Chapter 9 The person who gradually changed his heart

Wednesday, June 6 Cloudy to sunny
You will meet thousands of people in your life.
Only one in tens of thousands of people,
We will become good friends by chance!
I really want to have a magic wand,
Can change the trajectory of fate,
Let us stay together forever!

Last night, the scene of Xu Yi and Mizhi together in FKC kept appearing in my mind.
Even though I told myself not to think about it anymore, my brain was like a high-speed machine that couldn't be stopped.
I was in an insomniac state for the whole night and only fell asleep slowly when it was almost dawn. As a result, I had to rush to the classroom this morning with dark circles under my eyes.
Hey, why hasn't Chinatsu come today?
I stared at the empty seat next to me in a daze.
Chinatsu seems to have become deeply integrated into my life.
"Ye Xiya, the head teacher wants you to go to the office." The chemistry class representative said to me while holding a stack of chemistry experiment notebooks.
"Oh. Got it." I stood up and walked towards the teacher's office.
As soon as I entered the teacher's office, I saw a gentle smile on the head teacher's cold face: "Ye Xiya, you are here!"
I'm a little flattered. seems like this time you're not criticizing me.
"Your father called me yesterday and asked about your recent situation at school. He also asked me to take care of you."
"Thank you, teacher. I will study hard." I was a little nervous and didn't dare to look directly at the head teacher, so I had to look at her desk.
Under the glass of water on the table was a thin piece of paper with five big words "Transfer Application Form" written on it.
Is anyone in your class transferring schools?
I took a closer look out of curiosity and found a familiar name written in the name column -
My heart suddenly felt like a stone thrown into the sea, sinking deeper and deeper...
When I returned to the classroom, I could no longer calm down.
The two big words "Chixia" that I just saw kept getting bigger and bigger in my mind.
The clear sunlight shone through the window onto the empty seat next to me, and the wind flipped the books on the table, making a rustling sound.
I walked a few steps towards the classroom door holding the chemistry textbook, then stopped, lay down in my seat, and stared blankly out the window.
When I first met Chinatsu, the ginkgo trees outside had only bare branches, but now, they have grown lush branches and leaves, and are covered with green shade.
Before I knew it, Chinatsu had become my most important friend.
I originally thought that we could study together, go to college together, and have lots of time together.
She is going to transfer schools, why didn't she ever tell me about it?
Was her previous change in attitude towards Weiwei and those inexplicable words all because she was going to transfer schools?
Thinking about being separated from her from now on, my heart felt like it was locked in a thick glass cover. I felt stuffy and uncomfortable.
Suddenly, a can of my favorite drink was handed to me from behind.
I turned my head and saw Chinatsu smiling innocently. Her eyes were like crescent moons and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised. Chinatsu was so beautiful like this.
Qianxia opened the lid of the drink: "Haha, your favorite drink, and it's iced."
I took the drink in silence but didn't drink it.
"Have you been pardoned? You don't even go to the lab class. Aren't you always afraid of the chemistry teacher?"
The sunlight shines on her fluffy straight chocolate-colored hair, and she looks as delicate as a porcelain doll.
"Hehe, what's wrong? I heard that you were called by the homeroom teacher just now. Did you get scolded again?" Qianxia came close to me, as if trying to find clues that I was in a low mood, "Are you still thinking about Xu Yi and Mizhi?"
I looked at Chinatsu who looked worried: "Chinatsu, are we best friends?"
"Of course." Chinatsu nodded at me while drinking her drink.
"So are you hiding some secret from me?"
"Secret?" A complicated expression flashed across Qianxia's face. She was silent for a few seconds and looked at me seriously. "Xia, no matter what I did, in my heart, I always regard you as a very good friend!"
"In that case, why..." I bit my lip and clenched the can of drinks, "Why did you transfer to another school without telling me?"
Qianxia put down the can of drink in her hand and sat down next to me. After a few seconds, she reached out and gently patted my face: "Haha, in fact, I have always wanted to find a suitable opportunity to tell you, but I didn't expect you to know it first!"
All hopes were dashed in an instant.
