Chapter 88: Password Storm (Part 3)

Liang Xi and Baker were talking about this when Xiaomao reported: "Please note that the target vehicle with license plate number 1234 has been spotted. It is a handsome white model with a shrimp brand. The driver is a male, Caucasian, not Arab. There is no one in the passenger seat, and there is at least one person in the back seat. The car just passed the parking lot ramp to the basement level."
Liang Xi held the headset and communicated: "Everyone, don't worry."
Liu Zhen said: "Relax Liang Xi, everyone has seen this kind of scene many times."
Liang Xi smiled embarrassedly and said, "Please listen to me, everyone. I don't know if this is a transaction, a meeting, or something else. I also don't know if the other party is holding illegal items. So don't move for now and see how the other party reacts. If the other party parks the car on the underground floor and one person gets out, it means they are very alert and are likely to be making a delivery or a transaction. There won't be anything valuable in their car."
Kitty asked, "What if the car is parked on the first floor and no one gets off?"
Liang Xi asked: "They parked on the first floor?"
Kitten: "Yes, it should be turning off the engine or turning off the automatic lights."
Liang Xi asked: "Is the car shaking?"
The kitten replied: "Slightly."
Liang Xi said: "There are things in their car. I think it is likely a transaction. They arrived at the transaction site early and observed on the first floor. I think the things in their car should be legal."
If it is a transaction, we need to make it clear: is the password held by the buyer or the seller? Generally speaking, terrorists only buy and do not sell. They buy consumables and have no resources to sell. If the terrorists are the buyers, the one holding the password is the seller. The seller contacted 1234 Auto after seeing it. Thinking about it this way, it does not match the behavior of 1234 Auto.
Liang Xi said: "I think someone is setting a trap here! Captain Liu, can you send more troops over?"
Liu Zhen asked: "What's the use?"
Liang Xi said: "It's hard to say now. Don't mobilize personnel to enter the field directly. It's best to wait at a distance. Thresh, that bitch, may use a knife to kill again. We kill people, and he takes the goods."
It is difficult to understand Thresh's thoughts. Liang Xi has analyzed Thresh's actions several times. The first action alarmed the MI5 warehouse and forced MI5 to transfer the goods to their trap. However, Thresh did not expect that the security force of the MI5 warehouse was the nearby police station. Thresh pretended to be mysterious and did not alarm MI5. As a result, he and Poppy helped Thresh inexplicably.
In the second major robbery, they used the anti-powder team to eliminate the powder lord and took the money.
The third rat war, using the hand of the terrorists to lay out. In this rat war, Liang Xi guessed Thresh's purpose. Thresh had no intention of doing anything to Blade. Thresh 's goal was the terrorists. Thresh planned to use his own people to capture the terrorists and enter Blade legitimately. But this was just Liang Xi's guess.
On the other hand, was Thresh's purpose in the second robbery really money? It is not ruled out that money was a factor, but judging from Thresh's arrangement, he was randomly framing a member of the anti-powder team. Thresh's main purpose was not money, and it is very likely that he wanted to recruit members of the anti-powder team to become his accomplices.
What was Thresh's purpose in stealing the warehouse supplies for the first time? Was it just for the supplies in the MI5 warehouse? Since the MI5 team led by Mark did not share any information with Liang Xi and was even very wary, Liang Xi could not think of any other purpose for Thresh's attack on MI5 supplies.
What about today? Why did ? Why did he ask me not to inform Isa? Thresh knew that he had a good relationship with the anti-powder team. Could it be that Thresh's target today was the anti-powder team? But what did the anti-powder team want? The anti-powder team was special in that the work was dangerous and had one of the highest death rates among police officers. But what was the point of eliminating Liu Zhen's team? A new team would be established soon.
What is Thresh's purpose in borrowing a knife?
As we were thinking and chatting, time passed slowly. The underground parking lot was still busy with cars coming and going, many leaving and many coming. However, due to the increase in parking spaces on the first floor, the number of cars going to the second floor began to decrease.
At 10:55, Xiaomao notified that the target vehicle 1234 started to drive to Channel B and arrived at the underground parking lot on the second floor. The target vehicle drove for one minute and stopped at the parking space next to the load-bearing column in Area F, but no one got off.
Liang Xi asked: "Are there enough people to block the four vertical elevators on the second underground floor?"
Liu Zhen: “There are only six people on the second floor.”
Poppy's voice came over the intercom channel: "My people can block the elevator."
Liu Zhen said: "You are not a law enforcer. You will be sued if you block the elevator."
