Chapter 82 They Are Coming

As the fleet sailed towards Nanhua with the wind, Nanhua was also preparing for the arrival of new immigrants. For Zhu Xianhai, this batch of immigrants was of great significance - not only would it make Nanhua's population jump to over five digits, but Nanhua was also in urgent need of people right now!
After all, Nanhua is about to usher in its "God-blessed" period.
"The war finally broke out..."
Looking at the news about the outbreak of the Civil War in the newspaper, Zhu Xianhai couldn't help but sigh.
"My dear, how long do you think this war in America will last?"
Elizabeth said.
"Many people in the newspapers said that this war would only last a few months at most."
In response to her question, Zhu Xianhai asked back.
"How long will the war in the Province of Buenos Aires last?"
In 1861, it was not just the United States that was at war. As in history, the military minister launched a rebellion, and the war between the Buenos Aires Province and the Confederation broke out. In the life simulator, Zhu Xianhai died twice in this civil war.
And now?
Whether it is the civil war in Argentina or the Civil War in North America, it will become an opportunity for South China to rise.
"Are you saying that this civil war in the United States will last for a long time?"
Elizabeth asked.
"Is that why you had people buying cotton in large quantities? Or did you predict that war would break out?"
Looking at the man in front of her in surprise, Elizabeth's eyes were full of curiosity about what made him conclude that this war had broken out.
"That's for sure. Southerners are definitely going to defend their property, aren't they?"
Zhu Xianhai smiled.
"The North needs the South's cotton, and the South needs slaves to pick the cotton. Once a war breaks out, it will never end unless there is a winner. Of course, more importantly, don't you realize that this war comes at the right time?"
Elizabeth was puzzled.
"I mean, this war comes at the right time. If nothing unexpected happens, Buffett should arrive in Nanhua within a month. He has brought a large number of equipment, including equipment for producing weapons and equipment for producing explosives. These equipment can ensure that we can get unimaginable returns during this war!"
It's not just unimaginable, it's like a blessing from heaven.
In history, the United States rose to prominence by relying on war profits. Now we are just copying the path they took. Of course, at that time they sold arms to others to kill people, but now we sell arms to them to kill people themselves. This is called tit for tat.
"Hmm... this seems very immoral!"
Elizabeth's brows were slightly furrowed, as if she felt a little burdened.
But after a moment, she said again.
"But this is just business right?"
Of course, this is just a business. It is people who kill people, not guns or explosives. Guns and explosives are just... tools.
"But dear..."
After thinking for a moment, Elizabeth looked out the window at the town and said.
"These factories need people, which means you need to have enough workers to be able to produce enough products."
Zhu Xianhai smiled.
"They are on their way . If nothing goes wrong, they will arrive in the next few days..."
As he finished , he once again looked towards the bay with anticipation. Soon, they would arrive here.
Sometimes, some people come faster than them.
Just as Zhu Xianhai was waiting for his compatriots to arrive with great anticipation, the Mapuche people who had looted in Buenos Aires Province returned victoriously.
It's not about winning, but about being chased.
Although this time the Mapuche tribes formed a coalition of more than 6,000 people, and attacked the Argentine settlements, 300 pioneers were killed and nearly 200,000 cattle were taken away. But this time they kicked the iron plate. Although the former military minister Bartolomé Mitre had just seized Buenos Aires through a coup, and although Urquiza still controlled Entre Rios and other provinces to fight against him, Mitre, who had just come to power, proved his ability to the people for his own prestige. Facing another invasion by the Mapuche, although the internal situation was not stable, Mitre decided to send his confidants to lead elite cavalry to pursue the Mapuche.
As with every previous raid, this time, after the raid was successful, before crossing the Colorado River, the Mapuche tribal coalition split up and returned to their own homes. They would wait until summer, drive the cattle across the Andes, and bring the cattle and looted supplies to Chile to exchange for goods with Chilean merchants.
However, this time, they were followed by a group of elite Argentine cavalry. Unfortunately, Chief Manuel Namunguza, who was actually the weakest, was targeted.
They only pick on the weak because Chief Namonguza lost hundreds of people in Nanhua.
“Damn white people.”
Once again, Chief Namonguza looked into the distance with a guilty look on his face.
"Are the white men chasing us?"
"Chief, they should still be following us. We only have two choices now, Chief..."
Juan looked at the chief and said,
"Either we let those gauchos keep attacking us like flies, or we abandon the cattle and leave here decisively."
When mentioning the gauchos, Juan even looked towards the distance with some uneasiness. Those gauchos were brave and strong cavalrymen like them, but the gauchos not only had spears but also revolvers that could fire six shots continuously. For them, this was the most deadly.
"If that happens, everyone in the tribe will starve!"
Chief Namunguza said without hesitation.
"The people in the tribe are still waiting for us to bring the cattle back, otherwise they will starve! Damn the gauchos, why are they biting us like flies!"
Because you stink.
"It's all because of those Chinese. If they hadn't killed so many of us, the Gauchos wouldn't just chase us. They would definitely chase them too..."
Before he finished speaking, there was a sound of horse hooves in the distance, and bursts of gunfire following the sound of horse hooves.
"It's the gauchos!"
Facing the gaucho cavalry rushing towards them like tigers and wolves, and listening to the rapid gunfire, Chief Namonguza seemed to have thought of something. He looked in the direction of Nanhua and said excitedly.
"Juan, take a few people with you to ask for help from the Huaxia people. Ask them to come to our aid. We can give them half of our cattle as a thank you gift. They have steam monsters and rapid-fire muskets, so they will definitely be able to defeat the Gauchos..."
"But, will they come?"
In response to Juan's question, Chief Namunguza said affirmatively.
"They will definitely come!"
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024