Chapter 81: Instant kill record!

Swish, swish, swish!
Hundreds of ferocious rats emerged from the sewage outlet.
There were even more ferocious rats stuck in the sewage pipe, scrambling and struggling to move.
The fierce rat that rushed out had red eyes and rapid breathing, and pounced madly on the rice ball with added ingredients, completely ignoring the existence of Meng Chao.
Dozens of fierce rats surrounded the rice ball, and more fierce rats climbed up by stepping on the backs of the former. Soon, they formed ten disgusting "rat mountains"!
"How did he do that?"
Several examiners were dumbfounded. "Why aren't these ferocious rats afraid of him? Why are they so crowded? This is simply delivering goods to his door!"
"Have you noticed? These are all male rats."
An officer with a scruffy beard and face covered with monster claw marks narrowed his eyes. "If I'm not mistaken, classmate Meng Chao just harvested the reproductive glands of five female rats, and used stimulants extracted from insect juice and emergency medicine to stimulate the hormones in the reproductive glands, and sent the smell deep into the sewage pipe, making the fierce rats inside mistakenly believe that the breeding season has arrived.
"Under the control of the reproductive instinct, the ravenous rats will run out like crazy, not caring about their own lives."
Many examiners and strong men remained silent.
For many organisms, "reproduction" is indeed more important than "survival".
The fierce rat is also a monster with amazing reproductive ability. A female rat can mature in a few months and reproduce hundreds of offspring a year. Relying on its huge numbers, it once harassed humans to the point of causing them great misery.
Now, they use chemical substances and infrasound to stimulate the vicious rats to make them mentally disordered, and it is indeed very easy for them to be controlled again.
The rat colony near the sewage outlet has swelled to several thousand individuals.
Just as these male rats were twitching violently.
Meng Chao pulled the rings of all the grenades and incendiary bombs at lightning speed and threw them out at once.
He retreated quickly and hid in a ravine.
Boom boom boom boom!
The explosion of dozens of grenades and incendiary bombs was, if not earth-shattering, at least deafening.
The flames shot up into the sky, shocking countless candidates.
"It's the sound of grenades. Who brought so many grenades?"
"It's fine if he brought so many grenades, but he just threw them all out at once. Does this idiot want to blow up a raven a hundred times?"
"I just saw it, it seems to be an idiot from No. 9 Middle School!"
In the monitoring center, the overlapping fireballs also caused shock.
"How many fierce rats did Meng Chao kill with his explosion?"
"He has created a new record for instant kills in the undergraduate practical test in Longcheng over the years, right?"
"It only took one second to kill more than many elites from the three famous schools in half an hour!"
The grenade exploded at a very close distance above the heads of the mavericks, and lethal fragments fell like scalding iron rain, killing hundreds of mavericks on the spot.
Even if the vigilance of some of the fierce rats could overcome their instincts, they were surrounded by their own kind and could not get through. The mud under their feet was quite sticky. In just half a second, they were not enough to get out and were reduced to ashes by the incendiary bombs.
The result was that Meng Chao killed too many ferocious rats in an instant, causing the system to be overloaded and even the super brain to experience delays.
It took a full ten seconds before bright red data appeared on the screen.
"Candidate Meng Chao, current score: 672 points!"
One point is counted for each fiercely biting rat. Meng Chao had not scored a single point before this.
In other words, with this wave of grenade attacks alone, he killed and burned nearly 700 fierce rats.
You know, even the three strongest elites in this examination room only scored around 700.
It’s not that Luo Hai and the other two’s shooting skills are inaccurate, but that they have a limited number of bullets.
In the armies of major countries on Earth, the standard amount of ammunition carried by a single soldier is approximately two to three hundred rounds.
After crossing into the alien world, the physical fitness of individual soldiers was greatly improved, the ammunition base was doubled, and most of the elites exchanged seven or eight hundred rounds of bullets.
Even if every shot of theirs was fatal and never missed its target, they could only get 700 points, and it would greatly consume their physical strength, eyesight and mental state.
You know, accurate shooting is not as simple as standing and pulling the trigger . Especially when hunting "small, fast and agile" targets like gnats, every time you hold your breath, aim and shoot, you have to mobilize thousands of muscle fibers and nerve bundles, which is even more tiring than swinging a sword vigorously ten times.
Luo Hai and his two companions fought so hard that their eyes bled to accumulate such great achievements, but Meng Chao easily caught up with them while humming a tune and eating chocolate.
“This is really…”
The strong men who witnessed this scene felt very complicated.
Of course, the candidates in the audience were even more shocked than them.
Everything is compared to actual combat, everyone is a "comrade-in-arms", sharing combat data and knowing each other's scores.
This will also allow lagging candidates to adjust their strategies in time and catch up.
Meng Chao had been at the bottom of the list, but suddenly soared to the top of the list, which made the other candidates who had been fighting hard in the college entrance examination, stunned for a long time.
Deep inside the examination room, in the first workshop where the ferocious rats were most densely populated, Luo Hai, Fang Da and Xie Feng stopped fighting at the same time.
They wiped their blood-stained faces and looked at the small, glowing screen on their wrists in disbelief.
"Killing seven hundred ferocious rats in an instant? How did he do that?"
"They didn't even exchange a single bullet. How could they have killed so many people by bombing with grenades alone?"
"In the entire machinery factory, this is where the most ferocious rats are concentrated. The explosion clearly came from the outside . How could he find so many ferocious rats in such a place?"
