chapter Five

"You act so arrogant all day long and ignore everyone, but in fact you have low self-esteem."
I stood in the bicycle shed and watched Gu Yue trotting towards the school gate, where a man holding two plastic bags of snacks stood. Gu Changxing, the man who kicked Gu Yue and cursed him loudly.
Gu Yue looked very reluctant, but his jogging pace betrayed him. I don't know what Gu Yue's father said to him, but I saw Gu Yue hunched his back, scratched his head awkwardly, and took the two plastic bags awkwardly.
Oh, you said I was inferior, but don’t you think I lack love? In front of so many people, I was treated like that by my father, but after a while, he smiled and forgot everything when I sent him some snacks. Hitting him with a stick and then giving him a candy is a common trick used by adults, and Gu Yue is no more than that.
I stopped looking over there and walked quickly to the classroom. Today is Monday and there will be a weekly meeting later, so I have to get to the classroom quickly.
"Why are you here just now?" The math class representative was standing on the podium to enforce discipline. When he saw me coming, he glared at me with an unhappy face.
I walked straight to my seat, took the homework out of my schoolbag and put it on the desk. The group leader would collect it later.
"Don't you know how noisy the class is? Why don't you come up and enforce discipline?" The math class representative acted bossy, as if I were her servant.
I glanced at her, then took out the books for the first class from my bag. When everything was ready, I looked up and said to her, "Where's the math teacher?"
"Hmph." The math class representative was a fat girl, nicknamed Qiuqiu. But Qiuqiu was not as open-minded and easy to talk to as most fat people. "The head teacher was called away by the school leaders. He asked you to ask the students to line up at 7:30. Look at what time it is now. Why are you here so late?"
I glanced at her indifferently, and she shut up as I expected. I clapped my hands and said to the students in the classroom, "Don't make up your homework, go downstairs and gather, the weekly meeting will start soon!"
The students walked out one after another, making a lot of noise. Qiuqiu thought I didn't notice him, and pouted at me, saying, "You think you are so great, your family is just a bicycle repairman..."
I looked back at her and said nothing more.
I am not a popular person, especially with girls. They dislike me because of my grades, but they have no ability to catch up with my grades, so they gossip about me behind my back all day long. But since the quarrel between Gu Yue and me, and since my father came to school, they have become different.
It seemed that they finally found a point to criticize me - my family background. The subtle sarcasm in the past became more and more obvious. When they saw me, they started to chatter and talk. When I walked past them, they laughed endlessly. I knew all this, but I didn't care.
I am no longer the me who begged for friendship in elementary school and was afraid of being looked down upon in middle school. Even if yesterday happened again, I would still be the top student in the grade. Apart from grades, there is nothing that can make me look askance at those who despise me. The more obvious they are, the more jealous they become, and they can do nothing about me.
I watched Qiuqiu make faces at me with squinting eyes and twisted mouth, then she ran to her good friends, looking at me while saying something. They showed surprised expressions, glanced at me, quickly looked away, and several of them looked at each other and laughed.
I was organizing my classmates to leave the classroom. I was very busy, but the actions of that group of people still caught my eye from time to time. Childish. I sneered in my heart, do they think that such a trick of squeezing people can really embarrass me?
Looking at the rising red flag, I was absent-minded. Recently, Liu Sulan's class discipline has improved a lot. Everyone is afraid of Gu Yue, no one dares to make trouble in English class, and Liu Sulan probably also asked for help from the English teacher in the next class, and the quality of class has improved a lot.
I stood at the end of the line and turned to see the math teacher standing a few meters away, chatting with other teachers. He was the class teacher. On the podium, the vice principal took the microphone and began to speak. With the cover of the broadcast, some girls in the line began to whisper. I glanced at the math teacher, who was chatting happily, and I turned my eyes away and decided not to care.
Girls are also strange creatures. The girls who were laughing just now suddenly started quarreling quietly again. The reason was that Qiuqiu was made fun of and she was not happy.
