Chapter 96: A surprise counterattack!

"Have some of the brothers in the forest retreated?"
While watching the battle, Liu Heita asked Fan Yuan at the lookout tower with a frown on his face.
Fan Yuan had just received a report from his subordinates, and he raised his head and shouted, "He's back..."
Liu Heita immediately ordered, "Tell them to set up an ambush on the flanks. If the enemy general shows up on the flanks, beat him to death."
Fan Yuan solemnly clasped his fists in agreement, then rushed to the flank to pass on orders and supervise the battle.
After Fan Yuan left, Liu Heita continued to watch the battle.
On the battlefield, the fighting between the soldiers of the General Command's Office and Liu's army became more and more chaotic, and soon it became a situation where you are in me and I am in you.
Although part of Liu's army retreated, their numbers were still greater than those of the soldiers of the General Military Office.
Although the number of soldiers in the General Military Office is less than that of Liu’s army, their combat effectiveness is stronger than that of Liu’s army.
Liu's army was relying on its numerical advantage to fight against the soldiers of the General Military Office, so it was difficult to tell who was stronger for a while.
Li Yuanji was also watching the battle at the pass. At first he just watched with his naked eyes, but later he simply took out the golden tube he had used before to watch.
The golden tube used by Li Yuanji is actually the Tang Dynasty version of the telescope.
The lens was made from a crystal cup that Li Yuanji had seized when he was fighting bandits.
The crystal cup is transparent all over, just like glass.
In later life, Li Yuanji saw a very similar cup in a museum, which was left over from the Warring States Period.
However, the crystal cup seized by Li Yuanji was not as tall as that cup, but its bottom was thicker than that cup.
It must be that the craftsman who carved the cup was not skilled enough.
If you split the bottom of the cup into two from the side and polish it carefully, you can make two small crystal lenses and assemble them into a simple monocular telescope.
Through the telescope, Li Yuanji could barely see what was happening on the battlefield.
The craftsmanship of the military craftsmen was not up to standard and they could not make the telescope that Li Yuanji wanted, so Li Yuanji could only make do with it.
When Li Yuanji saw Su Dingfang leading his troops halfway and suddenly split up his troops, he realized that his guess had come true. Liu Heita was really using Li Shimin's old tricks and using his own head as bait to lure them to attack.
Su Dingfang suddenly divided his troops, obviously because he discovered that the enemy was ambushing.
Li Yuanji was a little confused. Since Su Dingfang had discovered the enemy's ambush, why didn't he retreat but instead faced the challenge head-on?
However, since Su Dingfang has made his choice, he must choose to trust Su Dingfang.
When he saw the soldiers of Zuo Santong's Mansion fighting with Liu's army, he immediately ordered the guards around him to get ready and prepare to rush to the rescue.
The soldiers of Zuo San Tongjun Mansion were fighting with Liu's army, which meant that if the enemy sent reinforcements, it would be difficult for the soldiers of Zuo San Tongjun Mansion to quickly leave the battlefield.
However, Su Dingfang had not yet sent out a signal requesting help, so he could not act rashly for fear of disrupting Su Dingfang's strategy.
As he looked, Li Yuanji suddenly put down the monocular telescope.
"A surprise counterattack?!"
Li Yuanji saw through the monocular telescope that Su Dingfang led a large group of soldiers from the General Military Office and split up their forces, then took a detour and rushed to one side of Liu Heita's temporary camp.
When he was about to rush to Liu Heita's temporary camp, Su Dingfang suddenly reined in his horse and rushed towards the soldiers of the Zuo Santong Military Office who were fighting.
Li Yuanji immediately understood Su Dingfang's intention.
Su Dingfang wanted to lure all the enemies out of the mountains and forests, and then launch a surprise attack on them.
Su Dingfang led the cavalry, and the enemy were all infantry.
In terms of mobility, Su Dingfang was far superior to the enemy.
Therefore, as long as all the enemy infantrymen left the forest and were entangled by the soldiers of the Zuo Santong Military Office who were fighting, it would be difficult for them to escape.
Su Dingfang took advantage of this opportunity to attack again, and the enemy had no chance of escaping.
The soldiers of Zuo Santong's Mansion were entangled with the enemy. They could not escape, and neither could the enemy.
“Well done!”
Li Yuanji praised excitedly.
Liu Heita wanted to use the method of luring the enemy into an attack to capture the Tang Dynasty troops at Weize Pass. Su Dingfang also used a method of luring the enemy into an attack to lure out his troops that were ambushing in the dark.
When Li Yuanji saw Su Dingfang's counterattack, Liu Heita also saw it.
After all, the two sides were fighting outside Liu Heita's temporary camp, and Liu Heita was standing on the lookout tower and must have seen it clearly.
After seeing Su Dingfang leading his troops to make a feint on the flank and charge towards the battlefield where fighting was taking place, Liu Heita grabbed the railing on the watchtower and shouted at the guards standing below.
"Hurry up and fire the horn! Let the Turks attack Weize Pass! Sound the horn again and let the brothers who are fighting retreat!"
At this time, Liu Heita did not dare to send more troops to the battlefield.