For a moment, Fang Da and Xie Feng both stared at Luo Hai with strange eyes.
It seemed to be asking: "What kind of monster appeared in your Hulin District?"
Luo Hai was stunned for a long time and couldn't figure it out.
I could only smile and say: "Why are you standing there? It's just killing a few mice. Now comes the main event."
With a flash of the knife, the three ferocious rats were knocked away by him first, and then his throats were cut cleanly and neatly. It took only 0.1 seconds and just one knife.
"That's right. The Devouring Rat is just an appetizer. In the second half of the night, the Education Bureau will release more ferocious monsters. The score of each one is ten or even dozens of times higher than that of the Devouring Rat. I remember that Meng Chao only exchanged for the cheapest 'Lightning Blade'. It seems that he has mastered some unorthodox tricks and wants to desperately get points from the Devouring Rat. Is he not going to participate in the following tests?"
Fang Da and Xie Feng looked at each other, dropped their empty guns, drew out their super alloy swords, and started hunting at high speed.
Outside the examination room, after Meng Chao made a noise as loud as an earthquake, he looked at the scores and rankings on the display screen . He also saw the nearly 100 contribution points he got from hunting fierce rats, which popped up in the corner of his eye. He whistled.
So far, the harvest has been good.
But if you want to get into the best major, you can't take it lightly and you must give it your all.
Meng Chao's eyes were bright and he kept scanning the periphery of the explosion area.
The gnats were not the only ones to suffer in the explosion.
There were also a large number of alien insects crawling out from deep underground.
Meng Chao easily used the engineer shovel to knock out and shovel up a large pile of insect corpses.
The black-tailed bullet scorpion is a small arachnid monster with a body length of no more than ten centimeters, but it has the most "painful" venom among scorpion monsters, which directly acts on the central nervous system.
Although not fatal, the victim's wound is painful like being hit by a bullet, hence the name.
The red giant centipede has a violent temper and its poison is extremely toxic, causing the victim's muscles to spasm, hallucinations, and even convulsions and coma.
Meng Chao harvested the venom glands and sacs of seven or eight species of alien insects, mixed them together with the stimulant in the first aid kit, and added sugars and gels from field rations to make a sticky liquid.
Then, he used the jaws on the multi-purpose engineer shovel to cut dozens of shallow cuts on both sides of the lightning knife.
He used a small brush, dipped it in the venom, and brushed it onto the blade.
"He's poisoning me!"
"He actually concocted a natural venom that acts on both nerves and muscles, and applied it to the sword!"
In the monitoring center, Meng Chao's slightly strange behavior naturally caused bursts of exclamations.
Many military experts marveled at this little fellow who looked so young, how could he be so skilled and calm, just like a veteran who had been fighting in the deep fog for decades?
Meng Chao applied the venom carefully and waved the sword to make sure it would not slip away.
Suddenly, he took a quick step forward and with a sweeping kick, he swept the two ferocious rats into the air before they could dodge.
The sword technique of a hundred battles, unsheathed with lightning speed.
The knife was deliberately not aimed at the rat's throat, but only at its thick-skinned hind legs, in order to test the effect of the venom.
The fierce rat that was wounded by him, although the wound seemed neither deep nor fatal, let out a sharp cry, twitched violently in pain, and staggered as it fled.
Meng Chao observed carefully, sitting cross-legged, and calculated the time it would take for the poison to take effect.
And magnify this result to larger monsters, and calculate what tactics you should adopt when encountering the Phantom Cat.
Before we knew it, the actual test had lasted for two hours.
The candidates gradually became stronger and weaker, and all of them became tired.
A long alarm sounded above the examination room.
"Begin releasing the second batch of monsters!"
Deep inside the Dawn Machinery Factory, the pre-buried pipes slowly opened, and a large number of hungry monsters that had been imprisoned for several days rushed out.
It has a slender body, like a small black panther, with emerald green eyes and snake-like vertical pupils that glow faintly in the darkness.
They are completely black and walk silently, like a light ghost. Their sharp fangs and claws do not hide their dangerousness at all.
This is the "Phantom Cat", the king among small cat monsters, known for its speed and stealth.
Phantom cats are the natural enemies of the ravenous rats. When their breath spread, the ravenous rats, which had been irritable and restless just now, suddenly trembled and even urinated out of fear.
Since Phantom Cat has so much food to hunt, it is generally unwilling to provoke fully armed humans.
Of course, they will not be polite if they encounter provocation from humans.
Swish, swish, swish!
Soon, some candidates discovered the trace of Phantom Cat, and the flashes of swords and shadows of claws intertwined, and a bloody battle broke out.
The Phantom Cat's attack power is more than ten times higher than that of the Vicious Rat, and someone was injured immediately.
Most of the candidates persevered, but some lost too much blood and their physiological parameters were monitored to have dropped significantly.
They were immediately spotted by the invigilator and escorted out of the examination room, ending their practical test.
In the darkness, Meng Chao suddenly opened his eyes.
“Well done!”
He smeared the blood of the fierce rat on his body, emitting a pungent smell to attract the attention of the phantom cat.
The three phantom cats were like three weightless ghosts, leaping up from the front and back at the same time.
Meng Chao shrank his body, sticking to the ground, his muscles trembling, as if he was lying on an invisible wave, moving horizontally three to five meters.
With a casual move of the knife, the Phantom Cat was hit like lightning.
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024
Jun 22, 2024