Chapter 852: Crazy Green Dragon

Looking at the huge black tree standing upside down with its roots deeply in the sky, his face gradually darkened.
Because of the Emerald Dream, Bai Qi is relatively familiar with the Emerald Dream, but he has never noticed the existence of the Death Doppelganger.
If it weren't for the face-to-face confrontation with Sam, Bai Qi suspected that this dead clone would continue to hide.
How could an existence with attributes so contradictory to the Emerald Dream have been hidden until now?
"It seems that this guy, like the other clones, has also begun to develop his own consciousness."
Bai Heguang looked at the giant tree for a few times and said, "It's a good thing we found him in advance, otherwise when he completely eroded the Emerald Dream, Nicholas would probably become his slave like those green dragons."
"Teacher, what should we do?"
Bai Qi looked at the green dragons, then looked at Nicholas who was still in a daze, and asked.
"I will deal with this death clone. As for those green dragons, you can make your own judgment."
After saying that, Bai Heguang rode the Nine Nether Phoenix and flew towards the giant tree in the sky.
Swish, swish, swish…
As if it sensed the approach of Bai and Guang, the giant black tree shook gently. The twisted lines on the trunk and the black smoke on the surface looked extremely strange.
At the same time, the green dragons that had been quietly watching Bai Qi and his party suddenly took and slowly flew towards Nicholas.
"Nicholas, wake up!"
Seeing this, Bai Qi immediately reminded him loudly, but Nicholas turned a deaf ear to him.
But the green dragons had no intention of waiting and suddenly fired a volley of shots at Nicholas.
There are nearly a hundred green dragons here, and the weakest one is as strong as an emperor. Most of them are legendary, and they can breathe out emerald breath at the same time. Even Bai Qi, who has seen many original skills, felt a little scared.
Fortunately, Cordyceps was right next to Nicholas. Seeing that Nicholas did not react, he immediately pulled Nicholas to dodge quickly.
Bai Qi set up the Hunyuan Shield and used the Emerald Breath to cover Cordyceps's retreat.
"It's still the power of emerald. Does that mean these green dragons aren't completely corrupted by death like the dead beasts?"
Looking at the endless flow of emerald breath, Bai Qi breathed a sigh of relief.
As long as the body has not been completely transformed, there is still a possibility of rescue. If all these green dragons can be rescued, the strength of the Federation will increase significantly.
Nicholas would be very happy too.
Thinking of this, Bai Qi immediately conveyed instructions to the other pets. Except for the Cordyceps that protected Nicholas, the other pets all took action.
The first to take action was Jetta. Having mastered the skill of element creation, he was able to easily transform massive amounts of elements even in a foreign land like the Emerald Dream. With the mixture of water and soil, countless mud rain fell from the sky.
The mud rain was extremely sticky and, pushed by the strong wind, fell accurately on the green dragon's body.
Then, there was a flash of flame, and the mud rain quickly solidified and turned into hard shells that bound the green dragon.
At the same time, the Beta Six Paths Disk spun rapidly, and the vast mental power directly connected to the souls of all the green dragons.
The bodies of these green dragons have not been transformed, which means that only their souls have problems. As long as they are awakened, all problems will be solved.
"No, there's something wrong with their souls!"
But after the Husky's souls were connected with those of the green dragons, what he saw was not the souls of the green dragons, but a mass of extremely evil black substance.
This feeling is exactly the same as the big tree above my head!
"Their souls are no longer in them. They are all in that tree."
Jerry took the initiative to cut off the connection with the green dragon and looked at the sky vigilantly. If he had not cut off the connection quickly, the guy in the sky would probably have begun to erode his soul.
"The soul is gone? Doesn't that mean there's no hope for it?"
Bai Qi frowned slightly. Although they were all death clones, the ability of the giant tree above his head seemed to be much more troublesome than other death clones.
"Their souls are not gone, but have merged into this Emerald Dream."
At this moment, Nicholas suddenly returned to Bai Qi and looked at his fellow men in front of him with extremely complicated eyes.
"Integrate into the Emerald Dream, but..."
Bai Qi was a little puzzled. The Husky's judgment would not be wrong, but Nicholas, as the master of the Emerald Dream, might not be able to see the status of these fellows.
Unless, the guy above my head has also been integrated, no, it should have successfully eroded the Emerald Dream.
"The main body can devour the will of the world, so even the clone has the ability to devour the origin?"
Bai Qi looked at the giant tree with more and more disgust. This kind of existence was definitely an enemy of all living things. Compared with them, the undead creatures were nothing more than their younger brothers.
"Chief, if I am not mistaken, these green dragons should have been corroded by an energy similar to the power of nightmare."
Chongcao flew to Bai Qi and said, "If we can remove this nightmare power, they may be able to wake up."
"Nightmare power?"
