Chapter 9 A Warm and Sweet Eight Treasure Seafood Feast 1

"Huhu, I'm finally home. Luckily no one found me!"
After Dong Yehan sent me home, his expression was still cool, and his amber eyes were shining clearly in the moonlight.
"Dong Yehan, are you still angry with me?" I asked cautiously.
"Who am I to be angry with you? If you want to be angry, be angry that I am not worthy of your trust."
Dong Yehan's voice was very soft, but it hit my heart like a heavy hammer, causing my heart to ache dully.
"I believe you! Really!" I looked at him pitifully.
Dong Yehan glanced at me indifferently, did not answer me, and turned and left silently.
Watching his back as he left, I sighed deeply.
I thought in frustration that the wounds engraved in the heart are indeed difficult to heal.
Suddenly, Dong Yehan stopped, turned around and looked at me with a frown: "Xiaoxian, tomorrow you bring all the information you have collected to the conference room. I will ask Lun and the others to come over, and we will discuss how to deal with it. It is too dangerous for you to face these things alone. You are not allowed to act alone again. Do you hear me?"
Huh? I stared at him with wide eyes in surprise. Is he willing to help me? Actually, I know I am a bit reckless, but there is no gain without risk.
Seeing that I didn't respond, Dong Yehan frowned and ordered seriously again: "Don't act alone again."
"Yes, I know."
It just so happens that this matter is also related to Nan Youlun’s parents. Perhaps if we gather everyone’s strength, we will have different results.
After Dong Yehan left, I collapsed on the bed exhausted. After a night of tossing and turning, and being frightened by Dong Yehan again, tonight's experience was too rich. I hugged the cute little bear doll, my eyelids sank, and I quickly fell asleep.
“Ding Ling Ling…”
I was sleeping soundly, who on earth was calling me?
"Xiaoxian, why haven't you come yet? Everyone is waiting for you."
On the other end of the phone was Dong Yehan's pleasant voice.
Oh no! I must have been too tired and overslept last night.
"I'll be there right now."
After hanging up the phone, I quickly packed up all the information I had collected and rushed to the meeting room. Fortunately, it was not far away, so I hoped they didn't have to wait too long!
Huh, huh, I pushed open the door, panting. They were already sitting around a table, seemingly discussing something.
"I'm sorry I'm late."
"Xiaoxian is here, we can start." Xi Cunji gave me a bright smile.
"Hmph, Xiaoxian, you must have overslept." Qiaoqiao is worthy of being my best friend. She guessed the reason why I was late at once.
Seeing me sit down, Dong Yehan announced solemnly: "Then let's get started."
I swallowed nervously, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.
"I called everyone here for a meeting today because I have something very serious to tell you. We discovered that Professor Nan and his wife were not the ones who stole the college's research results. Xiaoxian and I found important evidence and discovered that all of this was a conspiracy by the principal."
As soon as Dong Yehan finished speaking, everyone except me looked shocked.
"Oh my God! No way?" Xi Cunji had the biggest reaction and he almost jumped up.
"Is it our principal? Principal Lu Zhengyan?" Bei Jianming, who was the coldest, also frowned and asked uncertainly.
"What exactly did he do? Could it be a misunderstanding?" Qiaoqiao asked.
"Of course it's not a misunderstanding! We accidentally obtained the contract in which he sold the research results of the college. The evidence is solid!" I said indignantly.
It's so abominable! I feel angry when I think about how his greed destroyed such a good family! And maybe his brother's disappearance is also related to him.
"That's right, so..." Dong Yehan was interrupted by Qiaoqiao before he could finish his words.
"Then if he finds out that Xiaoxian has evidence of his crime, wouldn't Xiaoxian be in danger? No, Xiaoxian, come to my house tomorrow and I'll let the bodyguards protect you." Qiaoqiao looked at me worriedly.
"No need, I can protect myself." It's not a movie, it's not that dangerous.
But it’s so strange, why was Nan Youlun so calm after hearing the news?
"Senior Nan, are you okay?" I looked at him puzzled.
At this moment, Nan Youlun lowered his eyes, his fine hair blocked his eyes, casting a layer of shadow, his pale pink lips were pursed, and no one knew what he was thinking.
"I'm fine. Actually, I also suspected the principal yesterday, but I just couldn't believe that the principal would do such a thing." Nan Youlun's handsome face was full of disappointment.
"You Lun, why do you suspect him?" Xi Cunji widened his round eyes, his cute face full of confusion.
"Do you still remember the signatures Xiaoxian collected? After she gave me the principal's signature, I sent them together for identification. I received the result yesterday. The principal's handwriting matched the handwriting on the threatening letter. I didn't believe it at first, and was going to tell you after investigating it thoroughly. I didn't expect you to find new evidence." Nan Youlun's face was full of sadness.
