Chapter 82 The inside story of Life Factory

Chapter 82 The Inside Story of Life Factory

"What is hidden at the core of Life Factory?"

Shu Mo asked, they were walking in the real place, because they briefly obtained the Lord of Absurdity experience card a few days ago, Greed He still has absolute control over the absurd drama, and the essence of the absurd drama is still held in Shu Mo's hands. The little spider is now on the verge of crying and looks extremely miserable.

As they walked, they ordered the absurd theater to stop all death games. Before it could pretend to be dead, greed had already raised its hand. Then, whether it was the monsters still killing in a spree in the theater, or the monsters using themselves in the casino Gamblers who used their fate as chips suddenly discovered that the death games in front of them stopped one after another.

Those ferocious monsters wanted to continue killing, but were suddenly trapped in place and unable to move. Greed had absolute control over all the monsters in the area. They could not even escape from the area. Able to stand still and wait for judgment.

In the alley, a ball of viscous fluid dripped on the ground, turning into a monster full of fangs. It looked at the passers-by in front, its eyes full of turbid malice, and its big eyes looked at the people who were close at hand. Food, just when she was about to open her mouth to swallow it, the passerby turned around and felt a fishy wind coming. Just when she was about to scream in fear, she suddenly found that the monster in front of her opened its mouth as wide as possible. , suddenly froze in place, and then the whole person froze.

"...Eat, eat you..." The monster roared and wanted to take a bite. Then, it found that it could not move.

The woman's face was trembling with fear. After a moment, she found that the monster in front of her was just making a predatory posture and could not move. She was so frightened that she almost stumbled to the ground under the extreme fear and almost overturned the trash can next to her. , she was frightened, and she didn’t know if it was because of a twitch in her head. The woman turned around and picked up the trash can next to her, which contained a large handful of ashes thrown out from the casino. She aimed it at the card as if she had been stimulated by something. He poured it in with a big mouth: "Eat, I let you eat!"

Because the monster's mouth was opened to the maximum, it could only watch the pile of things fall into its mouth in an extremely smooth way, and then slide directly into its stomach. , the monster's eyes became frightened, and after a moment, it burst into tears, and even shed a tear, and could only watch the woman run away without looking back.

For a moment, ordinary people no matter where they were were stunned for a moment, and then escaped from the shackles of the death games after being tempted. Some hunters from the Corona Organization were also among them, and their mission was to protect civilians. At the same time, they solved the mystery of the death game. This was also a way to suppress absurd drama, but the method was much gentler. At this time, although they were at a loss, they still made a response and immediately gathered the out-of-control crowd to appease them. .

"O-17-FG-There is something strange happening in the field of absurd drama. These monsters be controlled?"

"We must take this opportunity to rescue more civilians," said the hunter in black, who had a pair of strange colors. Her eyes and black hair were as black as lacquer: "But at the same time, we must avoid causing chaos."

The man standing next to her said, "Did Master Chute and the others come and suppress the absurd drama?"

Everyone raised their faces and saw This huge domain seemed to be collapsing from the inside, slowly revealing a corner of the outside world. They were trapped in this eggshell-like area, looking at the blue sky that reappeared on the horizon, and they were in trance for a moment.

"But... we didn't receive the notification." The woman was a little confused, but she quickly didn't delve into it any further. Regardless of whether it was caused by the corona or not, what's more important now is to rescue more people as soon as possible.

Then, a discordant voice suddenly sounded. It was the people from the Trial Hall who walked out of the crowd and said to them: "It must be the Holy Lady who has come to rescue us."

He looked at the crowd below and continued: "The Pillar God has not abandoned us. You and I must have been saved by His will."

Hunters from the Corona Organization: "..."

Looking at this scene, the woman lowered the brim of her hat. After she and her colleagues looked at each other, they said something. Without saying anything, she slowly moved out of the way. Behind her, a hunter with a sinister face raised an extra large extended version of the heavy-loaded sniper rifle in his hand. Some people believed it when they said it was a strange-looking sniper cannon. , after he whistled, he pointed the sniper scope at the priest standing above and talking. Damn, if you stand so high, I will shoot whoever you don't shoot.

The priest who was just about to let the common people believe in the Pillar God suddenly felt a chill on his back. The hairs on his body no longer stood up, but wanted to jump off his body and crawl. The man turned around and saw the sniper rifle. After his cheeks twitched, he jumped down from the high platform in a pissed off manner and prepared to escape. Unexpectedly, the bullet flying in the air had its own navigation system. After turning 180° in the air, it hit the priest's back. He almost exploded in the air. fireworks.

