Chapter 9 What is the Ideal Type?

Walking on a quiet path, a boy suddenly jumped down from the tree in front of her, holding a mango in his hand, and asked, "Do you want one?" - Such a romantic scene is an obsession in Tong Yao's heart after watching "A Little Thing Called First Love" countless times.
Most girls have discussed their "ideal type" and their dreams of love at dormitory chats. Tong Yao's words surprised Xu Jiaojiao and Xu Qing.
"I didn't expect my Yao to be such a simple little girl."
"Although the world is big, there is only one senior Aliang. Yaoyao, wake up."

Tong Yao once thought that it was an unattainable fantasy.
But on this day, when she was walking alone on the tree-lined path, she actually experienced this scene: first, a basketball fell down almost brushing her shoulder, and then a boy jumped down from a tree, hugged the basketball with both hands, and patted it twice.
He is tall, with heroic eyes and eyebrows. His every move exudes vigor and vitality, and he is very charming.
After he stood still, he turned his head against the light and smiled, "Didn't I scare you? My hand just slipped. Are you okay?"
If I were holding a mango in my hand and changing the lines, it would be perfect...
Tong Yao shook her head with some regret: "I'm fine."
"I usually exercise well, but I don't know why I failed today." The boy said, "By the way, my name is Xiao Shenzhe, I'm on the school basketball team, you can come to me if you have any questions." His back was straight and he looked neat and tidy.
Although it was winter, he was only wearing a thin tight quick-drying shirt. His muscles were bulging just right, revealing his slender and strong perfect body.
“It’s okay, just be careful next time.” Tong Yao said this, her heart beating a few times—the “ideal type” she hadn’t met in decades, plus a romantic encounter.
Xiao Shenzhe didn't say anything more and turned and left.
If it weren't for the leaves brought down by the basketball on her shoulders, Tong Yao would have felt like she was having a romantic dream.
After returning to the dormitory, she said excitedly, "You still have to have dreams. What if you see a ghost?"
Xu Jiaojiao was happy for her and said, "I'm starting to believe in love again."
Xu Qing smiled at first, then said with some doubt: "It's already halfway through junior year, but Yaoyao has met her 'ideal type' at this time, and it's a perfect match. I always feel that... it's a bit too coincidental."
Xu Jiaojiao asked in surprise: "Conspiracy theory?"
In the end, it was Tong Yao who comforted everyone, saying, "It's a coincidence, but we met once, and it fulfilled my fantasy. It's worth it."
But she didn't expect that the two would meet again soon.
The school student union held a graduate student party. Tong Yao was invited to be the host, and Xiao Shenzhe sat in the first row to watch.
The lights on the stage were bright, making the light below seem even dimmer.
Xiao Shenzhe sat in the first row, waving his light stick like everyone else. But he was tall and strong, and stood out from the crowd. When Tong Yao looked over, she saw him staring at her.
The female singer who was supposed to take her bow followed her gaze, but she wasn't paying attention, slipped, and was about to fall off the stage.
Tong Yao, who was standing next to her, was quick to reach out and pull her.
Tong Yao only grabbed her arm, jumped off the stage with her, and took two quick steps to stabilize her body.
Xiao Shenzhe rushed over to help and just blocked the road.
Tong Yao was afraid of falling into his arms, so her body tilted and she stepped on the back of his foot. She staggered two steps before she could stand firm.
Xiao Shenzhe screamed in pain subconsciously.
Tong Yao apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."
Xiao Shenzhe waved his hand: "It's okay, go back and host the show."
Tong Yao thought he would go to the infirmary to get medicine, but she didn't expect him to wait until the show was over.
"Sorry, are you really not going to go and take a look?" Tong Yao asked proactively.
"As a member of the Youth Association of the co-organizer, of course I have to stick to it until the end." Xiao Shenzhe shook his head and smiled, "I almost hit you last time, and you stepped on me this time, so we are even. This coming and going is all determined by fate, and it can be regarded as a kind of fate."
If this cannot be called fate, then there is probably only one kind: bad fate.
Facing the teasing looks from Xu Jiaojiao and Xu Qing, Tong Yao sighed, "Xiao Shenzhe, I'll remember you."
From then on, it was as if a magical switch was turned on, and Xiao Shenzhe could always "run into" Tong Yao at the right time. From her unshakable morning jogging, to the martial arts association activities 2 to 3 times a week, to the occasional walks in the woods...the two would always run into each other by chance. And Xiao Shenzhe would bring fruits or magazines, which must be Tong Yao's favorites.
Because she had hurt him before, Tong Yao couldn't be too cold and had to accept his kindness one by one.
