Chapter 9 Thank you for coming to my world 2

On the way, Li Ziye was trying hard to recall Bai Yuwang's appearance. She realized that the things she thought she would remember for a lifetime became blurred in just five years. She remembered that Bai Yuwang probably had a very cute haircut and two dimples on his face when he smiled...
There are only a few memories that can be searched in my mind.
However, when she opened the door of the cafe, she saw Bai Yuwang sitting by the French window. He had a rather aggressive crew cut, no smile on his face, and was dressed in a suit that didn't look cheap. He also had a mechanical watch on his right wrist, which was quite eye-catching, although Li Ziye couldn't tell what brand it was.
He is doing well. Li Ziye came to a conclusion in her heart. Maybe what she did in the beginning was right. Bai Yuwang turned his grief and anger into motivation because he hated her and Ye Xiang, and finally became a winner in life.
Life is so unpredictable. No one will stay at the bottom forever, and no one will stay at the top forever. Everyone chooses to give up along the way. If you lose something, you must gain something.
When Li Ziye walked over, Bai Yuwang happened to look up and met her gaze. For a moment, Li Ziye was a little afraid to walk over... She had always thought that after graduation, she and Bai Yuwang would no longer have any intersection , but she didn't expect that one day they would meet so peacefully because of Ye Xiang's matter.
Finally, Bai Yuwang smiled first, with a hint of helplessness in his smile: "Li Ziye, I knew you would come. Ye Xiang is your weak spot. It was the same five years ago and it will be the same five years later."
Li Ziye smiled slightly upon hearing this, and his demeanor revealed a calmness. He sat down in front of Bai Yuwang and said, "I just want an answer."
Bai Yuwang raised his eyebrows slightly and shrugged noncommittally: "If Ye Xiang asked you to be with him now, would you agree?"
"No." Li Ziye almost blurted out. She seemed eager to show that she was not so obsessed with Ye Xiang.
However, in fact, she already knew that she had lost when she chose to come to the appointment.
Bai Yuwang was absolutely right. Ye Xiang was indeed her weak spot, and it still was after all these years.
Bai Yuwang sighed when he saw her nervous expression. From her expression, he knew that he didn't believe Li Ziye's answer at all: "Li Ziye, to be honest, I think if I tell you everything today, you will definitely hate me."
After hearing what Bai Yuwang said, Li Ziye looked puzzled, with a vague feeling of uneasiness in his heart. In the end, he chose to go straight to the point: "Just say what you want to say. You said you knew the truth about Ye Xiang and Xia Ke'en being together? Wasn't it because Luo Yun's father begged him?"
Bai Yuwang shook his head, with a hint of tragedy in the smile on his face: "Li Ziye, you think too naively . What you heard was told to you by others. Has Ye Xiang ever admitted it to you personally?"
Li Ziye was choked by Bai Yuwang's words, and then she gave a helpless smile: "Even if I want to ask, he should give me a chance. Since he got together with Xia Ke'en, we have become strangers."
Bai Yuwang's smile became more intense, his eyes were playful and dangerous: "Li Ziye, in fact, the rumors you heard were spread by people with ulterior motives. You think Luo Yun is Ye Xiang's first love, and you think that even if she died, Ye Xiang would still not forget her and still like her, right?"
"Isn't it..." Li Ziye's palms were sweating. She didn't know why, but the feeling of uneasiness became stronger and stronger! She was very scared. She was very scared that she was wrong from the beginning, and she was afraid that she would regret it after the truth was revealed.
"I asked Ye Xiang if he liked Luo Yun, and he got really angry at the time... If he couldn't even ask her, how could he not like her? "
Bai Yuwang sneered: "They did grow up together, but Luo Yun had a one-sided love for Ye Xiang. You only know that Luo Yun died in a car accident, do you know how she got into the accident?"
Li Ziye was still in a daze. It was really hard for her to digest what Bai Yuwang said: "How can you be so sure? You are not him..."