"Let's go." The man chewed gum and said. He patted his beloved baby and said, "Go and complete our mission."

Shu Mo didn't know how many people his actions had saved. The most important thing for the black-haired young man now was He went to look for the branch of the Life Factory that he had just seen. There, he heard an unprecedented painful cry for help, as if the cries of thousands of people were echoing in his ears. Shu Mo had a strong premonition that that It means that he is about to know some secrets that he should know in the first place.

Time is running out now, and the people in the trial will not give up easily. Shu Mo has to complete everything before they arrive. Fortunately, the place of reality is the most secret core of the absurd drama. Even the people in the trial, It’s also hard to get here quickly.

Because of their greedy positioning, they kept shuttling back and forth in the real place. The time and space here were extremely chaotic. It seemed that only a short while had passed, and it seemed that they had walked for a long time. Gradually, Shu Mo and his party saw a field ahead. Building complex, the remains of the Life Factory are located here. When he saw the pure white building, Shu Mo felt an indescribable feeling of disgust in his heart, as if it was something extremely strange.

With that special material and strange colors, from a distance, it seems that the whole building has some kind of weird activity, but it is now "dead" due to the disaster that occurred from within.

"This is the branch of Life Factory."

The captain stood next to Shu Mo and pointed to the dilapidated building in front of him, which is the main building of Life Factory: "I have been here before."

"Do you remember the road here? ?" Shu Mo frowned. The closer he got, the more uncomfortable he felt. Strangely, he was the only one among them who felt this way.

"The internal structure of each branch is different," the captain said. "The last time I came here was a few years ago. At that time, I just wanted to find the weavers..."

The captain's words ended here. Continue, you can tell from his tone that his previous experience here was not very good, but it doesn't matter. The man took a deep breath, and his eyes became moist for a moment. Now, he can come to greet his father. .

"Shu Mo, the core place inside the Life Factory is a restricted area for all employees. Only the senior executives of the Trial Office and several senior executives of the Life Factory can enter there." The captain walked slowly forward inside the collapsed building. Inside the Life Factory, you can still vaguely see the scene when the absurd drama was born. Not all the employees here died at that moment. They even resisted for a long time, but they were either dragged into the realm of absurd drama or were killed. Swallowed by the contaminants trapped within it.

The pollutants originally locked up in the life factory were either fighting each other or being sucked into the realm of absurd drama. There were all kinds of blood stains and signs of destruction on the walls and ceiling, and the floor was cracked. , sticky asphalt was still flowing out from some places, and the whole building was indescribably quiet, a bit strangely quiet. After Shu Mo and his party walked for a while, they realized: they didn't even see any employees along the way. Of the corpses, only empty clothes could be seen, as if the person lying on the ground was suddenly swallowed by something.

Shu Mo turned around and looked at Greed behind him. The man shook his head, which meant that he didn't know what was happening here.


The little spider was weakly held in Greedy's hand. The man seemed to regard it as an interesting toy, holding it in his hand and swinging it around from time to time. It could no longer seduce Greedy, and now it only Being able to be humiliated and played with.


Shu Mo looked at it, and the little spider let out a cry, which meant that it only had the memory from the moment it was born to the present. Even if it dragged the branch of the Life Factory into the domain, it would only use it as a Part of itself is slowly eroding, and it doesn't know what happened inside the Life Factory after the disaster.

Shu Mo looked at it. After a moment, he seemed to be aware of Shu Mo's displeasure. Greedy curled his fingers and flicked the absurd drama, and chuckled: "Trash."


It shrank its head and dared to I dare not speak when I am angry.

The group continued to move forward, and the closer they got to the central area, the more obvious the indescribable strange feeling became. Shu Mo had to stop to take a breath, cover his sore head and frown. The black-haired young man looked more and more uncomfortable. Greedy held him in his arms and gently comforted him. The captain looked at this scene and felt that he shouldn't be here for some reason.

He felt that his body was emitting a strong white light. A tall and beautiful man with gorgeous purple hair was holding a black-haired young man with cold sweat on his face. The other person's handsome face was covered with a light sweat, and his mouth was open. Panting like oxygen, Greedy hugged him completely. He was a bit taller than Shu Mo. Although the hug was cold, Shu Mo felt an indescribable sense of security.

"Don't be afraid." Greedy hugged him and stroked Shu Mo's back soothingly. His fingers traced behind him with just the right amount of force, falling into the waistline and hugging his narrowed waist tightly: "I'm here. "

Shu Mo held his hand and the black-haired young man said with difficulty: "I heard many voices, those crying and begging for mercy."

