Chapter 98: Bells Ringing on Maling Mountain

Siwu Qingxiao is located at the top of the Maling Mountain. It is a landform and got its name because the dawn light comes here early in the morning. There is Siwu Qingxiao Tower for tourists to take a rest.
Xu Di stood on the top of the mountain and looked towards Yaowan. There were white sails dotted on the pier and a constant flow of people.
At this time, the emperor brought his own bridal gift, which was also the gift for the first meeting.
He strode away from her, and a silence full of expectation spread from the center of the distant mountains, gradually engulfing the entire palace.
When he came back, the palace servants dispersed to both sides. It turned out that he was leading a white war horse.
It was a young filly, sprightly and shiny, with a mane as smooth as silk.
With only her limited knowledge of horses, Xu Di knew that this was no ordinary horse.
There was something about it that took her breath away. Its fur was as white as the snow on the mountains in winter, and its mane was like silver smoke.
She hesitantly reached out and touched the horse's neck, letting her fingers slide through the white mane.
His Majesty stared at her and said:
"The white horsehair goes perfectly with your shiny black hair."
"She is so beautiful! I have never seen such a handsome horse." Xu Di murmured.
The emperor walked up to her and said, "She is a Ferghana horse presented by the Turks. It is a rare breed of horse with strong horsepower."
A palace servant said, "The noble lady must ride a horse commensurate with her status and position and follow the emperor."
His Majesty took a step forward, put his arms around her slender waist, and a soft feeling spread through his arms.
He picked her up as easily as a child and let her sit on the narrow, flexible saddle.
This saddle was much smaller than the ones she was used to. She had seen them since she was a child, and they were all wide saddles.
Xu Di sat on the saddle somewhat confused. She looked ahead, not knowing where to go.
"What should I do?" she asked the palace servant beside her.
The old palace servant replied, " My dear, take the reins with your little hands and ride a little way, not too far."
So Xu Di nervously held the reins with both hands and put her feet into the short stirrups.
She was not a very good horseman, for she had mostly travelled by ship, carriage or sedan chair, and had few opportunities to ride a horse.
She prayed that she would not fall and make the emperor laugh, and finally she gently pinched the horse's belly.
And so, for the first time in hours, she forgot her fear.
She was timid by nature, and perhaps this was the first time in her life that she forgot to be afraid.
The snow-white mare's steps were steady and light as silk.
The eunuchs and palace maids made way for her, all their eyes focused on her.
Xu Di found that she was riding much faster than she had expected, but she only felt excitement, not fear.
The horse gallops in the spring breeze, and I can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day.
The horse broke into a trot and she couldn't help but giggle.
Her bell-like laughter caused the emperor's eyes to change, and his heart felt itchy. This laughter was very penetrating.
The eunuchs and guards stumbled back, fearing that they would be kicked by the mare.
She only needed to apply a little force with her feet and lightly shake the reins, and the mare would respond immediately.
She urged her horse to gallop, and the guards, eunuchs and palace maids all moved out of the way, shouting and laughing at her and making a fuss.
When she turned her horse around and prepared to return, she saw a fire in the distance ahead.
There were people on both sides of them and there was no way out.
At this moment, Xu Di suddenly felt an unprecedented courage in her heart, and she gave everything to the little mare.
The white Arabian horse carried her through the blazing flames, as if it had wings for her.
At this moment, the last rays of the autumn sun disappeared at the end of the high walls of Maling Mountain.
Xu Di had completely lost her concept of time. She was so immersed in the situation that she forgot the way back.
The emperor ordered the guards to bring his mount, a lean red horse.
An old palace servant walked up to Xu Di and dug his fingers into her thigh flesh:
"My dear, my young bird. Please him and let him enjoy the delicious food under the night sky. Then, your wealth and glory will be just around the corner."
What the old palace servant said is also based on experience.
Many girls fainted when they saw the emperor for the first time.
Some people are confused and let the most beautiful moments slip away.
Some cried and seemed to be in great pain.
Some are like dead wood, with their limbs stiff and they don’t know how to place their hands and feet.
Some resisted and lost their lives in vain.
Resist , can you resist your own life?
The old palace servant's kind reminder actually brought back her fear.
She felt like a little child again, only thirteen, alone , and totally unprepared for what was about to happen to her.
When the stars came out, they rode away together, leaving the palace behind.
His Majesty has a handsome and sturdy figure, upright and straight, like a straight pine tree on Mount Tai.
The bright moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring flows over the rocks.
Without saying a word, he urged his horse to gallop away into the deepening night.
In hindsight she couldn't say exactly how far they had ridden or how long they had been riding, but it was completely dark when they stopped in a meadow beside a creek.
She was trembling all over, and the sound of her heartbeat could be heard clearly in the quiet mountain road.
When flowers are ready to be picked, pick them now; don’t wait until there are no flowers left and you are left with empty branches.
Are all emperors in the world like this?
I pick the flowers I see, regardless of whether the fragile little flowers are willing to bloom in spring or not.
While Xu Di was hesitating, she saw the emperor dismount from his horse and carry her down.
In his hands, she felt as fragile as a glass beauty, and her limbs were as weak as if she was drowning.
She was wearing a wedding dress specially made by the palace, and her thin body looked a little empty inside.
However, her breasts still proudly stood up.
Perhaps the image of the adults rubbing her that night would reappear in front of her eyes.
She was very shy at that time, for the first time in her life.
The master's hands were unscrupulous. In fact, he wanted her to get into the role as quickly as possible and be a good bride of the emperor.
Fortunately, the waves created by the adults gradually receded while she was in a trance.
From then on, the encounter that evening was something she would remember for the rest of her life.
She stood there trembling, watching His Majesty tie up the horses. When he turned to look at her, she finally couldn't help but let her tears fall.
He looked at her tears with a strange expressionless face. Was he used to it, or had he become numb in his heart?
She heard him whisper, "No, don't do this!"
He raised his hand and roughly wiped away her tears with his silkworm-like thumb.
"Don't be afraid." His eyes were already filled with the heat of magma.
He was comforting her, she thought, but it was much better than she had originally thought, and that soothed her a little.
He touched her hair gently, stroking her shiny black hair with his hands while mumbling to himself like a madman.
Xu Di didn't understand what he was saying. Perhaps she had no such experience and had no idea that the emperor was already in a state of intoxication.
He was close to madness.
She couldn't stop trembling, and silently shouted in her heart: "Master Li, is this the story you hoped would happen..."

Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024