"Why do you want to transfer schools? I have a lot of things I want to do with you!" I said with my head down, disappointed.
"Actually, before I came here, I made an agreement with my father that I would only study for one semester and then return to the United States. Xia, I'm so happy to meet you. You gave me a whole new understanding of the word 'friend'!" Chinatsu tried hard to smile at me.
"Why only one semester?" I asked.
"Xia, this is actually a promise, a promise about protection." Chinatsu took a sip of the drink and didn't continue.
About the promise of protection?
I didn't quite understand what Chinatsu said, but I didn't ask any more questions.
Chinatsu must have her own secrets too. Even if they are good friends, some secrets belong only to themselves.
"Xia, do you believe Xu Yi and Meizhi are together?" After a moment of silence, a trace of worry flashed in Qianxia's eyes, "I always feel that there is something wrong with this matter."
"Are there any problems?" I turned to look at Chinatsu, "Chinatsu, what do you mean? Why can't I understand?"
Chinatsu looked at me deeply, then looked out the window thoughtfully: "Xia, maybe there really is something we don't know."
Is Chinatsu saying that Xu Yi is not with Miori? she just comforting me?
"Haha, okay, Xia, let's not talk about this anymore." Chinatsu held my hand, "I will be returning to the United States after . So we must cherish the remaining time we have together!"
After the final exam?
Isn't there only a month left...
"Yes." I nodded vigorously at Chinatsu, "We must cherish every day we have left."
Chinatsu pulled me towards the chemistry lab.
The ginkgo tree downstairs from the classroom emits a green glow under the sunshine. In the blink of an eye, summer is here...

Monday, June 11th, sunny
He was so distant and polite,
You have made up your mind to stay away from me.
Then why did you help me block that pot of boiling coffee?
Doesn't he know,
He was injured.
Will I be more sad?

The last class was a self-study class and the classroom was in chaos.
I stared blankly out the window. The emerald green leaves of the ginkgo tree were gleaming in the setting sun.
"Oh my god! John has a new girlfriend! It's the new supermodel Linda!" Momo, who was playing with her phone, suddenly exclaimed, "Someone on Weibo has already revealed the news!"
"That's impossible. Wasn't John publicly showing off his love with Lisa a month ago?" Someone responded quickly.
"Linda is prettier than Lisa! And she's still young. Boys are like this anyway, they fall in love with every girl they meet, they like you to death today, and they're sweet and sweet with someone else tomorrow, it's normal!"
The students were talking about it.
Their words touched my most vulnerable nerve.
"Xia..." Chinatsu was sensitive to my mood changes, "These messy gossips are not true at all!"
I smiled at Chinatsu: "Don't worry, I'm fine."
Cheye in front of us suddenly turned around and waved a few golden tickets in his hand towards me and Qianxia.
"What is this?" Qianxia snatched the ticket from Cheye's hand and exclaimed, "Wow, it's a voucher for the VIP room of 'Lost'. Yuan Cheye, you are quite capable!"
I looked at Chinatsu in confusion.
"Haha, 'Lost' is the most famous restaurant in this city. Even an outsider like me knows it." Chinatsu looked at me excitedly, "How about we go there together after school?"
"But..." I was about to say that I really had no appetite when Chinatsu interrupted me.
"You are not allowed to refuse. How can you refuse Yuan Cheye's feelings?" Qianxia nudged me with her elbow. "Xia, aren't you afraid of hurting Yuan Cheye if you don't go?"
Cheye turned around and looked at Qianxia with a dark face: "Qianxia, ​​you..."
"What do you mean! Don't you want Xia to go?" Qianxia looked at the frustrated Cheye with a smirk on her face.
"Okay, I'll go."
I felt a little disappointed when I thought that Chinatsu and I would be separated in a month. Well, I said I would cherish the remaining time with Chinatsu.
After school, the three of us headed towards Lost.
Qianxia was bickering with Cheye along the way, and because of their quarrel, my mood gradually became brighter.
Standing at the door of the western restaurant, I looked up at the sign - "Lost".
"Lost" is such a strange and interesting name.
After opening the door and walking around a marble corridor, I was surprised to see such a beautiful western restaurant! We felt like we were in an 18th century palace.