Bai Yuwang did not answer immediately, but took out a diary from the drawer and handed it to Li Ziye: "This was originally given to you by Ye Xiang. He secretly put it in your drawer when no one was in our physical education classroom. Maybe he wanted to make peace with you. But unfortunately, I didn't attend physical education class throughout my senior year of high school due to health reasons. That day, I went to the bathroom and returned to the classroom and happened to see him putting something in your drawer."
Li Ziye felt that the blood in her body had frozen. She didn't even dare to touch the diary... Ye Xiang wanted to make peace with her? He was so determined to her, so determined that she felt terrified. And what was the relationship between Luo Yun and Ye Xiang? Did Ye Xiang not like Luo Yun at all?
Bai Yuwang saw that Li Ziye's eyes were flustered, as if he couldn't figure out many things, so he continued, "It's clearly written in the diary that Luo Yun was hit by a car and died because she was trying to save him. Since then, he has become less talkative and less interested in socializing with others. He also feels guilty about Luo Yun, but it's just guilt, not love."
Li Ziye was a little confused. It turned out that Ye Xiang had never liked Luo Yun? Was he with Xia Ke'en because he felt that he owed Luo Yun and wanted to make up for Luo's father? But he was really too cruel to her at that time. Even if he didn't still like Luo Yun, he was so decisive in giving up on her. She still felt pain in her chest when she thought about it.
"You can't accept just a little bit of what I said? Will you collapse if I continue?" Bai Yuwang was still smiling, but his smile was a little scary. The emotions in his eyes were complicated and hard to see clearly.
Li Ziye looked up at him and asked, "Is there anything else I don't know?"
"Ha..." Bai Yuwang sneered, "There are so many things you don't know! Do you know who told the teacher about my pursuit of you? Do you know who has been spreading rumors about Ye Xiang? Do you know that someone went to the hospital to complain to your father that you were in a premature relationship? Do you know that your father actually contacted Ye Xiang? Do you know that he was so determined to treat you because your father used his identity as a dying father to pressure him not to hinder your future, saying that his family was too complicated and would harm you?"
Li Ziye was really shocked this time. Her hands were shaking slightly. She almost knocked over the juice brought by the waiter. "Impossible... How is it possible... Who would go and complain to him? No one has ever cared about my family affairs. How is it possible that someone would go to the hospital..."
At this point, Li Ziye himself was stunned.
Indeed, one person paid attention.
Meng Xiazi!
Thinking of these three words, her thoughts became even more confused, like a tangled mess. Why did she do this? Was she going to take revenge on Li Ziye just because she liked Bai Yuwang?
Bai Yuwang sighed deeply and continued, "All these things were done by one person."
"It's your good deskmate Meng Xiazi."

"You must think she's a soft-hearted person, right? I thought so at first, too... but later I realized she was a lunatic." Bai Yuwang sneered, "When I was discharged from the hospital and returned to school, she came to me and confessed her love for me, saying that she liked me very much. I was in no mood to pay attention to anyone at the time, and maybe my attitude made her anxious, so she told me about her complaint to the teacher and threatened me that if I didn't stay with her, she would do something even worse to you."

"But I was half crazy at the time. I thought she could do whatever she wanted to you. Anyway, you liked Ye Xiang so much, and you and Ye Xiang had such a good relationship at the time. I hated the way you two were always together."
When Bai Yuwang said this, an inexplicable hostility really emerged in his expression.
It turns out that almost everyone she thought she could get close to stabbed her in the back in this story.
Even Bai Yuwang was one of the people who fanned the flames... " Then one day she suddenly told me that she could guarantee that you would break up with Ye Xiang, and asked me to wait and see. As expected, not long after, you and Ye Xiang really parted ways. Later, I read Ye Xiang's diary and roughly understood what was going on. She told your father about your premature love, and may have exaggerated Ye Xiang's family conditions. Then your father found Ye Xiang and said some excessive words. It happened that Luo's father came to him for help with work..."

