Chapter 94: Queen of the Skies! Boeing 747!

In the Blue Sky Airlines archives, Li Rongxian was looking through Xu Cang's archival materials.
In fact, Jin Fuli was not willing to let an outsider see such private things. However, the leaders who followed behind heard that Li Rongxian was interested in Xu Cang's information, and they took the initiative to let the archives room take Xu Cang's file to Li Rongxian.
If Jin Fuli didn't know the inside story, someone who didn't know would have thought he was Li Rongxian's lackey when seeing his enthusiasm.
It took Li Rongxian a while to read Xu Cang's file. Although those leaders liked to flatter Li Rongxian, they didn't wait on him. After waiting for a while, they basically all returned to their posts, leaving only Jin Fuli in the office to accompany Li Rongxian.
Jin Fuli didn't indulge Li Rongxian. When he got bored, he just lay down on the sofa, totally disregarding his image. As for Li Rongxian, he seemed to be really interested in Xu Cang's situation. He really flipped through the files one by one, fearing that he would miss any details.
Jin Fuli glanced at Li Rongxian for a long time and finally confirmed that this guy was not acting on a whim, but was really checking it carefully, as if he was treating something extremely important.
"What the hell?" Jin Fuli muttered casually.
The general manager of Airbus Asia Pacific and an ordinary pilot of a small or medium-sized airline, it seems that there should be no connection between the two.
However, Jin Fuli was a very carefree person, and he was too lazy to ask Li Rongxian. He found a comfortable position on the sofa and began to close his eyes and rest.
But before he could close his eyes for too long, a puzzled voice suddenly came to Jin Fuli's ears: "Mr. Jin, judging from the files, this Xu Cang doesn't seem to be very powerful. I see that he has failed many previous examinations..."
To be honest, Xu Cang's file is not very good, especially the part after he joined the company is simply unbearable to look at. Anyone who knows a little bit about the business would not think that Xu Cang would be an excellent pilot after seeing this kind of file.
"Could it be that Ma Cheng was lying to me?" Li Rongxian wondered in his heart.
His brother Li Rongcheng is not a fool. It is ridiculous for him to pin the future of Boeing on this co-pilot who cannot even perform a skilled inspection several times.
Jin Fuli had read the file before and knew which part Li Rongxian was talking about. He didn't care much and said casually without even opening his eyes, "Young people are playful and it's normal for them to be a little unrestrained at the beginning."
"But the fact that he failed the proficiency check three times can no longer be explained by his desire to have fun, right?" Li Rongxian closed Xu Cang's file and shook his head, "This is entirely a question of ability."
If his brother really placed his bet on such a pilot, he should have celebrated it instead of stopping it. This was the last straw that broke the camel's back for Boeing.
"Tsk, how can you talk like that?" Jin Fuli opened his eyes instantly, sat up, and glared at Li Rongxian. He was not happy: "After reading it, do you want to discuss the order? In fact, there is nothing to discuss. There is no discount anyway, so it is a waste of time to discuss it."
Li Rongxian was not annoyed, but asked in return: "The order matter is easy to deal with. My evaluation of Xu Cang just now seemed to have made Mr. Jin very dissatisfied?"
"Have you seen Xu Cang? Have you seen him manipulate things? Do you know what kind of person he is?" Jin Fuli snorted, "You judge a person based on a file that means nothing. Is this what you so-called elites do?"
Li Rongxian was stunned for a moment, then slowly stood up: "Could it be that this Xu Cang is really so extraordinary?"
Jin Fuli also stood up and patted his clothes: "Do I need to answer every question you ask?"
Li Rongxian laughed and said, "I can't openly offer discounts on the order price. According to the headquarters' regulations, you are not a valuable customer. I can't do anything about it. However, I have the authority to provide appropriate assistance in the future purchase of aviation materials."
Jin Fuli's eyes lit up immediately. Although the discount on aviation materials was definitely not as good as that on the whole aircraft, and he didn't think Li Rongxian would offer a big discount, it was free after all, and who could resist the temptation of free stuff?
Without any hesitation, Jin Fuli's mood turned from gloomy to cheerful and he laughed: "Boss Li is so generous, it is only natural for me to return the favor. Come with me, I will let you really see what the future of our Blue Sky Airlines will be like."
Jin Fuli waved to Li Rongxian to follow him, and the two went upstairs to the Safety Supervision Department. Most of the Safety Supervision Department was now dealing with the Blue Sky 9211 incident, and the noise was overwhelming as soon as they entered the Safety Supervision Department's office.
