Chapter 92 Chapter 92

Deer Cream

A sweet smell rushed into Dahei's nose like a tide. Dahei moved his wet nose tip and suddenly opened his eyes.

It tastes like candy!

Dahei sat up, his nose moving up and down, trying to smell something. He turned around and saw Tuanzi with his round butt sticking out and his back facing him.

"Hahaha!" What are you doing, kid?

Tuanzi turned his head, his chest hair wet with saliva, and ran towards Dahei with a pair of black and bright eyes. When Tuanzi moved, Dahei saw the thing that Tuanzi had blocked before.

what is that!

It's white, looks like clouds, and smells very sweet. And there are a lot of candies on it!

Tuanzi ran towards Dahei happily, dancing and chirping, extremely excited.

The priest said this is called a cake, and only we have such a big piece, no one else has such a big one! It is a special reward for us!

Dahei's eyes sparkled as he stared at the thing that Tuanzi called "cake". It smelled so delicious! He stretched out his arms, dragged the wooden board with the big cake forward, put it in front of Tuanzi, and patted Tuanzi's head, "Roar, roar, roar! Roar, ro ...

Tuanzi couldn't help it and buried her face in the cake. The soft and sweet touch made her enjoy it with her eyes slightly narrowed.

After taking a big bite, Tuanzi said he would not eat anything else. He patted his father with his paws, saying, "This is the reward that father got after he fainted from exhaustion. Father, eat more!" Dahei then picked up the wooden board and bit into it.

Before, Dahei fainted, so Shen Nong shrunk Dahei to the same size as a dumpling in order to make it easier for the beastmen to carry him. This was also the reason why Dahei's vision was completely blocked by the dumpling before, and he couldn't see the shadow of the cake at all, but could only smell the smell.

After taking a bite of the cake, my big black eyes lit up. What does it taste like? So soft! So delicious!

The black cat, which was a little depressed, suddenly became energetic. If there were a lot of cakes to eat, it felt that it could beat a few more big white tigers! It didn't feel tired at all!

The orcs from the medical team who came to check on Dahei's injuries saw that Dahei had woken up, so they moved in a large bucket of honey and milk and said with a smile: "Drink these after you've eaten. The priest said you need more energy. They're all yours. After you drink, take Tuanzi to the square to eat barbecue. Everyone is there celebrating that Hu Xiao has become the chief of the tribe."

The orc of the medical team was excited. He couldn't wait to go to the square to attend the bonfire party held by the priest. He saw it when he passed by the square when he went to the food team to haul milk. The fire was taller than his beast form, and it could light up half the sky.

The orcs ate and drank as much as they wanted at the bonfire party, and the priest even made something called a cake that was almost as tall as the watchtower. The fragrance of the cake could be smelled from far away, making people want to throw themselves on it.

These were all things they had never heard of before, and they were very novel. Even the priests from other tribes were so surprised that they insisted on participating in their tribe’s bonfire party.

Dahei also wanted to join in the fun, so he picked up the milk bucket and gulped down half of it. Then he remembered that his cub was still drooling at him, so he handed the remaining half bucket to Tuanzi. But Tuanzi didn't want it and asked him to drink it quickly, as if he was in a hurry to attend the bonfire party.


On the cement square, some orcs held meat in their hands, stuffed meat in their mouths, and stared at the roasted meat. But most of the orcs' eyes were attracted by the tall thing that exuded a sweet smell. The priests of the Wood Tribe called it a cake. Dahei and Tuanzi looked at the cake that was almost as tall as the watchtower and swallowed hard.

So tall! So big! So many cakes!

The raw materials needed for cakes are all available in the beast world, so if you want to make a low-quality one, you just need to spend more effort. Therefore, the low-quality cream cakes in the system mall are sold at a very cheap price, but they can't withstand the super large size that Shen Nong wants, so in the end it is not cheap.

The one on Dahei cost 100 infrastructure points, and the one on the square cost a full 1,000 infrastructure points.

Shen Nong, who usually lives frugally, would definitely not buy it, but he was happy today because Dahei had received a reward, and he also wanted other orcs to try the cake.

Considering that it was so big, Shen Nong gritted his teeth and bought it.

Moreover, he planned to make a trip to the marginal tribes.

Although fish skin and animal skin can be used to keep warm, there are many restrictions. They cannot be washed frequently and are difficult to sew. More importantly, if an orc wants to go out in winter, he has to wear many layers of clothing inside and outside.

If there is cotton, in winter, you can wear a cotton jacket, cotton pants, cotton shoes, and a fur coat on the outside. Not only will it be more close-fitting and warm, but it will also be much more convenient to move around.