"He is really pursuing you!" Xu Jiaojiao said excitedly.
Xu Qing looked doubtful: "I still think he is a little unreliable. After all, everything is too..."
"Too dreamy?" Tong Yao asked. Seeing Xu Qing firmly shaking her head, she continued, "That's right. He seems to have walked out of my dream. His every move is exactly what I like."
"Then you..." Xu Jiaojiao was joking, but when she saw Tong Yao getting serious, she felt a little nervous.
"But, so what?" Tong Yao asked with a smile, "Give him some color and see what he wants to do."
Xu Qing was shocked and whispered: "Yaoyao is indeed very different from before."
In the past, if Tong Yao had any doubts, she would definitely get to the bottom of them, and would resort to violence if she disagreed. But now, she looks so quick-witted that she actually seems to have some charm of being scheming.
"Hey, it's because you've been with Qin Zhan for too long!" Xu Jiaojiao lip-synced with Xu Qing silently.
Xu Qing suddenly realized, nodded repeatedly, and immediately changed her words: "Yaoyao said that, we feel relieved."
They were relieved, but Qin Zhan was so anxious when he learned about this.
"How can she tease me and then tease others?" Qin Zhan's heart was full of "dissatisfaction".
Ren Yue was so focused on playing the game that he didn't even raise his eyes: "If I remember correctly, you were the one who approached her first?"
"What right does someone who can't even tell who likes you have to say about me?"
"How can someone who has been pursuing someone for almost four months and still hasn't gotten the chance to do so say he likes her?"
"You've lost to me for so many years. Even if you win, you won't feel any sense of accomplishment." Qin Zhan said sarcastically.
Ren Yue was about to get angry when Qin Zhan suddenly shouted, "Military Advisor!" Qin Zhan patted Ren Yue on the shoulder and called out eagerly, "Great Military Advisor Ren!"
Ren Yue got goosebumps all over his body and said "hmm" helplessly.
"Military Advisor, it's your time to shine. Come on, tell me what to do next?" Qin Zhan asked.
Ren Yue let out a long sigh and said, "I finally understand what it means to be shameless and invincible. For the sake of love, you really don't even care about your face."
"What is that? Can I eat it?" Qin Zhan pretended to be dumb.
"You've really been with the goddess for too long..." Ren Yue shook his head and patted his head, "Now that you have a love rival, what else is there to hesitate about? Of course, you have to win back the goddess' heart! But you... still don't know why the goddess is entangled, so naturally it's not suitable for you to fight in person."
"Do you think you can do it?" Qin Zhan sneered.
"You wish!" Ren Yue stopped pretending and directly said the solution, "What I mean is that you don't come forward directly, but send warmth to the goddess through other means. Of course, this is the worst option. The best option is to win without fighting."
"speak English."
"If your love rival knew that the goddess and you were together, wouldn't the bees and butterflies just retreat on their own?"
Qin Zhan applauded and said, "After all these years, you have finally shown some value."
"Pardon? Beg your Pardon?" Ren Yue was furious, wishing he could list all the times he had taken the blame for him over the years - if it weren't for him, would Qin Zhan be able to be so free to be "someone else's child" in the eyes of adults?
"You don't have to record it. I won't deny it. You have indeed demonstrated your value correctly this time. Please keep it up." Qin Zhan gave him a smile.
Ren Yue was furious, but smiled and said, "Thank you, I just hope that one day you won't fall into my hands."
Tong Yao was a little scared when she received the gentian flowers on the first day - it was the first time she had received flowers in all these years.
Even Xu Jiaojiao didn't believe this: "Yaoyao, you are so beautiful and have good grades. You should have been the center of attention since you were a child. How come no boys chase you and no one gives you flowers?"
Xu Qing added silently: "Yes, even I have received one... although I don't know where the 'scumbag' got the carnations from."
Tong Yao sighed, "I don't understand it either. A young and beautiful woman like me doesn't have any reliable suitors or flowers. It's unscientific."
"It's okay if there are no flowers, but there are no suitors..." Xu Jiaojiao shook her head and said, "Do you still remember the sonnet that was stuck in your homework book not long after the start of freshman year? It was the one you read aloud in class, looking for its owner."
"I remember, the letter paper was very beautiful, but the handwriting was a little ugly. Fortunately, it was Shakespeare's love poems, so it didn't look too low-level. What's wrong? Did someone accidentally put it in there?" Tong Yao asked curiously.
Xu Jiaojiao covered her face.
Xu Qing asked doubtfully: "Now that Jiaojiao said that, I also think there is something wrong."
