Chapter 84: Hitomi House

The chill from the ring came like a tide. Han Fei hid in room 1084 and immediately closed the door.
"Bang! Bang! Bang!"
"The sound first appeared on the ninth floor. The ghost lives on the ninth floor!"
With his back against the door, Han Fei was in a very dangerous situation.
The eighth floor is different from the sixth floor. These rooms contain particularly terrifying things.
The ghost in the house might appear at any time, and the door was blocked by the monster. Han Fei's heartbeat began to speed up uncontrollably.
"If it doesn't work, I'll just have to go offline."
Feeling the coldness coming from his fingers, Han Fei slowly squatted down and looked at Room 1084 carefully.
The house had been renovated and was filled with some high-end furniture. One of the bedrooms had an expensive piano, and another bedroom was decorated as a princess' room with pink as the main color. There were many cute dolls on the bed and on the floor.
These didn't seem scary at first glance, but Han Fei didn't know why he felt very uncomfortable all over.
"I heard from Meng Shi that the building manager once told her not to go to the eighth floor casually."
After waiting for a long time, the coldness on Han Fei's fingers gradually dissipated. He adjusted his breathing and slowly moved his body towards the cat's eye.
Lying on the security door, Han Fei looked out. The peephole of room 1084 seemed to be blocked by something, and there were some red and black impurities.
He slowly adjusted the angle and looked carefully, but the impurities in the cat's eye blocked his view.
"Who smeared blood on the cat's eye?" Han Fei was thinking, and the red impurities were like a ping-pong ball pressed in the water that suddenly turned over, revealing the other side.
A pitch-black pupil was stuck in the cat's eye, and a bloodshot eyeball blinked slightly.
"There's an eye in the cat's eye?!"
Han Fei stepped back immediately. He couldn't imagine that he had actually looked into that eyeball at such a close distance.
"I waited until the coolness on the ring faded before I went to take a look. By then, the ghost living on the ninth floor had already left, so the eye in the cat's eye was not his."
Han Fei felt that he could not stay here for long. The extremely uncomfortable feeling was becoming stronger and stronger.
He reached out to grab the door lock and tried to open the door, but suddenly found that the security door was not moving at all!
"It's not locked, why can't it be opened?"
A huge fear descended upon him in an instant, and Han Fei knew that he was being targeted.
"This door can't be opened. Even if I quit the game now, I will still log in in this room next time. Without the trump card of logging off, I might be even more passive."
Gritting his teeth, Han Fei was not a man who gave up easily, otherwise he would not have lived until now.
Looking at the terrifying cat's eye, Han Fei did something that ordinary people would never do.
He lay on the door again and looked into the peephole.
If he wants to defeat his opponent, he must first understand him. He plans to find out what kind of ghost is hiding in room 1084 on the eighth floor.
Even though he knew there was an eyeball in the cat's eye, Han Fei still moved closer to continue watching. He wanted to try to see if he could find the answer in that eyeball.
Han Fei had already planned to look the other person in the eye, but when he went over again, the eye was gone.
"The door still can't be opened, but the eyes are gone."
Without doing anything rash, Han Fei stood at the door and used his extraordinary memory to memorize the locations of all the furniture and items in the house.
"I didn't see any portraits, talismans, or altars. There was no blood or anything obviously abnormal in the room. If I had to say something strange, it would be that there were a lot of dolls in the room."
Some of the dolls were placed on the bed, some were thrown on the ground, and some were torn to reveal the yellow stuffing inside.
“Will ghosts reside in dolls?”
Han Fei didn't hate rag dolls, but in this situation, he was terrified of all human-like things.
"Tick, tick, tick..."
In the dead silence, there was a sound of dripping water. Han Fei looked in the direction of the sound and found that the faucet in the bathroom was dripping.
"When I first came in, the faucet was fine."
He moved slowly to the bathroom door and took a look at the mirror and shower corner before going in, as these were the places where ghosts were most likely to hide.
"Is the faucet not closed tightly? " Han Fei turned the switch and found that the faucet was not closed tightly, but was not closed at all: "The faucet is obviously not closed, but why is there no water flowing? Is it blocked by something?"
He leaned over and saw a bloodshot eyeball slipping from the faucet and being washed directly into the sewer by the tap water.
Everything happened so fast that Han Fei didn't even react.
"Is it an eyeball that's blocking the water pipe?"
He was very close to the faucet just now, and when the eyeball slid down, it seemed that the pupil moved slightly, as if it glanced at him.
"What's going on in this house?"
Han Fei now finally understood why he had such an uncomfortable feeling. It felt as if a pair of eyes were staring at him.
Han Fei had goose bumps on the back of his neck and felt panicked, but he did not show any fear on the surface because he knew that even if he was afraid, it would not change anything.
Slowly exiting the bathroom, a place with heavy yin energy, Han Fei walked to the coffee table in the living room and picked up the fruit knife on the table.
"The system can identify the special objects I touched. Next time the eyeball appears, I'll see if I can find a way to touch it."
Han Fei was also forced into a desperate situation, so he came up with such a risky method.
The door cannot be opened. Since I can't escape, I can only look for clues in the house.
After Han Fei briefly checked the living room, he walked to the bedroom door.
He looked at the princess' room with dolls all over the floor, but he didn't have the courage to go in. He was afraid that the dolls would suddenly come alive and pounce on him.
Avoiding the princess's room, Han Fei walked to the door of another bedroom.
There are a lot of things in this bedroom, including a piano, a bookcase, a single bed, and various paintings hanging on the walls.
"Something's not right."
Han Fei looked around the room and found a pillow under the single bed in the bedroom, as if someone often hid under the bed.
Holding the fruit knife tightly in his hand, Han Fei entered the bedroom. He bent down to take out the pillow from under the bed and suddenly found many marks left by fingernails on the edge of the bed.
He followed the trace and slowly put his head under the bed. To his surprise, he found the same sentence densely written under the bed board - It's looking at me!
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