But the cotton seeds were really expensive, one kilogram cost 500,000 infrastructure points. The infrastructure points he saved from selling the jadeite from the Stone Tribe were only enough to buy two kilograms, which was the amount for one acre of land.

Cotton is different from fruit trees in that it is a necessity.

I didn't dare to think about it before, but now that I know that the jade of the Stone Tribe can be traded with the system, Shen Nong wants to exchange enough at one time. It would be best if I could plant it in the spring of next year and use it all in the winter. I don't have to worry about the quantity being too small like wheat and soybeans. After saving the seeds, there won't be much for the tribe to use.

Of course, not every tribe that comes to the Wood Tribe has cakes. After the orcs of the Wood Tribe have distributed them all, it is the turn of the orcs of the Mountain Tribe, followed by the orcs of the Wind Tribe.

After all the food was distributed, only the two small ones on the top were left. Shen Nong saw that Dahei and Tuanzi were very greedy. The two bears roared in his ears and chirped in his ears. He begged for a long time to let them have a taste.

Shen Nong had no way to deal with the two bears. The larger one on the second floor was split into two, with each bear getting half of the big black ball. The remaining smallest one on the top was divided among the priests and clan leaders of the five tribes, leaving nothing left.

The five tribal chiefs looked at the cakes in the hands of the chiefs of the Mountain Tribe and the Wind Tribe, which were several times bigger than theirs. The Grass Tribe priest said quietly, "The Wind Tribe priest is really fast. Now they are treated the same as the Mountain Tribe priests."

"What's the same? We are still ranked behind the Mountain Tribe." replied the Rain Tribe priest.

The chief of the Rock Tribe took a bite of the cake and was reluctant to chew it. In the end, he had to chew it twice and swallow it because he wanted to speak. "Then the Wind Tribe can also be ranked. The cakes in the hands of the orcs in their tribe are much bigger than ours."

After saying that, he took another bite of the cake regretfully. This time, he didn't respond to anything else and was determined to let the cake stay in his mouth for a while longer.

The chief of the Rock Tribe used a stick to hit the calf of the chief sitting next to him, and said sternly, "They are a subordinate tribe, and we are not. It's good enough to have a stutter. What are you saying is that the Strange Wood Tribe gave you too little?"

After knocking, he looked around and was slightly relieved to see that no orcs from the Wood Tribe were paying attention to them.

"I don't have any." The chief of the Rock Tribe had to swallow the cake, blinked his eyes, and pointed at the three tribal orcs sitting together not far away, "Priest, otherwise we can become a subsidiary tribe of the Wood Tribe. Look how good the orcs of the Wood Tribe are to the Mountain Tribe and the Wind Tribe, giving them so much barbecue to eat."

"What nonsense are you talking about? What qualifications do we have to become a subsidiary tribe of the Wood Tribe?" the Rock Tribe priest retorted sternly.

However, his words made the priests of the other four tribes look at each other. The priest of the Rock Tribe said that he was not qualified, not that he did not want to. In other words, did the Rock Tribe also want to become a subordinate tribe of the Wood Tribe?

The chief of the Rock Tribe muttered, "How much more powerful are the Mountain Tribe and the Wind Tribe than our tribe? How can they..."

"Shut up and eat your food." The Rock Tribe priest shouted, his face showing displeasure. This frightened the stupid goose-like chief who had only strength but no brains, and stopped him from continuing to speak.

Yanhe knew that the Mountain Tribe and the Wind Tribe were not much stronger than his tribe. He saw the special treatment given to the Mountain Tribe and the Wind Tribe by the Wood Tribe, and it was impossible for him to say that he did not want it. But he also saw that the Wood Tribe priests would act according to the order of precedence without any preconditions.

For example, when the cake was divided this time, it went without saying that the Wood Tribe came first, the Mountain Tribe came second, and the Wind Tribe came third.

Isn't it arranged in the order of attachment? He was already one step behind the Wind Tribe, and he was determined to grab the fourth position. He didn't believe that the other tribes had no intention of attaching themselves to the Wood Tribe. The tribe that arrived first would have the cake and eat it.

This matter must be done quietly and privately, just like what happened with the Feng Tribe.

Except for the chief of the Rock Tribe who was really focused on eating the cake, the priest chiefs of the other five tribes ate the cake in silence. If their eyes accidentally met, they would look away out of guilt.


Shen Nong bought cumin powder for the barbecue at the bonfire party. It would be more fragrant if he added cumin seeds, but the system would not sell it to him, probably because they were afraid that he would plant the cumin seeds underground to induce growth, and use the seasoning at a low price to get more expensive seeds.