"That wasn't left by someone. It was a love letter someone wrote to you! The heading said 'Dear TY', but somehow the 'T' was blurred and the 'Y' was also affected, so you interpreted it as 'X'. You were the class representative, so you held the letter and read X, so everyone naturally followed your train of thought, so no one ever guessed who the poem was written to." Xu Jiaojiao explained.
"Ah? So it's actually written for me?" Tong Yao asked in surprise.
"If I wasn't so curious and compared them carefully, I wouldn't have known." Xu Jiaojiao said.
"Since you saw it, why didn't you tell Yaoyao at that time? It was very embarrassing." Xu Qing said.
Xu Jiaojiao shook her finger: "No, it would be more embarrassing if I told her. The love letter I wrote was taken out and read by the goddess like this, and it was circulated crazily. If you don't know, you would think that the goddess is rejecting me in a proud way."
Tong Yao was speechless for a moment: "You can't blame me for this... Why are you copying a sonnet?"
Xu Jiaojiao and Xu Qing laughed.
In order to hide her embarrassment, Tong Yao shook the platycodon flowers in her hand: "So what's the situation with this bouquet of flowers?"
"Could it be Xiao Shenzhe?" Xu Qing asked.
Xu Jiaojiao immediately denied it: "I guess not."
"Why?" Xu Qing was very confused.
Even Tong Yao looked at her curiously.
Xu Jiaojiao had a mysterious look on her face: "Based on my woman's sixth sense, it's unlikely that a guy like Xiao Shenzhe would do such an elegant thing."
Elegant...After these words were spoken, the three of them made a judgment at once.
Xu Jiaojiao glanced at Tong Yao worriedly.
Tong Yao smiled: "Well, Platycodon grandiflorum, eternal love, unforgettable love, hopeless love, no regrets. Which one is it?"
Tong Yao said this and gave the deliveryman a card to pass on to the buyer: Anyone who has teased me regrets ever appearing in front of me.
Very Tong Yao style...
Even Xu Jiaojiao was worried that this would scare the other person.
Unexpectedly, the flowers arrived the next day, and the card said: No, flower language. The words looked very childish, as if they were afraid of exposing their handwriting and were deliberately written with their left hand.
Eternal love, unforgettable love, hopeless love, no regrets. Hopeless? Tong Yao replied.
The third day's card was based on Tong Yao's reply from the previous day, with an asterisk next to the words "Don't forget" and the others crossed out. On the back of the card was a map of the library study room, with the rows and numbers marked, and two little people dancing and saying "See you there."
"Do you want to meet him?" Xu Jiaojiao and Xu Qing were a little worried.
Tong Yao shook her hand: "No."
She added a few people on the card, with pigtails, and replied: Not enough seats.
This move is indeed cruel.
It's exam week. Every morning before the library opens, there's a long line at the door, and students all want to go upstairs and grab a seat as soon as possible.
Tong Yao had become addicted to chatting with the mysterious person who sent flowers these days, and even Xiao Shenzhe was too lazy to deal with her. This time, she asked such a difficult question purely out of mischief.
The other party sent another card the next day, but the mysterious man was missing from the picture. Instead, three positions were drawn for girls with pigtails - just the right size for Tong Yao and her group of three, no more, no less.
This time Tong Yao did not insist. After all, it was too rare to get a seat at this time, so she shouldn't waste this opportunity easily.
She took Xu Jiaojiao and Xu Qing with her, and told them to pay attention to their surroundings.
But everything seemed normal, except that all the books used to reserve seats were from the Finance Department.
"It's a bit strange..." Xu Jiaojiao muttered.
She didn't know much about her male god, but it was not right that he did good things without leaving his name or meeting her.
Tong Yao didn't say anything, but she was secretly suspicious in her heart.
Not long after, Xu Qing, who had been out on the phone, came back. After hesitating for a while, she whispered, "I just heard someone chatting, saying that there was a fight over a reserved seat this morning. A burly guy and a handsome guy got into a fight, but the handsome guy was obviously no match for the burly guy and suffered a lot."
Tong Yao had an idea in her mind.
Xu Jiaojiao quickly glanced at Tong Yao and asked in a low voice: "Is it that person? How badly injured?"
Xu Qing shook her head and said, "From what I heard, all she said was that boy was super handsome, and she didn't mention his injury at all. But it shouldn't be serious, right?"
Tong Yao pursed her lips and was about to speak when someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around and saw Xiao Shenzhe, who was smiling brightly.
"What a coincidence." Xiao Shenzhe smiled with a unique flavor.