Shu Mo said almost sobbing, almost retching: "They are very uncomfortable... "

He clenched his greedy hand hard and instinctively wanted to rush to the victim's side, but there were no living creatures in the life factory.

"Shu Mo," Greedy said. His sweet voice echoed in Shu Mo's ears. The man gently rubbed his earlobes, then blocked his ears: "Don't be affected by those sounds."

" What you should care about most is to ensure your own safety first. "Greedy said: "You have to remember that you are Shu Mo, understand?"

Shu Mo knew what he was talking about. The black-haired young man closed his eyes and pressed down. Under the white light that was about to surge out of his eyes, his expression gradually calmed down, and then he nodded.

They have now come to the forked road. For some reason, several people have walked through many identical forked roads inside the Life Factory, but they seem to be trapped in a maze and cannot get out. Although the captain is very anxious now, he does not dare to go there. At this time, he opened his mouth to disturb Shu Mo: Greedy's sickle is quite sharp, and Shu Mo's condition is indeed not very good.

"Captain, don't you know what to do next?"

The captain hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "Logically speaking, we can run around the Life Factory now, but now, we still have Take a detour here."

"The structure here is a bit strange." The captain rubbed his eyebrows: "The employees working here always hear all kinds of screams, and they also say that they always feel like something is watching them. Many people suspect that they have mental problems, but to be honest, if they don't have mental problems, they are abnormal."

The captain made a rare joke, although it didn't sound funny. Shu Mo looked at the mess in front of him and said. The captain entered every holding room along the way, but did not find the figure he wanted to find in it. Instead, he found several diaries from the offices of several employees.

Who keeps a diary these days?

The price of truth far away suddenly sneezed.

They thought so, and then opened the diary. The strange thing was that there were no employees' names on it, only their numbers.


No. 2.14.

Damn, something seems wrong about this place. I always suspected that my roommate was spying on me, even when I was taking a shower, but we are both men!

I can't stand it anymore. Next time I catch him spying on me, I will beat him up.

3.14: I caught my roommate on the spot and sent him to the infirmary, but...why did I still feel like someone was watching me in the room where I was alone?

3.15: I wrongly blamed my roommate. He said he came into my room and stared at me for hours at night just because he liked me. The most important thing is that the peeping person was not him.

4.12: I'm going crazy, I can't stand it anymore... Stop looking at me. How can you let us go? I just joined hands with someone from another group and entered the core area. I was really just passing by. I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy! Why do you say I'm hallucinating?

4.25: I asked a member of that group and she just told me:

You will get used to it.

4.26: I can't bear it anymore, something is getting into my skin, it wants to eat me, it's looking at me, there are bugs under my skin, I want to tear all my skin off, there are Things are in my body, I want to pluck out my eyes, I want this to be over, completely over. 】

After these few paragraphs, there is nothing else, but the handwriting on the last page has reached the extreme level of frenzy, as if the employee who wrote this diary also completely fell into madness at that time. After writing, he was just writing repeatedly. One sentence: I want to end this.

These seven short words were densely stacked together, making people feel that his spirit had completely collapsed. Generally speaking, employees who fell into this situation would basically be "cleaned up" by Life Factory, but the captain did not expect that However, after turning another page, he only saw one photo, which was a man tied to the bed. He was covered in blood stains that he had scratched, and they were densely covered all over his body, and in this photo Under the photo, there is a line of words:

[Don't be afraid, I will always... take care of you. 】

That line of handwriting is completely different from the previous handwriting. The fonts are all exquisite cursive. For some reason, the captain can even feel a strong joy when reading this line of words, as if the other party is happy, so that he can I have been raising this employee.

Shu Mo also took a look and fell silent: "...there seems to be something special in the core area."

Shu Mo tried his best to skim the last line without making any comments, and the captain also tried his best to ignore that sentence. But Naihe took a look at the information revealed, and then he nodded thoughtfully: "That's great, he loves him very much."

"Don't you think so?"

Captain and Shu Mo said nothing. Their silence was deafening.

Shu Mo and Shu Mo slowly put the diary aside and said with a cold face: "Do you know how many employees like H-471 there are in the Life Factory?"

The captain looked at him, then shook his head: " Too many, but they are basically just low-level employees. Even if employees like this disappear, they will only be recorded as normal losses. "

While they were communicating, an unknown voice came from the side:" Don't ignore me..."

Shu Mo looked at the captain and knew that the other party had to fight through the selection process and must have seen many similar scenes. After they opened several other diaries and took a look, Shu Mo said They closed it with an expressionless face. No serious person could write a diary. In addition to a few worthless diaries, they also saw the diary of H-471's cohabitant. In addition to the other person's diary, the other person's diary was recorded in a horrifyingly detailed way. Apart from the actions of the cohabitants, there is only a little description of the inside of the life factory.