"Welcome." The waiter came over and smiled at us politely.
Chinatsu took out a golden VIP room ticket and handed it to the waiter.
"I'm really sorry, the VIP room is currently full. Could you please sit over there and wait for a while?" The waiter pointed to the waiting room near the door.
Just as we were about to walk to the waiting room, Chinatsu, who had been looking around, suddenly grabbed me and pointed to the seat near the window to the waiter: "Haha, there's no need for a VIP room. I see our acquaintance."
There aren't any familiar people here!
I turned and looked in the direction Chinatsu was pointing...
At the table by the window on the left, Mizhi and Xu Yi were sitting face to face.
The sunlight passed through the crystal-clear glass and fell on the corners of Xu Yi's upturned mouth. He was enveloped in a relaxed mood, as if emitting a rainbow-like light.
At this moment, Miori's eyes were also filled with smiles.
The light from the crystal lamp above my head suddenly became very dazzling, piercing the softest corner of my heart. No! I don't want to be seen by Xu Yi!
It would be very awkward for everyone to meet in such an atmosphere!
"Qianxia, ​​Cheye, I don't really like Western food, let's go to another place!"
Just when I turned around and wanted to escape, Qianxia had already walked to Xu Yi's desk.
"Stupid, running away won't solve any problems!" Cheye beside me looked at me quietly, "Cheer up and face everything bravely. This is what the optimistic and strong Ye Xiya should do."
After hearing what Cheye said, I didn't choose to escape again, but followed Cheye to Qianxia's side.
The two people who were originally talking and laughing saw us suddenly appear, and their smiles froze for a few seconds. Xu Yi's eyes fell from my face to Che Ye who was standing shoulder to shoulder with me.
I don’t know if it was my illusion, but I actually saw a hint of relief in his eyes.
"Xu Yi, what a coincidence, we meet again!" Qianxia greeted Xu Yi familiarly, as if the milk tea splashing incident that day had never happened at all.
Xu Yi was stunned for a moment, then responded with a faint smile: "Yeah, what a coincidence!"
A flash of hostility appeared on Mizhi's face, but when she saw that Xu Yi did not show any displeasure, a faint smile gradually appeared on her face.
I forced a smile and greeted Xu Yi stiffly: "Xu Yi, long time no see."
"Yeah!" Xu Yi was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile.
Although it was the same smile, the smile he just showed towards Miori was so relaxed, but now it seemed bitter.
"Xu Yi, you guys don't mind sharing a table, right?" Qianxia's mouth corners slightly raised, "I think it's more fun to eat with more people."
Xu Yi still had a smile on his face: "Of course I don't mind."
"It just so happens that Yuan Cheye is treating us today. Just order whatever you want to eat. Don't be polite to him." Qianxia said as she called the waiter over and started taking orders.
"It seems like you have never been polite to me?" Cheye started arguing with Qianxia again.
I unconsciously glanced at Xu Yi from the corner of my eye. He was calm and kept a gentle smile, without the slightest fluctuation. But my heart felt as if it was stabbed by a needle.
Xu Yi, will you never smile at me like the sun again?
The waiters began to serve dishes one after another, including Australian veal steak, tomato and shrimp salad, fried pasta with matsutake mushrooms and bacon, toast, pizza...even desserts and ice cream were brought up.
"Haha, so this is all you can say about being rude!" Che Ye smiled as he looked at the table full of food.
Qianxia's eyes curved into crescents: "Haha, Yuan Cheye, actually now I think you are pretty good, much better than some inexplicable people!"
"Why do I remember that I was also a weird person before?" Cheye moved the order sheet towards Qianxia with a smirk on his face, "Do you want to order more? If you don't eat more, how can you have the energy to teach people a lesson with Taekwondo!"
"Yuan Cheye, you!"
Chinatsu stretched out her hand to hit Cheye, but accidentally hit the face of a waiter who was holding a pot of coffee nearby.
The waiter suddenly raised his hand and splashed the pot of coffee in his hand straight towards me...
"Shia, be careful!"
Just when I was stunned by this sudden situation, Xu Yi quickly stood in front of me.
