Chapter 81: Night Ghost of the Ghost Clan

"Although their souls have been taken away, there is a close connection between their bodies and souls. I just used the soul-searching technique on his body and have roughly found the location of the soul."
We climbed out of the courtyard wall, and Lu Xiaofeng walked in front towards the outside of the village. Although I was very reluctant, I had no choice but to follow closely behind.
"Are the ghost tribe very powerful?"
I asked a little worriedly.
"What? Are you scared?"
Lu Xiaofeng turned her head and glanced at me. I wanted to quibble, but this time there was no contempt in the girl's eyes. I snorted and said, "This is a life-threatening matter. Of course I am scared. Aren't you afraid of death?"
"Of course I am afraid of death, but now that we have become hunters on patrol, do you think we can avoid danger?"
She asked back.
"Then at least we can try to avoid danger, just like this time, knowing the danger, but still going. How does the saying go, knowing there is a tiger in the mountain, but still going there, isn't this like a sheep walking into the tiger's mouth?"
"You haven't read much, but you have a lot of wrong ideas. Since you are afraid, just wait here."
She said something and walked forward faster. I paused and looked around. We were walking in the fields, surrounded by farmland, many of which were still planted with crops. The sky and the earth were pitch black, and there was silence. I couldn't help but feel nervous. When I turned around again, Lu Xiaofeng was already far away, and I could hardly see him anymore. I ran away and followed him in one breath.
"Why aren't you scared anymore?"
The girl's tone was slightly mocking.
"Tsk, I'm not even afraid of ghosts, so why would I be afraid of a person?"
"You will soon find out that the people of the ghost tribe are much scarier than ghosts."
My heart tightened, but I still said stubbornly, "He uses ghosts to practice, he must be as good as a ghost. By then, my Moon Wheel will devour him in a minute."
Soon we were quite some distance away from the village. I looked back, but the village was no longer visible to me.
"Girl, how far is it?"
"It should be soon."
I couldn't help but feel creepy when I thought that this ghost tribe could actually take away a person's soul while they were asleep, and from such a distance. Damn, this magic could kill people without them even noticing.
As I was thinking about it, my palm suddenly felt slightly numb, and then my moon felt numb and itchy.
"Hey, girl, there's something going on. The moon has responded. There's a ghost nearby!"
I said quickly.
Lu Xiaofeng stopped, looked at me, then made a seal, looked around, and finally looked to the front right.
"found it."
She dispersed the spell and spoke in a low voice. Her voice was very low, so I thought they had arrived. I lowered my voice and asked, "How is it? How many people are there on the other side?"
She shook her head and said, "We can't see it . We need to get closer. Your moon disc is reacting, which means there are not only souls but also ghosts here."
I read in a book before that ghosts formed after death are also souls, but they are different from the souls of living people. First of all, the energy fluctuations of the two are obviously different, and ghosts are yin, while the souls of living people are yang. It can be said that they are two completely opposite energies.
Thinking of this, I felt a little strange, so I asked Lu Xiaofeng, "The ghost tribe can exorcise ghosts and raise ghosts, and use ghosts to practice ghost ways. Logically, the people of the ghost tribe should be like ghosts, gloomy and spooky. How can they capture the souls of living people?"
"It's such a simple question, can't you figure it out? Yin and Yang attract each other, just like men like women. Ghosts like to get close to living people and cause trouble, it's the same principle."
"Oh my god, that's fine. That's not right. Why do some people say that ghosts don't dare to approach a person because he has strong yang energy, but those with weak yang energy are more likely to attract ghosts?"
"Yin and Yang attract each other, and they also exist in opposition. Low-level ghosts can only get close to people with weak Yang energy. Well, you can read books and learn this kind of theoretical knowledge later. Now the most important thing is the matter at hand."
Damn, doesn’t this dampen my interest in studying?
Lu Xiaofeng slowed down a lot, and after walking for a while, we came to a small river. We came along the road, and there happened to be a stone bridge on the river at this location.
"Why haven't the Hunters Guild arrived yet? How will they find us when they arrive?"
I asked in a low voice.
"I have reported our location. Every hunter registered with the guild has a communication device. Once it is turned on, the guild can monitor our location."
The technology is pretty advanced.
We slid down the slope, walked across the stone bridge, and climbed up the river bank. As soon as we emerged from the water, a night wind blew over us, carrying a chill that made it almost impossible for me to breathe.
This wasn't the kind of cold that felt like low temperatures, but the kind of chilly, bone-chilling cold that made my hair stand on end. I couldn't help but shiver slightly.
Then, the numbness and itchiness in my palm suddenly intensified, and my heart tightened. I said in surprise, "Girl, something's wrong."
As soon as I said this, Lu Xiaofeng suddenly reached out and pressed my head. My body sank and I fell to the ground, rolling down the slope uncontrollably.
What the hell?
As soon as I stopped, a roar suddenly sounded from above. I quickly turned over and looked up. Lu Xiaofeng was no longer where she was just now.
There was another loud bang, like the sound of a huge object falling to the ground, very dull.
"Hey, where did this little mouse come from in the middle of the night? How dare you disturb your ghost grandfather's good deeds?"
A strange voice sounded from above, which sounded a bit like the voice of an old eunuch on TV, sharp and thin.
Grandpa Ghost? Grandpa Turtle, you are still the Turtle Hermit. The one who is talking must be the ghost who is making trouble here. From the noise above, it seems that Lu Xiaofeng has already fought with this ghost.
"You are Baili Feng, the Night Ghost among the four ghosts of the Ghost Clan?"
The voice of Lu Xiaofeng was heard again. She sounded surprised and her voice seemed a little weak. Damn, could she have been injured in the blink of an eye?
"Hey, little girl, you know my name. I'll give you a beautiful death. Do you want me to roast you, steam you, or eat you raw? Hehehe!"
The sarcastic voice sounded again.
Damn it, he actually eats people!
"Yegui, you are also a big shot. Although you are a ghost, there are still many hunters who fear you. I didn't expect that you would fall to the point of harming ordinary people for cultivation."
There was sarcasm in Lu Xiaofeng's voice.
"Humph! Awe? What do you know, little girl? How dare you, a little girl with barely grown hair, laugh at me?"
The night ghost's voice suddenly became sharper, and a gust of wind blew up from above. Then Lu Xiaofeng screamed.
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