Tong Yao's heart skipped a beat. She looked at him carefully and found that there was no sign of injury on his face and he walked normally. She let go of the worry that had been hanging in her heart. When she spoke, she said with a hint of alienation, "Chatting is prohibited in the library." After saying that, she lowered her head to read a book, neatly and without giving Xiao Shenzhe a chance to reply.
Xiao Shenzhe shrugged and turned away.
After he left, Tong Yao scribbled in a trance. When she came to her senses, she found that the picture she drew was a girl beating up a boy. She stared at it for a long time, and her mood improved a lot, with a smile on her lips.
Qin Zhan felt a lot of grievances after sending Tong Yao flowers for several days in a row and going through the ruthless battle for seats. However, when he was ready to perform well, he was tripped and his face was ruined and his foot was sprained. However, he still got up early the next morning without any regrets and went to help the three people to reserve seats.
Tong Yao wore clothes as low-key as possible, wore a hat that could cover her face, and stood not far from him.
When he opened the door, he limped and rushed to his destination, quickly opened his schoolbag, and put down the book to reserve a seat. His technique was skillful, fast, accurate and ruthless. After completing all this, he took out the card that Tong Yao was very familiar with, marked the location on it, and limped out again.
Under normal circumstances, in about half an hour, the card and the flowers would be given to Tong Yao.
Tong Yao's heart moved, and she took a few quick steps to catch up with him: "Qin Zhan."
Qin Zhan, who was caught, froze for a moment, pretended not to hear, and continued walking.
Tong Yao shouted again: "I know it's you. Stop for a moment, I have something to say."
The elevator was just ahead. Qin Zhan wanted to run in quickly, but Tong Yao caught up with him in a few steps: "Didn't I ask you to... uh..."
Qin Zhan had Band-Aids on his forehead, corners of his mouth, and nose, which made him look extremely funny - this was also the reason why he didn't want to meet Tong Yao here.
Tong Yao saw him tapping his toes unconsciously, and knew that he was nervous. She wanted to laugh, but tried her best to hold it back, and acted coldly: "I know you gave me the flowers, so you don't have to give me any more, it's meaningless. You don't have to save a seat for me, I will do it myself." Besides, she would never make such a mess, okay? Since the last sentence was too hurtful, she still didn't say it.
Qin Zhan hurriedly said: "Those flowers were booked for two months at a time and cannot be refunded. Reserving a seat is also a convenience, so as to avoid..." so that Tong Yao would not always run into Xiao Shenzhe.
Tong Yao shook her head firmly: "Thank you, but it's not necessary. That's it, go ahead and get busy."
Qin Zhan said "Oh", but followed her closely. However, he looked unhappy, so he just lowered his head and looked at his toes.
Tong Yao turned her head to look at him, but didn't chase him away. She just turned around and walked in another direction.
Not long after, Tong Yao stopped and asked, "Do you want to continue following me?"
Qin Zhan imitated Ren Yue and said with a playful smile: "I'll give it to you."
Tong Yao smiled and pointed to the sign next to him, which had two big words on it: Women's Restroom.
Qin Zhan suddenly felt as if he was struck by lightning, and his face suddenly became hot.
A girl happened to be walking towards them, and when she saw a boy standing at the door, she screamed immediately.
Those who didn't know the truth looked over here and saw staff rushing over from a distance.
The direction of the incident was completely out of Tong Yao's control. She grabbed Qin Zhan and said, "Run!" She said run, but she was concerned about Qin Zhan's leg injury and just walked quickly.
As she walked, her long hair fluttered, occasionally revealing her overly beautiful facial features.
However, Qin Zhan knew that although Tong Yao looked very charming on the surface, she had her own clear world: frank, honest, friendly, and had virtues that others could hardly match.
The soft hair hit his face casually, making his heart beat happily.
Faintly, he smelled the fragrance emanating from her body - it was still a familiar smell.
The fear and hesitation of many days, the tension and embarrassment of just making a fool of myself, all disappeared in an instant, leaving only the joy that was about to come.
When the two stopped, Qin Zhan was panting, while Tong Yao took two deep breaths and calmed down.
"I was serious about what I said just now. Before you figure it out, don't make any more unnecessary efforts, whether it's sending flowers or reserving a seat," said Tong Yao.
"Well... before that, you can't accept other people's pursuit casually. After all, first come first served. I will definitely figure it out soon!" Qin Zhan took the opportunity to make a request.
Seeing Tong Yao smiling but not saying anything, he took another step back, "Well, at least don't reject my flowers."
Tong Yao did not comment.
Qin Zhan was delighted, and then he heard Tong Yao say, "Waste is not a virtue. I'll take it and give it to someone else."
