Chapter 9: Flip Board Trap

Seeing that I hadn't said anything for a long time, Xiao Xi thought I was poisoned and burst into tears. She knew that the powder on the tomb door was extremely poisonous and she was sure she would die. She sobbed and said, "I know it's wrong for me to bring you here, but you are such a good person. After I die, can you take my body out of the tomb? I don't want to live with an unknown ancient person... woo woo..." The more she cried, the sadder she became, which made me feel a little desolate.
I was about to say that you were not poisoned, but then I changed my mind and wondered if this girl was still plotting against me. I would not reveal this to you until we were out of the ancient tomb. So I sighed and said, "Don't worry, I will get you out. But the poison doesn't seem to be as strong as you think. If we move faster, we should be able to save your life."
"Really?" The girl stopped crying, frowned and shook her back, and said strangely: "I don't feel anything on my back, maybe this poison is chronic. But you must not abandon me, you said you would take me out, a man must keep his promise!"
I smiled bitterly and nodded: "My words must count. I will take you out no matter if you live or die."
Xiao Xi looked at me with gratitude, wiped away her tears, and struggled to get up. However, she fell quite hard, and just as she stood up, she fell down again in pain.
I said let me carry you on my back, you have carried me a lot anyway, we don't need to worry about who takes advantage of whom or who takes advantage of whom. But you can't wear clothes anymore, so as not to spread the poison and make you more poisoned. No matter what I said, this girl would never agree, now she is as obedient as a docile kitten. She said she would carry her on her back, but I didn't pull her up, because it was a three-meter deep pit, how could we get out?

Xiao Xi suddenly realized a problem: "This is a flap mechanism in the ancient tomb. There are sharp knives and sharp weapons in the traps. Why is there nothing when we fall down? Strange, the bottom of the pit is all soft soil, this is not scientific!"
I snorted and said, building traps in ancient tombs is unscientific. I think immortality is the most scientific. After saying this, I also felt incredible. You said that the brainless guy didn't stick a knife in when he built the trap. Isn't this a white-collar worker's money fooling people? I lowered my head and took the flashlight to shine around. I found strangely that there were footprints on the mud beside the wall. They were shoe prints!
I was not wearing shoes, but Xiaoxi's shoes had been washed away in the river. We were both barefoot. Where did these shoe prints come from? I squatted down and took a closer look. They seemed to be the prints of a pair of cloth shoes, because they were bare without any patterns. I just guessed the reason when Xiaoxi said, "This tomb must have been robbed before. Someone entered the corridor but fell into the trap of the flap unexpectedly. But this person was quite capable and was not stabbed to death by a sharp weapon, but..."
She said this, but it still felt wrong. So where were the sharp weapons? I reached into the soil and dug a few times. Not too deep below, I saw a number of sharp knives lying horizontally. The sharp weapons were pulled out by the tomb robbers, but why were they buried in the soil? This tomb robber was quite strange. Could it be that he was thinking about the people who would come after him?
As we were thinking about the reason, we heard a rustling sound of crawling from above, and we were so scared that our souls flew away. The black-browed viper chased us again, and this time we were trapped in a palm-sized trap, with no way out. Xiao Xi panicked and asked repeatedly what to do, what to do?
The more anxious she asked, the more annoyed I became. I knew what to do. Was there any need to look so sad? Listening to the heart-wrenching crawling sound, my heart was hanging in my throat. After looking around, I suddenly had an idea. I wanted to dig a hole in the wall of the pit for us to hide in, and then seal it with mud. Do you think we can escape the disaster?
There was no other way, so I took out the switchblade, flicked out the blade, and stabbed it hard on the left wall of the cave. Fortunately, it was all mud, which peeled off and collapsed, revealing a one-meter square hole. Xiaoxi and I were stunned immediately, and then we all understood why the knife was buried by the mud. It turned out that the previous tomb robbers saw that it was too high to climb up, and there were other traps in the corridor, so even if they went up, they would still be trapped, so they dug another tunnel here. But this guy was not very honest. After digging a tunnel, he didn't want future generations to benefit from it, so he blocked the entrance with mud.
I was immediately happy. There is always a way out. Even Xiaoxi laughed happily. Without saying anything, I handed the switchblade and the small mirror to Xiaoxi and crawled in with the flashlight. Although the space was very narrow, it did not affect crawling. However, there was no room to turn around. I could only step back and let Xiaoxi hold my feet, and we crawled forward together.

This tunnel is sloped. Xiao Xi gritted her teeth and tried to pull my feet up. This gave me an inexplicable feeling. I couldn't tell what it was, but I had a strange thought that I had to rescue this girl no matter what. I didn't know if it was because she was pretty that I was attracted to her. But in our current situation, I always felt like we were dependent on each other.
The tunnel was dug according to the length of the corridor, and the exit should be in the tomb. Because of Xiao Xi's drag, we climbed slowly and it was very tiring. However, we didn't hear the crawling sound of vipers behind us, nor did we smell the stench, so we gradually put our minds at ease. After climbing for a long time, we finally reached the end, but found that this place was blocked by a big rock. I was so angry that I really wanted to curse. It would be more comfortable to die in a trap than to be stuck in a dead end where I couldn't turn around.
"Look, here is a Luoyang shovel left by tomb robbers." Xiao Xi reached out and handed over a shovel.
I took it and looked at it. The shovel head was cylindrical, and I didn't know what it was used for. But with the shovel, I thought of another idea. I asked Xiaoxi to lean sideways to the left side of the tunnel, and I stretched out the shovel to dig the soil upwards, and then sent the dug soil to Xiaoxi's feet. After a while, a mound of soil was piled up below. Suddenly, we smelled a fishy smell, but didn't hear any movement. We both startled at the same time and realized that the pit viper could not make any sound when crawling on the soft soil.
I quickly turned around with my flashlight and found that more than ten meters away, a large group of black-browed pit vipers were scrambling to climb up. Xiao Xi was so scared that her face turned even paler. She grabbed my feet and said, "They are coming!"
I snorted and said nothing, and hurried to dig up the soil. I saw the soil piled up higher and higher, and finally it hit the top of the cave and was about to seal the entrance. At this time, the viper also crawled to the front. Xiao Xi finally did not completely lose her fighting spirit. She slid down a foot, and after her feet pressed against the soil pile, she desperately used her feet to pile up the soil. But at the moment of sealing the entrance, a snake crawled in.
Just at this moment, I threw a shovel of soil back and hit the viper's head, knocking it aside. Xiao Xi crawled back in panic. It was said that this person could exert unimaginable potential at the critical moment of life and death. He actually crawled to my feet and continued to climb up, squeezing up from my side.

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