Episode 1 Chapter 005 Night Terror

Because I had just woken up and the lights were on, I couldn't fall asleep just tossed and turned in bed. Later, I really couldn't sleep at all, so I simply turned over and stared at the camera. I didn't know if I would be scared tomorrow if I stared at the camera like this. After a while, I started to feel sleepy, so I closed my eyes and fell asleep quickly.
I was woken up by my mother's voice in the morning. She got up early and probably saw that the light in my room was on. She called out a few times but no one answered, so she opened the door and came in. It was her surprised voice after coming in that woke me up in a daze.
I heard my mother asking me why , and why my shoes were scattered everywhere and not properly placed next to the bed. After I woke up, I was basically not sleepy anymore, because I saw that the camera, which was clearly placed on the desk, was placed next to the bed at some point, and the chair that I had moved back to its original place was also moved next to the bed again, facing my head, and the camera was placed on the chair, taking pictures of me.
My mother didn't notice that the camera was on. She just felt strange why I put things like that. I looked at the clock and it was already seven o'clock. No wonder my mother was up. When she saw that I woke up, she didn't say anything. She picked up my shoes and put them beside the bed. I told her to do it myself and she could do something else.
My mother said she was going to cook some noodles so I could eat them when I got up. I agreed and she went out. I didn't pick up the camera until she went out. At this time, I was more confused than afraid. I didn't want my mother to know these strange things because I was really afraid of scaring them.
Due to time constraints, I didn't have time to watch the video recorded last night. When I picked up the camera, it was still recording and hadn't stopped. I turned off the camera and put it away. After eating the breakfast my mother cooked, I went to work.

My work is relatively easy and I have nothing to do most of the time. Because of what happened yesterday, some gossipy colleagues came to tell me about the old man's affair. They were more informed than I was, and I heard some of the follow-up. Then a colleague told me and asked if I knew that things were said to be not peaceful at the funeral home that housed the old man's body yesterday.
He spoke in a mysterious way and I became nervous. I asked him what was going on and he gave me a vivid description of the situation there. He said someone saw the old man in the corridor last night.
I was shocked, but I told him not to talk nonsense, because the person was dead, how could he see it. But I didn't know that this colleague was telling the truth. He told me seriously that if I was not related to this matter, he would not tell me. He said that he happened to have a friend who worked in a funeral home, and he happened to be on duty last night. Then his friend called him in the middle of the night and said that he was scared to death.
The voice on the other end of the phone didn't sound fake, and it scared my colleague. He asked his friend what he said, and his friend stammered that he seemed to have seen the new old man.
I said that the funeral home was a place with heavy yin energy, and maybe he was dazzled. Then my colleague lowered his voice and spoke to me, repeatedly emphasizing that he was only talking to me and asked me not to make a fuss. He said that the surveillance cameras in the funeral home had captured it, and it was indeed the old man, wrapped in a plastic bag because his body had already rotted, so it had to be wrapped in a bag and put in the cold storage.
After they saw it last night, they should have gone to see if the body was still in the cold storage. However, it happened in the middle of the night and there were only two or three people on night shift. Who would dare to go and see? What's more, the cold storage was full of unclaimed bodies. It was eerie and everyone wanted to stay away from it late at night. Who would go near that place?
I asked how the matter was resolved. My colleague said that how it could be resolved was that it must have been reported to the leader of the funeral home. It is said that the leader handed over the video to the police. As for how the police handled it, it is hard to say, because such things are generally not made public. Then my colleague told me that generally when encountering such strange things, the public security will transfer it to a higher level. It is said that there is a department that specializes in handling such matters, but we just don’t know about it. Moreover, they also conduct secret investigations and will not announce the results. At most, they will contact the funeral home secretly.
Then he said, I don’t believe it, this matter is serious and it won’t end so easily. Then he patted me on the shoulder and said, I have to be careful recently, this matter involves me, I have to be on guard.
I was very nervous because of what my colleague said. Then I thought about the strange things that had happened to me before. Could it be that this old man was causing trouble? I felt a chill in my heart. I also remembered that he had my resume and photos. Why did he want these things of mine for no reason?
This colleague just told me this, but I didn't expect something else to happen when he got home.
It was still early when I got home. I had just sat down on the sofa and had not had time to think about today's events when my mother brought a pair of new cloth shoes to me and asked me if I bought them. I saw that they were a pair of black cloth shoes with white soles that I had never worn. I looked at my mother and asked her where she got them from. I never wear this kind of shoes, so why would I buy them?
When my mother heard this, she was surprised. She said that the shoes were found in my closet. I was surprised. How could there be such shoes in my closet? I have always lived alone, so it is impossible for someone to put them there for me.
My mother thought I was lying, and then she told me seriously not to lie to him. She said that these shoes looked like a pair of cloth shoes, but what kind of soles were they? They were clearly made of cloth, not plastic soles for cloth shoes. Moreover, the cloth used for the uppers was ordinary black cloth, and it was single-layered. They were not for human wear, but were clearly used for sacrifices in my hometown...