"How abominable!" Xi Cunji said angrily after hearing this.
"We will never allow him to continue to go unpunished." Dong Yehan remained calm on the surface, but a hint of anger flashed in his amber eyes.
"In addition to putting the blame on Professor Nan and his wife, he may also be the key figure in the disappearance of Xiaoxian's brother." Dong Yehan looked at me.
"Xiaoxian's brother? Why do I feel that you have many secrets, Xiaoxian?" Xi Cunji looked at me with a hint of doubt in his eyes.
"I, I... I'm sorry." I lowered my head and apologized softly.
"Xiaoxian, we all understand you. We are still friends, aren't we?" Nan Youlun comforted me gently, and his kind smile made me feel very warm.
"Why not start yet?" Dong Yehan ordered somewhat unhappily.
I couldn't help but bite my lip in frustration. Why was Dong Yehan angry again for no reason?
"Han, you scared Xiaoxian." Nan Youlun looked at Dong Yehan and smiled meaningfully.
Dong Yehan was sulking and turned his head away from him.
What is Dong Yehan doing again?
"Xiaoxian, please speak quickly." Xi Cunji urged.
"Actually, the main reason I went to Hibiscus College was to investigate my brother's disappearance five years ago, the case of the outstanding student at Hibiscus College that I told you about before. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you the truth at that time. Later I found out that my brother's disappearance seemed to be related to the case of Professor Nan and his wife. I learned from Senior Nan that my brother was a favorite student of Professor Nan and his wife, and I accidentally found clues left by my brother on the concentric stone of the college. The decrypted text content turned out to be the address of Professor Nan's home, so I secretly went there last night to see if I could find anything. Later, Dong Yehan suddenly appeared and scared me, and I accidentally knocked over the cabinet, and then I accidentally found the contract of the principal to sell the research results of the college to others."
This is roughly what happened. I have told them all the secrets without reservation.
"Xiaoxian has worked really hard and diligently to find her brother." Qiaoqiao said with a heartache.
It is indeed a bit sad, but it is all worth it to have found such an important clue!
But what I fear most is...
After getting that piece of evidence, I had another guess in my mind, a guess I really didn't want to think about...
"If Qiaoqiao's brother's disappearance is related to the principal's selling of the academy's research results, do you think Qiaoqiao's brother has already..."
Xi Cunji touched his chin and guessed, but was glared at by Dong Yehan, and he quickly shut up timidly.
I know Dong Yehan is afraid that I will be sad, but I also...
"Okay, now everyone has a general understanding of the situation. Now it's time for us to fight back."
Dong Yehan stood up, straightened his back, raised his head handsomely, and a determined light flashed in his amber eyes.
That's right, we must make sure that bad principal is punished!
"Do you think that the revelation of Xiaoxian's identity came too suddenly?" Nan Youlun asked suddenly, frowning and showing a worried expression on his face.
He continued to analyze: "Xiao Xian got the principal's handwriting at the charity ball. Not long after, his identity was revealed and the 'Xianyue House' was also closed down. Could it be that the principal already knew Xiao Xian's identity and took this action to make Xiao Xian give up?"
How could this be… I’ve always been very careful in my actions.
"If that's the case, will Xiaoxian be in danger?" Qiaoqiao asked worriedly.
"Ju Xiaoxian, how dare you run around in such a dangerous situation?"
Dong Yehan is angry again.
"Xiaoxian, you should just come and live at my house!" Qiaoqiao was very determined this time.
"No, if Xiaoxian's behavior suddenly becomes abnormal, the principal will probably find out that we have evidence of his evil deeds, and he might do something to hurt Xiaoxian." Nan Youlun shook his head in denial.
"Then what should we do?" Qiaoqiao couldn't help feeling discouraged, and Beijianming rubbed her head comfortingly.
"Since we can't alert the enemy , we have to act quickly and resolve the matter before the principal notices anything. Ming and Qiaoqiao can use their family connections to immediately send the information to the procuratorate for investigation. Lun, Ji and I will protect Xiaoxian in secret." Dong Yehan said.
"Dong Yehan, you don't have to protect me. My one-week suspension will end soon, and I can go back to school tomorrow. Even if the principal is bold, he won't dare to lay a hand on me in school."
"No!" Dong Yehan rejected it without thinking.
"Only by doing this can we catch the principal faster and help Lun's parents overturn the case." Dong Yehan said lightly.
So that's how it is . I thought he was worried about me. I couldn't help but lower my head in disappointment.
I am so stupid. How could he still care about me after I lied to him like that? I was just being too sentimental.