"In the final analysis, he is not doing this for others, but for you. He cannot go against your father's wishes and continue to be with you. He knows that there is really nothing remarkable about his family. His father is an alcoholic, and he has to work several jobs to support his tuition and living expenses. He cannot convince your father that he can take care of you, so he may want to separate from you temporarily and come back to you when he is able to do so."
Bai Yuwang's smile revealed a trace of fatigue: "In fact, he left a note for you, hoping that you could meet him after reading the diary. But because I took the diary and the note away together, you didn't know anything in the end. I saw him waiting for you on the playground with my own eyes. It seemed that he waited for a whole day. Anyway, I went to see him again in the evening, and he still didn't leave... To be honest, I didn't expect him to care about you so much. But at that time, I hated him and you, and I wished that you could not be together in this life..."
Li Ziye tried very hard to calm herself down and digest all that Bai Yuwang said. Then she looked at Bai Yuwang with a bit of confusion, "If you didn't want me to know in the first place, then you should have never let me know in this lifetime. Why are you telling me now? It's been five years!"
Bai Yuwang gradually put away his smile, and his anger also dissipated a little: "I heard that he has not been in love again in college these years, and he has always been the best in his major. He worked in a foreign company during his internship and was doing very well... He was supposed to go back to school for the school anniversary this time, but he was rear-ended by a truck on the highway. He should still be in the hospital now. When my friend called me yesterday to tell me about this, my first reaction was to find you and make everything clear...
"You should have received an invitation from the school, right? He probably thought you would go back, so he agreed to participate. Otherwise, with his personality, he wouldn't care about this kind of activity at all." Then, he smiled bitterly and said, "If I don't tell you, I might feel guilty for the rest of my life."
"What did you say..." Li Ziye seemed to be deaf to everything, "You said...Ye Xiang was in a car accident?"
Bai Yuwang nodded and took out a note: "This is the hospital and room number where he is staying. I know you will definitely ask me for it, so I asked for you first."
Li Ziye snatched the note from Bai Yuwang's hand, put away the diary on the table, turned around and prepared to leave, but she seemed to have thought of something, she stopped, turned around and said two words to Bai Yuwang: "Thank you."
Bai Yuwang did not answer. He knew that he also played an important role in bringing Li Ziye and Ye Xiang to this point. He just didn't want to be condemned by his conscience for the rest of his life. After all, he once liked Li Ziye so much. He didn't want her to be kept in the dark for the rest of her life, and didn't want her to live with the wound on her back for the rest of her life... Ye Xiang was Li Ziye's weak spot, and so was Li Ziye to Bai Yuwang.
Even though five years have passed, he still cares about whether she is happy or not, and he still keeps Ye Xiang's diary, and he is still waiting for this opportunity to tell her everything. In fact, when he met Li Ziye, he really tried hard to pretend that nothing had happened. On the surface, he did it, but his heart was in turmoil. She was the first woman he had ever seriously loved in his life, and maybe the only one.
Sometimes he really thought that he was either crazy or stupid, but what could he do? He could never be cruel to Li Ziye.
When Bai Yuwang was still immersed in his own world, Li Ziye said, "Back then, I hurt you because of your father's request. I used to truly regard you as a friend, but that was only the past."
Hearing Li Ziye's words, Bai Yuwang was shocked all over. He looked at Li Ziye with wide eyes, his face full of shock and astonishment.
The wrong love and hate, right and wrong, good and evil of those years all seemed to become clear at this moment, but they were missed after all.
Li Ziye said nothing more, turned around and left quickly.
Li Ziye almost ran out of the tea restaurant, tears falling unexpectedly...
She took a taxi to the bus station, bought a ticket for the nearest bus to L City, and set off unprepared on the road back to L City. Because it was not a peak travel time, there were not many people on the bus. She chose a window seat, and her heart was pounding.