Their voices were getting louder and louder, and I couldn't ignore them anymore: "Be quiet! Don't talk!"
"none of your business!"
"Who said that? Say it again!" My face turned pale and I took a few steps forward between the two rows, approaching the area where the sound came from.
"Who said anything about you? I didn't say anything about you, you're just being sentimental!" The girl rolled her eyes at me, and the girls in front and behind her laughed. Qiuqiu, who was just arguing with the girl, immediately said a few words to the girl in a flattering way, and the two of them were smiling again.
This is their friendship. One second they quarrel because they are being laughed at, and the next second they make peace because they are making fun of others. In short, it can be described in two words: hypocrisy.
Those girls didn't stop, but were getting more aggressive. I stood awkwardly between the two lines, not knowing whether to move forward or backward. Being a class monitor would not only waste time, but also put me in a difficult situation at any time. I was not afraid of being alone, I just hoped that someone would help me out.
"What are you arguing about? Shut up!"
The girls immediately recognized that it was Gu Yue's voice and immediately fell silent.
I walked back to my seat with my head down, and then stared at the back of the head of the person in front of me. No matter how Gu Yue stared at me, I didn't even give him a look in response.
——Did I ask you to help me? Don't think that you can take care of my business just because I come to your house to apologize and say a few words to you. If my mother hadn't insisted on me going, and if I hadn't seen how poor your family is, I wouldn't bother to pay attention to you!
What if there is no kindness in his eyes? What if he just creates a false impression of kindness and then sneers at me? I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. My eyes don't lie. I hate that I have a habit of looking into the eyes of others when I talk. If I don't look, I won't be hurt by the emotions that cannot be concealed.
——You act so arrogant all day long and ignore everyone. In fact, you are just inferior! No wonder you have no friends!
That kind of emotion that could not be concealed, filled with disgust and resentment, was nakedly revealed in a person's eyes and rushed straight into my heart. I could not avoid it, and I could not deceive myself, because the truth was reflected so nakedly in his eyes.
It is these eyes that let me know clearly that this person hates me and that in this person's eyes, I am such a despicable person.
I didn't want to look him in the eye.
After the weekly meeting, there was a ten-minute break, which was fought for. Most people rolled up their sleeves and started copying homework when they returned to the classroom. I calmly took out the wrappers of biscuits, cooked food and other snacks from the drawer. Throwing garbage into the drawer of someone you hate is childish. Playing this kind of elementary school trick is childish.
I grabbed the trash and walked to the back of the classroom. Gu Yue was standing at the window next to the trash can, making a phone call. He was facing out the window, so I couldn't see his expression, but his voice sounded cheerful.
"Dad, the money is enough, really enough. Don't hesitate, just say what you want to say..."
I threw the garbage into the trash basket, turned around and saw Gao Yuelin blocking my way.
"Did they play a trick on you again?"
The voice was full of gnashing teeth. I didn't understand what Gao Yuelin was angry about. In fact, it was rare for boys to interfere in conflicts between girls.
"Not really." I said in a light tone and pushed him away.
An unwilling voice and a "what's wrong" came from behind. Those words were spoken by Gu Yue to Gao Yuelin. What Gao Yuelin said could not be heard clearly when he walked away.
"Zhang Yuanyuan, where is your math test paper? Hand it in quickly, you're the only one missing!" Qiuqiu shouted impatiently, holding a stack of papers.
"Didn't the team leader take it?" I said as a matter of course.
"He said he didn't see it!" I didn't know what she was so anxious about, and she seemed to want to go to the office immediately. "You look for it first, and when you find it, hand it to the office. I'll write that you didn't bring it!" After saying that, she ignored me and ran away.
I turned around and looked for the team leader, who was also confused and said that it had clearly been handed in and the other papers were intact, so maybe they had fallen somewhere.
