Chapter 9: Overthrow the whole audience, a new order!

At the beginning, Tobe was studying in the UK.
When he was learning tennis in a British club, he was bullied by foreigners in the club.
Because of the physical fitness of Asians, they were ridiculed as unworthy of playing tennis. As proud as he was, he could not stand this.
From the initial crushing defeat, to gradually becoming evenly matched, and then to becoming the king.
Atobe forced himself to turn tennis into a hobby, and then gave his peers in the club a severe lesson.
He used a tennis ball to hit those who bullied him until they apologized and he let them go.
In order to take over the Tomobe Group in the future, he returned to China to study, and his remaining goal was to dominate the entire high school tennis world.
Now, the tennis club of Hyotei Academy is in a disgraceful state, so of course he is ready to clear the first .
To be honest, he was somewhat disappointed when he saw the current strength of the tennis team.
Although he doesn't want to admit it, having seen European tennis, he actually believes that there is a huge gap between Japan and foreign countries, especially Europe.
Of course, we can't blame Atobe for thinking this way. Compared to the abundance of tennis talents in Europe, the only Japanese player who has a little international fame is the samurai Echizen Nanjiro from more than a decade ago.
However, these institutional reasons did not matter to him.
"Who's going to go first? Don't waste my time by dawdling!"

Atobe walked to the other end of the tennis court, looked at the regular players who were shirking their responsibilities, and started to mock them.
"You little devil!"
Hase Takagawa felt his breath was stuck in his chest again and looked at Atobe angrily.
Seeing this, the other people looked at each other and quietly moved back a few steps.
"Let the idiot Hase go and test it first. Besides, it was this guy who started the whole thing."
"Eight regular players challenging a freshman, how shameful!"
"This is the Atobe Group, hehe..."
Several people had different thoughts, but for the time being they all agreed to let the brainless man Hase Takakawa take the lead.
Most of them were prepared to adapt to the situation. Now they had to fight.
Soon, the competition began.
"Hase Takagawa vs. Atobe Keigo, one set."
Those freshmen who originally came to register did not expect the situation to change so quickly.
Some of them were still confused and hadn't figured out the situation yet, so how did they start the competition?
But this did not stop them from being enthusiastic and excited.
In addition, Tobe was the focus of the school opening today, and word quickly spread, and hundreds of freshmen came calling their friends.
Many senior students also came over to join in the fun.
The main reason is that the tennis team’s performance has improved rapidly in the past two years.
Many people heard that the super talented freshman was going to beat the strong team in the tennis club again, so they all wanted to see what the tennis club could do this year.
The most outrageous one was Atobe. Because of his outstanding appearance and bold and domineering speech, there was actually a group of beautiful girls surrounding him, waving flags and cheering for him.
After this incident, what happened in the tennis club is now known to the whole school.
at this time.
A room on the third floor of the teaching building.
There are many musical instruments displayed here, and the classical piano in the middle is particularly eye-catching.
A young man with sharp eyes and a dignified face was looking out the third-floor window at the tennis court below.
Taro Sakaki is a billionaire who comes to Hyotei to be a music teacher out of interest.
He was originally enjoying a record in the music classroom when he unexpectedly saw this interesting scene.
He had lived in Europe for several years, so he naturally knew how to play tennis. He had even trained in a professional club in Europe.
Although it's just a hobby, but at their level, even their hobby has crushed countless ordinary people.
Seeing the commotion in the Hyotei tennis club below naturally attracted his attention.
at the same time.
The match between Atobe and Hase Takagawa off the court was a massacre.
It was a completely one-sided match. Atobe easily won six games in ten minutes. His body was only slightly warm, which could only be considered a warm-up.
On the other side, Hase Takakawa knelt on the ground, sweating all over.
"Is that all?"
Atobe walked to the middle net calmly.
He looked down at Hase Takakawa who was kneeling on the spot and said with disdain.
Hase Takagawa shuddered when he heard this. He looked up and saw that Atobe's body blocked the sunlight in the sky, like a huge shadow covering him.
"I lost!"
Hase Takakawa lowered his head and admitted defeat with all his heart.
The sense of oppression given to him by this young man was too great. The gap between them was like a chasm. Facing Atobe was like facing Ochi Moonlight, whom he had always looked up to.
Seeing Hase Takakawa, who was so arrogant at the beginning, leave like a stray dog ​​now, everyone gasped.
Strong! Too strong!
Is this really the ability that a first-year student can have?
The other regular players of Hyotei were immediately frightened. They did not expect Atobe to be so strong that Hasegawa Takakawa could not even last ten minutes.
The remaining few smart people have already thought of dealing with it casually later, at least losing with dignity .
Only Kaida Nobuyuki still had a glimmer of hope in his heart and prayed silently, hoping that the six people in front could consume more of Tetsube's energy.
After all, he is not only the last face of Hyotei's main team, but also a Kanto-level player. If he loses like this, he can also quit the company.
After all, he lost all the elections, which would show how incompetent he is as a minister who has only been in office for two or three days.
However, what’s interesting is that things don’t always go as planned.
When facing the remaining few people, Atobe was as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.
Ten minutes...nine and a half minutes...eight and a half minutes...
Soon the other candidates were defeated one by one.
Now the only one standing in front of Atobe is the last one.
Although a lot of sweat had appeared on his body, the look in Tsuchiya's eyes became more and more excited, and his momentum had reached its peak.
"Come on, I will let you indulge in my magnificent ball skills!"