After they entered the office, they turned directly into an inner room, where the flight cockpit sound and simulator training videos were stored. Usually, the work here was quite leisurely. When Jin Fuli came in, the people inside were still playing with their phones.
When the guard saw Jin Fuli coming in, he was so scared that he almost dropped his phone.
Jin Fuli did not pursue the behavior of slacking off at work, but just said casually: "Some time ago, I led a simulator at the flight security, you can find the video of that day."
Seeing that Jin Fuli didn't seem angry, the staff dared not neglect it. They first checked Jin Fuli's training plan on the Internet, confirmed the date and the match after verifying it with Jin Fuli, and then started looking for the video files.
The video files of simulator training here are copied from the hard drive by the Safety Supervision Department at regular intervals at the Flight Safety Department, and they are classified into different categories, making them easy to find.
Soon, the staff found the corresponding hard drive, inserted it into the computer, and found the video file of that day in the corresponding folder.
"Captain Jin, we found the file. Do you want to take it with you or take a look at it?"
Jin Fuli waved his hand: "You go out first."
Jin Fuli ordered everyone to leave, and the staff immediately packed up their personal belongings and quickly left the room, closing the door behind them.
"This is a video of Xu Cang's simulator that was recorded not long ago. You will understand after watching it."
Li Rongxian raised his eyebrows, sat in front of the computer, clicked on the video file, and the video was played soon.
I have to say that Fei'an's video recording system is quite powerful. Not only is the image quality extremely clear, but the sound quality is also very high. Even the deliberately suppressed chatting sounds between people can be heard clearly after being amplified.
Li Rongxian looked at the densely packed heads on the screen and asked, "Which one of them is Xu Cang? Is he here?"
"No, he's not there in the front. Just pull it to the last 20 minutes." Jin Fuli recalled: "He should be in the left seat."
Li Rongxian hummed and scrolled the video progress bar to the last twenty minutes. As expected, he soon found a young man who seemed to be reluctant to get on the left seat.
Jin Fuli stood at the back and curled his lips: "The man sitting in the upper seat is Xu Cang, you better watch out."
"Mr. Jin, I just had a question." Li Rongxian pressed the pause button: "I looked at Xu Cang's file and he should have flown a Boeing, but if I'm not mistaken, this simulator is an Airbus 320, right?"
Speaking of this, Jin Fuli's eyes sparkled: "Yes, this kid should really be flying a Boeing, but for some reason, he can fly an Airbus. Just wait and see!"
"A co-pilot of a dual-plane?" This kind of thing is unheard of and is absolutely rare even in foreign countries. However, Li Rongxian was still calm and did not hesitate, but played the video again.
As the video played, the sound of the video echoed throughout the room. Even from the video, Li Rongxian could see that Xu Cang showed impatience almost written on his face when he took the seat. But until... perhaps because he could no longer tolerate the incompetence of the right seat, Xu Cang began to intervene.
However, even though the picture quality is relatively high, you still cannot see the display on the instrument panel, and you can only get a rough idea of ​​the situation through the conversations between the characters.
Jin Fuli was watching from behind, and fearing that Li Rongxian didn't understand the situation at the time, he explained: "At that time, I was just preparing to test his handling procedures in the event of a double engine failure. Although the altitude was theoretically enough to return to the base, I soon discovered a mistake."
"What is wrong?"
"Wind!" Even today, Jin Fuli still feels the shock at that time. He pondered for a moment: "I forgot to eliminate the high-altitude wind. In the manual, the so-called best gliding speed is based on calm wind conditions, but there was a certain amount of high-altitude headwind at that time!"
"So, you think you can't fly back?" From the video, Li Rongxian could clearly hear Jin Fuli had already started to pack up and leave. This clearly meant that there was no point in flying back!
"That's right! That's what I felt at the time, and everyone in the simulator cabin felt the same way." Jin Fuli did not hide his misjudgment at all: "The altitude when both engines were shut down was very ambiguous, just a little higher than the lowest limit altitude. Coupled with the high altitude and headwind, anyone would think that we couldn't fly back. No, because we couldn't calculate it, so we could only determine that we couldn't fly back based on our feelings."
Li Rongxian's eyelids jumped: "Then what does that mean, can Xu Cang figure it out?"
"I still don't know! Because the wind direction of this simulator is constant, and the wind speed changes linearly, it should be possible to calculate it, right?" Jin Fuli sighed: "Just watch it yourself, and you will understand!"