I believed it and went back to search my schoolbag and drawers, and asked all the classmates around me. Just when I looked everywhere but found nothing, a boy across the aisle pointed at me and asked me to look at Tian Tian who was busy copying homework.
Tian Tian had her arms wrapped around the desk, covering the test paper she was going to copy and her own test paper, leaving only a small gap. But based on that small gap, I was so angry that I laughed: "Tian Tian, ​​could you tell me before you took my test paper? I remember I didn't agree to let you copy my test paper, right?"
"Who copied your paper? Did they write your name? Just say it's yours! You're crazy!" Tian Tian tilted her head and yelled while protecting the paper. Her voice was louder than mine.
"Show me the name column so I can see if it's my name!" I didn't want to argue with her, but why should I spend two hours to finish a test paper, but she could finish it in ten minutes when she came?
"Who said it's yours? Why should I show it to you? What gives you the right to say it's yours?"
To be honest, I have never seen someone like Tian Tian who is so unreasonable and forgiving. I reached out to grab the paper and said, "My name is written on it. Take your hand away and take a look. Isn't my name written on it? Don't tell me you did this paper by yourself. You can't possibly answer all the questions on the paper. In other words - it's your IQ problem!"
"What's wrong?" Qiuqiu came back quickly after delivering the test papers. When she saw me and Tiantian arguing, she pushed aside the classmates around her and squeezed over. "What's going on? What did she do to you?"
Qiuqiu protected Tian Tian, ​​staring at me fiercely with a fierce face, as if I had bullied Tian Tian. Tian Tian didn't say anything, but just held the paper tightly.
I was furious at Qiuqiu's attitude of helping her relatives but not others. Just because they are friends, can they take my test paper from the class representative without the consent of the person concerned? Just because friendship is long live, can they do it without any discrimination?
"Does she have the nerve to talk? She took my paper to copy, and when I asked her if she had seen my paper, she said she didn't know!" I said angrily.
But they are friends after all, Qiuqiu frowned and shouted: "What's wrong with borrowing it to copy? It's not like you can get extra points just by copying the test paper!"
"Borrow? Didn't you say I didn't hand it in? I didn't borrow it, and she didn't ask me to borrow it. How did she take my test paper?" I stared at Qiuqiu, my eyes almost filled with anger. I don't understand how they formed this idea of ​​"I can do anything to you, but you can't be rude to me."
"Also, I don't want to borrow my test paper!" I glared at the two men and refused to give in.
Tian Tian was so angry that she grabbed the paper and tore it apart: "It's yours, so what? I borrowed it to copy it, what's the big deal!"
I pulled at the half-remaining paper.
"Tian Tian, ​​you tore up my paper. I won't bother with you, but I will tell you one thing - 'Taking something without asking is considered stealing'!"
Tian Tian slammed the table and stood up quickly: "Who do you say is the thief?"
"Whoever steals my test paper is a thief!"
In this tense atmosphere, it seemed that another fight was about to break out. Although I knew that a fight would have a significant impact, I was not afraid facing these two people. I was in the right, so why should I be afraid?
"What are you doing? Are you going to fight after just a few words?" Gu Yue suddenly pushed Tian Tian away, who was about to confront me, and said, "The class is about to start, why are you still making a fuss?"
Everyone looked at the schedule on the blackboard and saw that the next class was English, so they didn't think Gu Yue's actions were strange.
Gu Yue snatched the half test paper from Tian Tian's hand and took mine. He held the half test paper and waved it at Tian Tian: "Don't be so righteous. If you really don't like her, just take the test seriously." Gu Yue looked at Tian Tian with disdain, "Are you annoyed by all these tricks?"
Tian Tian's face turned pale, and she wanted to mock Gu Yue, but she was afraid of Gu Yue's force, so she finally shut her mouth and sat down reluctantly.
"Let's go, I have some transparent tape, just stick it together."
This was nothing more than a gesture of goodwill. I understood why Gu Yue wanted to smooth things over. He was apologizing to me for his anger on Saturday. But I still remember the naked mockery in his eyes. I pulled the paper away and said, "No need. I can handle it myself."