The bubble of joy that just popped up burst again...
Qin Zhan finally admitted that his IQ plummeted once he confronted Tong Yao head-on.
He was depressed for a moment, then immediately became full of fighting spirit: "I will give you a satisfactory answer soon." Then he limped away.
Tong Yao looked at his back, feeling mixed emotions.
She had wanted to take this opportunity to teach him a lesson, but now she saw him suffering and he didn't seem as happy as she had imagined? She shook her head and swiped her card to enter the library again.
After she left, a boy came out from the shade. It was Xiao Shenzhe.
Xiao Shenzhe immediately called Zeng Yijie and said, "The operation is expected to fail. Qin Zhan is here to look for Tong Yao."
"That doesn't mean they've reconciled. Chasing the school beauty isn't necessarily a big deal. Wouldn't it be more fulfilling to snatch everyone's goddess from the school hunk?"
Xiao Shenzhe nodded thoughtfully and hung up the phone.
When Tong Yao received the call from Xiao Shenzhe that he had reserved seats for the three of them, she repeated it, nodded and thanked him in the surprised eyes of Xu Jiaojiao and Xu Qing.
After Tong Yao hung up the phone, Xu Qing asked guiltily: "Yaoyao, are you still angry? I told the 'scumbag' a lot about your interests and hobbies at that time. When Xiao Shenzhe appeared, I felt something was wrong but didn't think much about it. I just recalled that the 'scumbag' once mentioned a handsome friend who played basketball..."
"It doesn't matter. Since they are using this method, we will just play along with them." Tong Yao said with a sly smile.
"Could it be... Yaoyao wants him to do free labor?" Xu Jiaojiao asked.
Tong Yao gave her an appreciative look.
Xiao Shenzhe soon discovered that the proud goddess suddenly became much calmer and accepted his seat, his initiative to carry her bag, and the kettle and various snacks he prepared.
When chatting with the goddess, she will answer with a smile, but there is no affection in that smile. If you listen carefully, you can even see a hint of disdain and indifference.
Xiao Shenzhe was still unaware of it and was enjoying it very much. He even proudly showed off his progress to Zeng Yijie: The goddess smiled at me many times and accepted my feeding. I felt that the distance between us was getting closer and closer.
After a few days, Zeng Yijie suddenly asked: "Besides laughing and saying thank you, did Tong Yao say anything else? Did you make any requests, such as eating or watching a movie together?"
Xiao Shenzhe said: "She didn't agree. She must be in a hurry to review."
"You really believe it?" Zeng Yijie sneered, "Why is this situation similar to what a certain inspirational person once encountered?"
Xiao Shenzhe suddenly realized this.
He turned around and went to Tong Yao to ask, "Are you treating me as a backup?"
Tong Yao asked back: "What is a spare tire? Can you eat it?"
"Then do you consider me...a friend?" Xiao Shenzhe hesitated.
"Best joke of the year." Tong Yao laughed slowly, "Would you consider a person who has bad intentions and ulterior motives as your friend?"
It turns out that the motive had been guessed long ago. Have you been played like a monkey these days? Xiao Shenzhe was furious and pointed at Tong Yao and said, "You..."
"The girl who fell at the party was your junior sister. How much of an accident was it that caused you to get hurt? I really don't know what benefits Zeng Yijie promised you that would make you do such a morally corrupt thing. I just ask you to open your eyes a little. I am not a little girl who knows nothing about the world." Tong Yao insisted, "What do you want to do next? Discuss logic or martial arts?"
He was already in the wrong, if he was beaten down again, he would not be able to stay in school... Xiao Shenzhe pointed at Tong Yao, unable to utter a word for a long time, his face turned from red to white and then to blue, and he angrily said "You wait" and left. However, threatening words is a common trick used by the weak...
When Tong Yao described the confrontation between the two in the dormitory, even Xu Qing, who was as delicate as she was, applauded: "Yaoyao also indirectly helped me vent my anger. They are extremely despicable and someone should have punished them long ago."
"Well, I just discovered that sometimes using your brain to discipline people is more effective than just using your hands," Tong Yao concluded.
For example, when Zeng Yijie spread rumors on the BBS, if she had handled it, she would have called the person out and beat him up until he admitted his mistake. However, Qin Zhan let the person be punished without making a fuss, which was a smart move.
Thinking of Qin Zhan, Tong Yao sighed softly again.
Xu Jiaojiao said that she understood very well, silently patted Tong Yao's hand, and said: "Qin Zhan may be a little weak, but his feelings should be real."
