Chapter 87 Chapter 87

(Catching bugs)


The Mu tribe was in a state of disrepair at the time, and Shen Nong's words, "where the tribe members are, that is the Mu tribe" made the orcs of the Mu tribe quickly accept that they wanted to build the tribe on the former site of the Salt Department.

I was even a little happy, after all, the location of Yanbu was really good. Their Mu tribe was flooded, but the caves in Yanbu were still good.

The territory of Yanbu is much larger than that of Mubu. The area divided by each team is more than doubled compared to the previous time in Mubu. The first thing to build is the brick kiln. Because we have a lot of experience, we built it very quickly this time. We also built three more, so Mubu now has six brick kilns.

Shen Nong asked the orcs in Wushan tribe to temporarily stop mining, as they did not need to make cold weapons and did not need much ore. Shen Yi led the orcs to build another furnace in Wushan tribe and devoted himself to calcining cement.

After the flood, Shen Nong asked Shen Yi to tell Yu Ji to tell their orcs not to run over here for the time being. The "air transport" work of the Yu tribe also stopped for several days, which made the orcs of the Yu tribe restless every day.

If they fly one day less, they are afraid that the Wood Tribe will not want them to send more things. Then they will not be able to exchange for animal skins, pickled meat and other various things.

They didn’t have these things before, didn’t know about them, and had never experienced them, but they could get by. But if I tell them now that they will not have delicious pickled meat, various seasonings, and high-quality animal skins to use in the future, they will cry to death.

Yu Ji would go to the Wushan tribe to ask Shen Yi almost every two days when air transport could be resumed. Every time, Shen Yi would say to wait.

The Yu tribe waited anxiously for many days, and finally Shen Yi came to the tribe and said that the goods could be shipped.

The main thing being transported now is cement ash. All the flying orcs from the Yu Tribe are dispatched to transport cement to the Mu Tribe in batches.

Shen Yi said that he would send them to the former Salt Department, and the Wood Tribe would live there in the future. When the tribes were fighting before, the Feather Tribe had been to the Salt Department, and they knew the way, so they flew directly there.

The Mu tribe worked very hard, and with the efforts of the whole tribe, six large brick kilns started working at the same time, burning a lot of bricks. In a blink of an eye, bricks and cement were piled up into a mountain, and when they were recruiting people to build houses and pave roads, they found that there were not enough people.

It was also because Shen Nong didn't remember that after the water in the Mu tribe was almost drained, he plunged into the farmland. These crops were severely damaged and could no longer be planted.

Even if you use wood-related abilities, it is not something that can be done in one go. The ability user needs to strictly control the output of the ability and adjust it according to the changes in the crops without any pause in between. It is a very delicate and laborious job.

Normally, no one with super powers would go to such great lengths. But they were growing so well, some were almost fully grown, and Shen Nong couldn't bear to throw them away.

He was also thinking about eating dumplings with the people in the Ze tribe this winter.

The orcs of the Mu tribe were extremely busy. They worked from dawn to dusk, hoping to rebuild the tribe as soon as possible. They suddenly forgot about the orcs from other tribes who had worked in the tribe before.

It was when Shen Nong returned to the tribe that he felt that the tribe seemed to be full of things with nowhere to put it, and only then did he realize that there was a shortage of manpower.

He quickly pulled himself out of the difficult task of saving the crops and asked Shen San to go to each tribe and ask if there were any orcs who could come back to work.

Now is a special period, and except for the living conditions which are not as good as before, everything else is the same as before.

The seven tribes, who had been eating raw meat for several days, were so happy to see Shen San that they almost overturned the cave when they heard Shen San say that there were orcs willing to return to the Mu tribe to work and he repeated what Shen Nong had said about the treatment.

Of course they are willing to work in the Wood Tribe! Not only are they willing, they wish all the beastmen would go. I really can't eat a single bite of raw meat. I didn't feel that way before, but after eating pickled meat for a while, raw meat is really hard to swallow.

No, I can't think about it. Just thinking about the smell makes me want to vomit.

When Shen San came, Shen Nong told him that he could bring more people to the Mu tribe, regardless of age or orc level, as long as they could work.

There were many things to do in the reconstruction of the Mu tribe, and they were short of manpower everywhere. In addition, half of the area of ​​the Mu tribe had to be converted into farmland, and all the work needed people. Even if they were old, they had many cows in the tribe, so arable land was not a problem.

After all, their land was previously cultivated by the elders and their newly awakened children.