Gu Yue's face froze. He probably didn't expect that I would not give him face.
Looking at his hesitant expression and clear eyes, my heart skipped a beat, but I still said coldly: "Thank you for your help just now, but you should ignore someone like me who is so arrogant all day long and ignores everyone."
Gu Yue's face flushed red. I think he finally realized the feeling . He choked me once, and I choked him once. We owed each other nothing!
When I saw the cover of the notebook torn off and thrown on my desk as a protest, I knew that my guess was right. After dinner, I returned to the classroom and saw Tian Tian and Qiuqiu sitting in the seat behind me. On the table was a notebook with the cover and the first few pages torn off. They were smiling maliciously.
Evening self-study hasn't started yet, but there are no classes today and no teachers guarding the classroom, so those who had the courage to skip class have run away, and those who plan to be late have not arrived yet. There are only a few boys sitting in their seats and some girls sitting wherever they like in the classroom.
"Give it back to me." I said to the two men.
The two of them continued talking and laughing as if they didn't see me.
"give me back!"
I reached out to pull it, but Tian Tian reacted faster and quickly pulled the notebook away: "What else? Is your name written on it?"
Those who were reading looked up at us.
Tian Tian stood up and handed the notebook to me: "Have you written your name? Do you know how to read it? Do you know how to pronounce these two words?"
The notebook contains past years' real questions and similar difficult questions that I collected myself. It is as thick as a dictionary. It is a whole book of questions. It is not an expensive thing, but it took me a lot of effort.
I just moved, and several girls around me stood up. These girls were the ones who spoke at the weekly meeting. Now they looked at me with expressions of watching a good show, but their bodies were in a defensive posture. They were afraid of me.
Tian Tian suddenly tore my notebook into two parts: "I tore it!" Tian Tian looked at me and smiled, "But it doesn't matter, my name is written on it!"
My seat was below the podium. I was facing the seat, and everyone was staring at me. Those sitting there had pity, disdain, or other emotions in their eyes. Those who hated me didn't step on me because of the current situation, and those who had nothing to do with me didn't do anything to stop the situation from developing. This was my relationship with this class, and I felt a little sad for myself.
The hanging fluorescent lamp swayed a few times, and the faces of these people were somewhat blurred by the swaying light.
Tian Tian tore off another part, but the notebook was too thick and she couldn't tear it all at once. Tian Tian's sisters were laughing so hard that they were shaking with laughter.
What happened next was quite chaotic. I rushed over to grab the notebook, but was held back by other girls. Tian Tian tore my notebook into several pieces in front of me. I kept trying to attack, but was suppressed by these girls. The girl's delicate tone was now full of malicious words, and even the happy laughter became full of malice and ridicule.
Several girls held my arms down, forcing me to face everything in front of me without being able to dodge or retreat.
The last part was split into two halves. Tian Tian threw one half at my feet, looking very proud: "Isn't it said that 'taking something without asking is considered stealing'? I didn't steal it. I tore my own things." Tian Tian looked at me and said contemptuously: "Humph!"
Tian Tian walked up to me and tapped me on the face with the last part of her mouth: "You are just a squad leader. I advise you not to be so arrogant! Don't go against me in the future!"
"Is this enough?" Qiuqiu was afraid that the situation would become serious, so he spoke out to stop Tian Tian.
"Enough? At least she should apologize to me!" Tian Tian raised her lips and tried to force me to look at her. "Zhang Yuanyuan, if you say to me: 'Sister Tian, ​​I'm sorry, Sister Tian, ​​I was wrong.' I will let you go!"
I turned my face away from Tian Tian's hand. I stared at her and lowered my voice: "You want me to say this?"
Tian Tian tilted her ear, as if to say, “The sound is too soft, I can’t hear it.”