"Ah!" Seeing the whole pot of coffee flowing straight down Xu Yi's right arm, I couldn't help but scream.
Everyone in the restaurant looked towards us.
"Xia, are you okay? Are you burned?" Xu Yi looked at me with concern, as if I was the person he cherished most.
Xu Yi...
I looked at him quietly. It turned out that he still cared about me. When I was in danger, he would be the first to rush out to protect me.
"Xia, how are you?" Cheye immediately stood up and squatted beside my seat, "Idiot, you didn't even dodge when you saw the coffee spilling towards you."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The waiter looked at Xu Yi with tears in his eyes, "That was just the coffee I brewed. Please go to the hospital right away and get treatment. I'll pay for the medical expenses."
Freshly brewed coffee?
"Xu Yi, let me see your arm." I was about to grab Xu Yi's hand, but he quickly dodged away.
Xu Yi forced a stiff smile at me: "I'm fine!"
"How can you be okay? Your arm is all red. Xu Yi, let me go to the hospital with you." Looking at the large area of ​​red skin on his body that was burned, I felt an indescribable pain in my heart.
"No need." Xu Yi put away his smile and looked at me.
Just when the atmosphere was getting awkward, Mizhi's soft voice rang out: "I'll accompany Xu Yi to the hospital. You guys continue eating. We ordered so many dishes, don't waste them."
"Well, Mizhi can just accompany me!" Xu Yi glanced at me, then left with Mizhi.
My heart ached violently.
"Xu Yi..." Qianxia called him and seemed to want to say something. After hesitating for a few seconds, she just instructed, "Go to the hospital and get it treated!"
Xu Yi nodded.
I stood there, watching them disappear from my sight. Suddenly, I lost all my strength and slumped down in the chair.
"Idiot, here you go!" Cheye pushed a plate of steak that had been cut into small pieces in front of me with concern, but I had no appetite at all.
The backs of Xu Yi and Mizhi leaving kept flashing in his mind.
Xu Yi, am I really just a stranger in your heart?
Are you planning to walk out of my world step by step until I can no longer see you...

Tuesday, June 12th, sunny
That person——
The one who protects me like the sunshine,
Suddenly gave all his light to others!
I think,
I lost something very important.
Why did he suddenly become something I couldn't understand at all?
Could it be that the everlasting love that was once promised,
Do they all have only a short shelf life?

The early morning sun woke me up from my sleep. When I hurriedly washed and prepared to go out, my eyes fell on the burn ointment I bought when I returned home last night.
Should I give it to Xu Yi?
I stood in front of the table and hesitated for a long time, then subconsciously stuffed the burn ointment into my schoolbag and hurried to school.
Physical education class.
I stood in the team listlessly, and the scene of Xu Yi saving me kept appearing in my mind for no reason.
As the campus band competition is getting closer, the FLY band must not have any problems at this time.
That pot of scalding coffee yesterday must have hurt his arm pretty badly!
I don’t know what the result of going to the hospital will be?
Should the burn ointment be given away or not?
It was as if two little people appeared in my heart, arguing endlessly.
"Of course I have to. Xu Yi was injured because of you. It would be too much if you don't give him some burn ointment."
"Why would you want to send him a gift? He already has Miori by his side, so he won't need your concern anymore!"
"Yes! Yes!"
"No! No!"
Stop, stop, stop! I shook my head vigorously, getting rid of the two little people who were about to fight from my mind.
"Ye Xiya! Come back to life!" Qianxia tapped my head with a mischievous smile on her face, "Let me guess, you are thinking about Xu Yi, right?"
"Alright, alright. Haha, I won't tease you anymore. Let's go play badminton."
I followed Chinatsu to play badminton like a sleepwalker. Cheye was playing basketball on the basketball court next to us.
I just raised my racket to catch the ball, but the blinding sunlight made me put my hand down for no apparent reason. In such hot weather, the burned area must be easily inflamed... If it gets inflamed, it might cause a high fever...
"Ye Xiya, are you going to play basketball or not?" Qian Xia rushed to me from the opposite side and said, "Look at yourself, did you catch the ball?"
