Chapter 80 Taekwondo

The little witch was pushed to the corner by me step by step. Her eyes were fixed on the bamboo stick in my hand, and she looked very scared. She said in a low voice with a bitter face: "How about you hit me twice with your hands? I really know I'm wrong. Just treat me as a naughty and ignorant child. You can teach me a lesson. You are an adult, and adults don't remember the mistakes of little people. I know that you are the most tolerant brother Tang Qian, right?"
I smiled, unmoved by her tricks. I said in a tone that did not allow her to question, "Get down on the bed, or I'll do what you did and tie you to the bed."
The little witch saw that I was not joking, and was very serious and determined. Begging for mercy seemed to have no effect. She rolled her eyes, and suddenly squatted down against the wall, wiping her eyes with her hands, and sobbed. While crying, she said: "Wuwu... You bullied me, I have already admitted my fault, but you still want to beat me, wuwu... I am a girl, how can I face people with my buttocks broken? Wuwu... I, I don't want to live anymore..."
I saw her start to cry and make a fuss, so I thought to myself, let's see how many tricks you can use? Anyway, I have to spank her today, and I have to find a way to make this little witch realize her mistakes and change her ways. It seems that this method of mental torture must continue, and I must make her feel regretful and afraid to the greatest extent, until she dares not do it again next time.
I was not in a hurry, just waited to see how she performed, I felt my pocket, took out a cigarette, put it in my mouth, and then reached into my pocket to look for the lighter. But I didn't know which , and I couldn't find it for a while.
Seeing me searching everywhere, the little witch put down her hands and started looking in her own pockets, saying, "When they were carrying you here just now, your lighter fell out of your pocket and I picked it up. I'll give it back to you! Eh? I clearly put it here, how come I can't find it?"
I saw her rummaging in her shirt pockets, and I really thought my lighter was with her, so I stopped and waited for her to give it to me. However, I saw that under her nonchalant expression, there was a hint of cunning in her eyes.
why is that?
I have suffered enough from the little witch, and I dare not take her lightly. This little witch is scheming and vicious. This look must be a conspiracy!
I suddenly remembered that the little witch had answered a phone call just now, and the phone seemed to be in the pocket she was touching. Could it be that... My mind was shocked, and I secretly thought that this little witch was so cunning. She was going to secretly call her accomplices. As long as the call went through and she said a few words begging for mercy, wouldn't those accomplices immediately understand and come here immediately?
I immediately held out my hand and said, "Don't mess around! Take your hand out!"
The little witch was still making her last effort, and said innocently, "I haven't found it yet, wait a moment!" How could I give her time to make a phone call? I raised the bamboo stick and shouted, "Stop pretending, I'm calling!"
The little witch screamed "Ah" and quickly hid her head and face, but she still refused to take out her hand. I couldn't wait any longer, so I grabbed her right hand and pulled it out. Sure enough, the little witch was holding the flip phone in her hand, holding it tightly and refusing to let go. I reached out to grab it, but the little witch suddenly resisted. She pushed my chest with one hand and pushed my body backwards. Then she pushed her back against the wall and hit me head and brain.
I thought I had the upper hand, and I thought she was just a little girl, so I just had to guard against her schemes and tricks. But I didn't expect her to suddenly attack me, and I was hit on the chin by her head. It was a painful "smack". I immediately lost my balance and fell to the ground with my back facing the sky.
The little witch also grimaced in pain, but how could she let go of such an opportunity? She immediately got up from the ground and kicked my hand holding the bamboo. What a quick move! I was dizzy from the pain, how could I react? There was another "snap" sound, my wrist hurt so much, I couldn't hold the bamboo anymore, and it fell off. Before it hit the ground, the little witch turned around and kicked again, hitting the bamboo accurately. The bamboo flew away with a whirring sound.
Then the little witch hugged her head and squatted on the ground, crying out in pain.
I dared not be careless anymore, and I climbed up from the ground despite the pain, and wanted to pick up the bamboo stick that was kicked away. But I saw the little witch immediately stood up and took a step, blocking my way. She stroked her forehead with one hand, held the phone with the other, and stepped firmly on the ground with the other foot, looking like she could kick me at any time.
I rubbed my chin, feeling confused and uncertain. The two kicks of the little witch just now were as fast as lightning, accurate and fierce, as if she had practiced before. Could it be that she also knows martial arts?
The little witch's forehead didn't seem to hurt anymore. Seeing that I was both surprised and confused, she chuckled and said proudly, "I forgot to tell you that I practiced Taekwondo for two years and was a main player in the T City Women's Taekwondo Team. Are you surprised? I advise you not to act rashly. Without the bamboo sticks, you are no match for me, haha!"
I was shocked and angry, and said, "You are so cunning. Why didn't you use Taekwondo when I caught you last time? Instead, I spanked you twice?"
The little witch blushed and said angrily: "What are you talking about! I have always regarded you as my sister...friend, so I went easy on you, otherwise how could I let you take advantage of me so easily? I didn't expect that you didn't take my sister seriously at all, so don't blame me for being so ruthless!" She pressed the last button on the phone and put it to her ear. After a while, the phone was connected. "Erheizi, you have 20 minutes to come back, that's it!" With a "click", she closed the phone.