They could only place their hopes on the Turks, hoping that the Turks would put some pressure on the Tang army from another side and force them to retreat.
The reason why Liu Heita did not dare to send more troops to the battlefield was that infantry could never outrun cavalry.
The troops he had were very limited.
If more troops are added to the battlefield, the enemy will most likely immediately abandon the battlefield where they are fighting and turn around to continue rushing towards his flank.
If he calls his troops back, the enemy will attack him again.
After doing this three or five times, his soldiers would be exhausted, but the enemy would still be full of energy.
In this situation, if the enemy attacked his temporary camp again, he had no choice but to surrender.
“Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh…”
First there were three blasts of arrows, followed by bursts of gong sounds.
The sound of gongs instantly resounded throughout Liu Heita's temporary camp.
Liu Jun, who was fighting with the soldiers of the Left Third General's Office, had already heard the sound of Su Dingfang and his group's horses charging, and also saw Su Dingfang and his group rushing towards them, so he was already panicked.
After hearing the gong, he ran towards .
"Want to run?! It's not that easy!"
The captain of the Left Third Military Command laughed and announced loudly.
Liu Jun was already entangled with , and they couldn't easily escape from the battlefield. It was not so easy for Liu Jun to easily escape from the battlefield.
The captain of the Zuo Sanjun Mansion raised the long-handled knife in his hand and chopped at a Liu soldier with a big laugh.
The other soldiers of the Zuo Sanjun Mansion also killed more vigorously.
They didn't know Su Dingfang's thoughts before, and Su Dingfang didn't say it clearly.
The captain of the Left Third Military Commander's Office had also fought with Su Dingfang several times, and they had some tacit understanding. When Su Dingfang asked him to lead 500 people to charge into the enemy's ambush, he immediately understood what Su Dingfang was going to do.
But he did not tell the other soldiers.
Because once the other soldiers knew Su Dingfang's plan, if they fought on the battlefield, they might leave room for Su Dingfang to lead his men back.
The smart ones among the enemy will definitely be able to see some flaws in it.
So he said nothing.
Now that Su Dingfang has led his men back to fight, the soldiers of the Zuo Sanjun Mansion also understand Su Dingfang's thoughts.
As for the things that Su Dingfang did not tell them in advance, they would not care at all.
What’s the matter? A deputy commander needs to explain things to you, a private?
Why don’t you go to heaven?
As long as Su Dingfang could lead them to victory, they didn't care what Su Dingfang asked them to do, nor would they ask the reason.
Instead of asking the reason, it would be better to chop off two more heads.
"Those who surrender will not be killed!!"
Su Dingfang led a large group of soldiers to the battlefield and shouted loudly.
When Liu's army saw Su Dingfang arriving, they could not escape and had to surrender.
They were bandits and vagrant soldiers recruited by Liu Heita along the way. It was impossible to expect them to fight to the death for Liu Heita.
Liu Heita promised them great wealth and asked them to follow him.
Now that their lives are almost gone, why would they care about being rich?
The only ones who resisted stubbornly were some officers, brigade commanders, and team leaders sent by Liu Heita.
But they didn't last more than a quarter of an hour under the knives of Su Dingfang and others.
After Su Dingfang and his men had chopped off the stubborn elements, he raised his lance, pointed at Liu Heita's temporary camp, and shouted, "Pick up your weapons and attack Liu Heita's camp now!
If you get Liu Heita's head, it can be exchanged for a duke in the Tang Dynasty for generations!"
The Liu army that had just surrendered was a little confused.
They are surrendered soldiers, and they have just surrendered. How dare Su Ding let them pick up their weapons again and help Su Dingfang fight?
"What Liu Heita can give you, my Tang Dynasty can give you, and what Liu Heita cannot give you, my Tang Dynasty can also give you! You know how many soldiers and horses Liu Heita has, and you also know whether Liu Heita can withstand our conquest!
As long as you chop off Liu Heita’s head, you can exchange it for a duke or marquis in the Tang Dynasty!
The opportunity is right in front of you. It depends on you whether you can seize it or not!"
Su Dingfang rode his horse, inspected the surrendered soldiers and shouted loudly.
After a round of fighting with Liu Jun's subordinates under Liu Heita, Su Dingfang had a rough idea of ​​Liu Heita's strength.
Liu Heita definitely didn't have many soldiers and horses.
Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to watch these people being defeated right under his nose.
Therefore, using this as an excuse, they told the surrendered soldiers that Liu Heita's head was as easy as pie for them, and many of them would definitely be tempted.
They are not Liu Heita's die-hard followers. It is possible that they help Liu Heita one moment and help the Tang Dynasty the next.
In this era where the king's flag is changed every day, it is very common to follow this king today and that king tomorrow.
Some of them were still Dou Jiande and Wang Shichong's followers at the beginning of last year.
In the middle of last year, I became a citizen of the Tang Dynasty.
By the end of the year, he became Liu Heita's man again.
The royal flag was changed three times in one year.
Among them, the flag of the King of Tang was obviously stronger. Now they were prisoners of the Tang Dynasty, so they did not have much psychological burden if they served the Tang Dynasty.
"I can go! But I want a set of armor!"
A strong man slowly stood up and shouted with his neck raised.

Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024