Chapter 92 Bewitching

Chapter 92 Bewitching

"Fear and interest...not because of loyalty." Tom Riddle said as if talking to himself. His every word sounded to everyone like a prelude to execution. Finally, someone couldn't help it anymore. He threw himself to the ground and begged tremblingly: "Master, forgive me, forgive us!"

He suddenly screamed directly, without any spells or signs, and the shrill screams broke the silence. In the dark night, he soon couldn't even scream, so he whimpered softly and kept rolling on the ground.

The remaining people all shuddered and shivered.

"This is more powerful than cutting out the bones, Yu," Tom Riddle held Mu Yu's hand and walked around. "Only soul-piercing punishment can make them understand who is the god who controls their life and death." I said I want to take you to meet my new family. Let me see who to start with. Wormtail, you have already met him."

He seemed to be thinking about this problem seriously, and the punishment for that person continued. There is no sign of stopping. The people around me even slowed down their breathing, for fear that they would become the next lucky person to win the lottery.

"Although you found me out of fear and are also a despicable traitor. But you have proved some of your usefulness in the past few months." Tom Riddle said coldly.

The top of the wand drew a shallow white halo, and the halo gradually condensed into the shape of a hand in the air. The hand automatically covered Peter Pettigrew's palm that was missing two fingers.

He ignored Wormtail's excitement and thanks, and pulled Mu Yu to the vacant seat: "Here should have been the Lestranges, they would rather be imprisoned in Azkaban than betray me. A legacy will be the highest reward given to them."

The others began to tremble again, this time because of excitement, but no one dared to ask out of fear.

"You know this person. He was sent by me to perform a glorious mission. Of course he will be rewarded." His eyes moved to another empty seat. "There should be another person standing here. He dare not come because of fear. Wait until He will be executed when he is of no use."

"Lucius Malfoy, you should have met. His son is still your classmate. It's a pity that Malfoy has lived a glorious life for these thirteen years, but he never thought about it. Looking for their old master. Are you only capable of torturing Muggles? Lucius?"

Lucius Malfoy's dull voice came from under the mask: "Master, as long as you give the order, I will definitely..."

Mu Yu Suddenly interrupted him: "I had some entanglements with your son, Mr. Malfoy. I believe you still remember."

How could he not remember that Draco came back crying during the first year summer vacation and said that he had been raped by a girl? Damn it, at that time he had even scolded Draco for being worthless and actually being afraid of an Oriental guy. He met the mocking look in the girl's eyes and suddenly understood what she meant. She was mocking his wavering and weakness.

It was extremely embarrassing to be laughed at by a teenage girl, but he did not dare to say anything. Contempt and prejudice were nothing in the face of fear. They all knew that it was impossible for Peter, the loser, to find the Dark Lord to help him resurrect.

Lucius Malfoy instinctively observed his master's reaction, but found that he had no intention of interfering with the girl. It is the nature of the Malfoy family to adapt to the changing circumstances, and if you think about it, such a great contribution naturally deserves some preferential treatment.

He knew that no matter how much dissatisfaction and resentment he had, he could only swallow it in his stomach.

"That's enough," Tom Riddle said coldly. He was speaking to Lucius Malfoy. "Your loyalty is truly beyond my reach. Not long ago, when my loyal servant launched the Dark Mark into You escaped while in the air. Lucius, I hope Malfoy will serve me more loyally in the future.

"Of course, thank you for your tolerance..." Lucius Malfoy said. Waist.

Mu Yu's eyes had long been fixed on the figure next to Lucius Malfoy. Even with the mask on, this figure was very familiar to her. She had been with him for three years.

"Severus, you have taught an excellent student. Yu has always praised you very much, but we should reckon with what happened two years ago. I can make a comeback faster without you, rather than relying on a girl." Come to Albania and find me. A group of adult wizards don't even have the courage of a teenage girl."

Snape forced himself to look at Mu Yu, her eyes still calm and polite, as usual when she entered his office. The girl who handed in the extra homework was no different. He felt two forces peering into his brain. The Dark Lord's Legilimency is extremely domineering, with a violence that vows to destroy everything. Mu Yu's Legilimency was gentler and more dangerous. Her Legilimency was like flowing water, gentle but able to flow through everything. If he wasn't careful, he would break through his defenses unconsciously.