After hearing Shen San say that anyone who could work could follow him, the seven tribes wanted to worship the priest of the Mu tribe as a beast god.

The stagnant work of the Mu tribe progressed rapidly after the seven orcs from the tribe joined. It was so different every day that Shen Nong even wondered if the system had secretly turned on the speed for him.

The brick kilns never stopped working. As all the brick houses were to be built, huge amounts of bricks were needed, and the piles of bricks were soon emptied. The brick-making team built two more kilns to ensure that the supply of bricks was not cut off halfway.

Shen San modified the drainage system map he had drawn previously according to the current terrain, and built the road and the drainage system at the same time.

Every day Fox Five would stand not far from the former Yanbu, now the Mubu, and smell the aroma of meat.

He still hasn't found his parents. As time goes by, Fox Five becomes less and less hopeful of finding them.

"What are you doing here again?" Lu Shi felt helpless when he found the man. It had been several days in a row and Fox Five came here every day.

Fox Five used his toes to pick at the weeds on the ground. The sun made it difficult for him to open his eyes. The sweat on his forehead flowed to his chin and then dripped down. "Lu Ten, I saw orcs from other tribes in there too. There are several different tribes."

Lu Shi said nonchalantly, "What's so strange about this? Didn't the Mu tribe ask orcs from other tribes to help them with their work before?"

Fox Five lowered his head and said, "I saw many elders and children from other tribes, helping the Mu tribe with their work..."

"Impossible." Lu Shi said firmly, "The elderly and children can't do anything. They are the abandoned ones in every tribe. The Mu tribe will never ask them to work."

Lu Shi pulled Hu Wu to take him to continue looking for the orcs in the tribe that were washed away by the flood. "Besides, they don't have the strength to work. You are wrong."

Fox Five pursed his lips, as if trying to convince himself, "You're right, I saw it wrong. Because I was too hungry..."

After a moment of silence, Lu Shi said to Hu Wu cautiously, "The priest said that we will not look for it starting tomorrow."

If they were still alive, they would have come back after all these days. If they haven’t come back yet, it’s impossible to find them. Even if they can be found, they won’t be alive.

This is something that everyone knows.

Several other tribes had given up searching a few days ago, and in fact several teams in their tribe had also stopped searching. However, Fox Five was still out searching every day. Lu Shi and Fox Five were in the same search team, so he followed Fox Five out as well.

Hu Wu didn't say anything, he knew that he would never have a father and mother again.

When the Mu tribe was busy, Bao Qiu returned with the caravan.

The only three valuable things in today's animal world are salt, meat, and animal skins.

The main purpose of the Wood Tribe caravan was to look for new crops and trade with other tribes. However, the only things the Wood Tribe needed were freshly skinned animal skins and fresh meat.

However, it is hot in the summer, so the meat is fine for the nearby tribes, but for the distant tribes, even if the meat is airlifted by the Yu Tribe, it will no longer be fresh when it reaches the Mu Tribe.

Therefore, tribes that were far away only collected animal skins.

In the past, the caravans never returned, and the goods were all transported to them by the Yu Tribe. The animal skins and meat they exchanged were also sent back to the Mu Tribe by the Yu Tribe as soon as possible.

The reason for coming back this time was, firstly, because I heard about the flood in the tribe, and wanted to come back to take a look. Secondly, the caravan finally found something that the priest had mentioned.

Knowing that the Mu Tribe was now in the former territory of the Salt Tribe, the caravan members who had returned to their homeland were at a loss for words when they felt the emotion they had for a moment.

Lang Yu curled his lips. When he was tied up and sent to the cannibals as meat, he swore that he would never set foot on this land again. If he came, he would definitely come to duel with the tribe leader Mang Lin.

Who could have thought that in such a short time, this place would become a wooden tribe.

It would be a lie for the caravan members to say they were not sad. However, they were not sad about the demise of the Salt Tribe but the death of the orcs they had been friendly with.

But they also had no resentment towards the Mu Tribe that occupied this land. They already knew the whole story. What's more, they were now loyal to the priests of the Mu Tribe. The moment they signed the blood pact, they had nothing to do with the Salt Tribe anymore. They were members of the Mu Tribe.

During the days when they became members of the Mu tribe, they could clearly feel the difference between the previous Yan tribe and the Mu tribe.

In the Salt Department, the priests are wise but also suspicious. The clan leader is powerful but also vicious. If you don't do what these two people want, one will torture you secretly, and the other will kill you at all costs.

If Mang Lin's temperament wasn't so extreme, he wouldn't have sent so many high-level orcs to be made into meat.

