Chapter 8 Wake up, Your Majesty 02

Summer is coming and the weather is very hot, especially at noon, when the scorching sun shines directly on people's heads, making them want to hide in the nearby ice cream shop.
Standing on the roadside, almost blinded by the sun, I desperately handed the customer survey materials in my hand to the couple on the roadside, and said to them in a pleading tone: "To create the most perfect couple, the Couple House project invites you to join. Please write a survey form, please... Sir, Miss, don't go, take a look..."
The couple was eating the same ice cream sweetly, but after hearing what I said, they looked at me with disdain, pushed me rudely, and walked away.
"What a couple's house, so stupid!"
"That's right, baby, you're right. We are the perfect couple. Why do we need to be made into a couple? Humph!"
Yes, I am currently doing market research on couple houses, but the couple house project is not my idea. It is the project plan that Duanmu Jichu worked hard on for a long time, the one he mentioned before he fell asleep, which was "thrown into the trash can without even looking at it" by his uncle.
Fortunately, Bai Yuanyuan is usually responsible for helping Duanmu Jichu manage the files in the computer and will keep backup data, so she was able to retrieve the originals and show them to me.
"Build the most perfect couple , the couple's house will bring you closer to love, there are no unsuitable lovers in the world" - this is the slogan of the couple's house, written by Duanmu Jichu. When I saw this sentence, I even had a momentary illusion - he built the couple's house for me. Because there is no one in the world who is more unsuitable than Duanmu Jichu and me, is he trying to... bring us closer?
"What kind of couple's house is this? Are they just kids playing house? This is ridiculous!"
I was unwilling to give up, so I rushed into Uncle Duanmu Jichu's office with the project plan and read it aloud. After forcing him to listen to the idea, the arrogant uncle leaned back in the soft boss chair and snorted at me, ordering the guards to drive me away: "Get out of here quickly, AURORA Group is the hard work of several generations of the Duanmu family, it is not a place for playing around."
"Duanmu Jichu is not joking, he is serious!" I was held up by two guards, but I still held on to the door frame and refused to go out. "If you don't give him a chance to prove himself, how do you know this is a boring plan? Couple houses are something young people like, and you, an old antique, don't understand the hearts of young people at all! AURORA Group will be destroyed in the hands of an old antique like you! Ah! Don't pull me, I would rather die than go back! Ah, it hurts so much, are you monsters? Two grown men bullying a high school student..."
Perhaps because I was getting tired of him, Duanmu Jichu's uncle finally agreed to let the couple's house run for a while, but on the condition that I hand over a thousand customer survey materials within one day. He wanted to hear what couples thought of the couple's house, otherwise there would be no discussion.
"Okay, no problem. I will definitely bring you a thousand investigation reports at this time tomorrow afternoon."
Although I said so at the time, now I think about it, I was really naive. I was busy all morning, but I didn't even get a survey report. In the hot weather, no one was willing to stop and fill in the survey information for me.
"Get out of the way, don't block the road!"
"It's so hot, I want to eat ice cream, who wants to fill out a report?"
"There's no prize to be won, only a fool would fill it out."
There were still five hours before the agreed time to submit the report, and I still hadn't received a completed investigation report. The midday sun was baking the earth, and I felt that the moisture in my body was almost evaporated. I felt so uncomfortable that my throat began to smoke. However, I couldn't stop. I couldn't let Duanmu Jichu's project, which he had worked so hard for for so long, die.
"Please, just take a look, create the most perfect couple, and bring love closer... Please, the couple house plan created by AUROR A Group..."
"AURORA Group? Only a fool would believe that. If it was created by AURORA Group, it would have been promoted on TV and radio a long time ago. How come only a little girl like you is promoting it?"
"That's right, she's definitely a liar!"
Bad words came at me like a tide, but I still stood stubbornly on the street, not wanting to retreat, and not being able to retreat. Because I never wanted to see Duanmu Jichu fall asleep again, and I wanted to share some of his burden, even if it was only a tiny bit...
Time was running out, and another hour had passed, but I still hadn't gained anything. Just when I was getting a little desperate, a clear and loud voice suddenly rang out beside me:
"Speed ​​calculation contest, all the couples walking under the scorching sun, look here, there is a speed calculation contest to cool down and relieve the heat!"
Speed ​​math competition?
I looked up in confusion, only to see a huge parasol put up at the entrance of the street next to me. Under the parasol, Duanmu Jimo was wearing AURORA's latest summer clothes and AURORA's newly released sunglasses. He appeared in front of me like AURORA's spokesperson.
Standing behind him was a girl in a white dress who looked as cute as a puppy. She was busy moving things down from the extended RV next to the parasol, including clothes, flowers, a folding table and some chairs.
This guy who is as miserable as a laborer must be Bai Yuanyuan. Duanmu Jimo has become more and more abnormal recently. He always takes Bai Yuanyuan with him wherever he goes and keeps her at his disposal at any time.
"Ah! Handsome guy! Is he a star? So shiny!"
"Go check it out, it seems interesting."
Everyone's attention instantly shifted to Duanmu Jimo. Many couples who were eating ice cream in the roadside ice cream shop also ran out, gathered around the parasols, and screamed at Duanmu Jimo.
Duanmu Jimo took off his sunglasses and winked at me while shouting, then continued to shout loudly: "One question is one round of competition. The winner can get a set of AURORA's latest summer clothes, or a bouquet of beautiful flowers made on the spot by a flower art master. Of course, the loser will also have to accept a small punishment. The punishment is to fill in the investigation report in the hand of that woman who looks like a rice cake with no sense of beauty..."