Bobby: "I have money."
Liu Zhen was speechless.
Liang Xi said: "Bobby, don't alarm the target vehicle."
Bobby replied, "Got it."
Liang Xi pondered for a moment and suddenly said, "The buyer or seller is already on the second underground floor. They didn't give 1234 a signal or trade with 1234 in time. They must have realized that something was wrong. Block the AB channel immediately."
Liu Zhen decisively took a chance and notified the backup to come in, while letting Baker and Owen block the A and B channels. As soon as the police moved, they could see that the personnel of vehicle 1234 in channel A found something wrong, and the two men got out of the car immediately. Baker sounded the siren, took out the megaphone and shouted: "We are the police, the personnel of vehicle 1234 stay where they are."
What responded to him was the sound of gunfire and bullets. Baker sighed without expectation, took the bulletproof vest from the back seat and stuffed it on Liang Xi: "Put it on." He took the gun and pushed open the car door and got out.
Liang Xi quickly took the intercom and said, "Baker and Owen, don't move. Your job is to prevent everyone from entering and exiting the passage." As soon as the gunshots were heard, everyone rushed to Channel A.
With the help of Xiaomao's guidance through surveillance, Murphy, the anti-powder team, attracted the attention of the two gangsters, and two team members went behind them and forced the two gangsters to surrender with guns. The small battle lasted only two minutes. After the battle, three groups of supporting special police arrived. Liang Xi walked out of the car, and Liu Zhen said: "Select two people to protect Liang Xi."
The parking lot is circular, with a total of seven sectors from A to G.
Liang Xi said: "Focus on checking all vehicles with license plates containing 4. The target is likely to be hiding in the trunk of the car." Although there are surveillance cameras, it is impossible to completely cover the entire parking lot due to the dense distribution of load-bearing columns. Most car trunks have emergency switches, and people in the trunk can open the trunk even if they don't have the key.
Murphy asked: "Liang Xi, how do I check the trunk?"
Liang Xi said: "Pry them all open."
Liu Zhen immediately burst out in Chinese: "Fuck you, I can't afford it." People who don't go home at this time usually drive a good car. For those who hang out in nightclubs, face comes first.
Liang Xi asked: "Bobby, can you afford the compensation?"
Bobby asked, "How many?"
The kitten replied: "More than forty."
Bobby said straightforwardly: "If you pry it, I'll pay for it."
Although Bobby God of Wealth was throwing money, Liu Zhen still said, "Don't touch the luxury cars first."
At this time, Dirk interrupted: "Report, a bag of suspected gold items was found in vehicle 1234, including jewelry and gold bars, weighing about two kilograms."
Liu Zhenxin calculated and said, "About 70,000 pounds."
The head bodyguard suddenly said, "Vertical elevator C was attacked, and unknown people fled to area D."
30 seconds ago, a man wearing a mask was about to enter the vertical elevator in Area C, but was blocked by two bodyguards. The other party attacked and kicked him in the crotch, but they didn't expect that the two bodyguards were experienced in battle. Not to mention those who were not hit, the bodyguard who was kicked in the crotch took the hard blow and turned around to counterattack. After the two sides fought several times, the other party found that the two suited men were very powerful, so they immediately climbed onto the roof of the car, slid to the front windshield and ran away.
Liang Xi immediately said, "Guard Elevator C, don't chase them."
The bodyguard leader replied, "No." Bobby was not bragging, his bodyguards were all veterans, and veterans take obeying orders as their first duty. The bodyguard leader's order was to guard the elevator, so their job was to guard the elevator instead of chasing the enemy.
Ado, a member of the anti-powder team, said: "Control the suspect."
Addo said, pointing his gun at the suspect who raised his hands, "Cross your fingers, kneel on the ground."
Liang Xi walked towards Area D and said, "Be careful to prevent the other party from having accomplices. Deploy manpower to search Area C and Area D to find car keys that may have been abandoned by the other party."
Ado was alone and did not step forward to handcuff the suspect. He waited until Liang Xi and his men arrived. Ado put away his gun and handcuffed the suspect who was kneeling on the ground. Liang Xi stepped forward and took off the suspect's mask. He was very surprised and asked, "It's you?"
Liu Zhen saw the suspect's face clearly on the team member's law enforcement recorder and was also surprised. She said in the channel: "Fiona?"
Liang Xi asked, "Fiona of Blade?"
Liu Zhen: “Yes.”
Liang Xi knew that the blade hacker was called Fiona, and he knew the baseball cap. But Liang Xi never knew that the baseball cap was Fiona.
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