Episode 5 Chapter 042 Implicate

As we were talking, Shan Lanjin came in. He was still as cold as before, even when he was talking. He asked Shi Hu what happened, and then Shi Hu told him about the situation in my home. During the conversation, I saw Shan Lanjin looked at me several times, but my attention was on the photos on the wall, and I hadn't come back to my senses yet.
Shan Lanjin didn't say anything after listening to him, and his expression didn't seem to react. After a long time, he just asked Shi Hu a question. He said that I saw a blurry shadow following Master Nan. Shi Hu then asked me for confirmation, and I nodded. Shan Lanjin then asked me what I thought the shadow looked like. I was stunned for a moment, and then said it looked like a person.
But Dan Ranjin continued to ask if it looked like one person or two people?
I did not continue answering, but recalled his back when he sent Master Nan away that day. The shadow was very blurry, as if it was attached to Master Nan, but it was very blurry and as if it was there and not there. When Dan Lanjin reminded me of this, I suddenly felt that it was indeed like two people overlapping together, with a part of them being covered.
When Shan Lanjin heard what I said, he said that it must be the two dummies, and then he turned to Shi Hu and said, let's put this matter aside for the time being, let's first sort out the matter of the two dummies, it's obvious that this was done specifically for me. Shi Hu didn't say anything, I couldn't quite understand what they were saying, so I didn't interrupt.
Shan Ranjin continued to say that he would handle the accident of my car, and asked Shi Hu to concentrate on investigating the two dummies, and he would inform him in time if he had any clues. Shi Hu agreed very readily, and Shan Ranjin said that this was it for tonight, and let us rest early, as there would be more things to do tomorrow.
Before leaving, Shan Lanjin said again, I can't live here for too long, because these things are originally aimed at me, and soon those things will chase me here, so hiding is not a solution, because I can't escape, I still have to face it.
I knew what Shan Lanjin meant, and he went back after he finished speaking. Shi Hu and I were left in the room. The question that was just interrupted by Shan Lanjin came between us again. I asked him why he wanted to monitor me. I had not broken any law, nor had I caused any trouble. I had always been doing my duty and had never done anything illegal or disorderly. Why was I listed as a key monitoring target? I thought it was ridiculous.
Shi Hu said that I might not know it myself, but Old Man Liu had been following me as early as three years ago, but I just didn’t realize it. And it was because of Old Man Liu that they began to notice me and gradually got to this point now.
Old man Liu is following me?
I know that I often pass by Old Man Liu's residence on my way home from get off work and on my way to work, and he would stand at the window and look at me for no apparent reason. This did puzzle me for a while, but I didn't think much about it. Now think about it, about 721, could it be that his daughter and son-in-law bought a house there to follow me?
Shi Hu said that it was not the case at that time, it was just a coincidence. Old Liu officially started to follow me after the incident that happened in his family three years ago. I knew about the incident that happened in Old Liu's family. He had a close call with death and came back, but the rest of his family lost their lives. Shi Hu said that they started to follow me after Old Liu "came back to life", and they came into contact with me because they were concerned about Old Liu's bizarre case.
It turned out to be such a long time ago, and after going in circles, it was all because of Old Man Liu. I was also puzzled as to why he came to investigate me after he woke up. No wonder I saw my resume and other things in his house. It turned out that he collected them deliberately, but why?
Shi Hu seemed to have no intention of hiding this from me anymore. He said that Shan Lanjin was the one who was responsible for investigating Old Man Liu's case at the beginning. At that time, I was not yet in the spotlight. Until one day, Shan Lanjin found out that Old Man Liu had suddenly sent a letter. It was the third month since Old Man Liu woke up from the funeral home. He went to the courier office to deliver the letter.
Shan Lanjin immediately intercepted the letter in the name of the police and opened it to see what was inside. However, it was somewhat surprising that there were two blank sheets of paper with nothing written on them. Seeing that it was a blank letter, Shan Lanjin put the letter back in the mail, asked the courier company to reseal it, and sent it to the address written by Old Man Liu.