They wouldn't find anything, not the compromise between him and Dumbledore, not the real reason why he stopped Quirrell from getting the Philosopher's Stone two years ago.

"It was my incompetence two years ago that I didn't see you. I only saw the greedy Quirrell trying to steal the Sorcerer's Stone. Master, please believe me, my loyalty to you has never wavered." His Adam's apple moved slightly and he said the drill. I don’t know how many times I said this.

"I hope so," Tom Riddle's attention finally moved away from him, and he walked up to the two big men, "Crabbe, Goyle, I hope you will make some progress this time."

The two responded. Behind the two men stood a hunchbacked man.

"What about you Nott?" he asked lazily.

Nott tried his best to avoid Mu Yu's scrutiny. Thinking that he had threatened this girl at this time a year ago, a chill went straight to his head.

Nott's back became even more stooped: "I will always crawl at your feet..."

"That's enough." Tom Riddle was obviously tired of flattery. He returned to the center of the circle. Mu Yu wanted to pull away his hand, but was still held tightly by him.

"Get up, Avery, after all, you are also an indispensable member of us." Only then did he seem to realize that there was another person being punished.

Avery collapsed on the ground like a dead dog, but someone next to him pulled him up.

Tom Riddle clicked his tongue twice: "These years of living in peace and quiet have almost worn away the blood of the pure-blood family. It's no wonder that some of you are not having an easy life. Acting as lackeys of the Ministry of Magic, watching half-bloods and mud-bloods helplessly. I'm sitting on your head. Are you willing to continue like this for the rest of your life?"

No one responded.

Tom Riddle lowered his voice a little, and only when his voice became lower could the faint snoring of snakes be heard: "We had a glorious time in the past. Muggles allowed us to kill them wantonly, and every wizard lived in fear. Tell me, do you want to return to such a life? Or, let us look further, do you want your family to become a true noble family that will last from generation to generation and never die? "

A strong wind blew. Everyone's robes made a rustling sound.

"I smell excitement, excitement, and longing. This is your ideal." He was already familiar with Mu Yu's usual gentle tone. "I am very kind and willing to guard your ideal. The gods pay attention to every lamb in the pasture. As long as Are you willing to step into our ranch?"

Mu Yu suddenly looked up at him, all eyes were focused on him, while Severus Snape tried not to show anything strange. Even at this moment, he knew very well that this war was more difficult than imagined.

"In distant Northern Europe, new blood has joined us. In the future, more members and more believers will join us, and more lambs will step into our pastures. Giants, Dementors, Inferi, Werewolves are our old friends, and there will even be mixed-blood, Muggle-born wizards, and Muggles with more awakened power..."

There was a tiny commotion followed by dead silence. After all, Avery was still leaning there half-dead.

"I know your concerns and understand your feelings, my friends." He ignored these subtle reactions. "Our new world needs beasts and slaves. The number of wizards is still too small. We have had enough of the Muggle world. Hiding. Wizards will no longer hide behind the scenes of Muggles. Some lucky Muggles will also get power. This is my gift. They will never be able to surpass the real wizards. But you are different, you have the most powerful power. Pure blood, powerful talent. As the first person to follow me, even if you have abandoned me and betrayed me, I am still willing to give you a chance to prove your worth and get the rewards of inheritance. Worse than half-bloods, mudbloods and even Muggles."

"Inheritance, Master, we can really get the legendary inheritance. You, the magical lineage that Eastern wizards are proud of, have even developed the ability to make Muggles become Become, become..." A man stood up and asked, his voice was trembling with excitement, and he did not forget to flatter me, "Forgive me, there are no words to describe your greatness. Your magic power is at its peak, so naturally it is in our hearts. "

The pure-blood family now lives in their own dream," he ignored this person's flattery, "some pure-bloods relied on the turmoil in the Muggle world to make huge fortunes, but that was a hundred years ago. The old almanac of the past is gone. He

looked playfully at Malfoy, who always lowered his head: "Lucius, do you accept this situation? You are under the control of the Ministry of Magic, and you continue your family's glory by reselling dark magic supplies. Do you all accept it?" , the only way for the continuation of a pure-blood family to continue is incestuous marriage, which is a ridiculous way. Some of your ancestors had conflicts with the East. Throw away your ridiculous self-esteem and tell me how you lost the war. "

No one dared to answer. All eyes were either covertly or boldly looking at Mu Yu.

