Chapter 9: Dream Desserts That Erode Memory 3

The taste of the ice cream is very special, just like the sky on a summer night, exuding the fragrance of grass, breeze, and forest. I suddenly felt my head clear up, and the depressed feeling that had been lingering for a long time seemed to disappear a lot.
Xia Youshu kept his chin supported quietly, looking at me thoughtfully.
"It's delicious!" After finishing the last bite, I patted my stomach in satisfaction and said, "Thank you for the treat!"
"Really?" Xia Youshu suddenly laughed, with a hint of evil in his eyes again, "Otherwise, the 'Tears of Memory' prepared for you alone would be wasted."
"It's getting late, I..." I stood up, but suddenly, I felt dizzy and couldn't help but sit down again.
What's going on? can't be the ice cream!
"You...what did you give me to eat?" I raised my head angrily and questioned Xia Youshu.
"I'm sorry, Zhencheng, please give me another chance!" He grabbed my hand, his handsome face full of pain, "We will start a new life, so I made this 'Tear of Memory'... Eat it, and you will forget everything about Xia Arthur. Zhencheng, do you know? I really like you..."
I was trembling and could hardly speak... He said, I will forget everything about Xia Arthur!
"How could you do this! Xia Youshu, I will hate you!"
Xia Youshu firmly grasped my trembling hand and said, "No, no, I will make you fall in love with me and make you ten thousand times happier than before!"
I wanted to shake him off, but I had no strength at all. I was horrified to find that my consciousness was rapidly disappearing, and even the scene in front of me was becoming increasingly blurry...
"No! I can't forget Xia Arthur, absolutely not! Don't even think about it..."
I lay on the table, trying desperately to recall Xi Yasser's face and voice, but my memory seemed to be forcibly extracted. Gradually, the beautiful smile in my mind slowly turned into a ball of black mist...
Xia Youshu shook his head, his face showing an unusually sad expression: "It's useless, Zhencheng, in just a few minutes, you will completely forget about him."
Xia Youshu in front of me was so strange. He stood in front of me, as if his whole body was glowing. In an instant, I remembered that he was an elf, and the fortress in my heart collapsed little by little.
Oh my god, he's telling the truth!
“No…” I shook my head in despair, frantically resisting the black fog that was devouring my memories, “…make it stop! Stop!”
"I'm sorry, Zhencheng, there's nothing I can do now... 'Tears of Memory' is unique in the world, and there's nothing I can do about it..."
I sobbed until my voice was choked with sobs.
The appearance and voice of Xi Yase... everything disappeared. But I still stubbornly remembered his name, and kept repeating "I like Xi Yase" in my mind.
Xia Youshu reached out his hand and wiped the tears from my cheeks. His voice was ethereal and ethereal, as if it came from a very far away place: "Zhencheng, do you still remember that person now? He became your mobile phone pet and lived with you for two months. You participated in the college celebration... Do you still remember these?"
I listened to him calmly speaking one thing after another, but the more he spoke, the more frightened I felt, because I could no longer find those images in my mind.
Xia Youshu hugged my trembling body. His tone was still gentle, but the words he spoke were so cruel.
"Who was 'that person', if you remember?"
There is a name on the tip of my tongue, ready to come out at any time, but I suddenly realize that I can't remember it.
"who is he?"
My tears dried up, and my body slowly lost strength from the excessive struggle, and I collapsed in Xia Youshu's arms. A strong sense of sleepiness came over me, and my head became extremely heavy, and I didn't even have the strength to open my eyes.
Xia Youshu hugged me tightly and kissed me gently on the forehead: "Zhencheng, don't be afraid, I will be with you...sleep peacefully!"
I couldn't say anything anymore and could only let myself fall into a deep sleep.
The next morning, the alarm clock kept beeping. I was immersed in a pink and purple nebula, watching a gorgeous meteor shower in a trance. Then, I was awakened by the most annoying and evil sound on earth.
"Good morning..." I opened the door and met the gaze of my father who was reading a newspaper in the living room.
He waved at me and blinked mysteriously: "Chengcheng, who was the boy who sent you back yesterday?"
I couldn't help but be stunned.
Send me back?
A familiar figure emerged in my mind, and I couldn't help but blurt out: "It's Xia Youshu, who else could it be?"
Dad frowned, and a puzzled light flashed in his gentle eyes: "Xia Youshu? Where is the boy who tutored you before?"
I was completely confused by the question.
Tutor me? Isn't it always Yushu who tutors me?
"That tall, handsome kid with brown hair, his name seems to be Xi..."
I interrupted him: "Come on, you must have remembered it wrongly, it must be Xia Youshu!"
"No, I remember her name was Xia..."
"Ah!" I looked up and found that the owl clock on the wall showed that it was already half past seven. "I'm going to be late!"
I quickly ran back to my room, changed into my uniform, picked up my school bag, and took the sandwich on the table: "No more talking, I have to go to school! Dad, bye!"
The old father behind him waved his hands in a daze: "Be careful on the road...Did I really remember it wrong? This shouldn't be..."
I ran all the way to the bus stop and luckily squeezed onto a crowded bus. But as soon as the door closed, I subconsciously turned back.
Strange, what am I looking for?
Normally, I go to school alone, but why do I feel empty inside, as if I have lost something important?
"Oh! That's right!" I scratched the back of my head, realizing that I had forgotten to take my cell phone.
But it doesn’t matter, it’s not that important anyway… But why do I feel uncomfortable?
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024