After the meeting, Bei Jianming and Qiaoqiao packed up the information and evidence I brought and left. Dong Yehan and Xi Cunji also left.
Now, it’s just me and Nan Youlun left.
"Xiaoxian, I heard from Han that you think of me as your it because I look like your brother?" Nan Youlun didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave, with a faint smile on his handsome face.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, but every time I see you, I feel you're very kind and warm, just like a brother..." My voice became lower and lower.
"Silly, I'm glad you treat me as your brother." Nan Youlun touched my head gently, and his gentle smile melted my inner worries.
"Senior Nan, thank you." I gave him a bright smile.
In the morning, I walked into the college nervously, and sure enough, many classmates looked at me with questioning and inquiring eyes.
In order to avoid these gazes, I immediately ran to the classroom.
Phew…finally here…so tired…
“Ding Ling Ling——”
The bell for class rang. Oh no! I had been off school for a week and I didn’t know where I was in class.
"Class monitor, do you know what the teacher is talking about?" I leaned close to the class monitor and asked in a low voice.
"I don't know." The monitor's tone was very cold. After saying that, she ignored me as if I were air.
I still didn’t give up and pulled other students to ask: “Xiao Jin…”
As soon as I opened my mouth, Xiao Jin walked away with a look of disgust on her face.
I looked up at the indifferent looks from my classmates around me, and my heart sank little by little. Helplessness and loss filled my heart, and I was so upset that I couldn't speak.
I sat in my seat blankly, surrounded by the sound of my classmates' discussions.
"Ju Xiaoxian, wasn't she fired? Why did she come back?"
"It's just a suspension of study. Didn't you see the announcement?"
"Ah, wasn't the notice torn up by Dong Yehan? He must have been mad at her. Don't you know that he has a gloomy face these past few days? It's so scary."
"It's all Gu Xiaoxian's fault for making our prince sad."
"But Dong Yehan broke up with her, so we still have a chance."
"Dong Yehan must really hate her now and definitely doesn't want to see her again."
I quickly covered my ears.
I don't want to hear it! I don't want to hear it!
But even so, I couldn't help but think of Dong Yehan.
Since that incident, he has never smiled at me, or even looked at me again. He helped me just to investigate the case of Professor Nan and his wife, to help Nan Youlun come out of the shadows and reunite their family. As long as the matter is over, he will not come to me again.
Thinking of this, I am too lazy to pay attention to other people's eyes. Anyway, they are not important people to me.
School was over before I knew it, and I was feeling extremely depressed. I lay listlessly on the table, and the next second Qiaoqiao suddenly ran in and shook me hard. My bones were almost shaken apart.
"Xiaoxian, that bad principal ran away!" Qiaoqiao puffed up her cheeks angrily.
I was so surprised that my eyes widened: "How could it be?"
"The procuratorate has already appraised the evidence and determined it to be valid. They are preparing to arrest the principal and investigate him, but unexpectedly, he escaped!"
"What should we do? How can we let him get away with it?" I said anxiously.
"The procuratorate has already started the pursuit, he won't be able to hide for long." Qiaoqiao comforted me, "Also, Ming and I asked someone to help check the IP address of the post that slandered you on the Internet, and found that it was the IP address of the principal's home. The closure of 'Xianyue House' must have been planned by him. In addition, the procuratorate searched the principal's home and found your brother's student ID card in the principal's bookcase. Your brother's disappearance is likely related to the principal."
"Really?" I looked at Qiaoqiao in surprise, my eyes a little moist. "That's good. Since the principal's evil deeds have been exposed, the truth about my brother's affairs should be revealed soon. My wish will be fulfilled."
After saying that, a trace of sadness surged into my heart. When this matter is over, I probably won't have any intersection with Dong Yehan anymore.
"Congratulations, Xiaoxian, you can finally put down the burden on your shoulders. By the way, Dong Yehan said he was going to the conference room for a meeting. Did you receive the notice?" Qiaoqiao asked.
No...the truth came out and Dong Yehan stopped contacting me.
"I'm not going. I missed a lot of lessons during the week off. You go." I smiled faintly and opened my notebook pretending to review.
"Okay then. I'll go over first. If you have any questions, wait for me to come back and ask me."
After Qiaoqiao left, I closed my notebook in frustration. My mind was in a mess and I couldn't concentrate on reading. Forget it, I decided to go home first.
I packed my schoolbag and suddenly heard girls screaming outside the classroom.
I looked up in confusion and found that Dong Yehan was just passing by the door of our classroom. How could he suddenly appear? I quickly hid behind the classroom door. I was afraid to see him, and I didn't know how to face him... It's good to end like this...
I looked through the crack in the door and saw a lot of girls with red eyes surrounding him. In the bright sunshine, Dong Yehan was so handsome, and when he lowered his head and smiled, the girls screamed again.