When Tian Tian came closer to me, I bent my legs and kicked Tian Tian, ​​then used my arms to hit the person who was pulling me. The girl who was pulling me didn't expect me to resist, so she screamed and started to fight, and the scene became more and more chaotic. By the time the few boys pulled the people away, my hair was already disheveled, but they were not much better off.
No one slipped out to find the teacher. I guess they had already "communicated" with the people in the classroom before I entered.
My hair was disheveled and my left ear seemed to have been scraped and bleeding. It was burning with pain. The boys tried to persuade them, but the girls cursed and yelled at them to get out of the way, and told me not to hide behind the boys.
I stared back at her without hesitation. I stared at Tian Tian, ​​and the pain in my facial muscles made me realize that I might have been hit in the face. I stared at her fiercely until Tian Tian got scared and yelled at me in a bluffing manner. I glanced at her heavily, then looked at the girls, then turned and walked out of the classroom.
I don't want to go into the classroom, at least today, at least at this moment.
I hid in a stairwell where few people walked. Only the graduating class had evening self-study in the whole school, and it was pitch black below the fourth floor. I sat in the dark corridor and looked at the lights outside. The cold wind blew. It was still very cold even though it was just the beginning of spring.
I had no worries or fears. All I could think about was the flickering fluorescent lights and the expressionless and silent faces of all the people. I shivered. This was a vent, and the biting cold wind blew straight at me, but it wasn't just my body that got cold.
So what if no one helps me, and so what if I bully others because I have more people than them? That's child's play. I don't need help from others. When the banner with my name is hung at the school gate, they will be the only ones who envy me. If I do well in the exam, it will be the biggest blow to them...
I touched the jade pendant on my chest, and my nose became more and more sour. This kind of thing has never happened to me since I was in elementary school. I sniffed hard, trying to drive away the sourness.
"Ah! Who?"
The sound I made attracted another voice, and I was startled: "Who are you?"
"Zhang Yuanyuan?" A figure appeared from the wall on the fourth floor. "I was scared to death. I thought it was..."
The light from the phone screen shone on the person's face, allowing me to see her clearly. It was Deng Yi, the girl who scored two points higher than me in the second mock English test. Thinking about my frenzy when I took the test paper from her, I felt a little guilty. I must have embarrassed her at that time.
"Sorry for scaring you." I said in a nasal buzzing voice.
"It's okay. I'm just hiding here to read a novel. I was afraid that the teacher might come over suddenly." Deng Yi touched her head embarrassedly. Her playful shoulder-length hair was blown up by the wind. She shrank her neck. "Why are you sitting here?"
This sentence immediately reminded me of what happened just now, and I said coldly: "It's just sitting for a while, it's nothing!"
"You," Deng Yi was a little confused and spoke carefully, "You cried?"
"No!" I denied it flatly. I didn't want to tell others about my experience as gossip just because of their inexplicable curiosity.
"Are you okay?" Deng Yi asked tentatively.
But I rejected this kindness. Deng Yi and Tian Tian, ​​they have a pretty good relationship, right? I don't know, but I don't want to explain it to her, nor do I want to give some small talk like "It's okay", "What can I do", "It's fine".
I stood up suddenly and ran away, shouting to Deng Yi, "It's none of your business!"
I think the rooftop should be quieter than here at this time.
I curled up in a corner of the rooftop. The neon lights in the distance could not shine into this dark corner. I felt at ease being an invisible person in this corner.
I huddled on the rooftop, listening to the sound of car engines and horns. I couldn't control the palpitations in my heart. I could only tell myself that tomorrow was another new day and everything would be fine...
"Click, click, click, bang!"
The last sound was the sound of the big iron door on the rooftop being opened.
At this moment, many thoughts flashed through my mind, such as the teacher coming up to look for someone, and Tian Tian and her gang... I looked at the iron gate and shrank back inside.
"Dad, when did you become so fussy?"
On the quiet rooftop, the sound seemed to be amplified countless times, and I could immediately recognize the voice of the person coming and the voice on the other end of the phone played by the speaker.
