Chapter 93 Lantern Alliance

After being rebuked by Yuantong, I smiled awkwardly, my enthusiasm was extinguished. If you want to enter the forbidden Arhat Hall of Cibei Temple, you have to avoid many levels and find the cat spirit sealed in the bowl... It is no less difficult than finding Liu Yang.
I was a little discouraged and slowly gave up the idea. I said goodbye to Yuantong and was about to leave when Yuantong suddenly said behind me, " Although I can't enter the Arhat Hall, I can tell you the direction."
I stopped and was about to turn back when Yuan Tong said, "No need to turn back. Just remember, there is a courtyard 120 steps southwest of the Manjusri Palace. There is the word 'Arhat' written on it."
I said, "Why are you telling me this? I can't get in."
"Haha." Yuantong smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, I don't think you are very smart."
I was extremely surprised and looked back, Yuantong had already left, leaving behind only his back.
What does he mean by this? I am a little confused.
When I got back, He Qingyou had already woken up. When he saw me coming back, he urged me to go see Chen Meiyu. We went to Chen Meiyu's room and knocked on the door. Not long after, Chen Meiyu came out, looking a little tired, but good spirits.
He Qingyou asked softly, how is your friend?
Chen Meiyu looked around the room, smiled with relief, and told us that she was fine, but a little weak, so we would send her home today.
Before we could say anything, she said, "I will definitely help you with your matter. After sending my friend back, we will go to the reservoir."
I was a little worried: "Meiyu, that place is very dangerous, should we seek help from Elder Keats?"
Chen Meiyu thought about it and shook her head: "No, Elder Jici is the abbot of the temple and has a lot of affairs to attend to. If there is no extremely special and important reason, it is not good to disturb him. But we can find Monk Yuantong. Although this young monk is young, he has a lot of cultivation."
He Qingyou clapped his hands: "Good, good, I think Elder Yuantong is also a powerful character. With him, our success rate will be higher."
Chen Meiyu asked us to take care of her friend first, and she went to discuss the matter with Monk Yuantong.
After she left, He Qingyou took me into the room. Needless to say, the room where the girl lived was different from the room where we old men lived. Not only was the room clean, but it also smelled delicious.
The woman was lying on the bed. She was awake, but her face was pale and a little scary, as if she had just recovered from a serious illness.
We pulled a chair over to sit next to her and asked her what she wanted. He Qingyou was very proactive and poured her a glass of water. After drinking the water, she felt better. We chatted briefly, and the woman told her experience of being possessed by a cat spirit.
Recently, a strange psychic game has been circulating among young people in Jiangbei City. It is said that the earliest inventor was based on an American TV series. How to play this game? First prepare a pile of paper cards, and write a way of death on each card. The game is usually played by four to six people. Find an unclean place, such as a cemetery, an abandoned building, a haunted house, etc. Several people sit in a circle, one person lies in the middle, and the others hold her hands and feet. There is a host who will randomly draw a way of death from the paper cards and read it to the person lying down. If this way of death happens to match the real way of death of the person lying down, the person lying down will float up.
This way of playing really sounds weird.
When I heard this, I thought to myself, people nowadays are all idle. They are just bored and have nothing better to do. Why not do this and predict how they will die?
The woman went to a remote place with a few friends to play this game. It was her turn to host the game. A friend named A-ran was lying on the ground. She randomly pulled out a card from a paper box with the method of death written on it. Now the game has been improved to the point where the method of death is described in great detail. It says that the friend died from depression by jumping off a building.
When the woman held the card, she knew it was impossible. Her friend was very cheerful and had a boyfriend who loved her very much. She had a happy family and no worries. How could she be depressed?
But this is the rule, you have to read what you draw, she was about to read it to the card, and suddenly, for some reason, an inspiration came to her. She didn't know where this inspiration came from, she blurted out that the person died from falling objects from a high altitude, walking at the bottom of the building, a huge tragedy fell from the sky, the skull was broken, the brain burst, and she died in front of her boyfriend.
As soon as she finished speaking, a miracle happened. Her friend who was lying down was actually suspended in mid-air!
Hearing this, He Qingyou and I looked at each other, our mouths wide open for a long time. I thought that the experience of walking in the underworld was strange and bizarre, and I didn't expect that there would be such a thing.
After playing this game, she felt something was not right. She felt hot and cold, and everything seemed to be wrong. She felt dizzy and her limbs were weak as if she had a cold. She felt like she was walking on marshmallows, but she did not have a fever and her body temperature was normal. She went to the hospital but they could not find out what was wrong.