"Yes, I can see from his eyes that he really likes you." Xu Qing agreed.
"It's a pity that the people who should understand the most don't understand and are only focused on finding the 'ideal type'. If this is the case, what if another 'ideal type' appears tomorrow?" Tong Yao lamented.
Tong Yao's words seemed to make some sense.
For a moment, the dormitory fell silent, and the three of them all looked toward the row of gentian flowers on the windowsill.
Because the dormitory is well heated and they take good care of it, every bunch of platycodon flowers is now blooming beautifully. The beautiful flower shape and brilliant colors make people intoxicated.
Although he had signed a pledge in front of Tong Yao, Qin Zhan was still helpless in dealing with the problem that stood between them.
Military Advisor Ren, who was sometimes ineffective and sometimes unsuccessful in his moves, had proposed several plans, but they were all rejected by Qin Zhan. After that, Military Advisor Ren stopped paying attention and plunged into the new love game "My Ideal Girlfriend 5".
Qin Zhan, who was fighting alone, read e-books day and night, studying various love secrets.

Ren Yue, who was concentrating on the game, said unwillingly: "I have given you so many ideas, but I have never seen you sincerely thank me."
"Oh, your ex-girlfriends can form a reinforced platoon. You've had quite a lot of relationships, but has there ever been a relationship that lasted more than three months? It's hard not to make people suspicious of you..."
"What do you suspect me of?" Ren Yue stiffened his neck and looked at Qin Zhan angrily.
"What's the matter? I just doubt whether you have ever been in love." Qin Zhan snorted coldly, "You don't even understand your own affairs - I don't know who had a dream last night, and kept shouting at a girl not to leave."
Ren Yue was shocked, as if he had been hit in the heart, and almost jumped up: "You are talking nonsense! What I dreamed about last night was clearly playing games, it couldn't be Jiaojiao!"
"Oh..." Qin Zhan stretched out his tone and said word by word, "Who said it was Jiaojiao?"
Ren Yue wanted to slap himself twice to console his offline IQ.
Ren Yue thought for a while and said, "If you can do it, then go for it. Don't let someone steal your girl away and then cry in the corner. I heard that guy is Tong Yao's 'ideal type'..."
With a "puff", the white knife went in and the red knife came out! Qin Zhan felt as if a huge hole had been pierced in his heart.
Before he could react, Qin Zhan realized something was wrong: "Wait, how do you know what her 'ideal type' is like? Even I only know a little bit."
"Oh, if you win the level I'm playing, you can take a questionnaire to determine your 'ideal type' based on your personal information and experience. I tried it with your information, and it was pretty accurate, a King Kong Barbie type. I was curious, so I just tried hers..."
"Shouldn't you let me do it?" Qin Zhan stared at him with a stern look, "Why don't you test Xu Jiaojiao while you have this time?"
Ren Yue said with some embarrassment: "I don't know much about her past experiences..." Seeing that Qin Zhan's eyes were getting more and more unfriendly, he hurriedly explained, "You asked me to look up Tong Yao's information at that time, and I just took a quick look. Now I'm just typing it in. The evaluation results just came out, and I haven't finished reading them yet..."
Qin Zhan grabbed his phone and read the comments carefully: He advocates the use of force and likes to solve problems with violence, mostly because he has been treated violently or lacks a sense of security. He is generous, righteous, and warm-hearted. He comes from a wealthy family and grew up in a warm and harmonious environment...
He pulled straight to the back to see the conclusion.
Ideal type: A sunny, handsome, athletic guy who can help her, give her a sense of security, and make her feel dependent...
"This kind of thing is not very accurate." Ren Yue looked at Qin Zhan's face which was getting darker and darker. While explaining, he swiped on his phone and turned directly to the next page of the game.
Qin Zhan's expression suddenly eased when he saw this. He glanced at Ren Yue, then at his phone.
Ren Yue looked at his phone in surprise, and saw a new page with the words: The true "ideal type" is not just limited to appearance, but depends on sincerity.
The two of them read it out word by word in perfect tacit understanding.
After reading it, Qin Zhan nodded first and said, "I think I know what Yaoyao is struggling with. What about you? Have you figured it out? What is Jiaojiao to you?"
The question was very Zen-like, but Ren Yue understood it. Not only did he understand it, but it was like a sudden enlightenment.
Ren Yue thought in a daze that it turned out that others were not talking nonsense, but that he had already fallen in love with Xu Jiaojiao.
He always wondered how different she was from the others: they talked about everything together, and had endless topics to cover; because of her, he would reject Qin Zhan, who never rejected anyone; he would feel uneasy because she ignored him... But because she was not his "ideal type", he denied his feelings, strangled this possibility in the cradle, and also confined himself to a prison.