I looked around, my mind racing. The two moves the little witch made just now didn't seem fake. I, a weak scholar, might not be able to beat her. But when her accomplices come back in twenty minutes, I will have no chance to turn the tables. It seems that I have no choice but to fight. I don't believe that no matter how useless I am, a man of seven feet tall will be defeated by a little girl? Even if I can't beat her, I will fight to the death to get the bamboo stick back. As long as I have the bamboo stick, then hmm...
The little witch saw my eyes moving around and said with a smile: "Are you up to some evil ideas again? It's useless, I can just kick you..." She had just said half of her words when I suddenly made a move and grabbed the little witch's shoulders with both hands.
But I immediately knew the difference between those who know Kung Fu and those who don't. The little witch showed contempt on her face, stepped back slightly, and immediately jumped up and turned around. She swung her left leg, and when her body turned back, her right leg kicked as fast as lightning. I felt like my right face was hit by a huge hammer, and my whole body was kicked to the left in the air, and after a hollow somersault, I fell hard to the ground. I lost consciousness for more than ten seconds.
Soon I woke up again, with burning pain all over my face and body. I couldn't help but groan, and I felt darkness in front of me, and couldn't tell which direction was east, south, west or north.
The little witch giggled and said, "It's no use telling you earlier. I can kick you down with one kick. Do you believe it now?" I stroked my dizzy head and gritted my teeth to get up from the ground. At this moment, I no longer regarded her as a child, but a vicious and ruthless opponent. If I was a little careless, I would fall into her hands. Now I really regret why I didn't beat her up immediately when I had the bamboo stick in my hand! The saying "the longer the night, the more dreams you will have" is really right. It's ridiculous that I still wanted to educate her and make her change her ways.
I was only thinking about how to get the bamboo stick and beat her up immediately without mercy. I locked the location of the bamboo stick with the corner of my eye, and then rushed to that place with all my strength, risking taking two kicks from the little witch to get the bamboo stick.
I used up all my strength in this charge, regardless of anything, and charged forward. As expected, the little witch took action. She lowered her body and stretched out her foot to trip my instep. How strong was my momentum? I immediately flew forward. While I was still in the air, my heart moved, thinking: I suffered this tripping loss when I chased her downstairs of my house last night, how come I was hit by her again now?
While I was thinking, I fell to the ground like last night. This time I couldn't get up for a long time. Stars appeared in front of my eyes, my temples were swollen, and my palms were broken and bleeding again. In short, I looked miserable.
The little witch laughed loudly, walked towards the bamboo piece, and picked it up. She turned the bamboo piece in her hand and played with it. She walked over to me and said, "You are so obsessed with getting this bamboo piece, right? Oh! I'd better give up your thoughts, so that you won't be so dishonest and want to make a move!"
As she spoke, she exerted force with both hands. The bamboo was thin to begin with, and it broke with a "crack". The little witch squatted down again, stepped on the bamboo that was broken into two pieces, and folded it again with force, and the bamboo became four pieces.
The little witch threw four small pieces of bamboo in front of me and said, "Since you want it so much, I'll give it to you! Hahahaha..." She laughed, stood up and walked to the bed, reached out to pick up the broken hemp rope on the ground, it seemed that she was going to tie me up again.
I struggled to sit up, with only one thought in my mind: I would fight this female devil to the death rather than let her tie me up and humiliate me again.
I took a deep breath, and then another deep breath. In this situation, I must keep a clear mind. I can't beat her, but I can defeat her with wisdom.
Yes! Wisdom! I used my brain and thought quickly, apart from using violence, is there any way for me to turn defeat into victory again?
My brain raced, but what good ideas could I come up with in such a hurry? I am not good at conspiring and scheming, and I am probably not as good as the little witch in this regard. Oh, the little witch can secretly call for help, so why can't I? Okay, I'll call 110 while she's not paying attention, and catch all her accomplices in one fell swoop. I immediately reached for the inner pocket of my shirt, but found nothing.
The little witch picked up the two pieces of hemp rope and held them in her palm. In fact, she had been watching my every move with the corner of her eyes. When she saw me reaching into my pocket and finding nothing, she burst out laughing and said, "Looking for your phone? Sorry, it's here with me!"
As she spoke, she took out my cell phone from her trouser pocket and proudly showed it to me. I had no choice but to smile bitterly and gave up the plan.
At this time, I accidentally saw the broken end of the hemp rope cut by my folding scissors, and thought to myself, I had the scissors to help me out just now, but what else can help me now? Sometimes, the things on your body that are not noticed by others may become life-saving things! But what else do I have on me now?
I thought about it: my cell phone was gone, the scissors were too short to be of any use, a cigarette case? A wallet? Suddenly I thought of something and I was overjoyed.
Belt! Yes! Belt!
If I pull it out, it will become a perfect whip, right? I can't beat the little witch physically, but now that I have a weapon in my hand, I'm not afraid that I won't beat you to tears.
At this time, the little witch had already connected the hemp rope. She stretched out her hand to straighten it and said to me: "Okay , do you want to be obedient and let me tie you up? Or do you want me to kick you unconscious before tying you up? You can choose, right?"
I stood up from the ground, unbuckled my belt with a click, and said, "I should be the one asking you this!"
The little witch glanced at my lower body and said with a smile, "What are you doing? Are you trying to cheat by taking off your pants?"
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024