Li Rongxian's face gradually darkened. He understood what Jin Fuli said, but he could not agree with the feasibility of the so-called plan revealed in his words. That's right, being able to calculate it does not mean that it can be done by manpower alone, especially when the pilot has to take on the task of flight control. If he is not careful, he may not be able to fly out even if there is really the best glide path.
What’s the point of being able to calculate it as long as it deviates slightly from the optimal glide path?
Jin Fuli could certainly understand what Li Rongxian was thinking, because he had thought so before. But the ironclad facts were more powerful than groundless speculation. He did not speak, but just stood silently behind, waiting for the last moment.
In fact, the following long section is very boring, just Xu Cang constantly adjusting the plane's attitude. After zooming in on the partial picture, Li Rongxian found that Xu Cang did not fly completely according to the best speed marked in the manual, but made some changes based on it.
If Xu Cang flies exactly at the speed in the manual, he will definitely not be able to fly to this field. Because all the data in the manual is based on calm wind conditions, Xu Cang needs to continuously revise this data according to the high-altitude wind. If Xu Cang always flies rigidly at the best speed in the manual, Li Rongxian will look down on him.
Xu Cang was certain from the beginning that the plane could fly to this field, and he had not yet made any data corrections. Could it be that he could calculate the entire descent trajectory in his mind?
With this almost terrifying thought, Li Rongxian, while watching Xu Cang's flight video, was also calculating the feasibility of the aircraft arriving at this airport based on the altimeter and DME distance.
As the plane got closer, Li Rongxian was surprised to find that the plane seemed to be able to land on the field.
When Li Rongxian began to seriously consider the feasibility of the plane flying to the airport, the plane was only three nautical miles away from the airport. At this time, it was much easier to mentally calculate the height-to-distance ratio of the plane, because at this altitude, the wind speed was already quite small. It was incredible that Xu Cang had predicted that he would be able to reach this situation when he was more than 20 nautical miles away from the airport and the high-altitude wind was quite strong.
However, this is not the end!
When the plane was about to land, Xu Cang approached at an extremely high speed and maintained it until it was close to the leveling altitude. Finally, with the finishing touch of "one meter leveling", he made the wheels touch down on the runway entrance mark very dangerously, and even the release of the landing gear was just right, not a second early or late.
Jin Fuli raised his chin slightly: "How?"
"Breathtaking! Breathtaking!" Li Rongxian kept repeating these four words, as if all his language systems had completely crashed and he could no longer find any other words.
Although the plan to recruit Xu Cang as his disciple was temporarily shelved, Jin Fuli still felt honored and a sense of pride arose spontaneously.
Suddenly, Li Rongxian, who was looking down, asked, "Mr. Jin , have any Boeing representatives visited your company recently?"
"Boeing representatives? What are they doing here?"
"So that means there is nothing left?" Li Rongxian suddenly laughed sinisterly, "It seems he is still observing and hesitating. That's just right, just right!"
Jin Fuli looked at the slightly trembling Li Rongxian's back, a little confused: "What's wrong with you?"
Li Rongxian let out a long breath and suppressed his inner restlessness. He slowly turned around and faced Jin Fuli: "Mr. Jin, it should be easy for you to deal with a pilot, right?"
Jin Fuli didn't like the half-smile on Li Rongxian's face at the moment: "What do you mean?"
Li Rongxian smiled even more brightly, and pointed his finger at Xu Cang's image on the screen: "It shouldn't be difficult to prevent him from ever becoming a pilot, right?"

Xu Cang, who was completely unaware of the malicious intent of others, had escaped from the "interrogation" at this moment and had a chance to breathe temporarily. Although the interview by the bureau was relatively strict, it was not a real interrogation of the prisoner after all, so it was relatively lenient.
As soon as Xu Cang came out, he ran into Lu Jinghua who was waiting outside.
Lu Jinghua hugged Xu Cang and asked him to repeat all the questions asked by the people from the bureau, and then asked him to give his own answers so that Lu Jinghua could figure out whether Xu Cang had said anything wrong.
Although he felt that it was unnecessary, Lu Jinghua had good intentions after all, so Xu Cang patiently tried to recall and recount the conversation.
However, after finishing his speech, Lu Jinghua suddenly found that the Southwest Bureau did not seem to raise any sharp questions. This was completely different from the Southwest Bureau he had imagined.
