Chapter 86 Nobles

Killing it with one kick would be too easy.
Martin was a good hand at this. Rock only whipped him for the first time, and then Martin took over Rock's job, using a horsewhip to fly up and down. In a short while, he whipped the man with the turban to the ground, leaving him covered with bruises.
The ugly tent is finally gone.
If Rahul hadn't rushed over, Rock would have watched Martin beat the turbaned man to death.
"Sir." Rahul's face was a little dark. After seeing the inspector rank on Rock's chest, Rahul's face was darker than the sun.
Did the sun provoke you?
"Is your head okay? Uh, no, you broke your arm." Rock doesn't need to pretend now, he just starts mocking everyone when it's time to mock.
On the eve of the commandos' departure, Rahul deserted the army on the pretext of a broken arm and was thrown into the city of cowards as a guard.
This is very interesting. Regardless of their stance, those Boers who dared to go to the Transvaal Republic and the Orange Free State were definitely brave. But now the families of the brave men are locked up in the City of Cowards, and the people who are in charge of guarding them are deserters.
This arrangement by the British is, well, very interesting.
"Yes sir, my arm is healed." Rahul started to get into the state, as if his healed arm was something to be proud of.
This feeling is really wonderful.
"Tell your men to remember your identities. You are police officers, not damn rapists." Rock didn't waste any time talking to Rahul. He just left after saying this.
"Just let it go like that?" On the way back, Anton still felt furious.
This kind of thing would be unbearable for anyone with a sense of justice.
Those damn rapists are more hateful than those thieves and robbers. If there is really a physical need, there are red-light districts in the port area, which don't cost much money and can also prosper the economy. However, those rapists use such extreme means to achieve their goals, which will leave a lifelong shadow on the victims and even cause a devastating blow. If possible, Rock very much hopes that the colonial authorities can legislate to classify rape as an extreme crime and execute all rapists after catching them.
"How is it possible!" Rock will definitely not let the big turban go just like that, including Rahul. Rock will not let him go. In the past, Rock's level was not high enough and he could only keep his distance. Now that Rock has certain abilities, he will definitely do something.
After returning to Cape Town, Rock immediately went to find Henry and went with Henry to meet August Russell.
Now Rock finally had his own seat in front of August Russell.
"Damn bastards, they have no honor or pride as police officers. Just throw him to Robben Island and find a few people to take good care of him." August Russell gritted his teeth. If breaking an arm and deserting was still acceptable, committing a crime in broad daylight was too abominable.
Speaking of deserters, Rahul's cowardly behavior is not uncommon, otherwise Stellenbosch would not be called the "City of Cowards". You can imagine how many cowards there are.
Having said that, we have to admit that the "chivalry" advocated by the West does have a reason to exist. After the outbreak of the First World War, by the end of 1914, 6 British Lords, 16 Baronet Lords, 95 sons of Lords, and 82 sons of Baronet Lords were killed in battle.
Throughout the First World War, a total of 20 Lords, 49 Lords heirs and more aristocratic children died in battle.
Eton College in Britain is centered around children of the nobility . Among the 5,679 Eton College students who participated in the war, the casualty rate was as high as 45%, far exceeding the participation rate and casualty rate of any other social group. Many first heirs of the nobility died in battle. Among the 558 large aristocratic families with more than 3,000 acres of land, one-tenth of the family heirs died in battle.
It should be emphasized that adult men aged 18 to 35 generally account for about 30% of the total population. If the heirs of nobles who did not participate in the war are excluded, the proportion will be even greater.
After World War II, the Junker aristocracy in Germany basically disappeared. Among the 8,800 soldiers from Junker aristocratic families who participated in the war, 6,400 died on the battlefield, 500 committed suicide after the war, and 500 died in labor camps.
This is why nobles are respected. It is not the case that it takes three generations to become a noble. Nobility is not cultivated, but earned through brave sacrifice. If there is no "chivalry" in the bones, ten generations will not passed down for a hundred generations.
He deserves to be respected.
Relatively speaking, those cowards really deserve it.
"We can't let this happen. We should send a reliable person to manage the refugee camp." As deputy director, Henry now has the right to make suggestions.
"It's up to you. I have only one request. From now on, this kind of thing must never, ever, ever happen again!" August Russell thought more. After the outbreak of the Boer War, many countries sent military observers to the Cape, many of whom were in Cape Town. If this kind of thing were known to those military observers, it would become an international scandal.
Do you really think the British Empire has no dignity?
Don't be ridiculous. The Second Boer War was fought because Britain wanted to save face. For this, Britain paid 220 million pounds. Even if all the gold in the Rand gold mine was dug out, it is estimated that it would not be able to make back the money.
After leaving August Russell's office, Henry also had a headache: "What should I do?"
Henry really didn't know what to do. The refugee camp was not just a management issue, there were many other problems. Henry couldn't just watch Rock jump into the fire pit.
Yes, for Henry, the refugee camp was a hell of a fire.
"What should I do? I'll go!" Rock took the initiative to jump. What is poison to you is honey to me, and it smells very good.
"Are you really going? No, no, no, you can't go. Do you know what the mortality rate in the refugee camps is? Last month, it was 20 percent." Henry said with fear on his face. What does 20 percent mean? One in five people died within a month. The real problem in the refugee camps is not management, but disease, hunger, and the dangers that are everywhere.
"I know." Rock was not surprised. Twenty percent was not a big deal. In October 1901, the death rate in the Orange concentration camp was as high as 40%.
"You know?" Henry asked doubtfully.
"Yes, I know." Rock said frankly. If a coward like Rahul was allowed to be the guard of the refugee camp, the death rate of refugees would definitely remain high. Rock wanted to go to Stellenbosch not only for those vineyards, but also for those poor women and children .
They are innocent.
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024