"Gu Yue, you little bastard, how dare you tease me?"
"Then just say whatever you want to say! You called me several times today, but you were always hesitant. I told you that I had enough money, but you said you didn't..."
Gu Yue's tone of voice, which sounded like he was complaining but actually secretly happy, made me roll my eyes. It seemed that the relationship between Gu Yue and his father had been completely repaired.
"Why is it so quiet over there? Did you skip class?"
"I'm not skipping class! I'm just looking for a quiet place to listen to your instructions."
"Okay, okay, okay, as long as you don't skip class, go to school honestly!"
"I know, I know!"
Even his impatience had a tone of arrogance.
"Okay, Yueyue, you're not young anymore, you should be sensible. So what..."
"Say it now!"
A woman's voice unexpectedly appeared.
"I know, please don't make a noise! ​​Well, the new house needs some ventilation after it's been renovated. You, you've been busy with your studies lately, so why don't you stay in the dormitory for the time being? After you finish your graduation exam..."
"Dad," Gu Yue's voice suddenly turned cold, the kind of cold that penetrated the bones like a freezing wind, "Are you asking me not to go home?"
"How could that be? It's just that you've reached a critical time in your studies recently. You're about to take the graduation exam, so shouldn't you study hard..."
I leaned my back against the wall. I had no intention of hearing any of this. I could only try my best not to let Gu Yue find out, just like I didn't want to be found out by Deng Yi.
"Don't say any more!" Gu Yue interrupted the voice on the other end of the phone with a stern voice, as if he was heartbroken. "I'll stay here."
"Yueyue." The person on the other end of the phone sighed, "Your aunt is pregnant, and you are grown up. I will buy you a house in the future..."
When you get divorced, one of the people who said that mom and dad will still love you as before will move out of the house. The one who moves out will gradually visit you less and less often, and will no longer be the person you can talk to about anything that happens; the one who stays will also become busy, quickly move into a new life, and meet new people. They still love you as before, but the home full of laughter and joy, your proud dad, your gentle and beautiful mom, everything is like a faded photo left behind by time, and nothing is beautiful anymore.
You can protest against all these, but you cannot hold them back, because we cannot be so selfish, because mom and dad also have the right to live a good life, and you remain silent. Until one day, dad is still your dad, but he will become someone else's dad; mom is still your mom, but you don't know her whereabouts.
You stand there, trapped in the memories of the past, but are told that you have grown up and are no longer a child who needs your parents' care. The once warm but now dilapidated home still belongs to you, but you have been forgotten by the world.
I suddenly felt the same way. The jade pendant on my chest lay there obediently. The phone call had been disconnected for a long time, and Gu Yue had been standing there stiffly, motionless. For no reason, I thought of the plot in the cartoon. Maybe Gu Yue had been petrified. With just a gust of wind, he would collapse into dust and be blown away by the wind. I moved my stiff legs, but accidentally kicked a can.
"who ?"
I heard this sentence for the second time tonight, and my mood was very different.
Gu Yue threw the thing in his hand at me reflexively. A can hit next to me and splashed water on my face.
I stood up and wiped my face: "Puh." I don't know what it was, but it just splashed on my mouth. I licked it subconsciously and it was bitter. "It's me, Zhang Yuanyuan!"
After saying this, I was at a loss for words. What should I say? Your dad doesn't want you anymore? Are you going to have a new brother?
The rooftop we were on was actually the rooftop of the office building, the highest point in the school, and we could even see the classrooms on our floor. I looked at our classroom and said, "I just had a fight with Tian Tian."
"Who?" Gu Yue didn't expect me to say this and was very surprised. After a while, he probably remembered who Tian Tian was, so he asked, "Win or lose?"