In his mind, the people in the Southwest Bureau were the ones who were always trying to find fault with everything. They were self-righteous and arrogant, and they were annoying.
In recent years, every time he went to the bureau for inspection or received people from the Southwest Bureau, he had to take some antihypertensive drugs in advance, otherwise his blood vessels might burst one day.
Xu Cang's ears were suddenly filled with Lu Jinghua's complaints about the Southwest Bureau, some of which were unbearable to hear, so he had to stop him quickly: "You are the general manager of the flight department, don't talk nonsense, it's not good if others hear it."
Lu Jinghua didn't care about that. He raised his chin and stiffened his neck: "Who can hear it?"
Almost at the moment when Lu Jinghua finished speaking, a soft female voice suddenly came from behind them, which frightened Xu Cang and Lu Jinghua so much that they almost jumped up. When they turned around, they found Xia Shuyue standing behind them.
However, their eyes quickly passed over Xia Shuyue and fell on a tall woman standing next to Xia Shuyue.
This woman was half a head taller than Xia Shuyue next to her, and her pair of plump long legs was full of visual impact, but what was even more shocking was that a certain part of her body was so incredibly surging that Xu Cang strongly doubted whether the buttons on her shirt could withstand such constant pressure.
“Holy Shit!”
Lu Jinghua was so shocked that he spat out foreign ink on the spot!
Women may have different requirements for men, such as being strong and muscular, gentle and elegant, or cheerful and optimistic. However, men's aesthetic taste for women is often surprisingly consistent in some aspects.
“Does it look good?”
Suddenly, a ghostly voice entered their ears. Xu Cang and the others nodded as if they were bewitched. However, as soon as they nodded, Xu Cang and the others felt something was wrong and immediately coughed twice to cover up their embarrassment!
Xu Cang raised his head slightly again, just in time to see Xia Shuyue glaring at him fiercely , and his old face immediately turned red.
At this somewhat awkward moment, the tall woman spoke, smiling at Lu Jinghua: "Mr. Lu, you seem to be very free?"
Lu Jinghua was not the kind of man who was dominated by his lower body. After a moment of distraction, he gathered his thoughts and glanced at the tall woman with a little doubt: "I don't think I've seen you in the company."
"Xin Weiwei, the new general manager of the cabin department!" Xin Weiwei not only has a hot body, but also a smooth voice that makes people's bones soften: "I was parachuted in. I have never worked here before, so President Lu has naturally never seen him."
Lu Jinghua raised his eyebrows, a little surprised. It was the first time he heard of the top leaders of the front-line departments of flight, cabin and maintenance being directly airborne.
"There should be many opportunities for us to work together in the future." Lu Jinghua responded with a smile.
Xin Weiwei hummed, and her eyes quickly fell on Xu Cang: "The flight attendant of 9211 told me about what you did in the cabin. I have to say, as a pilot, your performance in handling the cabin problem surprised me."
"Ah?" Xu Cang was stunned, and was about to ask what he had done. However, he soon realized that perhaps after the aircraft's power system failed, the cabin lights went out, and many passengers were emotional, and some even smashed the cockpit door.
If Xin Weiwei hadn't mentioned it, Xu Cang would have almost forgotten about it, so he waved his hand casually: "They are just trivial matters, I didn't do anything."
"If those were all minor matters, then the flight attendant of 9211 would be ashamed." Xin Weiwei looked at Xu Cang with a slightly strange look: "Listening to the flight attendant's description, you really kept your composure at that time."
It was precisely because of Xu Cang's calm and almost terrifying performance that infected many passengers whose emotions were close to losing control that the chaos in the cabin was gradually calmed down.
Xu Cangyi shrugged: "I know the plane can land, so of course I can keep my composure."
"You know you can fall..." Xin Weiwei looked at Lu Jinghua with her charming eyes: "But did the other flight crews have this awareness at that time?"
Lu Jinghua's face froze, and he thought to himself that this new general manager of the cabin department was really not easy to deal with, so he started to use this opportunity to establish his authority.
However, Xin Weiwei was not an aggressive person and quickly changed the subject: "I came to see you this time for something. Our cabin department selects outstanding flight attendants every quarter. Although the flight attendant of 9211 barely passed the test, I still think it is not enough. I think I can give it to you, Xu Cang!"
Not to mention Xu Cang, even Lu Jinghua screamed.
Xu Cang was completely confused. How could a person from the flight department like him get an award from the cabin department? Wasn't this stealing other people's benefits?