Bai Qi suddenly realized after hearing this . It makes sense that the green dragon possesses the power of dreams, and after being eroded by the giant tree, it was transformed into the power of nightmares.
And this seems to explain why the green dragons went crazy collectively.
"In that case, Nicholas, can you find a way to trap them?"
"In theory, yes."
Nicholas looked at the giant tree above him that was fighting Jiuyou and said, "But their souls have merged with it, so it's difficult to purify them."
"I know, but isn't there a teacher over there~"
Bai Qi grinned and looked at the green dragons in front of him who were breaking free from the mud shells. The Hunyuan Shield suddenly changed and turned into endless chains rushing towards them.
The green dragons did not sit still and wait for death. When they saw the chains trying to trap them, they immediately launched a counterattack.
But without exception, all of their attacks passed through the chains, as if it was just an illusion, but when they were tied up with the chains, it seemed so real.
In an instant, all the green dragons were tied up by endless chains.
"Hurry up, Beta. I can't hold on for long."
Bai Yi pulled the chain with all his strength and shouted loudly at the Husky.
(I know, I know. You, human, are also weak.)
Beta looked at Bai Qi with disdain and activated the Six Paths Disk again, but this time he did not attack. Instead, he injected his mental power into the Cordyceps body.
With the support of Beta's original power, the Cangxuan mark on Cordyceps' back suddenly shone brightly, and the dragon horns on its head began to radiate soft moonlight.
When it comes to purification, there is no power more suitable than the power of moonlight.
Sure enough, after seeing the moonlight power approaching them, the green dragons became violent. Their muscles swelled and they struggled frantically. The endless chains also groaned in pain, as if they would break at any time.
But at this moment, Nicholas finally made a move. The powerful power of dreams condensed into substance, firmly grasping all the green dragons, making them unable to move.
At this time, the power of moonlight also fell on the heads of these green dragons, and the green dragons' originally dark eyes actually showed a hint of emerald luster.
A hint of surprise flashed in Bai Qi's eyes, and he immediately asked Beta and Cordyceps to increase their strength. The black color in the green dragons' eyes gradually decreased.
Swish, swish, swish…
But at this moment, the giant tree above suddenly shook violently, and the green dragon, which had just improved, was controlled by the power of nightmare again, and its mental power filled with fear rushed straight towards Bai Qi and others .
"I also have the power of nightmares!"
Seeing this, a flash of black suddenly appeared in the moonlight above Cordyceps' head, like a huge eye, staring directly at the green dragon.
The green dragons' bodies shook, obviously impacted, but their nightmare power still did not stop and collided head-on with Cordyceps' nightmare power.
There was no huge impact as Bai Qi had expected. The two nightmare forces actually blended together smoothly like water and milk.
Then Cordyceps' body shook, his eyes full of surprise, and then he transmitted the scene he saw to Bai Qi and Nicholas.
"Chief, I think you should take a look at this!"
Under the emerald green sky, a streak of black was gradually spreading, and the originally dreamy world became more and more bizarre.
From a distance, you can vaguely see a big black tree growing vigorously. The smoke on its surface seems to contain endless nightmares, which makes people feel disgusted.
Afterwards, green dragons all over the sky rushed towards the giant tree and bit the black smoke like wild beasts. They did not stop until the smoke around the giant tree basically disappeared.
But the green dragon that swallowed the smoke also began to behave strangely and started to attack its own kind around it, causing heavy losses to the green dragon.
In the end, no one knew who took the lead, but the green dragons rushed towards the giant tree that was still releasing smoke, using themselves as a seal to seal the black giant tree into the shadow of this world.
The world has returned to its original dreamlike state, but some of the creatures that once lived happily here are missing.
"So these green dragons became like this because they sealed the cursed tree?"
A trace of admiration flashed in Bai Qi's eyes. These green dragons had every chance to escape, but in the end they chose to sacrifice themselves to protect their companions.
This spirit is worthy of admiration!
"In this case, we must rescue him..."
Bai Qi twisted his neck and looked at the cursed tree in the sky that had been mostly broken by Jiuyou. He said, "Since we can see these scenes, it means that the guy has already vomited out his soul, right?"
"Nicholas, I will be the supporting player this time and you will be the main attacker. Whether you can clear the nightmare power depends on how strong your dream power is!"
"Don't worry, I am now a true guardian of dreams, of course I can do it!"
Nicholas raised his head, his eyes full of determination.
Green dragons are a peace-loving race, so they will never allow their fellow dragons to continue going crazy.
"Well, let's get started~"
Bai Qi grinned and slid quickly on the Soul-Suppressing Tablet. Huge talisman arrays fell from the sky and directly hit the souls of the green dragons.
Then, a dream force wrapped in moonlight came from all directions and enveloped these crazy green dragons.
Purification begins!
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