Duanmu Jimo said, pointing in my direction, and everyone's eyes immediately moved to me with his finger. Before I could react, Leo squeezed out of the crowd and pulled me under the parasol. At this time, I found that Ximen had also come. He was wearing a summer dress with retro patterns, kneeling on a gorgeous long carpet, surrounded by flowers. When I looked at him, he was looking up at me. Although he didn't say anything, there was a flash of light in his beautiful dark eyes.
He must be saying to me, "Don't worry, we are all here to help you." I suddenly felt that way when I looked at his stunningly beautiful face.
"Xiao Ye, Ji Chu is our friend. How can we let you work so hard alone? So, let's work together on those 1,000 investigation reports."
Leo’s smile is so beautiful and shining, and his pair of blue eyes are like the finest Turkish gems, transparent and pure.
I looked at his smiling face and suddenly felt very touched. I grabbed the corner of his clothes and asked in a low voice: "Leo, you...are not angry?"
Aren't you angry when you see me working so hard for Duanmu Jichu?
"I'm not angry, not at all..." Le Ou shook his head and tried to smile, but the brighter his smile was, the more distressed I felt. "I'm just a little jealous. Xiaoye, I wish you could work so hard for me one day... Hehe, it's a very strange idea, right? I know this is wrong. I shouldn't doubt you and Ji Chu. After all, one of you is my favorite person and the other is my best friend..."
One is his favorite person, the other is his best friend...
Leo, thank you for trusting us so much.
I grabbed the corner of his clothes and lowered my head, not daring to look into his eyes again: "Thank you, Leo, thank you so much."
"Mr. Rice Cake, come here quickly and stop sticking to Leou. Do you really think you are a rice cake? Come here quickly, the competition is about to begin!"
I still had something to say to Le Ou, and wanted to ask him how he knew I was going to get a thousand customer survey reports, but Duanmu Jimo didn't give me the chance at all. He stretched out his claws, grabbed my collar and dragged me to the center of the parasol, and then introduced me to everyone like a mascot:
" Yes, it's her. She is today's champion. Anyone who can beat her can get a prize. It's easy, isn't it? Yes, it's really easy to beat this stupid creature with a brain full of rice cakes and unknown gender! So, come and participate..."
Uh…dumb? Full of rice cakes? Unknown gender?
Duanmu Jimo, I don't know why I suddenly want to beat you up. Also, is this what the so-called speed calculation competition means? To get a thousand reports, does that mean I have to beat a thousand people?
Woohoo, I'm going to get cerebral palsy from exhaustion...
However, if my only talent can help Duanmu Jichu, I would be willing to do it even if it means I get cerebral palsy!
So, bring it on! Whether it’s numbers or brain palsy, bring it on!
"915 x 6240, what's the result? Three, two, one, start—"
"Ah, sir, you lost. What a pity. Now fill out the investigation report."
"However, your beautiful girlfriend can still get a rose. I wish you happiness."
"Also, if the pretty lady who is not interested in speed calculation comes to fill out the survey report directly, she can get free advice on dressing tips and can choose any flowers as a reward."
"Ah, so I can go there directly to ask for advice on dressing tips. That designer looks so familiar. Even though he's a boy, he's so handsome. Could he be Leo?"
"How is this possible? How could Leo be here? But he is really handsome. Why don't we just go find him? We are not interested in speed calculation anyway."
"Ahh! The florist is so handsome too! Just one look from him is like being bewitched, so fascinating!"
"Well, since we didn't come with our boyfriends anyway, why not just fill out the report? We can get the flowers he personally wrapped... Tell me, if I ask him to help me put the lilies on my head, will he agree?"
"I don't know, let's try it!"
The scene was instantly divided into three groups. The boys who refused to admit defeat all crowded in front of me, wanting to compete with me, while the girls crowded in front of Leo and Ximen, making Bai Yuanyuan, who was responsible for collecting the investigation report, very busy. She was also ordered around by Duanmu Jimu from time to time, and her legs and hands were never idle. I tried to talk to her several times, but she had no time to speak. In the end, we could only communicate silently with our eyes and gestures:
"Xiao Ye, keep going, we have collected 500 investigation reports..."
"There are still two hours left. Will we make it in time?"
"We'll definitely make it in time, Xiaoye, come on!"
"Well, thank you, Yuanyuan."
We were busy all afternoon, and at 4:50, we finally collected a thousand investigation reports. Without taking the time to clean up the scene, Duanmu Jimo jumped into the car and drove us to the AURORA Group office building.
"Xiao Ye, don't be nervous. There are still 10 minutes left. We will definitely be there before 5 o'clock." Le Ou sat with me in the back seat, holding my hand tightly to comfort me.
"Can we really get there in 10 minutes? It's at least a 20-minute drive from here to the AURORA Group building..." I anxiously looked out the window, my palms sweating with nervousness. "It's all my fault. Why did I choose a place so far away from the AURORA Group building?"
"Xiao Ye, you are right. This is the place with the most traffic. Xiao Ye also wanted to get the investigation report as soon as possible. Don't blame yourself, Xiao Ye. Besides, the results haven't come out yet. Trust Ji Mo's driving skills. This car is the world's top RV. It is not comparable to ordinary cars."
I could feel my palms sweating and my body trembling slightly due to nervousness. Le Ou's expression seemed to be more nervous than me, with fine beads of sweat slowly oozing out of his pretty nose. However, with all my attention on Duanmu Ji Chu, I didn't even notice it at all. Le Ou's blue eyes were filled with a sadness more fragile than ice flowers.
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024