The truth she just learned was like a bomb exploding in her chest. She still couldn't calm down. But she just wanted to go back and find Ye Xiang as soon as possible! The news of his car accident kept circling in her mind... For some reason, she felt uneasy. Although Bai Yuwang didn't tell her whether Ye Xiang's injury was serious, she felt very uneasy for some reason.
When she came to her senses, she found that her palms were full of cold sweat and her back was wet.
She could only repeat to herself in her heart: Ye Xiang, you must wait for me!
Even if he was injured or disabled, she would definitely stay with him and take care of him. She was no longer the Li Ziye who was only a burden to him.
They have missed each other for too long... Five years is such a long time. She almost used up all this time to forget him, but she still couldn't forget him.
Perhaps things that can be forgotten never need effort, she just used five years to prove that Ye Xiang is an indelible part of her life. Even though she told herself countless times to let go of Ye Xiang and stop being obsessed, but when she woke up in the dead of night, she still thought of Ye Xiang hitting her head with a book and scolding her for being stupid.
Then in an instant her eyes turned red again.
In fact, Song's mother also asked her if she was still thinking about the boy who hurt her, but she firmly denied it at the time: "How could it be possible? I was young and ignorant at that time, so I was so stupid. Now I just haven't met the right one."
But she knew very well in her heart that she couldn't forget Ye Xiang. He occupied too much space in her heart. How could anyone else get in?
The car was very noisy, and there were children crying, but she seemed to hear nothing. With the sunlight shining in from the car window, she began to read the diary that belonged to Ye Xiang.
The beautiful handwriting made her miss him as soon as she saw it. Before, Ye Xiang would write down questions and sentences that she didn't understand on paper for her to see. Although he often mocked her IQ, he would write the steps in great detail, so she could understand them easily.
Only love can make Ye Xiang have so much patience, right? Ye Xiang's patience has always been poor, and he especially hates others quarreling with him... During the time when she "formed an alliance" with him, Li Ziye was always afraid that she would make him unhappy. After all, she was really clingy, and there were many things she would not say to others but only to Ye Xiang.
But Ye Xiang always accepted everything she asked and didn't seem to find her annoying at all.
If it wasn't love, these situations couldn't be explained at all, right?
She could only blame herself for being too slow and weak. If she had been a little braver and more persistent, and had held his hand tightly, perhaps they would be together now?
There is not much in this diary, and it seems that it was only started in high school. She saw her name after turning two pages: I met that girl again in the library today, and she said her name was Li Ziye. It seems that she regards me as a savior. How can I make her understand that I really just want to drive them away because I think they are noisy. I am not a good person at all.
Turning two pages, there is another one: I met Li Ziye today while washing the car. Her sympathetic gaze was really unbearable. Maybe I don’t hate her that much, it’s just because of my self-esteem. I am indeed a pitiful creature and I never dare to show my true face to others…
Continue reading : Actually, Li Ziye is pretty cute. Sometimes he is like a little leopard, as if he is not afraid of anything. Sometimes he is so fragile that he seems like the sky is falling. But the cutest thing about him is probably his stupidity...
Seeing this, Li Ziye couldn't help laughing, and tears fell. Ye Xiang didn't even forget to criticize her in his diary!
As she kept flipping through the pages, her name appeared more and more, until in the end, it was almost all about the things she had experienced with her. The rest were the truths that Bai Yuwang had told her.
Li Ziye closed her diary and looked out the window. She asked herself in her heart, did she hate her father for doing this? She didn't have an answer in her heart... She suddenly remembered the words her father struggled to say to her before he left but didn't say them... Maybe he wanted to tell her this, maybe he suddenly realized it before he died, and was afraid that she would miss a good relationship! But in the end he left before he said it, and she didn't know the truth of the whole thing until five years later.
Although it was five years late, she believed that as long as she found Ye Xiang, they might still be able to be together.
So what if they missed five years? As long as Ye Xiang still cared about her, they would still have time!

Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024