I closed my eyes and covered my ears until it was completely quiet outside. Then I walked out from behind the door and went home feeling disappointed.
The next day, as soon as I arrived in the classroom, Qiaoqiao came over and asked, "Xiaoxian, how are you and Dong Yehan doing recently? When he saw that you didn't come to the meeting yesterday, he was in a very bad mood and asked about you. You have to cheer up! I heard that the school beauty knows that you and Dong Yehan are having a quarrel and is preparing to launch a fierce attack on Dong Yehan."
"Isn't it perfect for the school belle to be with the school hunk?" I gritted my teeth and whispered, feeling a little sad.
"Xiaoxian, are you crazy?" Qiaoqiao touched my forehead exaggeratedly.
"Dong Yehan and I have broken up."
"How can it be!"
"Really? But it doesn't matter this way. Anyway, I joined the investigation team just to investigate my brother's affairs. Now as long as we catch the principal, the truth will be revealed, and Dong Yehan and I will no longer have any contact. I'm still the foodie Ju Xiaoxian!" I grinned mischievously, pretending not to care at all.
"How can you say we have no intersection? I can see that you like Dong Yehan. If you feel guilty about what happened before, just explain it to him..."
Before Qiaoqiao could finish her words, I interrupted her: "Miss Qiaoqiao, don't worry, I'm really fine, really!"
"Xiaoxian... don't be like this..."
"Okay, class is about to start." Afraid that she would say something else that would make me burst into tears, I quickly returned to my seat, took out my textbook and pretended to study seriously.
"Idiot!" Qiaoqiao sighed and cursed.
I'm not a fool. In this way, Dong Yehan won't feel pain because of my deception, and I won't feel bad because of his dislike.
As soon as school was over, I grabbed my schoolbag and ran out of the classroom, otherwise, Qiaoqiao would definitely stop me and give me a "education".
"Xiaoxian! Don't run away, I still have something to tell you..."
Before Qiaoqiao could finish her words, I had already rushed into the crowd of people leaving school like the wind.
How unlucky I am to bump into someone.
I touched my head which was a little painful from the collision, and looked up. The person standing in front of me was actually Xi Cunji. Oh no! He often went back with Dong Yehan!
Without even thinking I turned and ran.
Xi Cunji angrily stood in front of me and wouldn't let me leave.
"Xiaoxian, why are you running?"
"I, I'm in a hurry to go home. Let's talk next time." I was forced to step back. Why did the cute and kind Xi Cunji show such a scary expression?
"You're in a hurry to go home? I don't believe it." Xi Cunji made a face at me, and then said coldly, "You are hiding from us. Why?"
Because... because...
I risked my life: "You have helped Professor Nan and his wife overturn the case. We will never have any contact with each other again. Isn't this good?"
"Are you stupid? What's your excuse? You're hiding from Han. Do you know how worried he is about you?"
I was a little overwhelmed by Xi Cunji’s words.
"Dong Yehan won't worry about me. We have already broken up."
"Broken up? He never said that. You didn't even ask him and you hid away like a coward. Have you ever thought about how he felt?" Xi Cunji's cute face rarely showed an angry expression.
"I..." My words got stuck in my throat and I couldn't utter them.
"Do you know? When you were sick, you called Han by mistake. He was so anxious, worried and scared that he wanted to rush over to take care of you as soon as possible, but he didn't know your address, so he had to ask the dean. He was so anxious that he even forgot to call a taxi. He just ran to the dean's house to ask for your address. It's super far from his house!"
Xi Cunji glared at me angrily and said, "After getting the key to the school archives at the Dean's house, he ran back to the school to find your file, your home address, and took care of you for the whole night. You said he didn't care about you?"
"I don't know... I thought he hated me and never wanted to see me again."
"The next day, he was worried that you didn't eat breakfast properly, so he specially asked a courier to send you breakfast in the name of Qiaoqiao. I have known him for such a long time, and I have never seen him care about someone so much, except for you. You made him so angry, but he just couldn't let you go."
"I'm sorry, I don't know all this." After hearing Xi Cunji's words, I was completely stunned.
I am such a fool! No wonder he refused to tell me how he knew my address that day. He did so many things for me, but I knew nothing about it.
"What's the point of you apologizing to me? You should apologize to Han!" Xi Cunji said unhappily.
"Yes! I will apologize to him sincerely." This time, I must tell him everything in my heart.
"It's not too late. Han hasn't gone back yet. He's worried about you and is about to go to your classroom to find you. If you run back, you might meet him." Xi Cunji kindly reminded me.
"Really? I'll be there right away." After waving goodbye to Xi Cunji, I ran towards the classroom.
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024