Episode 4 Chapter 038 One More Person

Shi Hu hung up the phone. I asked who called. Shi Hu said it was Shan Lanjin. He wanted to come to my house to see me later. Shi Hu said he agreed on his own initiative.
Although Shan Lanjin and I had only met once, I was particularly impressed by him. I asked him why he came to my house for no reason. Shi Hu said that he was fully responsible for the matters at the funeral home, and he might have found clues and led him to my house, so he wanted to come and see what was going on.
Shi Hu and I had a quick bite outside. I found that although Shi Hu was big, he couldn't eat much. He even couldn't eat more than me. I even scolded him for this. After eating, we went back without much delay. Shi Hu seemed to be worried that something might happen at home again. In his words, we should be extra careful now that it has come to this, otherwise if those things escaped, the consequences would be disastrous.
Shan Lanjin came an hour later, he came alone, he was still the same, not interested in talking to people, he naturally knew about Master Nan's exorcism, he was not surprised to see the room full of ink lines, just said it was like entering a confined space. I poured Shan Lanjin a glass of water, he walked around and looked around, didn't say anything, finally just looked downstairs from the window of my room for a while, he stood there for a while, I don't know if he found anything.
Shan Lanjin's arrival was like an episode. He left after a short while. This made me a little confused. Shi Hu said that he was just like that and I didn't need to care too much. Since Shi Hu also said so, I had to relax and didn't speculate too much. The time after that seemed a little boring, because waiting is a very long thing. I haven't been to work for several days and I don't have anything to do at work. Seeing that Shi Hu was always holding a computer and looking at it, I asked him what he was looking at.
Shi Hu pushed his computer towards me and said he was looking for some bizarre cases in recent years. I took a look and saw some dense news. Maybe this is an occupational disease for people like them, so I didn't pay any more attention to it. After a while, he suddenly said he had it. I asked what it was. Shi Hu then handed the computer to me to read. I saw that what he clicked on seemed to be a blog. Shi Hu asked me to read it, so I patiently read the blog.
After reading it, I found it somewhat unbelievable, because the content described in his blog was almost exactly the same as my earlier experiences. I had nightmares constantly, found that things in the house were inexplicably moved and used, and always suddenly saw some incredible things.
After I finished reading it, I took a look at the time of this blog and found that it was posted a long time ago, almost six or seven years ago. I don’t know how Shi Hu found it. I asked whose blog this was. Shi Hu said that he didn’t know for the time being. He just found it based on the news. But this person was not as lucky as me. One night he suddenly climbed to the top of the building and jumped down from it and died on the spot.
I was a little surprised to hear that. Shi Hu said the news said he was stimulated and mentally disturbed, so he did such a thing. But I knew it wasn't the case, but the words were on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't say anything. Shi Hu said that such things are hard to find, even if you look through the files, it's hard to find, let alone restore the scene at the time, so he couldn't say how many such things there were, but I am indeed a lucky person.
Shi Hu's implication is that I will be like these people and suddenly jump off the building one day? Just thinking about it makes people shudder. Everyone is afraid of death, let alone this kind of unclear death.
I didn't say anything after that. Shi Hu was still looking for similar information, but I felt inexplicably irritated. I leaned on the sofa and fell asleep without realizing it.
But this time when I fell asleep, I dreamed of a pony, and it was another nightmare.
When I woke up from my dream, I was in a dark, enclosed space. The reason I used the word "enclosed space" to describe it is because I was not sure what place it was. I only knew that I was in a closed place. Xiao Ma was standing in a , facing me. It felt eerie.
In the dream, I remember asking him where this was and what he was doing there, but he ignored me and pointed to a corner and asked me to stand there. I stood there in a daze. I remember that the room was clearly pitch black, but I seemed to see two other people in the corner of the room. It was a little puzzling, because one of these two people was Shi Hu and the other was Huang Weilun.