"Boss Xin, this is unacceptable! I'm a pilot, how can I accept an award from the cabin department?"
Xin Weiwei's rosy and plump lips curled up a little: "On flight 9211, your performance was better than the chief steward, so you deserve it. There is nothing you can't get. I don't care whether you want it or not. I have already submitted your name list. I believe you will receive an email notification soon."
"This..." Xu Cang's temples were throbbing. Why did President Xin act so swiftly and decisively? He didn't even discuss it with him. He just came to inform him directly without giving him any preparation.
Xu Cangke knew very well that there were some things that he couldn't take, especially as an outsider! The cabin department's awards could add points to the flight attendants' promotion, and the points were a lot, and many people were jealous of this.
So many chief flight attendants were counting on this quarterly award to be promoted to flight attendant instructors, but in the end someone like me from the flight department got there first. Isn't that like putting him under the fire?
However, Xin Weiwei did not give Xu Cang any chance to refuse. After notifying Xu Cang, she patted Xia Shuyue and left.
After Xin Weiwei and Xia Shuyue walked away, Lu Jinghua put one hand on Xu Cang's shoulder and covered his forehead with the other hand.
Xu Cang shook his shoulders: "What's wrong with you?"
"Aren't you dizzy?" Lu Jinghua spoke weakly: "I am very dizzy!"
"I don't like this!"
Although Xin Weiwei's body is extremely hot and sexy, it is not up to Xu Cang's aesthetic standards. Apart from the shock at the beginning, there is nothing special about it afterwards.
"Don't get too close to me!"
Xu Cang was quite disgusted by the close contact between the two men and pushed Lu Jinghua away directly: "Can't you find a way to withdraw that email? If I accept the award, won't the flight attendant trip me up when I fly next time?"
"What nonsense are you talking about?" Lu Jinghua spread his hands. "I don't even know how to run my own flight department, and you want me to get involved in the cabin department. You think highly of me."
"It's useless when I ask you to help me." Xu Cang rubbed his temples. "By the way, why didn't I see Mr. Luo during the meeting today? Is he so indifferent?"
Lu Jinghua scratched his head: "I don't know, and I don't know where he ran off to."

Luo Yong, the vice president of operations who was supposed to be in charge of the company, actually found the hotel where Ma Cheng was staying, and Ma Cheng was quite surprised at the arrival of this old friend.
They found a secluded private room in the coffee shop on the second floor of the hotel and sat down. Luo Yong and Ma Cheng were originally supposed to have a private chat, but Liu Minxue's joining in made the atmosphere of the conversation a little strange.
"I say, Luo Yong, your Blue Sky Airlines is ridiculous. The young ones leave, the old ones come, and it never ends?" Even though Liu Minxue was present, Ma Cheng still ridiculed Luo Yong without any scruples.
The two of them disliked each other when they were in the aviation school. Now that Ma Cheng is doing better, and he has such a good opportunity, shouldn't he make good use of it?
"During the day, I asked Lu Jinghua to come and talk to you. This is my problem. He may not have explained some things to you clearly." Facing the ridicule of his mortal enemy, Luo Yong's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to speak in a dignified manner: "So, I came here in person at night just to make things clear."
"Can you explain things clearly if you come here in person? Luo Yong, have you not given up yet?" Ma Cheng sneered, "Look at the three major airlines, which one of them still allows joint operation? Joint operation is a trick used by small companies like you to steal. Do you think we don't understand it? Paying a little bit of joint operation fee, you can learn all the experience we have worked so hard to accumulate. Is there such a benefit in the world? If you come, will it be useful?"
To be honest, what Ma Cheng said makes some sense. At the beginning, the three major airlines were still happy to jointly operate, but later they found that they were the only contributors in this matter and basically did not get corresponding feedback. As a result, the three major airlines basically will not agree to joint operation now.
Luo Yong was basically being scolded by Ma Cheng, but he endured it and continued to say, "Ma Cheng, you can slander me later, that's fine! But I want to talk business now! I know that you suffered a loss in the previous joint operation, so I thought of a way that you won't suffer a loss."
"Hmm?" Ma Cheng glanced at Luo Yong hesitantly: "What do you mean?"
"I mean to directly wet lease one of your 747s and a complete crew, including pilots and cabin crew. You just need to provide us with the right to use the route and logistical technical support. We will assign personnel to join the operation to learn from experience as appropriate, and you must not hide anything. During the operation period, all maintenance costs of the aircraft and crew salaries will be borne by us. If the route is profitable, the surplus after deducting our costs will be given to you. If the route is unprofitable, we will be responsible. Ma Cheng, what do you think of this?"