I don’t know where the love comes from, but it grows deeper and deeper.
Fortunately, everything can still be salvaged.
This time, he saw his true heart.
Ren Yue, who had suddenly realized the truth, clasped his hands together and bowed respectfully to Qin Zhan: "Thank you, Master."
" Go!" Qin Zhan said impatiently, "Go after your people."
Ren Yue chuckled and rushed out of the dormitory, leaving Qin Zhan staring at the closed dormitory door in a daze.
The problem left by Tong Yao could probably be solved. But what about that young man who showed up halfway? It was obvious that he couldn't beat him. Qin Zhan hadn't noticed that he had already started thinking like a child.
At this moment, the phone beeped and Ren Yue sent a WeChat message: Guess who I saw? Then a picture was sent over, it was Zeng Yijie and Xiao Shenzhe!
Qin Zhan looked at the photo and figured out the cause and effect in just one second. He quickly replied: Stop it. Send the location!
no problem.
Xiao Shenzhe had originally made an appointment with Zeng Yiji to come and complain, but he didn't expect that when he was talking happily, he was blocked by Ren Yue and Xu Jiaojiao who were walking here.
"Zeng Yiji, it seems that you have reviewed well. Do you have the leisure time to stroll around?" Ren Yue asked.
Xu Jiaojiao looked at the two of them coldly, and the joy and excitement she had at the beginning had mostly dissipated.
When Ren Yue said there was something important, she thought it was something else... Now it seems that he was entrusted by Qin Zhan to pass the message to Tong Yao. Xu Jiaojiao thought of herself again, and her expression darkened.
She thanked Ren Yue and said, "Thank you for your kindness. I'll leave first." She was about to leave when Ren Yue grabbed her arm.
Her heart skipped a beat and she looked back at him in confusion.
Ren Yue didn't know why he got scared, and whispered, "Qin Zhan is coming over, let's wait for him." After that, he continued to talk to Zeng Yiji and held him back.
Xiao Shenzhe suddenly realized something was wrong and was about to drag Zeng Yijie away when he heard a cold male voice: "What a villain and a hypocrite, tsk tsk, this is a good combination."
Zeng Yijie's hands trembled and he didn't dare to look back.
Xiao Shenzhe turned his head and said gloomily, "It's a good thing you're here, Qin Zhan." He had been teased and humiliated by Tong Yao for a long time, and now seeing someone related to him, he couldn't hold back his anger.
Zeng Yijie saw that Xiao Shenzhe was about to explode, so he pulled his clothes, but he was pushed away.
Qin Zhan has always been afraid that others would not speak up, otherwise he would appear to be aggressive. Now that Xiao Shenzhe comes to him, everything is perfect!
Qin Zhan said to Zeng Yijie: "I finally see what fairness means - God gave him developed limbs, so he must have straightened his brain."
This is when the fun begins!
Seeing the protagonist coming on stage, Ren Yue signaled Xu Jiaojiao: "Come with me, I have something to tell you."
Xu Jiaojiao nodded and followed him a hundred steps away. Unexpectedly, Ren Yue just looked at her without saying anything.
Xu Jiaojiao felt inexplicably embarrassed, so she had to pretend to focus on looking at Qin Zhan - in fact, she couldn't hear what the three of them were talking about at all, she could only see Qin Zhan talking non-stop, with Zeng Yijie and Xiao Shenzhe occasionally interrupting with a few words.
Ren Yue tried many times before finally saying, "Xu Jiaojiao, I think I like you." As soon as he said this, he seemed to have finally unloaded a heavy burden, which contained what he thought was his "ideal girlfriend" and the many sleepless days and nights after meeting Xu Jiaojiao.
Xu Jiaojiao was surprised and asked doubtfully: "You don't like..."
"No!" Ren Yue interrupted her hastily.
Looking into Xu Jiaojiao's eyes, he took a few deep breaths before regaining his normal tone: "Boys, we care about our reputation and are very competitive. We want to compare everything. When my secondary sexual characteristics developed, in order to appear more mature, I announced and hinted to myself what my 'ideal type' was like."
Xu Jiaojiao said "Oh", still expressing confusion.
Ren Yue continued to explain: "Over time, I was imprisoned by this 'ideal type'. Although I have many ex-girlfriends, I have never been truly happy until I met you..." He stared at Xu Jiaojiao, "Jiaojiao, I know that because I didn't see my feelings clearly at that time and was not mature enough in my feelings, I caused you some harm and made myself take some detours, but I understand now that I really like you! Can you forgive me?"