Lang Yu and the others were taken to an empty cave. With the help of orcs from seven tribes, a lot of brick houses had been built. There was nothing inside except a stove built with bricks and a heated bed connected to the stove.

Even the place where the iron pot was placed on the stove was a big round hole, and the iron pot could only be placed there after the Wushan tribe started casting iron again.

Even so, the orcs of the Wood Tribe were happy to live there. Shen Nong saw the tribesmen were enthusiastic and thought that the cave was indeed a bit crowded, so he arranged for some of them to live in the brick building. The elderly, children and pregnant women were still given priority.

It wasn't that Shen Nong did it on purpose, but that was the education he had received since he was a child. After crossing over, his status was supreme in the tribe, and no one dared to teach him how to do things. So he just followed the previous code of conduct.

However, the beast world is a little different. Children over the age of ten have physical fitness comparable to that of ordinary adults in the interstellar world. There are also high-level beast pregnant women. Even if they are about to give birth in the next second, they will still hunt with their big bellies in the previous second.

Giving birth is extremely painful, but after a night, the body will completely recover and it will not affect their hunting the next day at all.

Therefore, the children in this brick building are all under ten years old, and the pregnant women are orcs below level three and seven months pregnant. Those under seven months pregnant do not live here, as they are busy with construction with their big bellies.

However, those cannibal pregnant women who could not transform were all forced to live in brick houses regardless of what month of pregnancy they were in.

Shen Nong really felt that the beast blood genes in the beastmen were abnormally strong, and those cannibal pregnant women whose beast blood genes were suppressed were somewhat similar to the pregnant women in his impression. But only somewhat, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and their physical fitness is much better than that of later humans.

After Bao Qiu put away his things, he took the things given to him by the priest of the Yu tribe and went to the former location of the Mu tribe, now the agricultural and animal husbandry area, to find Shen Nong.

The beast world is very large and there is no means of communication. Even sending messages by carrier pigeon is a fantasy at this time, let alone other things.

In this beastly world, discovering a new crop is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Shen Nong stared at the animal skin bag he received from Bao Qiu in a trance. He thought to himself, could it be that he really has the protection of the Beast God? Otherwise, how could he have fished out several needles in such a short time in this ocean of the Beast World?

"The birds sent out by the Yu tribe priests brought back a few rice seeds. After confirming the news, the Yu tribe orcs took us to the tribe where the rice was found." Bao Qiu said with some regret, "But we went too late. They harvested it a month ago and have eaten a lot of it now. The rest we traded for only three large baskets."

Shen Nong recalled the ability that Yu Ji showed him when they first met. It turned out that it was not the Beast God's favor, but thanks to Yu Ji and his little birds.

The wheat planted by the tribe was about to ripen, but the flood came before it could be harvested. He still had two days to save the wheat, and after harvesting it and grinding it into flour, he would send some to the Yu tribe to express his gratitude.

It is August now, a good time to plant late rice.

It just so happened that the elders from other tribes had already plowed a lot of land in the past two days. Shen Nong directly changed his plan and stopped plowing the land, and first diverted canals for irrigation.

Growing rice seedlings is a piece of cake for Shen Nong, a wood-type mutant. He asked Bao Qiu to send all the rice seeds here.

Shen Nong was not afraid of theft. Not to mention that no one except him knew the function of the rice. The military guards had now returned to the team. It was no exaggeration to say that the safety factor of the Mu tribe headquarters was not as high as that of this agricultural and animal husbandry area.

Bao Qiu did not leave immediately after responding. Shen Nong saw that he looked serious and asked, "What happened to the caravan?"

"The caravan is fine." Bao Qiu organized his words because this was really too strange. "With the help of the Yu tribe, the caravan visited many tribes. Some of them welcomed us, but some refused to trade with us."

Shen Nong smiled and said, "What's the big deal? If a group of unfamiliar high-level orc warriors suddenly showed up in our Mu tribe, we would also reject them."

Bao Qiu shook his head. "I thought so at first, but it seemed weirder as time went on. I thought about it and found something strange. The tribes that rejected us were the big tribes. It was more like a precaution than rejection.

Moreover, even though these large tribes are far away from us, they all, without exception, not only guard themselves, but also tell the surrounding small tribes not to trust us and trade with us, no matter how generous the conditions we offer. "

Shen Nong's heart trembled. How could this situation be the same as the big tribe by the sea that Shen Er had mentioned before?

Jun 13, 2024
Jun 13, 2024
Jun 13, 2024
Jun 13, 2024