it was inexplicably dark and gloomy in there. He took me all the way to the place where the ashes were placed. When we reached the door, he said this was the place and asked me to go in first. I didn’t try to be polite and went in. When I went in, I saw Director Gao and Shi Hu talking about something. Suddenly they saw me come in. Shi Hu looked at me and asked me why I was here. Didn’t he ask me to wait for him outside?
I didn't react, saying they sent someone to find me, so I looked outside the door, but the employee who was standing there just now was gone, and there was no one outside. So I walked outside and found that there were deep corridors on both sides, and there was no one there.
I suddenly felt a chill down my spine. Shi Hu and Director Gao had also followed me out. I told them what had just happened. They both denied that any employee had come to see them, and they definitely didn't send anyone to call me over to confirm the clue. Then Director Gao asked me to describe the employee's appearance. I'm not very good at describing people, and Director Gao didn't understand at all. Finally, he said that I should look in their personnel system, which would be more straightforward.
I said that was fine, but when I looked through all their employees, I couldn't find this person at all. Finally, I saw a half-length photo on Director Gao's desk. I said that was this person, but when Director Gao saw the photo, his face turned pale and he said to himself as if he had seen a ghost, it was impossible, how could this photo be on his desk.
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