The confession came too suddenly!
Xu Jiaojiao suppressed her strong surprise and said with a hint of hesitation: "But, the gap between me and your 'ideal type' is too big..."
Ren Yue smiled and shook his head: "Silly girl. My liking for you has nothing to do with my real 'ideal type'. Even if the world is huge, and others are a thousand good, it can't compare to my liking for you. So our question now is, do you still like me? Will you forgive me?"
Xu Jiaojiao covered her mouth and nodded continuously, and soon her eyes turned red.
Ren Yue went forward to hug her, patted her on the back and said, "It was all my fault before. I will never let you cry for me again."
Not far away, Qin Zhan, who had completely defeated the scum duo, finished the battle and wanted to come over to show off, but he happened to see this scene and froze for a moment.
Only then did he remember his plan.
Qin Zhan sent photos of Zeng and Xiao to Tong Yao. When Qin Zhan was editing the text content, Tong Yao replied: So what?
Before Qin Zhan could react, a second WeChat message came: I knew it a long time ago. It also included a smiling emoticon.
Qin Zhan, who had been worrying about Xiao Shenzhe for so long and had just had a fight with him and collected evidence, suddenly felt so tired...
Xu Jiaojiao and Ren Yue are together, and the girls in the dormitory bought a lot of delicious food to celebrate.
"Yaoyao, I think Qin Zhan is quite thoughtful. He specially asked me to inform you about Xiao Shenzhe." Xu Jiaojiao pretended to bring up the topic unintentionally.
Tong Yao shook her head: "I'm afraid you just happened to bump into him."
"Yes, how could he not tell Yaoyao about this in person?" Xu Qing followed.
Xu Jiaojiao said angrily: "Is that so? It made me feel that my male god is such a thoughtful person. I even thought for a long time about how to mention this to you."
Tong Yao laughed: "He had already shown off in front of me, but I pushed him back."
"Then you guys..." Not only Xu Jiaojiao, but even Xu Qing was concerned.
Tong Yao smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, our fundamental problem has not been solved yet."
Xu Jiaojiao looked at her and for a moment she actually felt that the male god was a little pitiful.
That night, she and Ren Yue chatted on WeChat until midnight, and the other party suddenly sent her a message: Xiao Shenzhe, what do you think of Tong Yao?
This is to gather military intelligence...
Xu Jiaojiao thought about it and decided to help her male god: solving the fundamental conflict is the first priority.
She didn't know that this sentence made Qin Zhan draw with a flashlight all night long.
The next day, the platycodon flowers were delivered as scheduled, but the courier was wearing sunglasses and a mask and was closely watched by the dormitory manager. Before Tong Yao left, the aunt also reminded her to be careful.
Tong Yao came out and asked in surprise, "Qin Zhan, what are you doing like this?"
Qin Zhan shook his head and took out a card with a question on it: "What is your ideal type?"
Then, he turned over another photo, which showed two people who could not be distinguished as male or female undergoing genetic testing: "Scientific theories are accurate, but the complexity of human beings far exceeds the calculation of data."
The next one is a picture of a beautiful woman with white bones, and it says: "Is it the beauty and figure that ordinary people can't avoid?"
The fourth one has the word "Error" in capital letters, with the words "So what is it?"
Tong Yao's heart moved and she stared at him closely.
Qin Zhan stuffed Tong Yao's hands and used sign language to indicate: "It's a sincere heart, a heart that truly loves you."
Tong Yao held the flowers and cards between her arms, freeing her hands to applaud: "Congratulations on your enlightenment, Qin."
This isn't a good conversation!
Qin Zhan was anxious for the moment and said without any context, "It's not because of the 'ideal type', but because you are you, and I just like you."
He didn't get a good night's rest, his voice was hoarse, he had dark circles under his eyes, and a few big pimples on his face, so he was dressed like this...
Tong Yao guessed most of it, and said, "It's okay if you are physically weak, but you are still relying on your youth to stay up late and don't take your health seriously. Sooner or later, you will have problems, classmate. The job of a courier is not suitable for you, go back and have a rest."
Qin Zhan wanted to explain, and even more wanted a confession, but he just stood there without moving.
Tong Yao then easily lifted his clothes and turned him around, saying like she was coaxing a child, "Don't forget to drink water and take medicine when you get home."
The sky was clear, but suddenly, a thunderbolt struck Qin Zhan's brows and heart: Isn't it to solve doubts, confess, and then be together? Isn't this the routine of Ren Yue and Xu Jiaojiao? Why does his girlfriend choose not to take the ordinary path?

Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024