Chapter 8: The March to St. John one

An Yixuan's attitude towards me made me feel better again, and I became more motivated when studying. The day of the exam was getting closer and closer, and I drew a big circle on the day of the exam with a red marker, just like the college entrance examination, to remind myself to pay attention to the time.
The weather was getting colder and colder, and my lunch break was getting shorter and shorter. I could no longer sneak to Anyixuan's school, but I told myself to be patient for now. I could transfer to Anyixuan's school after the exam, and I could see her every day! I couldn't lose the big picture for the small! The only comfort during this period was Anyixuan's text messages, which made me feel warm even when I was studying late at night.
"It's late, go to bed early."
"You must still be working on the test paper, take a break."
An Yixuan's text messages always ring at irregular intervals, reminding me that it's time to take a break or go to bed. If he doesn't send me a message one day, I will definitely stay up all night. Looking at the deep dark circles under my eyes, I smiled a little tiredly. It doesn't matter if it's hard now, as long as the result is sweet. Besides, I can take advantage of the winter vacation to have a good rest!
In addition to studying hard, I also have a feeling of regret in my heart. I have been in the place for three years, but now I have to leave after only half a semester. My former teachers and classmates will also say goodbye soon. I think it will be difficult for us to have any intersection in the future. Thinking of this, I also tried to get along with my classmates, but it was still difficult to integrate into a group. I have been away from them for too long. Life is perfect, so I'd better let it go.
When the time finally came to the day of the final exam, I couldn't help but get nervous. I hardly slept the night before, and fell asleep in a daze several times, shuttling through various dreams. Just like the day of the high school entrance examination, I always felt that I had done something wrong, but I couldn't find the correct answer. Then the bell rang, and I had to hand in the paper, missing out on St. John's by one point.
"Ah, I can't do this either. How come my brain suddenly seems to have lost its memory!" I stared at the blank test paper with a blank mind. The invigilator on the podium glared at me fiercely, as if asking me in my ear why I hadn't started answering the questions yet.
"With this grade, you still want to get into St. John's? It'll be good enough if you don't repeat a grade!" The invigilator's voice was sharp and piercing.
"No!" I woke up screaming, and looked out the window at the dark night. I was still in bed. I wiped the cold sweat from my forehead and kept telling myself not to be nervous, not to be nervous.
"Sha Xizi, you disappoint me so much. You did so badly in the exam. Don't come to me again in the future." An Yixuan's cold face was full of disgust.
"No, no, I can't sleep!" I sat up from the bed, my mind was full of thoughts and I couldn't calm down. It was as if countless nightmares would come out as soon as I closed my eyes.
I took out my cell phone and checked the time. It was already one in the morning. I couldn't help but find An Yixuan's number and sent him a text message: "I can't sleep. I'm a little nervous about the exam tomorrow." Maybe he won't reply, but I feel that looking for him can make me feel at ease.
I put the phone back next to the pillow and lay back on the bed. Unexpectedly, the phone rang.
"Relax, sleep well, don't think too much. Look at the beautiful moon today. Have you heard that if you make a wish to the moon, it will come true? I will pray to the moon for you. You will definitely do well in the exam tomorrow. Go to bed early."
An Yixuan was not asleep . I opened the curtains and looked at the moon outside the window. The silver moonlight was pouring down. I didn't expect that he would believe in those fairy tales! I smiled sweetly, as if I had taken a tranquilizer, and soon fell asleep.
When I woke up the next morning, I found the sun was shining brightly and my mood became very good. I found a piece of clothing that I liked and put it on. My mother had already prepared a loving breakfast for me, which consisted of a fried dough stick and two eggs, symbolizing 100 points.
"Baby, take the exam carefully and don't be nervous!" said the mother with a gentle smile.
"Don't worry!" I said confidently.
While walking on the road, I received another text message from An Yixuan: "Take a deep breath facing the sunshine, imagine the energy filling your body, then clear your mind, and go to the exam with a smile." I looked up at the bright morning sun, as if I was filled with strength.