Two days later, she was resting at home when she suddenly received a message from a group they had formed that day. The message was posted in the group saying that A-ran had died. The group went wild, asking what had happened. An insider said that A-ran and her boyfriend went shopping in the city that day. They were walking under a building when a piece of cement suddenly fell from the sky and hit A-ran on the head. A-ran died immediately, and her boyfriend was covered in blood and brain matter. It was a horrible sight.
When she saw the news, she was completely stunned.
Everyone in the group was saying, didn't the psychic game we played that day predict this kind of death? It's too weird.
She then fainted and was not sure what happened after that. She only woke up now.
He Qingyou said: "Girl, do you know what's going on? You are possessed."
The woman asked with difficulty, what possessed you?
"Cat spirit." He Qingyou began to show off, "Last night, Xiaolin and I witnessed with our own eyes the high monks of this temple performing a ritual to exorcise the evil spirit for you. You were possessed by a cat spirit, so you have the ability to predict the future."
As he was talking, Chen Meiyu and Yuantong came in from outside. Chen Meiyu interrupted He Qingyou: "Mr. He, there is no need to say more, the matter has passed."
He Qingyou was stunned. Looking at the atmosphere at the scene , he coughed twice in embarrassment.
Chen Meiyu comforted her friend. Suddenly, her friend started crying. Chen Meiyu frowned and said, "Why are you crying? I have exorcised the demon for you. You are fine now."
"I became a monster when I went back." She was crying. "What do my friends think of me? They say I am a witch. Now they all stay away from me. They say I can predict when people will die. Whoever I predict will die."
Chen Meiyu scolded: "Look at what a crappy group you joined, the Lantern Alliance, it's just a bunch of bored people getting together to make trouble. This incident is a lesson for you, be more careful next time."
When I heard this, my jaw almost dropped. Last time I met Li Daming’s cousin Li Yang and Tongsuo, they were members of the Lantern Alliance. I didn’t expect to meet them again today.
It seems that this Lantern Alliance has a great influence among young people.
I asked curiously: "What kind of group is the Lantern Alliance? How many people are there in our city?"
"The Lantern Alliance is huge." The woman said, "There are seven or eight regular member groups alone, all of which have hundreds of people..."
"Alright!" Chen Meiyu was very unhappy: "Is it worth bragging about? I'm telling you, I'll only take care of you this time. If you hang out with those people again in the future, I won't take care of anything that happens!"
The woman pouted and kept silent, feeling aggrieved.
Chen Meiyu helped her friend get out of bed, and we walked out of the temple. Chen Meiyu drove her friend home first, and she asked the three men, He Qingyou, me and Yuantong, to go to the reservoir first, and she would be there soon.
Chen Meiyu is not very old, but she speaks like a big sister and orders a big boss like He Qingyou around. He Qingyou is very happy about it and feels that he has gotten a great deal.
The three of us took a car to the reservoir first, which was a long way. In the car, we men had little to say.
Yuantong sat in the back, twisting his Buddhist beads and chanting something. I was in the passenger seat, looking at the mountain road ahead, my mind wandering. He Qingyou drove very fast and had already run out of the city. There were few cars on the provincial road.
"Lao He, you are wrong." I suddenly said.
"Huh?" He Qingyou glanced at me while driving.
I stopped talking halfway and just stared out the window.
"What are you talking about? What did I do wrong?" He Qingyou asked.
I looked at Yuantong in the back seat through the rearview mirror. Yuantong had his eyes closed and was chanting sutras, as if he had no idea what we were saying.
"The two people you asked for help, Yuantong and Chen Meiyu, are both great people, but they may not be able to achieve the results you want," I said .
He Qingyou opened his mouth in surprise, looked me up and down, and said angrily: "Why are you talking nonsense?"
I smiled and said nothing.
I'm speaking from my heart. I always feel that the story of He Qingyou and his son is not simple, and there may be mysteries and hidden secrets in it. Once the truth comes out, it's hard to say what the consequences will be for Chen Meiyu and Yuantong, who are not easy to deal with.
Let He Qingyou do what he wants, it has nothing to do with me anyway. I got a set of high-end brand-name clothes on this trip, so it's worth the money. Now it depends on what Yuantong and Chen Meiyu will do.
After more than an hour, they arrived at the reservoir. Yuantong, who had kept his eyes closed, suddenly opened them, looked around, and took a deep breath.
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