Chapter 9 Nightmare Memories 03

As the sun sets, an orange-red afterglow remains in the sky. The light sinks down inch by inch, seeping in through the rusty windows and illuminating the simple and dirty bungalow.
Following the fragmented rays of light, one can see the bumpy and rotten brown floor and the filthy and mossy walls in the bungalow. The surroundings seem to be covered with a layer of eerie and terrifying desolation, just like the desolate haunted houses that often appear in classic horror movies. Even the rustling breeze does not make people feel the slightest bit of comfort, but rather creepy.
After the effect of the medicine wore off, the exhausted Lin Mobai hummed softly and slowly opened his eyes, but closed them uncomfortably because his originally dark vision was touched by the hazy light.
Her consciousness had not yet fully recovered, and the sudden pain in her brain made her sigh slightly.
Then, his body felt the coldness of the floor. Lin Mobai was startled. As the chill immediately ran through his spine, he sat up immediately.
The hesitant and trembling calls filled the increasingly quiet and eerie bungalow, spreading fear and causing the temperature of the freely flowing air to drop by several degrees in an instant.
Lin Mobai couldn't help but shiver, and soon found that there was no one here except himself.
Her memory stayed on the way to the ruins with Shi Xujun. She tried hard to recall it, but to no avail.
This small and terrifying space has restricted her thoughts. The only thing she can think of is to escape. But the dizziness has not completely disappeared, which makes her legs weak and even more confused. The panic and fear have already hit her fragile heart, like a huge net, binding her tightly. She no longer has any time and thoughts to suspect anything. She can only rely on instinct to stand up and rush to the wooden door.
However, when Lin Mobai staggered towards the wooden door, he found that the door was locked.
The inexplicable uneasiness made her even more panicked and anxious, so she kept banging on the wooden door with both hands, but the weakness in her whole body made it impossible for her to push down the shaky-looking wooden door.
The thought of being imprisoned suddenly came to my mind, and then the fear in my heart deepened little by little, and quickly lingered on every nerve.
Lin Mobai couldn't stop trembling all over. She looked back hesitantly, and then the bag on the ground fell into her eyes. She rushed over and tremblingly picked up the bag on the ground, trying to find her phone to call for help.
However, everything seemed to be premeditated. Even though she turned out everything in her bag, she still couldn't find any trace of the cell phone.
Unable to call for help or save herself, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and close her eyes, and began to hope that all this was just a nightmare that she was accustomed to in the past.
Half a minute later, when she opened her eyes again, trembling all over, everything was still the same as before, and what she saw was still a simple, dirty, and claustrophobic space.
As she looked around, the darkness seemed to be getting more and more arrogant, as if a ghost was slowly approaching.
The whole world was silent, but the silence was filled with terror.
Her rapid breathing filled the silence, the close alternation of inhaling and exhaling almost suffocated her. In the empty house, the clearest sound was the echo of her breathing, but in such a quiet house, the echo of her breathing seemed to belong to another person, which made Lin Mobai more panicked.
She couldn't help but look around, fearing that a ghost would suddenly jump out from the corner.
His heart was beating faster and faster, and the horrific scenes in his mind were becoming clearer and clearer. Lin Mobai's thoughts were being torn apart by fear.
With a terrified scream, Lin Mobai jumped up, rushed to the door again and banged on it desperately. The panicked voice echoed in the house: "Is anyone there? Open the door! Open the door..."
The slapping had no effect. Lin Mobai took a few steps back, stepped forward, and used all his strength to push the wooden door open with his shoulder.
After her body collided with the wooden door, the door was unharmed, but she herself was pushed back by the reaction force of the door, and she was not careful about her footing and stumbled down .
In a trance, the darkness in front of my eyes gradually faded away, and large patches of white fog filled the small house.
Lin Mobai was stunned, and her panicked heart seemed to be comforted a little bit in the white mist. However, just as she calmed down and took a deep breath, a figure vaguely emerged .
From light grey to inky black.
Lin Mobai frowned slightly, her eyes fixed on the shadow, but her heart was hanging in the air. She once felt that she was about to be rescued, but now she was surrounded by fear again.
It felt like she was standing on the edge of a cliff, and with just a slight breeze she would fall into the abyss.
So she held her breath and dared not move.
Then, a face gradually became clear in front of her eyes. It was Ding Zhiyou. Ding Zhiyou looked at her desperately, asking again and again, "Why didn't you save me?" Lin Mobai was so scared that she kept shaking her head, her throat choked and she couldn't say a word. It seemed that she couldn't get an answer. In the hallucination, Ding Zhiyou immediately showed fierce eyes, carrying a face full of resentment, and rushed towards her.
"Ah - Yuzu, don't -"
Lin Mobai shook her head, her pale face full of fear. She felt as if her heart jumped out of her chest in an instant and broke free from the restraints of her body.
After that, she lost all consciousness.
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024