This result was expected by him. He walked around the circle, and every time he passed by someone, the person shrank. "No one answered ,

I have to say I'm disappointed..." His pause was almost suffocating, "Maybe Yu, you can give them an answer." This time, Mu Yu

's veiled gaze turned into blatant.

There was some hesitation and he turned a blind eye to the gaze mixed with various emotions: "Because of inheritance. The reason why families in the East can last for thousands of years is inheritance. Inheritance makes the direct branches stronger and allows the subordinate branches to maintain the purity of the family. A single inheritance can ensure that a family will be invincible for thousands of years. As for the acquisition of inheritance..." She said with a bit of confusion, her soft tone was like a dormant poisonous snake, "This world is very vast. In addition to the glaciers of Norway, there are also the mountains of the Americas, the mysterious rainforests of Brazil, and the canyons and deserts of Africa. Huge wealth may be hidden in every place. Have you not thought about these territories at all? Don’t you want your descendants to become real lords and stand at the top of the world for generations?”

She could feel that they were beginning to boil. Most of what she said were lies. Leading to war The failure is always arrogance. Inheritance is not that mysterious, it is just a tool. But it is enough for the two of them to know.


Riddle raised his wand. It perfectly matched every rhythm of hers. Stars of light fell on everyone's forehead. In the illusion, they all saw the ideal society, where magic truly emerged, and pure-blood families became true nobles. To become the people closest to gods, wizards without inheritance have to rely on pure-blood families, and even find ways to enter pure-blood families and become their concubines, while ordinary people with power are the strongest pillars of society and their crazy beliefs. The gods firmly believe that the gods bring them power, and they worship pure-blood families because they firmly believe that these high-ranking families are the close followers of the gods. The

real ordinary people at the bottom will only be the most fanatical believers. By serving the gods devoutly, you can gain strength and reach the sky in one step.

In this world, everyone is a lamb of the gods, and everyone's ideals are guarded.

"This will be the world we create together," Tom Riddle's voice said in the illusion. A voice sounded from above, “You will all become the people closest to God, and you will open up pastures with God, and create a new era with God. We will first recall our old troops. Norwegian weapons will become our most solid backing. The war will begin when the trumpet officially sounds. Are you willing to fight for the new era?"

I don't know who started it. With a bang, I knelt down and crawled to him and kissed the corner of his robe. I was definitely more pious than before and more willing than ever: "Please allow us to join you. fighting. "

With the first one, there will naturally be the second, third and fourth. Everyone's words are similar. If they are asked to die now, Mu Yu guesses that they will have no complaints.

Unexpected and reasonable, Lu Hughes Malfoy was the last to express his stance.

Her hand was held tighter.

"Nott, Yaxley, MacNeil, you all seem to be working in the Ministry of Magic now," the person who was named was naturally excited. , very afraid that he would settle old scores, "You just need to show Fudge your firm support for him. "

Speaking of this, he sneered: "Our poor minister is in trouble. If he finds someone who supports him wholeheartedly, he will definitely shed tears of gratitude. "

The three of them didn't dare to delve into the reasons for doing this, and they couldn't think much about it, so Nono agreed.

"Avery, you were the one who contacted the giants and dementors before. You won't let me down this time either," he said Looking closely at Avery, who had just taken a breath, he said, "I have other plans for the whereabouts of some of the dementors.

Avery trembled and lay on the ground: "Jue, I will never betray your trust, master. " "

Severus..." He finally turned to the last person he wanted to give orders to, looking condescendingly at the servant who once followed him fanatically, "Stay in Hogwarts and watch Dumbledore." You have always been a smart person..."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but his tone always had some unclear meaning.

"Of course. "Snape answered solemnly and without much emotion as always.

After giving a bunch of orders, his voice became even higher and colder: "Forgive me for placing a curse on you," he said, forgiving without any sign of guilt, " Based on your past glorious deeds. Anyone who dares to reveal even a little bit of our plan to outsiders in any form, even a word or a symbol, will die in extreme pain in the illusion when the idea comes up. Avery, you've had a taste of fantasy. "

Snape's heart sank a little bit, he had no choice.

Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024