Atobe held the racket and pointed it at the last one, Kaida Nobuyuki, who had a pale face, with high morale.
As Atobe spoke, the girls behind him also shouted and cheered wildly.
Faced with such a wave of noise, Kaida Xin took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and walked up silently.
Atobe stretched out his left hand above his head and snapped his fingers loudly. In an instant, the fan club that was still cheering for him fell silent.
This extremely infectious scene made all the boys present look at each other in surprise.
Even Shangshanyou couldn't help but cover his face and dared not look directly.
Is this the time in middle school when puberty syndrome and chuunibyou are most likely to appear? I see.
Of course, apart from the recognition of Atobe's powerful strength, it is estimated that all the young people present are a little envious.
Who doesn’t like a group of beautiful girls?
Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Atobe also began his final match with Kaida Nobuyuki.
This can also be said to be the final collision between the old and new order of Ice Emperor.
The two figures crossed back and forth on the court.
It can be seen that Kaida Nobuyuki's strength is not too weak. After all, he has also played games with Ochi Gekko.
In addition, by the third year of junior high school, his strength had steadily reached the Kanto level. It can be said that he was considered a master no matter which school he was in.
But unfortunately, he was facing Atobe who had returned from rigorous training in England.
According to Shangshanyou's current vision, Jibe is now firmly at the half-national level, and even that barrier can be broken with just one poke, just like his state half a year ago.
Especially at this level, everyone has one or two unique skills of their own.
What is most remarkable about Tomokazu is his powerful insight, which is also the tennis path he chose to continue on in the future.
Insight may have limited power when facing people of the same level, but it is a nightmare for those who are not as good as you.
Just like the Atobe Plus version of Kanata Irie, with his insight and acting skills, he can make opponents weaker than him doubt their lives.
Therefore, in Ueyama Yu's opinion, Kaida Nobuya is destined to fail.
This time it's on the right...
Despite being suppressed all the time, Kaida Nobuyuki's mentality is still much more resilient than those guys before.
Kaida Nobuya knew that in a normal match, he might not be a match for Atobe. But no matter how strong Atobe was, he would have a limit when facing the seven people in front of him.
And he must grasp the only key to victory.
physical strength!
This is also the reason why he has been gritting his teeth and insisting on hitting the baseline balls back and forth. As long as he can drag it out until Tomokazu is exhausted, he can save the last face of the tennis club.
What he didn't know was that English tennis is best at endurance battles.
One ball... Two balls...
Unconsciously, Kaida Nobu felt his breathing becoming heavy and his legs felt as if they were filled with lead, very heavy.
On the other hand, Atobe on the opposite side looked like he was almost exhausted a dozen minutes ago, and he still looked like he was about to collapse.
For Kaida Nobuyuki, the fruit of victory was like a carrot tied to a donkey's head: visible but out of reach.
Until he was exhausted, I realized that I was the clown.
Another fierce baseline ball.
The tennis ball flew over the net and landed on the other side of Kaida Nobu's baseline.
Just when he was about to run to catch the ball again, his legs went weak and he fell to the ground.
His hands were on the racket on the ground, and sweat kept dripping.
Kaida Nobuyuki's knees had turned red and his calf muscles were shaking uncontrollably.
"Game, Atobe Keigo, score 6-2."
"The game is over, the score is 1-0, Atobe Keigo wins!"
As the score was announced, Kaida Nobuyuki knew that he had lost. The boy on the opposite side was not only strong, but also had monstrous physical strength.
Just when he was still immersed in pain and depression, a voice came to his ears.
"Stand up. I admit that you are a qualified opponent."
Atobe stretched out a hand, Kaida Nobuyuki looked up and froze in place.
The boy's words suddenly made his nose feel a little sour.
But then he also reached out and grasped the kindness released by the boy.
At this moment, the new king of Ice Emperor ascends the throne!

Jun 27, 2024
Jun 27, 2024
Jun 27, 2024
Jun 27, 2024
Jun 27, 2024