It was from that time that they started to notice me, because the person to whom Old Liu sent the letter was the address where I live now. As for three years ago, I had just bought a house and settled down. At that time, Old Liu and I didn’t know each other at all.
And the key point is that I have never received such a letter. Shi Hu said that I did not receive it because the letter was lost in the middle of the journey, as if it disappeared out of thin air, completely lost. Dan Ranjin searched for a long time, but in the end he could not find where the letter disappeared from. Anyway, the final result was that the letter did not reach me.
No wonder. In this case, the key to 721 that was mailed was also made by Old Man Liu. But I don’t think so, because later I received a package containing his ashes and a sketch stuffed through the crack in the door. At that time, Old Man Liu was no longer around, so how could he send his ashes to me? So there must be another person who did this.
Shi Hu went on to say that later Shan Lanjin searched all of Old Man Liu's residence but couldn't find anything about the letter, because Shan Lanjin always felt that Old Man Liu had secretly taken the letter back. However, three years had passed in the blink of an eye, and the matter of the letter had become an unsolved case.
So after Old Man Liu died inexplicably, Shi Hu began to officially intervene in this case, and was assigned to be responsible for my case. It was also from that time that I was forbidden to leave here, otherwise I would have returned to my hometown by now.
So that's how it is. I think the focus of the whole incident seems to be why Old Man Liu suddenly "came back to life". Why do I feel that Old Man Liu is no longer the same person after waking up from the funeral home? Although I don't know anything about him, and have no idea about this matter.
Shi Hu said that Shan Ranjin had been investigating Old Liu for three years, and this matter has always been a mystery. Shi Hu said that there are more mysteries about Old Liu, so they also suspect that this Old Liu is not the original Old Liu, but there is no evidence. So the root of the problem is still Old Liu, and why did he start following me after waking up? I really feel innocent. You said there are so many people in the world, but he didn't follow others, but came to me. I don't know what I did to offend him.
Shi Hu told me all this just to prevent me from having any grudge against them and not cooperating later on. But when I asked about some progress, Shi Hu said that these were top secret and he couldn't tell me. I also work in a public institution and know the importance of professional ethics. Although I really wanted to know, I held back and didn't ask any further.
Then Shi Hu said it was late, and asked me to wash up and go to bed first, because there was more work to do tomorrow. I asked him if I could go with him, because I didn't have to go to work, and it was scary to stay alone in the gloomy house all the time. Shi Hu said it was okay, because there were many things that I couldn't avoid, but there was one thing, that is, I could follow him, but I couldn't tell anyone about everything I saw and heard. In his words, these were all top secrets and couldn't be leaked out casually.
I promised Shi Hu that he would let me go to Master Nan's house with him tomorrow to see what was going on. Master Nan didn't answer the phone or return the call, which made me feel a little uneasy. I asked him if Master Nan was their partner , but when Shi Hu said this, it seemed that he didn't know much about it.
Shi Hucai told me that Master Nan was introduced to them by the local police station. He has a special title for him, called a psychic consultant. I was surprised that the police station was so superstitious. Shi Hucai said that this was not superstition, but some bizarre cases could not be solved without the help of such a psychic consultant. This is an unspoken secret in many police stations, but it is not announced to the public. Therefore, sometimes the reports of many bizarre cases that I heard might not tell the real result, and some things were concealed.
Shi Hu has mentioned this once. According to Shi Hu, these authoritative organizations cannot report these things blatantly and cause social panic, so some rumors will leak out, but the official will never admit it. Even if these rumors are the truth, they will be dismissed as rumors.
I took all of this to heart. Shi Hu told me this not to tell me that these organizations are deceiving the public, but to indirectly tell me that I also need to use this method when dealing with the things I know. Some things can be kept in your heart and do not need to be known to everyone. The important thing is that you can calm it down quietly in a way that ordinary people cannot perceive. Shi Hu said that this is the meaning of their existence.
In fact, I think Shi Hu is quite righteous. At least I don't see his selfishness, so I admire him even more. Then I went to sleep first. Shi Hu sorted out some documents. Maybe because I was a little tired today, I fell asleep immediately.
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