The exam went smoothly, and there were none of the horrific scenes in my nightmares. The invigilator was nice and the questions were basically the same types I had encountered before. I don’t know if it was because of my good foundation or because I had been working very hard recently, but I finally felt like a top student, because when I saw the question, I felt that the answer was already lingering in my mind.
The three-day final exams are finally over. I stay at home excitedly waiting for the results. It is also a rare time to relax. I lie at home, eat, drink and sleep in, and correct the sequelae of staying up late. I can't let An Yixuan think I am haggard when he sees me!
The results were announced soon. Sure enough, my efforts were not in vain. Teacher Ren informed me that I had successfully passed the admission requirements of St. John's and could directly register at St. John's next semester. The transfer still required some documents to be processed. My parents and I completed all the formalities together, and I officially entered the winter vacation life. Although it was only half a month, I was already very satisfied and excited! I wanted to give An Yixuan a surprise, so I didn't tell him in advance, but only secretly told Lingdang. Lingdang was very happy, and she also tricked me into a KFC meal.
"We will be classmates after school starts. That's great. I didn't expect you to be able to change. It seems that the power of love is really great!" Lingling sighed in disbelief while drinking Coke, "Who told me that premature love must be bad? It seems that I have to develop some skills."
"Go away. My case is special. You can't follow my example. But do you have someone you like? If so, be sure to tell me so I can give you some advice." I knocked on Lingling's head. This girl had no chance of falling in love early back then. She finally had her first love when she was about to graduate from college.
Lingdang looked at me slyly and asked, "When are you going to tell An Yixuan?"
"I'm not planning to tell him. Don't you think he will be surprised to see me when school starts?" I blinked and said with a smile.
Lingling nodded continuously: "That's amazing. He must be so happy."
I fell into delusion again, imagining An Yixuan's surprised look at that time, what would he say to me? I was really curious!
"Where are you?" Just when I was thinking about An Yixuan, his text message came.
I held up my phone and answered, "I'm eating KFC with Lingling."
"You should eat less unhealthy food." An Yixuan made a serious expression.
"I know. The weather is very cold recently. You must keep warm and don't catch a cold." I sent him a smiley face in reply.
Lingling on the side expressed her dissatisfaction strongly: "Hey, can you pay attention when you come out to eat with me? You're always looking at your phone. Humph, it must be An Yixuan who wants to chat with you again."
"Hey, I'm always with you, how about I go shopping with you in the afternoon?" I said perfunctorily while looking at my phone.
"That's better. Can you stop looking at your phone?" Lingling yelled, "I'm full. Let's start shopping now!"
"Okay, okay!" I said cheerfully.
Now I feel a bit like I’m back to the time when we were in love. It’s the same for An Yixuan and I. We send a lot of messages every day, and it seems that we feel uncomfortable if we can’t find each other for a moment.
When I was watching TV series at home in the evening, An Yixuan called again. His voice coming through the microphone had a special magnetic feeling.
"Are you at home?" An Yixuan asked me.
"Yeah, I'm watching TV series at home. I'm very well behaved." I ran back to my room and talked on the phone with him for a long time.
"I just played at home during the winter vacation. It seems that I won't be so nervous about studying now that I did well in the final exam." An Yixuan's voice had a hint of smile, "You should read books even if you have nothing to do, and review your studies."
"I know. I have set a set time. I read in the morning, do exercises in the afternoon, and then rest at night." I reported my winter vacation plans to him.
"That's right. Since you're so hardworking, let's have dinner together some other day." He asked casually.
"Oh, really? Where shall we go to eat?" I became excited. I hadn't seen An Yixuan for such a long time. Actually, I missed him very much. However, even though I texted and called him every day, he never took the initiative to ask me out, and I was too embarrassed to go to him.
"Let's meet at Green Park at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning." An Yixuan said, "Don't be late."
"Wow, okay, I definitely won't be late! " I answered happily. This was the first time he asked me out!
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024