"Sorry, sorry!" I made an apologetic gesture to Chinatsu and continued playing ball.
Counting the days, it’s less than a month until the competition starts. What should we do if Xu Yi doesn’t get better soon and can’t perform normally in the competition?
Ye Xiya, it’s all your fault!
If you hadn't been so slow at that time, Xu Yi wouldn't have been implicated!
Just as I was holding the racket in a daze, I suddenly heard Chinatsu from the other side yelling at me: "Xia, be careful!"
When I came back to my senses, a rapidly spinning basketball was getting bigger and bigger in my field of vision.
I wanted to hide, but it was too late!
The basketball, which was bigger than my head, hit me in the face. Countless stars flashed before my eyes and I fell to the ground instantly due to the huge impact force.
Immediately afterwards, a warm liquid rushed out of the nasal cavity and flowed onto the lips, tasting fishy and salty.
"Hey, are you blind? Can't you look at people when playing basketball?" Che Ye yelled at his teammates while rushing towards me quickly.
"I'm sorry, you know there's no accuracy in playing basketball." The boy shrugged to express his apology.
"Idiot, you..." Before Cheye could finish his words, he suddenly hugged me by the waist and said, "Idiot, your nose is bleeding, look up quickly."
His actions attracted a lot of people's attention, and boys from other classes whistled loudly.
I tried to break free from his arms, but he held me tighter.
After simple treatment in the infirmary, the bleeding finally stopped.
"I'll take you home to rest!" Che Ye, who had been frowning, finally breathed a sigh of relief.
"But there's still one class left!"
"I will ask for leave for you!" Cheye said authoritarianally, not allowing me to resist at all.
Qianxia beside me looked at me and Cheye and said: "You should send Xiya back quickly. I will ask the teacher for leave."
"Yeah." Cheye nodded to Qianxia, ​​then pulled me towards the school gate without saying anything...
Lying in bed, I couldn't fall asleep no matter what.
I put the medicine that Cheye had just bought for me on the table, and took out the burn ointment from my schoolbag and put them together.
Not going?
"Ye Xiya, you are such a coward!" A voice suddenly popped up in my heart, "Even if he has Miori now, he was burned for you. How can you lie here peacefully!"
I took a deep breath, got up from the bed, picked up the burn ointment and ran towards Lingnan...
I pushed open the half-open door of the rehearsal room and found that the lights inside were dim, but I could still vaguely see the figures on the stage.
Everyone around was very quiet, and after a few seconds, the spotlight fell on the only protagonist.
His black hair shone in the light, and his brilliant smile made the rehearsal room brighter. From a distance, he looked as dazzling as a prince from a fairy tale.
The music started at the right time, the blue lights flickered slowly, and the entire rehearsal hall was as dreamy as Alice's Wonderland.
All sounds disappeared.
Only Xu Yi's singing seemed to have a strange magic that made all the budding flowers in the dream bloom brilliantly at that moment.
Everything is so beautiful!
I couldn't take my eyes off the stage at all, and my heart was filled with a mixture of sweetness and sourness.
This is the real Xu Yi, with such strong appeal and shocking power.
As soon as a song was finished, Meizhi, who was wearing a white lace dress, walked to Xu Yi, took out a tissue and gently wiped the sweat off his forehead.
Mizhi looked at Xu Yi quietly and smiled. As expected of a school beauty, from a distance, she was as beautiful as a rose covered with dew in the middle of the night.
Xu Yi and Mizhi look so perfect together, as if they were specially arranged by God.
The burn ointment in my hand suddenly became so heavy that I froze in my tracks! The light must be too bright, otherwise why did my eyes suddenly hurt so much?
The smile Xu Yi gave in response to Mizhi made my heart suddenly feel sour, as if I had eaten a plum.
I turned my head away, not wanting to see that sweet scene under the spotlight.
Just when I was trying to leave in a hurry, my eyes suddenly seemed to go blind and I couldn't see where the exit was.
My shoulder was suddenly hit, my hand shook, and the burn ointment fell to the ground with a "pop".
"Sorry, sorry..." I was about to bend down to pick it up, but Ajie had already picked up the burn ointment and handed it to me.