My heart dropped. To be honest, I was afraid that Gu Yue would ignore me and leave me in embarrassment. The person who was trying to be nice finally mustered up the courage, but was afraid that the other party would slap me in the face. I pulled the corner of my mouth and said, "I lost." I gestured, but the rooftop was dark, and he didn't know what I was gesturing. "Five against one, it's normal for me to lose, right?"
"Did you really do it? Didn't Yue Hui help you?"
I'm curious, what does this have to do with Yue Hui?
Gu Yue immediately began to explain: "Tian Tian will not let it go. She will definitely not let go of what happened this morning. I asked Yue Hui to keep an eye on her, but..."
But I guess Yue Hui skipped class to play games. I complained in my heart, but I was ashamed of what he said at this moment. He really wanted to help me, but I used words to choke him in the morning.
"I'm sorry, you helped me out this morning, but I did that to you."
Perhaps sensing my embarrassment, Gu Yue said lightly, "It's okay. Isn't it because of me? If it weren't for me, they wouldn't know about your family's situation."
To be honest, these things happened because of me, because I was determined to cause trouble for Liu Sulan, which led to these things. Thinking of this, I don’t know where the desire to confide came from: "Do you know why I targeted your mother? It’s because..."
"I know."
"Ah?" I was a little surprised and looked at Gu Yue blankly.
"I know. I understood it when I went to your house to apologize. Otherwise, I wouldn't have helped your father close the stall. You value studying very much, right? You want to change your fate through studying, so you care so much about my mother."
I have never seen Gu Yue like this before. He doesn’t look violent and angry, nor does he look cold and unapproachable. His eyes are clear and he sees through everything but doesn’t say it out loud.
After saying this, Gu Yue was a little embarrassed: "I didn't really mean to say those mocking words to you, it's just that you saw my dad beat me, and this made me... I couldn't help but vent my anger on you."
"I know." I think I had a smile on my face at this time, "You are not as cruel and brutal as others say. At least when you helped me move things, I could feel that you really wanted to help me."
I know that Gu Yue doesn't look down on me like he said at the time. If he did, he would have attacked me long before he entered my house to apologize to me. Many things can be faked, but his demeanor, his words and his actions at the time, these are not fake. I can feel Gu Yue's kindness. He is different from those girls who gossip about me behind my back.
After I finished speaking, Gu Yue stopped talking. He just stared at me blankly, and I just stared at his eyes stupidly. The neon lights from afar were reflected in Gu Yue's eyes, flashing red and green. At this moment, we were far away from tit-for-tat and tension. We were not embarrassed by the labels that life gave us. Two people who had seen each other's truest side stood in front of each other so frankly, without sympathy, pity, or inferiority. We are the two most ordinary people in the world who are helpless, and we truly feel each other's kindness.
"Those two people who skipped class on the rooftop! Which class are they from? It's so late, and they're still playing on the rooftop!"
My mind went blank and I turned to look across. Standing on the overpass connecting the fourth floor of the office building and the fourth floor of the teaching building was Director Guo holding a wooden ruler!
How to do how to do?
Gu Yue yelled and pulled me to the rooftop stairs. There was only one exit on the rooftop, and running out of the exit would lead to the sixth floor. Director Guo was standing on the sky bridge connecting to the fourth floor. The only way to get out safely was to run away before Director Guo went up to the sixth floor.
Gu Yue pulled me out and we almost jumped downstairs. When we reached the corridor on the fifth floor, Director Guo's voice was like a roar in my ears. We took advantage of the darkness of the night and the lack of lights in the office building to circle around with Director Guo, then rushed out from the first floor and ran for our lives towards the school gate!
Only after they hid in the carport did they completely get rid of Director Guo, and the two men finally stopped.
My heart was beating rapidly from the exercise I just did.
"Ha ha."
Gu Yue gasped and laughed.
I could hear Gu Yue's panting laughter in my ears, the rapid beating of my heart in my chest, and my face was burning hot. I looked at Gu Yue's eyes that were flashing in the dark, and finally couldn't help laughing.
"Ha ha!"

Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024