My mother held back the last few words, probably because she thought it was unlucky. Then she looked at me, hoping that I would tell her the truth. She just held it like that and I didn’t look at it carefully. I was also a little shocked when I heard her say that, but I really didn’t know how these shoes got into my closet. I explained to her innocently many times, and finally she believed me. She then asked me, if it wasn’t me who put it there, then who did?
I also wanted to know who it was, but after thinking about it, there was really no one else except this haunted old man. When my mother saw that I couldn't tell her the truth, her face changed, and she became anxious. She told me that this was not a trivial matter, and if it was not handled properly, someone might die.
My mother was obviously scared, and she often heard people talk about ghosts and monsters in her hometown, and she believed them without a doubt. Then she put the cloth shoes away and called my eldest brother in my hometown. I sat on the sofa and had no intention of listening to what she said. My father was silent the whole time and didn't say anything, but I could see that he was also anxious, but he just wasn't good at expressing it.
I was sitting on the sofa, wondering how the cloth shoes got in. As I was thinking about it, I suddenly had an idea. When my mother showed me the cloth shoes, I felt that they looked familiar. Now that I think about it, aren't these the same shoes as the person I saw in the video!
When I thought of this, I almost jumped up from the sofa, then went to the room to turn on the computer, found the video recorded that night, jumped to the end and watched it carefully. Sure enough, the pair of feet with broken ankles were wearing such a pair of cloth shoes. Could it be that someone in my family died because of this pair of cloth shoes!
And my mother also said that this kind of cloth shoes are clearly used to sacrifice to the dead. Dead people, Old Man Liu, this can't be a coincidence!
Then I remembered that I hadn’t watched the video recorded last night yet, and when I thought about what happened last night, I felt a little scared. The camera was clearly on the desk, but it was moved to the front of the bed for no reason and placed on a chair. Just thinking about this scene makes my back cold, but I don’t understand. If there really is something in my room, why would it do this?
I found my camera, unplugged the memory card and plugged it into the computer. Because the recording was long, about three hours, in order to avoid missing anything, I didn't choose to fast forward, and watched it bit by bit. After opening the video, I found that the beginning of this video started from the part I recorded at the desk, and I could also see myself putting the camera away and walking back to the bed.
After only watching it for a few dozen seconds, I began to feel something was wrong, because I remembered the previous part. At that time, I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. I turned over several times in bed, and finally stared at the camera blankly. I thought the movement of turning over looked strange. Maybe it was because I had never seen myself sleeping before, so I felt a little uncomfortable.
When I saw myself staring at the camera lens, I actually felt a little cold all over. The feeling of staring at the camera gave me an inexplicable sense of weirdness and horror. I stared at the lens for a long time, and then all I remember was that I began to fall asleep in a daze and fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes.
But suddenly, I woke up again. This was completely out of my memory. I saw myself opening my eyes again, but this time I didn't stare at the camera. Instead, I kept looking in the direction of the door. However, from the angle of the camera, it could not record the scene near the door. I just stared at the door motionlessly, without blinking . Then I saw something moving slowly at the top of the screen. I looked carefully and saw that it was a corner of the door, which was recorded by the camera, which meant that the door was opened.

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