The four of us stood in the corners, and I vaguely heard Xiao Ma tell me that this was a four-corner game. He said that the four of us would play, and after the candles went out, I would walk clockwise to the next corner, pat the person on the shoulder, and then say my name, and repeat this process over and over again. I had never come across anything like this before, and I felt it was very unfamiliar. Then Xiao Ma said I would have fun and it would be very interesting.
Then the white candle in the center of the space suddenly went out, and I was suddenly plunged into darkness, so I groped my way to the next corner, patted Shi Hu's shoulder and called out my name. Shi Hu walked to the next corner, patted Huang Weilun's, and called out his name. Then Huang Weilun walked to Xiao Ma's corner and called out Xiao Ma's name. Xiao Ma walked to the corner where I was originally standing and also called out his name.
But at that moment I felt something was wrong, because logically I should be the one standing in that corner, but now I have walked to the next corner, and logically there should be no one there. But maybe it was because I was in a dream, my mind was not so sharp and clear, and I didn’t care much about it, until I felt someone patted me on the shoulder and called a name I had never heard of before - Qiao Jie!
So I immediately turned around to look, but I saw a paper man standing behind me. I was so scared that I almost screamed. Then I suddenly woke up in this fear. I thought I screamed when I woke up, so when I realized that I was still leaning on the sofa, I saw Shi Hu looking at me and asked me what was wrong.
It was not dark outside yet, but the sun had already set. I sat up and was glad that it was just a dream. So the extreme fear that had just come to me was slightly relieved. I said it was okay, it was just a dream. I felt like I was sweating, so I got up and went to the bathroom to wipe my face.
The bathroom was also full of ink lines, including the mirror, which showed black squares. Looking from the outside in, it looked like a person was divided into many pieces. Because there were ink lines inside, I was very careful when using water, for fear of splashing on the ink lines. I only dared to cover my face with a wrung towel. Just as I was about to take off the towel, I suddenly caught a glimpse of a person standing behind me in the mirror. This person was wearing black clothes, so he was dressed in black when I caught a glimpse.
I was startled and immediately stared at the mirror, but when I looked again, there was no one there. So I turned my head and there was indeed no one behind me. I thought it might be an illusion, so I hung up the towel and came out of the bathroom, but I kept thinking about the black shadow and the scene in the dream.
Shi Hu probably saw that I looked a little unhappy, so he asked me what happened and why I had been looking tense since I woke up. So I told Shi Hu about the dream I had just had. But when Shi Hu heard it, he was shocked. He said that dreams should be all wild and unrestrained, and should not be so real. I said I didn't know. Shi Hu repeated the name Qiao Jie again and comforted me, telling me not to take it to heart.
But I felt more and more that it was not the case, so I told Shi Hu what had just happened in the bathroom. Shi Hu asked me if I saw it clearly. I was not too sure for a moment, so Shi Hu got up and went to the bathroom to check again. I guess he didn't see anything either.
Shi Hu told me to be patient as it would be dark soon. If I felt sleepy, I should get up and move around, and not fall asleep again to avoid having similar dreams again. I would be fine after getting through the night and the master would help me drive away these things.
Of course I thought so too. Later, I used my computer to search the Internet for the gameplay of the Four Corners Game in Dreams. After reading it, I couldn't help but break out in cold sweats again. What puzzled me was that I had never come into contact with anything similar before. How could I dream about this thing for no reason? It is said that dreams come from the heart. I myself don't know how this thing got into my head, and I actually dreamed about it and did it?
I just felt confused, so I asked Shi Hu if he had played this game before. Shi Hu said he had, and I was a little surprised. I asked what the result was. Shi Hu said it was the same as what I dreamed of, and a fifth person appeared. I curiously asked him how he could play such a game, but Shi Hu didn't continue to talk about it. He just said that it was better not to talk about these things at night, and stopped talking.
Afterwards, I searched the name Qiao Jie on the computer again, but only found a lot of useless information. I flipped through several pages but still couldn't find any clues, so I gave up. Then I thought it was funny that I actually took the fictional name in my dream seriously, so I didn't take it to heart anymore.
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