There are three types of barbecue at the bonfire party. One is sliced ​​iron plate roasting, including meat slices, fish slices, and various soaked seafood. One is roasted leg meat and ribs, and the other is roasted suckling pig, roasted whole lamb, and roasted fish. The meat, which has been marinated in advance, is put on the fire and brushed with oil and roasted evenly and slowly. It is sizzling and oily, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Finally, sprinkle with cumin powder and chili powder, which can be said to be fragrant and delicious.

Every orc in the Mu tribe can eat barbecue, and even eat their fill. Shen Nong was celebrating, and just wanted everyone to enjoy the meal. The Mu tribe could replenish all the ingredients and seasonings they used in just one day.

As the protagonist, Hu Xiao was so happy. Not only did he become the chief, he was also promoted. Moreover, the priests made such a big scene for him, and many priests and chiefs from different tribes came to celebrate for him.

Hu Xiao couldn't tell what he felt in his heart, but he knew that he wanted to stand at the highest point, transform into a beast, and let everyone look at his majestic appearance.

Shen Nong smiled and sighed when he saw Hu Xiao looking very proud.

The Beast World selects tribe leaders based on their abilities. Hu Xiao is the strongest, so it is reasonable for him to be the tribe leader according to the rules of the Beast World. But if we look at it from Shen Nong's perspective, Hu Xiao's shortcomings are also fatal. He is not steady and calm enough, and his temperament is erratic. He needs a lot of training to shoulder the burden of the entire tribe.

Other tribes only consider the level and strength of the orcs when selecting their chieftains. This is because all tribal affairs are actually managed by the priests.

But the Mu Tribe is different from other tribes after all. The priests of other tribes will never leave the tribe no matter what happens. Shen Nong knew that he couldn't stay in the Mu Tribe forever. He had left the tribe before because of the Wushan Tribe. In two days, he would leave for the marginal tribe. Not only these two times, but there will definitely be many times when he is not in the tribe in the future.

If only Hu Xiao could handle the situation on his own now, that would be great. As soon as Shen Nong had this thought, he was thrown out. More haste makes waste. If one person is not enough, he can find two more to complement each other.

The orcs all had the same food. It was so late, and they didn't want to walk through the forest in the dark back to the tribe. The cement floor of the Wood Tribe Square was flat and slippery, so they collapsed on the ground and prepared to sleep there for the night. When the sun rose, those who needed to stay in the Wood Tribe to work did so, and those who needed to go back to the tribe went back.

Shen Nong looked at the flames burning under the night sky. The fire was already small and would soon go out. He thought that if there were musical instruments, he could play music and dance around the bonfire, which would be quite interesting.

The next morning, the ashes and broken bones on the square were cleared away. Shen Nong entered the meeting building, stepped onto the wooden ladder, and went up to the wooden house on the second floor. He propped up the four wooden windows to let the sunlight in.

The wooden table where Shen Nong works was placed after careful calculation. There is a big tree on one side of the wooden house. He used his supernatural powers to promote the growth of its branches and trunks. As the sun slowly rises, Shen Nong's wooden table can always be in the shade of the tree.

Lu Shuang knocked on the wooden door on the second floor of the meeting building, and only pushed the door open after hearing the voice coming from inside. Lu Shuang stared at Shen Nong with round and bright eyes, "Priest, you are looking for me?"

"After observing you for the past few days, I found that your injuries have completely healed, and your physical condition has also improved a lot." Shen Nong asked Lu Shuang seriously, "Do you still want to try to awaken that power and use it for yourself?"

After listening to this, Lu Shuang put away the smile on her face and said seriously: "Priest, I think so."

He had thought about this for a long time. The priest had told him that it would be very painful and there was a 50% chance that it would not work. He had thought about it many times in the past few days, wondering whether he should try it or not. And every time he made the final decision, he wanted to give it a try. No matter what the result was, at least he would not regret not trying it now.

Shen Nong knew Lu Shuang's determination and asked him to go to the inner room where he took a nap. "Go and lie down on the bed inside. Sleep here today. I'll watch over you."

Lu Shuang was a little confused, "But it's daytime for the priests now, and doesn't it always sleep at night?"

"Do you really think I'm letting you sleep comfortably? Go in quickly, or you'll be in pain later." Shen Nong said helplessly.

Lu Shuang thought so too, and obediently went into the inner room and lay down on the bed.

Shen Nong did not follow Lu Shuang in, as he had not seen anyone yet. After a while, the wooden door was knocked again, and this time it was Mao Yun and Hu Xiao who came in.

Mao Yun's injury had not yet fully healed, and he could clearly see that he was limping when he walked. After the two came in, Shen Nong did not waste any time and went straight to the point: "Mao Yun will be the deputy chief of the Mu tribe in the future, and Lu Shuang is a candidate for the priest. When I leave the tribe, Hu Xiao, you have to discuss the tribal affairs with Mao Yun and Lu Shuang, and listen to their opinions."