After listening to Luo Yong's plan, even Liu Minxue's eyes twitched a little. Blue Sky Airlines was really determined to enter the international route. This plan was completely to give benefits to Muhua Airlines, and Blue Sky just wanted to accumulate experience.
Faced with this bloodletting plan, Ma Cheng did not agree. Instead, he asked a strange question: "Aren't you planning to use the 777 for international flights?"
"Didn't the authority complain that we don't have enough experience on international routes? Lu Jinghua should have told you about it during the day," Luo Yong asked curiously.
After these words were spoken, Ma Cheng and Liu Minxue looked at each other and felt that airlines like Blue Sky Airlines deserved to be marginalized. They didn't even know about the problem with the 777 and still thought that the problem was due to the lack of operating experience on international routes.
However, Ma Cheng will not tell Luo Yong about this. This is the price that Blue Sky Airlines should bear.
"Okay, I can feel your sincerity!" It has come to this point, Ma Cheng would be embarrassed if he didn't go with the flow: "I will move forward as soon as possible. No! I will give you the list of wet-leased aircraft and crew tomorrow!"
When Luo Yong heard that Ma Cheng agreed so readily, he was immediately excited: "Of course the sooner the better."
Although this plan will place a considerable burden on Blue Sky Airlines, compared with the huge profits in the international route market, this cost is worth it.
As long as we can hold on for half a year, and then apply to the authority for the qualification to operate international routes, there should be no big problem. By then, the Boeing 777 should have completed the verification and can be delivered, and everything will be ready, perfect.
If everything develops according to Luo Yong's expectations, then the financial losses can naturally be tolerated. But can things really go as Luo Yong imagined?
In this strange atmosphere of joy between the two sides, Liu Minxue suddenly said, "Boss Luo, what do you think of the conditions I proposed during the day?"
Luo Yong, who was about to take a swig, was stunned for a moment: "What conditions?"

The next morning, Xu Cang was awakened by the morning sunshine. He opened his dry eyes and wanted to stay in bed for a while. After all, it was still a bit cold outside, and he instinctively wanted to stay in bed.
Suddenly, Xu Cang noticed that the screen of the mobile phone next to the pillow lit up, which made Xu Cang speechless. He went to bed too hastily last night and forgot to put the phone away.
Xu Cang was just about to put his phone aside when he saw a text message on it. He squinted and glanced at the screen, and it turned out to be from Lu Jinghua.
"What a psycho! Texting so early in the morning."
Xu Cang originally planned to ignore it, but after thinking about it, he impatiently reached for his phone, opened the message and took a look.
"Xu Cang, our company is probably crazy. We actually wet-leased a 747 from Muhua Airlines!" Lu Jinghua's text message was quite short, but one could feel Lu Jinghua's shock and confusion just from the words.
Xu Cang had no interest in whether Blue Sky Airlines was crazy or not. After all, it was not run by him, so how the company behaved was up to the company's leaders.
There was actually a picture attached to Lu Jinghua’s text message. Xu Cang saw that it was a red-painted Boeing 747. Seeing how serious it looked, could it be that Blue Sky Airlines was really going to get a Boeing 747?
Given the size and route structure of Blue Sky Airlines, serving a Boeing 747 would be bleeding itself. Are the company's leaders out of their minds?
Pursing his lips, Xu Cang threw his phone aside. No matter how violent the weather outside was, he still had to take a nap.
Not long after Xu Cang crawled back into bed, he suddenly sat up, slapped his head, looked at the cell phone he had thrown away, and quickly picked it up.
Almost without any delay, Xu Cang quickly clicked on the text message sent by Lu Jinghua. He did not want to read Lu Jinghua's text message carefully, but to look at the picture of the plane attached to the text message.
It must be said that the original picture sent by Lu Jinghua was of very high quality. It took Xu Cang a long time to download it. After it was fully loaded, Xu Cang clicked on the picture and zoomed in. At the tail of the plane, the plane's number was clearly visible - 4724!
"4724! 4724!" Xu Cang kept repeating the plane number, a hint of fear gradually appearing on his face: "Muhua 7811!?"
In Xu Cang's memory, Muhua Airlines once had a major safety accident, which caused great casualties. At that time, the model of Flight 7811 was Boeing 747-100, and the aircraft number was 4724!

Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024