[The core is a very strange place. Many people enter there and never come out. The employees working there are lifeless. I hope nothing happens to him. ]

Then something really happened to H-471. After the cohabitant was heartbroken for a while, he wrote:

[There is something wrong with his brain, it doesn't matter, I will always take care of him. ]

Shu Mo slowly put the diary back into the room. He thought to himself that if it weren't for special circumstances, he would never touch anyone's diary again.

They had already wasted too much time here. Shu Mo frowned and then said: "Let me do it."

The captain made way for him, while Greedy behind him protected Shu Mo. Anyone who wanted to do it at this time Everything that appears in front of them will be directly beheaded by Greed. Greed looked at the black-haired young man, and then blinked: "It doesn't matter. If you have another problem, I will wake you up as soon as possible."

Shu Mo: "... ...No, don't do that."

He took a deep breath, and the crown on his head suddenly burst into light. Then, the black-haired young man's eyes suddenly turned pure white, and his whole body's temperament changed, and his eyes changed. He became indifferent and stared at him greedily. He was about to reach out and start to harm himself. Shu Mo immediately stopped him. Only then did the two of them confirm that Shu Mo had not lost his mind.

"Follow me." Although he said this, Shu Mo's voice became clearer and ethereal, like a hymn being sung, and when it passed over the eardrums, people felt like they were being washed by it. It was a sound that made people involuntarily immersed in it. The captain closed his eyes and felt that all the fatigue in his body had faded away, and Greed beside him also felt that his body was being washed by it. He looked at the back of the young man in front of him. , his eyes became brighter and brighter: "I like it so much..."

Shu Mo was walking ahead, and when he encountered the previous fork, the black-haired young man did not choose one of the paths, but turned around directly. He pressed his hand on the wall, and in the next second, a white light spread slowly, and the entire building seemed to be dissolved by it, letting out a hoarse and fuzzy scream. This was the first time the captain heard a building scream, and his eyes widened. , when he thought that he seemed to have lived in such a branch for several years, the corner of the man's eyes twitched.

Shu Mo put down his hand, and a new road appeared in front of him. After several people walked into it, what they saw now was completely different from what it seemed on the surface.


The captain was startled for a moment, and then said: "Is this the core of the Life Factory?"

He had never been here before, and was not even qualified to enter here. The man's pace involuntarily accelerated. In front of him, a Another hollow breeding nest is either hanging on the wall or in a breeding bed. There are red-haired men with similar faces in it. He is curled up in the water, and every part of his body has its own deformity. , it has no breath that any living thing should have, it is like a stillborn fetus that has lost its life after being created, and the same sentence is marked on each of the training nests:

[V-777-012 sample number.

Son of Gaia. 】

" is it possible."

Shu Mo stopped and looked at the red-haired boy in front of him who was submerged in the water. He looked to be only ten years old. His eyes were half-open, and there was no life in his dark pupils. , Shu Mo looked at it, it was the most humanoid of all the samples, but even this red-haired boy was just one of the samples.

Under it, there is a research information.

[Sample No. V-632-011.

Matching degree: 63%. It is already the most similar to the second generation of the 'Son of Gaia' in this batch. I heard that the similarity of the samples cultivated in another life factory even reached 80%. It is really surprising. People envy.

However, even so, Gaia still does not recognize the second generation of children as his children, but it does not matter. One day, we will make an exact replica of the son of Gaia. This achievement can only be cultivated by my branch. out.

The flesh and blood of the 'Son of Gaia' is no longer enough to make more samples. We can only use the Miracle Stone to keep him alive. We hope that our department can transport more flesh and blood of the second-generation descendants. This batch of samples should be enough. We absorb this outpouring of 'filth'. ]

Shu Mo looked at these words quietly. After a moment, his eyes fell on the experimenter's last words. The other person's tone was full of admiration for the Life Factory:

[I don't know who it is. It is really strange to think of capturing the 'Son of Gaia' and eating its flesh and blood to create a second generation of descendants to come closer to Gaia. The Son of Gaia is actually His most beloved child, but he is just an ordinary person.

Gaia actually exists and is trapped in the headquarters of the Life Factory. If it were not for using his flesh and blood to absorb the filth pouring out of the tower, the entire tower would have been flooded with pollutants long ago.

This is really a miracle. If it weren't for the feat of Life Factory, the tower would have been eroded by filth long ago. The people in the trial are right, we are saving everything here. 】

Jul 18, 2024
Jul 18, 2024
Jul 18, 2024
Jul 18, 2024