After hearing this, both of them looked at Shen Nong in surprise.

Mao Yun was surprised that he was appointed as the deputy chief, and for a moment he forgot how to react. Hu Xiao stared at him with his piercing tiger eyes, and shouted uncontrollably: "Where are you going, priest? Aren't you going to take me out? I am now an eighth-level orc warrior, I can protect the priest!"

"You are the tribe leader. If I leave, you will leave too. Who will protect the tribe?" Shen Nong supported his head with one hand and rubbed the tragus with his index finger. "That's not the point. The point is that if I am not in the tribe, you have to discuss things with Mao Yun and Lu Shuang."

Hu Xiao was still immersed in the grief of the priest leaving without taking him with him, and he responded dejectedly.

When they went downstairs, Hu Xiao said to Mao Yun, "You should advance quickly, and I will fight you again. If you beat me, you will be the chieftain. I want to follow the priest out."

Mao Yun was very happy that the priest let her be the deputy chief, which was the priest's recognition of her. But this did not prevent her from attacking Hu Xiao, "Do you think it is possible to protect the priest?"

When Hu Xiao thought about the extent of the priest's stickiness, he quickly shook his head, "That's definitely not possible. I can't stick to him."

Shen Nong instructed the orcs guarding outside not to let anyone into the meeting building no matter what noise they heard.

Pushing open the door to the inner room, Lu Shuang saw Shen Nong, and his back was a little stiff. Describing the pain, he was actually afraid in his heart, but he was more afraid of regret than fear.

Shen Nong took out a marrow cleansing pill and handed it to Lu Shuang, "This is a marrow cleansing pill, take it."

Lu Shuang took it calmly and strongly, but his hands couldn't help shaking slightly. The unknown pain made people feel scared, and Lu Shuang couldn't stop his body's reaction.

Since he couldn't stop it, he just put the brown marrow cleansing pill into his mouth cleanly and neatly.

Shen Nong pulled over a wooden chair and sat down. "Oh, by the way, I just forgot to tell you that I chose you as the candidate for the priest of the Mu tribe. When I was not in the tribe, you, Mao Yun and Hu Xiao were in charge of some tribal affairs. You can be the candidate for the priest first, and you can refuse to do it later if you really don't want to do it."

There was really no one more suitable than Lu Shuang in the Mu tribe, so Shen Nong could only force him to be the leader for a while. If he really didn't want to be the leader, he would have to wait until he came back from the marginal tribe.

The marrow cleansing pill melted in her mouth, and Lu Shuang was so shocked by Shen Nong's words that she choked and apparently did not cough out the marrow cleansing pill that had turned into water.

Shen Nong quickly calmed Lu Shuang down, "Did I scare you?"

Lu Shuang unconsciously grabbed Shen Nong's hand and shook his head. He finally calmed down a little and stopped coughing. He asked, "If I fail to become a priest, can I still be a candidate for the tribe's priest?"

Shen Nong replied: "What does this have to do with whether you succeed or not? As long as you are smart and learn quickly, that's all."

Lu Shuang was a little excited. He could actually become a candidate for the tribal priest. This was something he had never dreamed of. "It doesn't matter! It has nothing to do with it!"

The effect of the marrow cleansing pill began to show, and Lu Shuang's expression became more and more ferocious. He could still bear it at first, but in the end he couldn't bear it anymore and rolled on the bed. The muffled groans of pain gradually became louder.

Shen Nong was afraid that Lu Shuang would hurt him, so he used his special power to tie her up with vines, and stayed by Lu Shuang's side, waiting for the effect of the medicine to wear off.

The screams spread from the meeting building, attracting many orcs, who were blocked outside by the orcs guarding the meeting building. The screams of pain gradually subsided, and it was already afternoon. Shen Nong checked the unconscious Lu Shuang and confirmed that she was fine, then opened the door and left the inner room.

When he passed by the window, he looked down. He thought there would be a lot of orcs gathered there, but he didn't expect that there was no one down there.

When Shen Nong asked the orcs on guard below to get some milk from the food-making team, he casually asked whether any orcs had forced their way in outside in the morning.

The orc replied, "The only time orcs approached the council building was when the screams were heard in the morning. After the priests ordered them not to come up, the orcs automatically moved away from the council building and did not dare to approach."

Shen Nong didn't expect the tribesmen to be so obedient, and he was somewhat relieved. In fact, he was not worried about the tribesmen who were originally from the Wood Tribe, but he was worried about the tribesmen from the Water Tribe who came later. He was afraid that they would rush over to see what was going on because they were worried about Lu Shuang, and cause a conflict.

Jun 13, 2024
Jun 13, 2024
Jun 13, 2024
Jun 13, 2024