"Xia, why don't you go over there?"
Before I could react, Ajie's voice rang out again: "Xu Yi, Xiya is here to see you!"
Everyone's eyes turned to me at the same time. The lighting engineer turned on the lights in the entire rehearsal room. I saw Xu Yi quickly raise his hand to block the sudden strong light.
He and Miori stood in the middle of the crowd, while Ajie and I stood in the corner at the edge.
Such distinct two camps!
I looked at him under the spotlight with loss. He stood in the center of the light, as dazzling as the sun; while I was a small planet that could not shine at all.
We originally had our own orbits, and our previous encounters were probably due to a deviation in our orbits!
Xu Yi just looked at me quietly from a distance. If it were in the past, he would definitely run over to me the first moment, but... now, the distance between him and me is so far.
Looking at everyone's eyes, I suddenly realized how inappropriate my appearance was. I bit my lips tightly, grabbed the burn ointment, and fled from the rehearsal room.
My lonely footsteps echoed in the empty corridor.
No one caught up...
I ran out of Lingnan with all my strength and walked aimlessly along the river. I didn't know how long I had walked before the neon lights gradually lit up, and the reflections on the sparkling river were like countless stars of all sizes dotting the night sky.
The only thing that kept replaying in his mind was the scene of Mizhi helping Xu Yi wipe the sweat off his face.
Xu Yi, are you really in love with her?
If so, if it really is, I will wish you happiness, even though my heart hurts so much!
I pulled at the long branches of the willow trees by the river, pulling them, then letting them go, pulling them, then letting them go again…
The night gradually deepened.
I dragged my tired body towards home.
From a distance, I saw a familiar person standing under the street light at the door.
It’s Cheye!
When he saw me, he walked over quickly and said, "Stupid, didn't I tell you to rest at home? Where have you been?"
I opened my mouth, and the word "Lingnan" was already on my throat, but I swallowed it back.
"Silly, here's your favorite takeout!" Cheye raised the two bags in his hands towards me, one bag contained chestnut cakes, and the other contained snacks and fruits.
A sense of guilt arose in my heart, and just as I reached out to take Cheye's things, the burn ointment in my hand fell to the ground with a "pop".
Cheye picked up the burn ointment on the ground and looked at me nervously: "Are you burned anywhere?"
"No, no..." I shook my head.
Cheye's smile suddenly became a little dim, but the smile was still on the corner of his mouth.
"Did you go to Lingnan to find Xu Yi?" Che Ye's voice seemed a little cold in the night wind.
I nodded silently.
"Idiot, why did you buy the medicine but not send it out?" Che Ye was not angry. Although the smile on his face was a little stiff, the concern in his eyes was extremely sincere.
"He's with Miori, I..."
"You super idiot! Eat first!" Cheye regained his domineering look, snatched the key from my hand and opened the door.
Under Cheye's supervision, I ate the whole box of chestnut cakes and drank the cup of warm water he poured for me.
It is said that the stomach is closest to the heart. When the stomach is full, it will squeeze the heart into a small ball, so that the heart will not hurt so much.
"Take medicine!" Che Ye handed the medicine to me, like a cold-faced doctor.
After I scolded him several times in my heart, I still swallowed the medicine obediently.
"Then you should go to bed early. If you have any problems, call me. My phone will be on for you 24 hours a day!" Che Ye just walked to the door, suddenly stopped and looked at me seriously, "Stupid, if you really care about Xu Yi so much, why don't you talk to him clearly? No matter what the result is, at least you have tried your best, so that you won't regret it!"
After Cheye finished speaking, he slowly disappeared from my sight without looking back, leaving me standing at the door in a daze.
It took me a long time to come back to my senses.
Now I am really childish, just like an ostrich, I can only escape. If Xu Yi really likes Meizhi, why can't I bless them generously?
Ye Xiya, didn’t you say that as long as Xu Yi is happy, you will be satisfied?
I took out my phone from my bag and started typing the message -

Xu Yi:
At 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, I will wait for you by the wishing fountain in Happiness Square. I will wait until you come. See you then.

Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024